986 resultados para Vituhnovskaa‚, Marina: Rossijskaa‚ Karelia‚ i karely v imperskoj politike Rossii, 1905-1917
In this paper, a novel hybrid approach is proposed for electricity prices forecasting in a competitive market, considering a time horizon of 1 week. The proposed approach is based on the combination of particle swarm optimization and adaptive-network based fuzzy inference system. Results from a case study based on the electricity market of mainland Spain are presented. A thorough comparison is carried out, taking into account the results of previous publications, to demonstrate its effectiveness regarding forecasting accuracy and computation time. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn.
Serum sample obtained from a male, 12 year old patient suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) was positive for human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I) antibody by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the Western Blot analysis (WB). Attempts to isolate enteroviruses (including poliovirus) from faecal material in both tissue culture and suckling mice were unsuccessful; in addition, acute and convalescent paired serum samples did not show any evidence of recent poliovirus infection when tested against the three serotypes. Specific tests for detection of Epstein-Barr virus infection were not performed; however, the Paul-Bunnel test yielded negative results. ELISA for detection of anti-cytomegalovirus IgM was also negative. The concomitant occurrence of either adult T cell leukemia (ATL) or lymphoma was not recorded in this case.
Crude Toxoplasma gondii antigens represent raw material used to prepare reagents to be employed in different serologic tests for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis, including the IgM and IgG indirect hemagglutination (IgG-HA and IgM-HA) tests. So far, the actual antigenic molecules of the parasite involved in the interaction with agglutinating anti-T. gondii antibodies in these tests are unknown. The absorption process of serum samples from toxoplasmosis patients with the IgG-HA reagent (G-toxo-HA) demonstrated that red cells from this reagent were coated with T. gondii antigens with Mr of 39, 35, 30, 27, 22 and 14 kDa. The immune-absorption process with the IgM-HA reagent (M-toxo-HA), in turn, provided antibody eluates which recognized antigenic bands of the parasite corresponding to Mr of 54, 35 and 30 kDa, implying that these antigens are coating red cells from this reagent. The identification of most relevant antigens for each type of HA reagent seems to be useful for the inspection of the raw antigenic material, as well as of reagent batches routinely produced. Moreover the present findings can be used to modify these reagents in order to improve the performance of HA tests for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis
clinical presentation is self limited. It is classified into five groups (genogroups I through V). There are numerous reports of neurologic complications, namely afebrile seizures, but only two reports of associated encephalopathy. Case Report: A 12 month old girl with previous history of a pneumonia treated with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and clarythromycin, presented in our emergency department with strabismus, ataxia for 3 days, later associated with vomiting and diarrhea. On admission she had ataxia and an episode of strabismus, but her later neurologic exam was normal. Laboratory data revealed: 10,9 g/dL hemoglobin, 11.200/μL leukocytes, 29,1% neutrophils and 65,2% lymphocytes, 488.000/μL platelets and negative CRP. The brain MRI showed middle ear, maxillary sinus and ethmoidal opacification, with no other abnormalities. During the first day of admission she had a tonic (?) seizure for 20 minutes. CSF analysis showed 5,6 cells/μL, 100% lymphocytes, 80 mg/dL glucose and 154,1 mg/dL protein. The EEG revealed short duration paroxystic activity located to the vertex. She was treated with acyclovir, ciprofloxacin, cefthriaxone and phenytoin. Her symptoms resolved by the third day of admission. Blood samples were tested for numerous pathogens, including serology for Borrelia, which was positive for IgG but negative for IgM. Fecal sample analysis revealed positive PCR for norovirus, although it was negative in CSF samples. IL-6 was measured in the CSF and was negative (5,8 pg/mL). She had a history of recurrent otitis media and pernieal candidiasis, which led to a detailed immune function study, which showed Immunology tests revealed diminished IgA (< 0,244 g/L) and absent antibody response to vaccinations. Since she was only 13 months old when she was tested, only follow up will determine the relevance of these values. Follow up at two years of age showed no delays and a normal development. Conclusion: Norovirus encephalitis is a rare entity, although gastrointestinal infection with this agent is relatively common. Here we present a case of a probable norovirus associated encephalopathy, although PCR for norovirus was negative in CSF samples and there was no CSF cytokine increase. It was not associated with adverse neurologic outcome and so far her development is normal, unlike the evolution described in previous case reports.
A atividade física é atualmente um comportamento de grande importância para a promoção de um estilo de vida saudável, contudo vários estudos têm demonstrado elevada prevalência de inatividade e comportamentos sedentários nas pessoas com doença cardiovascular. Uma prática regular de atividade física e de exercício físico em níveis adequados assegura diversos benefícios para a pessoa com doença cardiovascular. Programas de reabilitação cardíaca e de prevenção secundária têm como um dos principais objetivos o incentivo à adoção de estilos de vida mais ativos. Neste artigo de revisão, os conceitos e recomendações sobre a atividade física e o exercício físico estruturado em pessoas com doença cardiovascular, vão ser abordados.
