966 resultados para War of 1812- Domestic Life
PURPOSE: Providing care for terminally ill family members places an enormous burden on informal caregivers. Meaning in life (MiL) may be a protective factor, but is jeopardised in caregiving and bereavement. This study evaluates the following questions: To what extent do bereaved informal caregivers of palliative care (PC) patients experience meaning in their lives? What differences emerge in carers compared to the general German population? How does MiL relate to well-being in former caregivers? METHODS: Eighty-four bereaved PC caregivers completed the Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation, the Brief Symptom Inventory, the WHOQOL-BREF, a single-item numerical rating scale of quality of life, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. The experience of MiL of bereaved caregivers was compared to a representative population sample (n=977). RESULTS: The overall MiL fulfillment of bereaved caregivers (69 % female, age 55.5 ± 12.9 years) was significantly lower than in the general population (68.5 ± 19.2 vs. 83.3 ± 14, p<.001), as was the overall importance ascribed to their meaning framework (76.6 ± 13.6 vs. 85.6 ± 12.3, p< .001). PC caregivers are far more likely to list friends, leisure, nature/animals, and altruism. Higher MiL was correlated with better life satisfaction and quality of life. CONCLUSION: Coping with the loss of a loved one is associated with changes in MiL framework and considerably impairs a carer's experience of MiL fulfillment. Individual MiL is associated with well-being in PC caregivers during early bereavement. Specific interventions for carers targeted at meaning reconstruction during palliative care and bereavement are needed to help individuals regain a sense of meaning and purpose.
The discovery of a non-reproductive soldier caste in a clonally reproducing trematode greatly extends the taxonomic distribution of eusociality and reaffirms the importance of relatedness in the evolution of reproductive altruism.
The major objective of this research project was to use thermal analysis techniques in conjunction with x-ray analysis methods to identify and explain chemical reactions that promote aggregate related deterioration in portland cement concrete. Twenty-two different carbonate aggregate samples were subjected to a chemical testing scheme that included: • bulk chemistry (major, minor and selected trace elements) • bulk mineralogy (minor phases concentrated by acid extraction) • solid-solution in the major carbonate phases • crystallite size determinations for the major carbonate phases • a salt treatment study to evaluate the impact of deicer salts Test results from these different studies were then compared to information that had been obtained using thermogravimetric analysis techniques. Since many of the limestones and dolomites that were used in the study had extensive field service records it was possible to correlate many of the variables with service life. The results of this study have indicated that thermogravimetric analysis can play an important role in categorizing carbonate aggregates. In fact, with modern automated thermal analysis systems it should be possible to utilize such methods on a quality control basis. Strong correlations were found between several of the variables that were monitored in this study. In fact, several of the variables exhibited significant correlations to concrete service life. When the full data set was utilized (n = 18), the significant correlations to service life can be summarized as follows ( a = 5% level): • Correlation coefficient, r, = -0.73 for premature TG loss versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = 0.74 for relative crystallite size versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = 0.53 for ASTM C666 durability factor versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = -0.52 for acid-insoluble residue versus service life. Separation of the carbonate aggregates into their mineralogical categories (i.e., calcites and dolomites) tended to increase the correlation coefficients for some specific variables (r sometimes approached 0.90); however, the reliability of such correlations was questionable because of the small number of samples that were present in this study.
The major objective of this research project is to utilize thermal analysis techniques in conjunction with x-ray analysis methods to identify and explain chemical reactions that promote aggregate related deterioration in Portland cement concrete. The first year of this project has been spent obtaining and analyzing limestone and dolomite samples that exhibit a wide range of field service performance. Most of the samples chosen for the study also had laboratory durability test information (ASTM C 666, method B) that was readily available. Preliminary test results indicate that a strong relationship exists between the average crystallite size of the limestone (calcite) specimens and their apparent decomposition temperatures as measured by thermogravimetric analysis. Also, premature weight loss in the thermogravimetric analysis tests appeared to be related to the apparent decomposition temperature of the various calcite test specimens.
