919 resultados para Villa of Horace (Licenza, Italy)
L'Italie a été l'avant-dernier pays européen, suivi seulement de la Grèce, à se doter d'une loi sur la protection de la vie privée (loi du 31 décembre 1996). Paradoxalement, c'est en Italie qu'ont été écrites quelques-uns des meilleurs ouvrages sur ce sujet, notamment ceux du professeur Rodotà. En dépit du retard du législateur italien, il doit être précisé que la loi de 1996, faisant suite à la Directive communautaire relative à la protection des données personnelles, introduit un concept moderne de la vie privée, qui ne se limite pas simplement à un « right to be let alone », selon la célèbre conception de la fin du dix-neuvième siècle, mais qui se réfère plutôt à la protection de la personne humaine. Le concept de vie privée, entendu comme l’interdiction d’accéder à des informations personnelles, se transforme en un contrôle des renseignements relatifs à la personne. De cette manière, se développe une idée de la vie privée qui pose comme fondements : le droit de contrôle, de correction et d'annulation d'informations sur la personne. À cet égard, il est important de souligner le double système d’autorisation pour le traitement licite des informations. Le consentement de l'intéressé est requis pour les données personnelles. Pour les données dites « sensibles », en revanche, l'autorisation du Garant sera nécessaire en plus de l'expression du consentement de l’intéressé. En revanche, aucune autorisation n'est requise pour le traitement de données n'ayant qu'un but exclusivement personnel, ainsi que pour les données dites « anonymes », à condition qu'elles ne permettent pas d'identifier le sujet concerné. Le type de responsabilité civile prévu par la loi de 1996 se révèle particulièrement intéressant : l'article 18 prévoit l'application de l'article 2050 du Code civil italien (exercice d'activités dangereuses), alors que l'article 29 prévoit, lui, l'octroi de dommages et intérêts pour les préjudices non patrimoniaux (cette disposition est impérative, conformément à l'article 2059 du Code civil italien). Le présent article se propose d'examiner l'application des normes évoquées ci-dessus à Internet.
L’apparition et la montée du fascisme en Italie sont des faits marquants du XXe siècle et plus précisément de l’entre-deux-guerres. Ce nouveau phénomène social a rapidement attiré l’attention de la communauté internationale. Il vient frapper les mentalités européennes dans le contexte de sociétés déjà polarisées par divers courants idéologiques. La Première Guerre mondiale a fait place à de fondamentales divergences d’opinions sur ce que devait être le futur, autant social qu’économique, des sociétés industrielles. S’étant imposé en Italie, le fascisme représente un de ses mouvements. Ce travail s’intéresse à la manière dont la société française a perçu la montée du fascisme italien. Pour ce faire, il retrace l’approche de plusieurs journaux français de 1919 à 1926 à l’égard de l’expérience italienne. L’analyse des grands journaux Le Temps, L'Humanité, Le Figaro et L'Action française permet un survol de l’opinion politique en France. La problématique avancée dans ce travail nous aide à en apprendre plus, non seulement sur l’apparition d’un phénomène majeur du siècle précédent, mais aussi, plus précisément, sur le regard porté sur lui par les grands courants politiques français. On a pu déceler plusieurs thèmes de prédilection abordés par la presse française. Premièrement, celle-ci a tenté de définir le fascisme, son origine et sa composition ainsi que le phénomène de la violence qui touchait la péninsule. Puis, le fascisme ayant accédé au pouvoir, elle a réfléchi sur le coup de force et ses répercussions. Finalement, elle a analysé la politique intérieure et extérieure du nouveau régime. Il en ressort une perspective unique grâce à l'analyse de quatre organes majeurs qui représentent et façonnent l'opinion publique en France. Notre analyse montre que le fascisme est un sujet préoccupant pour les contemporains par son caractère nouveau. Tous les journaux ont suivi l'évolution de ce mouvement avec attention. Les réactions en témoignent: ce fut, entre autres, l'exemple frappant d'une répression brutale pour les uns et l'émergence d'une idéologie susceptible de mettre fin à la terreur du bolchevisme pour les autres. Ce fut aussi un terrain d'affrontement idéologique.
Situación política, histórica y diplomática de Alemania e Italia desde la unificación de ambas naciones hasta la firma del Pacto de Acero en mayo de 1939. Proceso de construcción de las relaciones bilaterales entre la Alemania nazi y la Italia fascista.
Con la elaboración y firma del tratado de amistad de 2009 en materia política y económica se puede evidenciar la infuencia del liderazgo transformacional y del liderazgo carismático que se le pueden atribuir tanto a Muhamar Gadafi como a Silvio Berlusconi, y que actúa como elemento que transforma los procesos de cooperación entre Italia y Libia a pesar del constreñimiento de la estructura sobre estos dos agentes. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar como las características de los líderes Muhamar Gadafi y Silvio Berlusconi ayudan a superar el constreñimiento de la estructura del sistema internacional e influyen en la cooperación política y económica por medio de la elaboración y firma del tratado de amistad entre Italia y Libia en el año 2009.
