952 resultados para Vertical positions
There is little consensus regarding how verticality (social power, dominance, and status) is related to accurate interpersonal perception. The relation could be either positive or negative, and there could be many causal processes at play. The present article discusses the theoretical possibilities and presents a meta-analysis of this question. In studies using a standard test of interpersonal accuracy, higher socioeconomic status (SES) predicted higher accuracy defined as accurate inference about the meanings of cues; also, higher experimentally manipulated vertical position predicted higher accuracy defined as accurate recall of others' words. In addition, although personality dominance did not predict accurate inference overall, the type of personality dominance did, such that empathic/responsible dominance had a positive relation and egoistic/aggressive dominance had a negative relation to accuracy. In studies involving live interaction, higher experimentally manipulated vertical position produced lower accuracy defined as accurate inference about cues; however, methodological problems place this result in doubt.
OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento de crianças infectadas pelo vírus da imunodeficiência adquirida (HIV) por contaminação vertical, comparando-se dois métodos determinantes da idade óssea. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Analisou-se uma amostra de 100 crianças, com idades variando de 4 anos e 2 meses a 11 anos e 9 meses, que realizaram radiografias de mão e punho tecnicamente padronizadas e que, posteriormente, foram analisadas segundo os critérios dos métodos de Greulich e Pyle (1959) e de Eklöf e Ringertz (1967). RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos mostraram diferenças estatísticas entre os métodos de análise radiográfica do desenvolvimento esquelético utilizados, com destaque para a maior sensibilidade em relação ao método de Eklöf e Ringertz (p < 0,05). O grupo feminino apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os casos controle e HIV+ (sete casos) quando avaliados por este método (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se, com a presente pesquisa, que houve a influência do HIV sobre o desenvolvimento esquelético neste grupo de pacientes.
BACKGROUND: Available methods to simulate nucleotide or amino acid data typically use Markov models to simulate each position independently. These approaches are not appropriate to assess the performance of combinatorial and probabilistic methods that look for coevolving positions in nucleotide or amino acid sequences. RESULTS: We have developed a web-based platform that gives a user-friendly access to two phylogenetic-based methods implementing the Coev model: the evaluation of coevolving scores and the simulation of coevolving positions. We have also extended the capabilities of the Coev model to allow for the generalization of the alphabet used in the Markov model, which can now analyse both nucleotide and amino acid data sets. The simulation of coevolving positions is novel and builds upon the developments of the Coev model. It allows user to simulate pairs of dependent nucleotide or amino acid positions. CONCLUSIONS: The main focus of our paper is the new simulation method we present for coevolving positions. The implementation of this method is embedded within the web platform Coev-web that is freely accessible at http://coev.vital-it.ch/, and was tested in most modern web browsers.
The analysis of vertical industry relations forms an essential element in the field of industrial organization. This paper tests hypotheses derived from transaction cost theory and the principal-agent problem in Chile’s petrol market. It shows that local competition plays an important role in the choice of a disintegrated vertical structure, and that low levels of service investment have the same effect. Conversely, the number of own-brand outlets and a high level of investment in services reduce the probability of disintegration. The paper demonstrates that vertical disintegration has a null effect on wholesale petrol prices and a positive effect on retail petrol prices of between 1.6 and 7 per cent, depending on fuel type.
When a flash is presented aligned with a moving stimulus, the former is perceived to lag behind the latter (the flash-lag effect). We study whether this mislocalization occurs when a positional judgment is not required, but a veridical spatial relationship between moving and flashed stimuli is needed to perceive a global shape. To do this, we used Glass patterns that are formed by pairs of correlated dots. One dot of each pair was presented moving and, at a given moment, the other dot of each pair was flashed in order to build the Glass pattern. If a flash-lag effect occurs between each pair of dots, we expect the best perception of the global shape to occur when the flashed dots are presented before the moving dots arrive at the position that physically builds the Glass pattern. Contrary to this, we found that the best detection of Glass patterns occurred for the situation of physical alignment. This result is not consistent with a low-level contribution to the flash-lag effect.
Water withdrawal from Mediterranean reservoirs in summer is usually very high. Because of this, stratification is often continuous and far from the typical two-layered structure, favoring the excitation of higher vertical modes. The analysis of wind, temperature, and current data from Sau reservoir (Spain) shows that the third vertical mode of the internal seiche (baroclinic mode) dominated the internal wave field at the beginning of September 2003. We used a continuous stratification two-dimensional model to calculate the period and velocity distribution of the various modes of the internal seiche, and we calculated that the period of the third vertical mode is ;24 h, which coincides with the period of the dominating winds. As a result of the resonance between the third mode and the wind, the other oscillation modes were not excited during this period
We investigated convection caused by surface cooling and mixing attributable to wind shear stress and their roles as agents for the transport of phytoplankton cells in the water column by carrying out two daily surveys during the stratified period of the Sau reservoir. Green algae, diatoms, and cryptophyceae were the dominant phytoplankton communities during the surveys carried out in the middle (July) and end (September) of the stratified period. We show that a system with a linear stratification and that is subject to weak surface forcing, with weak winds , < 4 m S (-1) and low energy dissipation rate values of the order of 1028 m2 s23 or lower, enables the formation of thin phytoplankton layers. These layers quickly disappear when water parcels mix because there is a medium external forcing (convection) induced by the night surface cooling, which is characterized by energy dissipation rates on the order of , 5x10(-8)m2s(-3). During both surveys the wind generated internal waves during the entire diurnal cycle. During the day, and because of the weak winds, phytoplankton layers rise in the water column up to a depth determined by both solar heating and internal waves. In contrast, during the night phytoplankton mixes down to a depth determined by both convection and internal waves. These internal waves, together with the wind-driven current generated at the surface, seem to be the agents responsible for the horizontal transport of phytoplankton across the reservoir.