Taloudellisen laskennan yhdistäminen elinkaariarviointiin (LCA) on alkanut kiinnostaa eri teollisuuden aloja maailmanlaajuisesti viime aikoina. Useat LCA-tietokoneohjelmat sisältävät kustannuslaskentaominaisuuksia ja yksittäiset projektit ovat yhdistäneet ympäristö- ja talouslaskentamenetelmiä. Tässä projektissa tutkitaan näiden yhdistelmien soveltuvuutta suomalaiselle sellu- ja paperiteollisuudelle, sekä kustannuslaskentaominaisuuden lisäämistä KCL:n LCA-ohjelmaan, KCL-ECO 3.0:aan. Kaikki tutkimuksen aikana löytyneet menetelmät, jotka yhdistävät LCA:n ja taloudellista laskentaa, on esitelty tässä työssä. Monet näistä käyttävät elinkaarikustannusarviointia (LCCA). Periaatteessa elinkaari määritellään eri tavalla LCCA:ssa ja LCA:ssa, mikä luo haasteita näiden menetelmien yhdistämiselle. Sopiva elinkaari tulee määritellä laskennan tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Työssä esitellään suositusmenetelmä, joka lähtee suomalaisen sellu- ja paperiteollisuuden erikoispiirteistä. Perusvaatimuksena on yhteensopivuus tavanomaisesti paperin LCA:ssa käytetyn elinkaaren kanssa. Menetelmän yhdistäminen KCL-ECO 3.0:aan on käsitelty yksityiskohtaisesti.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the methodological characteristics of cost-effectiveness evaluations carried out in Spain, since 1990, which include LYG as an outcome to measure the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. METHODS: A systematic review of published studies was conducted describing their characteristics and methodological quality. We analyse the cost per LYG results in relation with a commonly accepted Spanish cost-effectiveness threshold and the possible relation with the cost per quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained when they both were calculated for the same economic evaluation. RESULTS: A total of 62 economic evaluations fulfilled the selection criteria, 24 of them including the cost per QALY gained result as well. The methodological quality of the studies was good (55%) or very good (26%). A total of 124 cost per LYG results were obtained with a mean ratio of 49,529
R,S-sotalol, a ß-blocker drug with class III antiarrhythmic properties, is prescribed to patients with ventricular, atrial and supraventricular arrhythmias. A simple and sensitive method based on HPLC-fluorescence is described for the quantification of R,S-sotalol racemate in 500 µl of plasma. R,S-sotalol and its internal standard (atenolol) were eluted after 5.9 and 8.5 min, respectively, from a 4-micron C18 reverse-phase column using a mobile phase consisting of 80 mM KH2PO4, pH 4.6, and acetonitrile (95:5, v/v) at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min with detection at lex = 235 nm and lem = 310 nm, respectively. This method, validated on the basis of R,S-sotalol measurements in spiked blank plasma, presented 20 ng/ml sensitivity, 20-10,000 ng/ml linearity, and 2.9 and 4.8% intra- and interassay precision, respectively. Plasma sotalol concentrations were determined by applying this method to investigate five high-risk patients with atrial fibrillation admitted to the Emergency Service of the Medical School Hospital, who received sotalol, 160 mg po, as loading dose. Blood samples were collected from a peripheral vein at zero, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 12.0 and 24.0 h after drug administration. A two-compartment open model was applied. Data obtained, expressed as mean, were: CMAX = 1230 ng/ml, TMAX = 1.8 h, AUCT = 10645 ng h-1 ml-1, Kab = 1.23 h-1, a = 0.95 h-1, ß = 0.09 h-1, t(1/2)ß = 7.8 h, ClT/F = 3.94 ml min-1 kg-1, and Vd/F = 2.53 l/kg. A good systemic availability and a fast absorption were obtained. Drug distribution was reduced to the same extent in terms of total body clearance when patients and healthy volunteers were compared, and consequently elimination half-life remained unchanged. Thus, the method described in the present study is useful for therapeutic drug monitoring purposes, pharmacokinetic investigation and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic sotalol studies in patients with tachyarrhythmias.