Little is known regarding the swimming ability of the larvae of European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in relation to changes in total length (TL), dry weight (DW) and developmental stage, which is surprising given the importance of transport processes to the recruitment dynamics of this species in the North Sea and elsewhere. We investigated ontogenetic changes in the critical swimming speed (Ucrit) of plaice from hatching to the onset of metamorphosis (50 days post-hatch, dph) at 8 °C. The mean (±SD) TL and DW growth rates were 1.59 ± 0.81 and 7.7 ± 0.35 % d−1, respectively. Larvae were unable to swim at against a minimum current speed of <0.5 cm s−1 until 10 dph (7 mm TL), after which Ucrit significantly increased with increasing TL until the onset of metamorphosis and subsequent settlement. Mean (±SD) Ucrit was 0.38(0.35), 1.59(0.54), 2.27(0.49) and 2.99(0.37) cm s−1 for stage I (6.61 ± 2.64 mm TL), stage II (7.75 ± 0.60 mm TL), stage III (9.10 ± 1.00 mm TL) and stage IV (11.59 ± 0.85 mm TL) larvae, respectively. Larval TL, DW, DNA content, RNA content and Ucrit significantly increased, whereas sRD significantly declined as larvae developed from stage I to V. Although inter-individual differences in Ucrit (coefficient of variation, CV = 33 %) were as large as those in biochemical and morphological condition (CV’s of 21–42 %), differences in Ucrit were not significantly related to those in nutritional condition and larvae with lower DNA/DW had also better swimming abilities. These estimates should be useful to ongoing efforts to create individual- based models of the transport, foraging and growth of plaice larvae in the North Sea.
El camu camu es uno de los frutales nativos con gran potencial económico para la agroindustria y agro exportación. Edessa es una de las plagas del camu camu que provoca sequedad en los brotes, y en los frutos una mancha decolorada con círculos concéntricos bien marcados y un punto central al alimentarse. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el ciclo biológico bajo condiciones de laboratorio y la fluctuación poblacional de Edessa aff. aulacosterna "Chinche del fruto del camu camu" durante enero a noviembre del 2004 en el cultivo de camu camu, en parcelas en desarrollo y producción ubicadas en áreas de restinga inundables en Pucallpa, Ucayali, Perú. Se colectaron huevos, ninfas y adultos procedentes del distrito de Yarinacocha, Pucallpa, Ucayali, Perú para iniciar la crianza artificial. El tiempo de duración del huevo al I estadio ninfal fue 5,1 días. Se encontró un 94,6% de eclosión de los huevos, variando entre 12 hasta 14 huevos por postura. El tiempo transcurrido desde el huevo hasta II estadío fue de 37,3 días y del III al V estadío ninfal fue de 81,9 días. El porcentaje de mortalidad del primer estadio ninfal a adulto fue de 98,1%. Los adultos colectados se localizaron preferentemente sobre las ramas y el tallo de la planta, mientras que las ninfas se encontraron en los brotes tiernos. Con relación a su fluctuación poblacional, solo se registró posturas a lo largo del año en parcelas en producción. No se encontraron diferencias entre ninfas I a V, y adultos de Edessa aff. aulacosterna, entre plantaciones en producción y desarrollo de camu camu. Solo se encontró diferencias entre la época seca y lluviosa en las ninfas de III a V estadio en las plantas de camu camu en desarrollo. Edessa aff. aulacosterna presentó mayormente una distribución contagiosa. El adecuado conocimiento de la bioecología nos permite mejorar la estrategia de control de esta plaga.
Nanocomposite materials with an organic-inorganic urea-silicate (di-ureasil) based matrix containing gold nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized and characterized by optical (UV/Vis) spectroscopy and indentation measurement. The urea silicate gels were obtained by reaction between silicon alkoxyde modified by isocyanate group and polyethylene glycol oligomer with amine terminal groups in presence of catalyst. The latter ensures the successful incorporation of citrate-stabilized gold NPs in the matrix. It is shown that using a convenient destabilizing agent (AgNO3) and governing the preparative conditions, the aggregation degree of gold NPs can be controlled. The developed synthesis procedure significantly simplifies the preparative procedure of gold/urea silicate nanocomposites, compared to the procedure using gold NPs, preliminary covered with silica shells. Mechanical properties of the prepared sample were characterised using depth sensing indentation methods (DSI) and an idea about the type of aggregation structures was suggested.
