932 resultados para Veterinary Drugs.
Consultation Outlining proposals for a five-year plan
Purpose: Newer antiepileptic drugs (AED) are increasingly prescribed, and seem to have a comparable efficacy as the classical AED in patients living with epilepsy; however, their impact on status epilepticus (SE) prognosis has received little attention. Method: In our prospective SE registry (2006-10) we assessed the use of newer AED (for this purpose: levetiracetam, pregabalin, topiramate, lacosamide) over time, and its relationship to outcome (return to clinical baseline conditions, new handicap, or death). We adjusted for recognized SE outcome predictors (Status Epilepticus Severity Score, STESS; potentially fatal etiology), and the use of >2 AED for a given SE episode. Result: Newer AED were used more often towards the end of the study period (42% versus 30% episodes), and more frequently in severe and difficult to treat episodes. However, after adjustment for SE etiology, STESS, and medication number, newer AED resulted independently related to reduced likelihood of return to baseline (p < 0.01), but not to increased mortality. STESS and etiology were robustly related to both outcomes (p < 0.01 for each), while prescription of >2 AED was only related to lower chance of return to baseline (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Despite increase in the use of newer AED, our findings suggest that SE prognosis has not been improved. This appears similar to recent analyses on patients with refractory epilepsy, and corroborates the hypothesis that SE prognosis is mainly determined by its biological background. Since newer AED are more expensive, prospective trials showing their superiority (at least regarding side effects) appear mandatory to justify their use in this setting.
A cell-free system from Plasmodium falciparum able to translate endogenous mRNA was used to determine the effect of artemisinin, chloroquine and primaquine on the protein synthesis mechanism of the parasite. The antimalarial drugs did not inhibit the incorporation of [³H] methionine into parasite proteins even at concentrations higher than the ones found to strongly inhibit the parasite growth. Results clearly indicate that these compounds do not have a direct effect on protein synthesis activity of P. falciparum coded by endogenous mRNA.
Plasmodium falciparum sensitivity to chloroquine (CHL), amodiaquine (AMO) and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SDX/PYR) was assessed in vivo and in vitro in a representative sample from the population of Zaragoza in El Bajo Cauca region (Antioquia-Colombia). There were 94 patients with P. falciparum evaluated. For the in vivo test the patients were followed by clinical examination and microscopy, during 7 days. The in vitro test was performed following the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The in vivo prevalence of resistance to CHL was 67%, to AMO 3% and to SDX/PYR 9%. The in vitro test showed sensitivity to all antimalarials evaluated. Concordance for CHL between the in vivo and in vitro tests was 33%. For AMO and SDX/PYR, the concordance was 100%. We conclude that a high percentage of patients are resistant to CHL (in vivo). A high rate of intestinal parasitism might explain in part, the differences observed between the in vivo and the in vitro results. Therefore, new policies and treatment regimens should be proposed for the treatment of the infection in the region. Nationwide studies assessing the degree of resistance are needed.
In April 2000, the Cabinet Committee on Social Inclusion requested that a review of the current national drugs strategy be undertaken. The overall objective of the review was to identify any gaps or deficiencies in the existing strategy and to develop revised strategies and, if necessary, new arrangements through which to deliver them. A sub-group of the Inter-Departmental Group on Drugs and the National Drugs Strategy Team â?" known as the Review Group â?" managed and oversaw the process. As part of the review, a study of the latest available data on the extent andnature of drug misuse in Ireland was undertaken. This revealed that the most commonly used drug in Ireland is cannabis, followed by ecstasy. However, in terms of harm to the individual and the community, heroin has the greatest impact. Download the Report here
2004 marked the half-way point of the National Drugs Strategy and a mid-term review was initiated in June last year. The review was overseen by a Steering Group chaired by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.The overall aim of the review was to examine the progress being made in achieving the key strategic goals set out in the Strategy and to enable priorities for future action to be identified â?" and a re-focussing of the Strategy if necessary â?" for the remaining period up to 2008. The Steering Group was also asked to examine the relevance of the Strategy in tackling the current nature and extent of drug misuse in Ireland, including emerging trends, and to identify any gaps presenting and how they might be addressed Download the Report here
Phenothiazine drugs - fluphenazine, chlorpromazine, methotrimeprazine and trifluoperazine - were evaluated as modulating agents against Brazilian chloroquine-resistant fresh isolates of Plasmodium falciparum. Aiming to simulate therapeutic schedules, chloroquine was employed at the concentration used for sensitive falciparum malaria treatment and anti-psychotic therapeutic concentrations of the phenothiazine drugs were adopted in two-fold serial dilutions. The in vitro microtechnique for drug susceptibility was employed. Unlike earlier reported data, the phenothiazine modulating effect was not observed. However, all the drugs demonstrated intrinsic antiplasmodial activity in concentrations lower than those described in the literature. In addition, IC50 estimates have been shown to be inferior to the usual anti-psychotic therapeutic concentrations. Statistical analysis also suggested an increase in the parasitaemia rate or, even, a predominant antiparasitic effect of phenothiazine over chloroquine when used in combination.