The recent emergence of a new generation of mobile application marketplaces has changed the business in the mobile ecosystems. The marketplaces have gathered over a million applications by hundreds of thousands of application developers and publishers. Thus, software ecosystems—consisting of developers, consumers and the orchestrator—have emerged as a part of the mobile ecosystem. This dissertation addresses the new challenges faced by mobile application developers in the new ecosystems through empirical methods. By using the theories of two-sided markets and business ecosystems as the basis, the thesis assesses monetization and value creation in the market as well as the impact of electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) and developer multihoming— i. e. contributing for more than one platform—in the ecosystems. The data for the study was collected with web crawling from the three biggest marketplaces: Apple App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store. The dissertation consists of six individual articles. The results of the studies show a gap in monetization among the studied applications, while a majority of applications are produced by small or micro-enterprises. The study finds only weak support for the impact of eWOM on the sales of an application in the studied ecosystem. Finally, the study reveals a clear difference in the multi-homing rates between the top application developers and the rest. This has, as discussed in the thesis, an impact on the future market analyses—it seems that the smart device market can sustain several parallel application marketplaces.
The objective of this study was to add value to araça and marolo fruits by developing jams and verifying changes in their physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters during storage. The analyses were carried out every 2 months. From the results, it was shown that the levels of moisture (35.89 - 26.34%), lipids (0.43 - 0.27%), sucrose (30.62 - 28.98%), total pectin (0.83 - 0.50%), soluble pectin (0.52 - 0.38%), total phenolic compounds (180.31 - 135.52 mg.GAE 100 g-1), and organic acids (401.1 - 68.5 µg.g-1 citric acid) decreased during storage. However, the levels of protein (0.83 - 0.95%), carbohydrate (62.52 - 72.5%, calories (257,11 - 295,931 kcal), fiber (0.72 - 1.4%), total soluble sugar (62.52 - 70.44%), reducing sugar (32.05 - 41.41%), soluble solids (68.4 - 72.18 °Brix), consistency (0.33 - 0.44 N), total antioxidant potential (11.3 - 22.63%), and color (a* 7.56 - 9.49, and b* 8.63 - 10.49) increased during 1-year storage. The quality of the fruit jams studied was in accordance with the microbiological standards established by the Brazilian legislation. It was concluded that the mixed araça and marolo jam can be stored for 1 year without the addition of additives.
Transcript (original spelling and grammar retained): We the Commissioned Officers belonging to the Second Regiment of Lincoln Militia - Do sincerely promise and swear that we will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his Majesty King George, and heirs will defend to the utmost of our power against all traitorous conspiracies and attempts whatsoever which shall be made against his Person, Crown or Dignity; and we will do our utmost endeavours to disclose and make them known to his Majesty, His Heirs and successors, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies and attempts, which we shall know to be against Him or them. So help us God. Thomas Clark - Lt. Col. David Secord - Major John Crysler - Capt James Macklin - Capt John [Ross] - [Captain] [Abraham] Bowman - Lieut Gilbert McMicking - Quartmaster John [Misiner] - Ensign Robert Campbell - Capt John [Couke] - Ensign Nicholas Smith - Lieut I certify that the officers who have here [subscribed] the oath took it before me at Chippawa 4 Sept 1812 Thomas Dickson JP
In 1968 the National Historic Sites, Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development undertook to learn more about its recent acquisition, the Gilbert Field House. The house is located in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont. along the Niagara Parkway, on what was part of the original land grant to Gilbert Field, a United Empire Loyalist. The house and contents were severely damaged during the War of 1812. After the war Gilbert’s widow, Eleanor, submitted claims for war losses.