Despite the wide use of Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) as a tool for landscape planning in NW Europe, there are few examples of its application in the Mediterranean. This paper reports on the results from the development of a typology for LCA in a study area of northern Sardinia, Italy to provide a spatial framework for the analysis of current patterns of cork oak distribution and future restoration of this habitat. Landscape units were derived from a visual interpretation of map data stored within a GIS describing the physical and cultural characteristics of the study area. The units were subsequently grouped into Landscape Types according to the similarity of shared attributes using Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). The preliminary results showed that the methodology classified distinct Landscape Types but, based on field observations, there is a need for further refinement of the classification. The distribution and properties of two main cork oak habitats types was examined within the identified Landscape Types namely woodlands and wood pastures using Patch Analyst. The results show very clearly a correspondence between the distribution of cork oak pastures and cork oak woodland and landscape types. This forms the basis of the development of strategies for the maintenance, restoration and recreation of these habitat types within the study area, ultimately for the whole island of Sardinia. Future work is required to improve the landscape characterisation , particularly with respect to cultural factors, and to determine the validity of the landscape spatial framework for the analysis of cork oak distribution as part of a programme of habitat restoration and re-creation.
Over the last few years, load growth, increases in intermittent generation, declining technology costs and increasing recognition of the importance of customer behaviour in energy markets have brought about a change in the focus of Demand Response (DR) in Europe. The long standing programmes involving large industries, through interruptible tariffs and time of day pricing, have been increasingly complemented by programmes aimed at commercial and residential customer groups. Developments in DR vary substantially across Europe reflecting national conditions and triggered by different sets of policies, programmes and implementation schemes. This paper examines experiences within European countries as well as at European Union (EU) level, with the aim of understanding which factors have facilitated or impeded advances in DR. It describes initiatives, studies and policies of various European countries, with in-depth case studies of the UK, Italy and Spain. It is concluded that while business programmes, technical and economic potentials vary across Europe, there are common reasons as to why coordinated DR policies have been slow to emerge. This is because of the limited knowledge on DR energy saving capacities; high cost estimates for DR technologies and infrastructures; and policies focused on creating the conditions for liberalising the EU energy markets.
The quadrupolar hyperfine interactions of in-diffused (111)In -> (111)Cd probes in polycrystalline isostructural Zr(4)Al(3) and Hf(4)Al(3) samples containing small admixtures of the phases (Zr/Hf)(3)Al(2) were investigated. A strong preference of (111)In solutes for the contaminant (Zr/Hf)(3)Al(2) minority phases was observed. Detailed calculations of the electric field gradient (EFG) at the Cd nucleus using the full-potential augmented plane wave + local orbital formalism allowed us to assign the observed EFG fractions to the various lattice sites in the (Zr/Hf)(3)Al(2) compounds and to understand the preferential site occupation of the minority phases by the (111)In atoms. The effects of the size of the supercell and relaxation around the oversized In and Cd probe atoms were investigated in detail.
Queen Christina of Sweden (1626-1689)) is probably the most important individual to directly link the cultures of Sweden and Italy, and thus fascinate scholars over the last four centuries. In the last fifty years, research on and interest in this monarch has been particularly intense. This has led to current international scientific debate concerning all the different cultural expressions in which Queen Cristina was particularly involved. However, until now there has been lacking a comprehensive work to illustrate the development of scientific research in Italian on Queen Christina. This article, therefore, without claiming to be exhaustive, aims to fill this gap by identifying the main direction of current research. The article, after briefly introducing previous works (both Italian and Swedish), demonstrates how the first major renaissance of international studies on Queen Cristina took place in Sweden in the early 1960s. Even more important was the subsequent turning point in 1989, when the tercentenary of the death of Queen Christina was celebrated and the Azzolino Collection at the Biblioteca Comunale in Jesi was opened. The article focuses on the studies in Italian during this latter period. To make the exposition more organic and, importantly, more accessible to those readers interested in only one particular aspect of the scientific studies about Queen Christina, the studies in Italian since 1689 are divided into different subject areas.