National Drugs Strategy 2009 – 2016 Click here to download PDF 2.6mb
ESPAD is a collaborative effort of independent research teams in about forty European countries and the largest cross-national research project on adolescent substance use in the world. Data are collected every fourth year with 1995 as the starting point. The fourth data collection was carried out in 35 countries during the spring of 2007 and the results were published March 26, 2009 The overall purpose of the ESPAD project is to study adolescent substance use in Europe from a comparative and longitudinal perspective. The basic goal is to collect comparable data on the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs among students throughout European countries. Data should be collected in cooperation between countries using a strictly standardised methodology, in order to offer as comparable results as possible. In the long run the most important aim is to monitor the of trends of the adolescent substance use in European countries and to compare trends between countries. This includes the mapping of differences and the monitoring of trends for policy purposes as well as the scientific study of the context, predictors and consequences of adolescent substance use. In relation to the EU action plan on drugs and the WHO Europe declaration about young people and alcohol, ESPAD-data can provide information for the evaluation of these charters. It is intended to repeat the surveys every fourth year. All European countries are welcome to join the ESPAD study, in the effort of making the coverage across Europe as complete as possible. Click here to download PDF 2.1mb
Background: Newer antiepileptic drugs (AED) are increasingly prescribed, and seem to have a comparable efficacy as the classical AED, but are better tolerated. Very scarce data exist regarding their prognostic impact in patients with status epilepticus (SE). We therefore analyzed the evolution of prescription of newer AED between 2006-2010 in our prospective SE database, and assessed their impact on SE prognosis.¦Methods: We found 327 SE episodes occurring in 271 adults. The use of older versus newer AED (levetiracetam, pregabalin, topiramate, lacosamide) and its relationship to outcome (return to clinical baseline conditions, new handicap, or death) were analyzed. Logistic regression models were applied to adjust for known SE outcome predictors.¦Results: We observed an increasing prescription of newer AED over time (30% of patients received them at the study beginning, vs. 42% towards the end). In univariate analyses, patients treated with newer AED had worse outcome than those treated with classical AED only (19% vs 9% for mortality; 33% vs 64% for return to baseline, p<0.001). After adjustment for etiology and SE severity, use of newer AED was independently related to a reduced likelihood of return to baseline (p<0.001), but not to increased mortality.¦Conclusion: This retrospective study shows an increase of the use of newer AED for SE treatment, but does not suggest an improved prognosis following their prescription. Also in view of their higher price, well-designed, prospective assessments analyzing their impact on efficacy and tolerability should be conducted before a widespread use in SE.
The National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016 is to tackle the harm caused to individuals, families and communities by problem drug use and alcohol use through the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. The progress achieved across the 63 Actions of the National Drugs Strategy by Government Departments and Agencies is reported here. Click here to download PDF 155kb
The National Drugs Strategy 2009-16 is a cross cutting area of public policy and service delivery. It is based upon a co-ordinated approach across the full range of Government Departments and Agencies involved in delivering drugs policy. The overall objective of the Strategy is to tackle the harm caused to individuals, families and communities as a result of problem drug and alcohol use through the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. The progress achieved across the 63 Actions of the National Drugs Strategy by Government Departments and Agencies is reported here. Click here to download PDF 295kb Â
Drugs misuse continues to be one of the most significant challenges facing our country.  It is highly destructive and has devastating effects on individuals, relationships, families, communities and society in general. Implementation of the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016, which sets out Government policy in dealing with the drugs problem, is being pursued across a range of Government Departments and Agencies. Solid progress is being made across the 63 Actions of the Strategy, which are based around the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. The Oversight Forum on Drugs, which is Chaired by Minister Mr Alex White, meets on a quarterly basis and reviews the implementation of the Strategy. The 2013 Annual Progress Report on the implementation of the actions of the National Drugs Strategy is available here.