As wireless communications evolve towards heterogeneousnetworks, mobile terminals have been enabled tohandover seamlessly from one network to another. At the sametime, the continuous increase in the terminal power consumptionhas resulted in an ever-decreasing battery lifetime. To that end,the network selection is expected to play a key role on howto minimize the energy consumption, and thus to extend theterminal lifetime. Hitherto, terminals select the network thatprovides the highest received power. However, it has been provedthat this solution does not provide the highest energy efficiency.Thus, this paper proposes an energy efficient vertical handoveralgorithm that selects the most energy efficient network thatminimizes the uplink power consumption. The performance of theproposed algorithm is evaluated through extensive simulationsand it is shown to achieve high energy efficiency gains comparedto the conventional approach.
It is shown that Lotka-Volterra interaction terms are not appropriate to describe vertical cultural transmission. Appropriate interaction terms are derived and used to compute the effect of vertical cultural transmission on demic front propagation. They are also applied to a specific example, the Neolithic transition in Europe. In this example, it is found that the effect of vertical cultural transmission can be important (about 30%). On the other hand, simple models based on differential equations can lead to large errors (above 50%). Further physical, biophysical, and cross-disciplinary applications are outlined
The behavior of the nuclear power plants must be known in all operational situations. Thermal hydraulics computer applications are used to simulate the behavior of the plants. The computer applications must be validated before they can be used reliably. The simulation results are compared against the experimental results. In this thesis a model of the PWR PACTEL steam generator was prepared with the TRAC/RELAP Advanced Computational Engine computer application. The simulation results can be compared against the results of the Advanced Process Simulator analysis software in future. Development of the model of the PWR PACTEL vertical steam generator is introduced in this thesis. Loss of feedwater transient simulation examples were carried out with the model.
Currently, the physiotherapists use the phonoforesis, which consists in the therapeutical ultrasound (US) used to increase the drug molecules migration through the skin, however, the US can shows oxidative effects, and is used, for example, in chemical reactions acceleration. The present study aimed to perform the electrochemical evaluation and the diffusion investigation of gel/caffeine 5% solutions submitted to therapeutical US (continuous mode, 1.0 W cm-2 and 1 MHz). It this study, it has been verified diffusion increase and a possible oxidation of the caffeine molecules, when subjected to therapeutical US.
Em experimentos conduzidos no campo, quantificaram-se a dispersão vertical e horizontal dos conídios de Stenocarpella maydis e S. macrospora liberados de palha de milho (Zea mays) naturalmente infetada. Verificou-se que 93% do número total de conídios de S. maydis e 88% de S. macrospora foram capturados durante o dia, diferindo estatisticamente do período noturno. O número de conídios de S. maydis e S. macrospora capturados no ar foi inversamente proporcional à distância da posição vertical e horizontal das armadilhas da fonte de inóculo. Os conídios foram capturados até uma altura de 2 m acima e distantes 120 m da fonte de inóculo. No entanto, em ambos experimentos, a freqüência e o número de esporos coletados foram maiores até 25 cm acima e 20 m distante da fonte de inóculo. Além disto, a dispersão dos conídios isolados ou agrupados no cirro, ocorreu livremente no ar, não necessitando estarem veiculados a gotículas d'água.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi propor um método de estratificação vertical da floresta ineqüiânea, empregando técnicas de análise multivariada. Os dados de altura total foram obtidos em dez parcelas de 20 x 50 m cada, remedidas em junho de 2001. As parcelas foram instaladas na Mata da Silvicultura, em 1994, município de Viçosa (20º 45' S e 42º 55' W), Estado de Minas Gerais. As árvores individuais foram organizadas em ordem crescente de altura total, separadas em classes com amplitude de 1 m, e em seguida foi elaborada uma matriz X de dados de alturas totais, em que cada variável x ij representou a altura total da i-ésima árvore classificada na j-ésima classe de altura total. Essa matriz X foi o input para as análises de agrupamento e discriminante. Utilizaram-se a distância euclidiana e o método de ligação completa. A aplicação da análise de agrupamento resultou em agrupamentos hierárquicos e seqüenciais, isto é, as classes de altura foram agrupadas seqüencialmente em ordem crescente. A análise do dendrograma permitiu estratificar o povoamento em três grupos distintos, denominados de estratos de altura total (inferior, médio e superior). A análise discriminante demonstrou que a classificação foi 100% correta. O estrato inferior reuniu 1.068 (71,63%) indivíduos arbóreos, o estrato médio 324 (21,73%) e o estrato superior 99 (6,64%). As espécies Anadenanthera macrocarpa, Apuleia leiocarpa, Pseudopiptadenia contorta e Piptadenia gonoacantha apresentaram maior densidade absoluta (DA) e distribuição regular nos três estratos. O método de estratificação empregado no presente estudo provou ser mais uma ferramenta técnica e operacionalmente viável, que pode ser empregada nas análises estruturais de florestas, principalmente para estudos fitossociológicos e para elaboração e execução de planos de manejo florestal sustentável.