‘The Father of Canadian Transportation’ is a term commonly associated with William Hamilton Merritt. Although he is most known for being one of the driving forces behind the building of the first Welland Canal, he was many things throughout his life; a soldier, merchant, promoter, entrepreneur and politician to name a few. Born on July 3, 1793 at Bedford, Westchester County, N.Y. to Thomas Merritt and Mary Hamilton, Merritt’s family relocated to Canada shortly after in 1796. The move came after Merritt’s father petitioned John Graves Simcoe for land in Upper Canada after serving under him in the Queen’s Rangers during the American Revolution. The family quickly settled into their life at Twelve Mile Creek in St. Catharines. Merritt’s father became sheriff of Lincoln County in 1803 while Merritt began his education in mathematics and surveying. After some brief travel and further education Merritt returned to Lincoln County, in 1809 to help farm his father’s land and open a general store. While a farmer and merchant, Merritt turned his attention to military endeavours. A short time after being commissioned as a Lieutenant in the Lincoln militia, the War of 1812 broke out. Fulfilling his duty, Merritt fought in the Battle of Queenston Heights in October of 1812, and numerous small battles until the Battle of Lundy’s Lane in July 1814. It was here that Merritt was captured and held in Cheshire, Massachusetts until the war ended. Arriving back in the St. Catharines area upon his release, Merritt returned to being a merchant, as well as becoming a surveyor and mill owner. Some historians hypothesize that the need to draw water to his mill was how the idea of the Welland Canals was born. Beginning with a plan to connect the Welland River with the Twelve mile creek quickly developed into a connection between the Lakes Erie and Ontario. Its main purpose was to improve the St. Lawrence transportation system and provide a convenient way to transport goods without having to go through the Niagara Falls portage. The plan was set in motion in 1818, but most living in Queenston and Niagara were not happy with it as it would drive business away from them. Along with the opposition came financial and political restraints. Despite these factors Merritt pushed on and the Welland Canal Company was chartered by the Upper Canadian Assembly on January 19, 1824. The first sod was turned on November 30, 1824 almost a year after the initial chartering. Many difficulties arose during the building of the canal including financial, physical, and geographic restrictions. Despite the difficulties two schooners passed through the canal on November 30, 1829. Throughout the next four years continual work was done on the canal as it expended and was modified to better accommodate large ships. After his canal was underway Merritt took a more active role in the political arena, where he served in various positions throughout Upper Canada. In 1851, Merritt withdrew from the Executive Council for numerous reasons, one of which being that pubic interest had diverted from the canals to railways. Merritt tried his hand at other public works outside transportation and trade. He looked into building a lunatic asylum, worked on behalf of War of 1812 veterans, aided in building Brock’s monument, established schools, aided refugee slaves from the U.S. and tried to establish a National Archives among many other feats. He was described by some as having “policy too liberal – conceptions too vast – views too comprehensive to be comprehensible by all”, but he still made a great difference in the society in which he lived. After his great contributions, Merritt died aboard a ship in the Cornwall canal on July 5, 1862. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online http://www.biographi.ca/EN/ShowBio.asp?BioId=38719 retrieved October 2006 Today numerous groups carry on the legacy of Merritt and the canals both in the past and present. One such group is the Welland Canals Foundation. They describe themselves as: “. . . a volunteer organization which strives to promote the importance of the present and past Welland Canals, and to preserve their history and heritage. The Foundation began in 1980 and carries on events like William Hamilton Merritt Day. The group has strongly supported the Welland Canals Parkway initiative and numerous other activities”. The Welland Canals Foundation does not work alone. They have help from other local groups such as the St. Catharines Historical Society. The Society’s main objective is to increase knowledge and appreciation of the historical aspects of St. Catharines and vicinity, such as the Welland Canals. http://www.niagara.com/~dmdorey/hssc/dec2000.html - retrieved Oct. 2006 http://www.niagara.com/~dmdorey/hssc/feb2000.html - retrieved Oct. 2006