This essay analyzes tax incentives concepts and existing discussions on national and foreing doctrine, especially in countries that influence our legal culture, such as Germany, United States of America, Spain, Italy and England, providing a detailed study about the requirements that must be observed to ensure that there be a legitimate concession of the same. All this using as argument the Constitutional Charter and the development of the Law, mainly through the principle of objective good faith, which acts as the limiting principle of administrative discretion in granting such tax incentives, as well as creative element of the new duties for the public managers in order to be more effective, efficient and transparent compliance with the pact between the government and society and the objectives pursued by the last. Always chasing a strong argument through a broad historical and philosophical analysis of the institutes discussed. Thus, through studies that reveal the necessary incidence of objective good faith in granting tax incentives to achieve the constitutional purposes, this work does not merely disclose what is wrong, but provides solutions to modify reality hitherto existing, ie, introduces ways to reduce the encumbrance of the odious and ineffective tax incentives in society and to redirect these values unjustly destinated for obscure interests to achieve the real reasons for the existence of tax incentives, especially economic development through the reduction of regional and social inaqualities and poverty eradication
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The formation of intellectuals, in Gramscian terms (GRAMSCI, 2000), was addressed throughout our academic career, for example, Villela (2003; 2008; 2009; 2010-2012; 2011; 2012; 2014). This article aims to resume some relationships between education of intellectuals in Italy for years 1920, the organization of industrialization in São Paulo and the construction of bourgeois hegemony in Brazil. In this paper I review my dissertation, Villela (2003), whose aim was to understand the rationalization of work processes in architectural offices. This dissertation possible to trace, among other things, another story of the relationship between architecture and state in Brazil from industrialization in São Paulo. Based on the notion of intellectuals Gramsci, we discuss the extended state design and envision a particular kind of state, which in our case is the State industrialist. And relate interested in public policy of that State for industrialization industries office designed by Rino Levi Architects Associate SC Ltda. (ERLAA) that has developed over the decades its activities from 1920 to 1990, many projects in the city of São Paulo. The relationship proposed here is unprecedented. Grounded in this relationship, put in another scene about the formation of intellectuals and hegemony, a Gramscian point of view.
[ES]En el presente trabajo se ofrece una panorámica sobre el tema amoroso en la poesía de Horacio. El amor es un tema importante, aunque no nuclear, en su poesía. Se analizan todas las modalidades de amor que contempla Horacio, según la destinataria de la relación: amor conyugal a la esposa, amor adúltero con esposas ajenas, amor no adúltero con cortesanas y sexo con prostitutas vulgares. Horacio elogia idealmente el amor matrimonial tradicional y denuesta el adulterio, pero prefiere personalmente un amor donjuanesco con múltiples parejas. Esta inclinación tiene una base literaria (pues era el sesgo dominante en el epigrama griego de época helenística), pero también responde a los gustos personales de Horacio. Se concluye que los datos extraídos de su poesía son relevantes para comprender las preferencias eróticas del Horacio hombre.
Tuber borchii (Ascomycota, order Pezizales) is highly valued truffle sold in local markets in Italy. Despite its economic importance, knowledge on its distribution and population variation is scarce. The objective of this work was to investigate the evolutionary forces shaping the genetic structure of this fungus using coalescent and phylogenetic methods to reconstruct the evolutionary history of populations in Italy. To assess population structure, 61 specimens were collected from 11 different Provinces of Italy. Sampling was stratified across hosts and habitats to maximize coverage in native oak and pine stands and both mychorrizae and fruiting bodies were collected. Samples were identified considering anatomo-morphological characters. DNA was extracted and both multilocus (AFLP) and single-locus (18 loci from rDNA, nDNA, and mtDNA) approaches were used to look for polymorphisms. Screening AFLP profiles, both Jaccard and Dice coefficients of similarity were utilized to transform binary matrix into a distance matrix and then to desume Neighbour-Joining trees. Though these are only preliminary examinations, phylogenetic trees were totally concordant with those deriving from single locus analyses. Phylogenetic analyses of the nuclear loci were performed using maximum likelihood with PAUP and a combined phylogenetic inference, using Bayesian estimation with all nuclear gene regions, was carried out. To reconstruct the evolutionary history, we estimated recurrent migration, migration across the history of the sample, and estimated the mutation and approximate age of mutations in each tree using SNAP Workbench. The combined phylogenetic tree using Bayesian estimation suggests that there are two main haplotypes that are difficult to be differentiated on the basis of morphology, of ecological parameters and symbiontic tree. Between these two lineages, that occur in sympatry within T. borchii populations, there is no evidence of recurrent migration. However, migration over the history of the sample was asymmetrical suggesting that isolation was a result of interrupted gene flow followed by range expansion. Low levels of divergence between the haplotypes indicate that there are likely to be two cryptic species within the T. borchii population sampled. Our results suggest that isolation between populations of T. borchii could have led to reproductive isolation between two lineages. This isolation is likely due to sympatric speciation caused by a multiple colonization from different refugia or a recent isolation. In attempting to determinate whether these haplotypes represent separate species or a partition of the same species we applied Biological and Mechanistic species Concepts. Notwithstanding, further analyses are necessary to evaluate if selection favoured premating or post-mating isolation.