Este proyecto estudiará los procesos de segmentación del mercado laboral y de segregación socio-espacial de los inmigrantes bolivianos en áreas urbanas y peri-urbanas de la ciudad de Córdoba, y las maneras en que dichos procesos son justificados a través de estereotipos basados en distinciones culturales y/o raciales. Focalizaremos sobre las relaciones de desigualdad y de explotación que signan el mercado de trabajo y otros espacios de sociabilidad en el contexto actual de acumulación del capital. Nos planteamos las siguientes hipótesis: 1) Los inmigrantes bolivianos que residen en la ciudad de Córdoba se vinculan, como mano de obra no calificada, con un mercado laboral informal segmentado étnicamente, en el marco de procesos discriminatorios basados en estereotipos étnico-raciales. 2) Algunos inmigrantes bolivianos lograron cierta movilidad económicoproductiva, convirtiéndose en patrones de sus co-nacionales en diferentes sectores (construcción, horticultura, comercio informal, industria de indumentaria), hecho que es facilitado por la activación de redes migratorias. 3) Los estereotipos sobre los bolivianos son re-significados y, a veces, confrontados por agentes vinculados con los medios y con organismos gubernamentales y no gubernamentales. 4) La segregación residencial es otro mecanismo discriminatorio que favorece la exclusión de los inmigrantes trabajadores. Nuestro objetivo principal es caracterizar los diferentes ámbitos laborales en los que se desempeñan los inmigrantes bolivianos en la ciudad de Córdoba y conceptualizar las relaciones inter e intra culturales que se dan en ese marco, teniendo en cuenta la incidencia de: las redes migratorias, las trayectorias migratorias y laborales, y la heterogeneidad de los capitales de los inmigrantes; la localización socio-espacial de los lugares de trabajo y de otros espacios de sociabilidad; y, las maneras en que diversos agentes reproducen o confrontan los estereotipos sobre los bolivianos. Se aplicará una estrategia de triangulación de métodos y de técnicas. Desde un enfoque cuantitativo analizaremos los aspectos socio-demográficos de la población de origen boliviano que reside en la ciudad de Córdoba, teniendo en cuenta su inserción laboral y ubicación socio-espacial en áreas urbanas y peri-urbanas. Se analizarán periódicos de edición provincial y aquellos editados por organizaciones de inmigrantes bolivianos en Córdoba y en Buenos Aires. Se caracterizarán las acciones y políticas destinadas a inmigrantes bolivianos. Se realizarán estudios etnográficos de casos en las áreas urbanas y peri-urbanas en donde residen y/o trabajan inmigrantes bolivianos. Se desarrollarán talleres destinados a inmigrantes bolivianos con el objetivo de reflexionar sobre sus derechos laborales y sus derechos como inmigrantes.
FUNDAMENTO: O uso da rosiglitazona tem sido o objeto de extensas discussões. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da rosiglitazona nas artérias ilíacas, no local da injúria e na artéria contralateral, de coelhos hipercolesterolêmicos submetidos à lesão por cateter-balão. MÉTODOS: Coelhos brancos machos receberam uma dieta hipercolesterolêmica através de gavagem oral por 6 semanas e foram divididos em 2 grupos: grupo rosiglitazona (GR - 14 coelhos tratados com rosiglitazona por 6 semanas) e grupo controle (GC - 18 coelhos sem rosiglitazona). Os animais foram submetidos a lesão por cateter-balão na artéria ilíaca direita no 14º dia. RESULTADOS: Na artéria ilíaca contralateral, não houve diferença significante na razão entre as áreas intimal e medial (RIM) entre os grupos GR e GC. A rosiglitazona não reduziu a probabilidade de lesões tipo I, II ou III (72,73% vs 92,31%; p=0,30) e lesões tipo IV ou V (27,27% vs 7,69%; p=0,30). Na artéria ilíaca homolateral, a área intimal era significantemente menor no GR quando comparado ao GC (p = 0,024). A área luminal era maior no GR quando comparado ao GC (p < 0,0001). Houve uma redução significante de 65% na IMR no GR quando comparado ao GC (p = 0,021). Nenhum dos critérios histológicos para lesões ateroscleróticas tipos I a V (American Heart Association) foram encontrados na artéria ilíaca homolateral. CONCLUSÃO: Esses achados demonstram que a administração de rosiglitazona por 6 semanas impede a aterogênese no local da lesão, mas não em um vaso distante do sítio da lesão.
ნაშრომში მოყვანილია სითბური ნაკადის და ტემპერეტურის განაწილება შავი ზღვის აკვატორიის აღმოსავლეთ ნაწილის და მიმდებარე ტერიტორიის ქერქისთვის. მიღებული შედეგები წარმოდგენილია სითბური ნაკადების და სიღრმული ტემპერატურების რუკების სახით.
განხილულია ჰავის განმსაზღვრელი ზოგიერთი პარამეტრის: თავისუფალ ატმოსფეროში ტემპერატურის და ტენშემცველობის ვერტიკალური განაწილების, ატმოსფეროში აეროზოლებისა და ოზონის შემცველობის, რადიაციის და ნიადაგის ზედაპირის ტემპერატურის რეჟიმი საქართველოს ტერიტორიაზე და მათი ცვალებადობა გლობალური ჰავის თანამედროვე დათბობის ფონზე. წიგნი გამიზნულია რეგიონალური ჰავის რეჟიმის და ამ რეჟიმის ცვლილებებით დაინტერესებულ პირთათვის.
შემოთავაზებულია რადონის შემცველი წყლების და ჰაერის იონიზაციის სხვა ბუნებრივი წყაროების გამოყენებით იონოთერაპიის ორგანიზება საქართველოს ზოგიერთ კურორტზე.
შემოთავაზებულია თანამედროვე მოთხოვნების შესაბამისად საქართველოს საკურორტო და ტურისტული რესურსების პასპორტიზაზიის ჩატარება
ACTH, BDNF, MC4-R, food intake, rats, antibody, i.c.v.