989 resultados para Vertical Temperature-Gradient


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We show that a single imperfect fluid can be used as a source to obtain a mass-varying black hole in an expanding universe. This approach generalizes the well-known McVittie spacetime, by allowing the mass to vary thanks to a novel mechanism based on the presence of a temperature gradient. This fully dynamical solution, which does not require phantom fields or fine-tuning, is a step forward in a new direction in the study of systems whose local gravitational attraction is coupled to the expansion of the universe. We present a simple but instructive example for the mass function and briefly discuss the structure of the apparent horizons and the past singularity.


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In dieser Arbeit wurden dünne Schichten von Heusler-Verbindungen hergestellt und auf ihre Transporteigenschaften hin untersucht.rnDer Anomale Hall-Effekt (AHE) ist dabei von besonderem Interesse. Er ist ein seit langer Zeit bekannter, jedoch noch nicht vollständig verstandener Transport-Effekt. Die meisten Veröffentlichungen theoretischer Arbeiten konzentrieren sich auf den Einfluss eines bestimmten Beitrags zum AHE. Tatsächlich gemessene experimentelle Daten können jedoch oft nicht in Einklang mit idealisierten Annahmen gebracht werden. rnDie vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert die Ergebnisse, welche aus Messungen von Materialien mit niedrigem Restwiderstand erhalten wurden. rnrnAls prototypische Materialien wurden hier hyphenation Heusler-Verbindungen untersucht. Als Material mit einer komplexen Topologie der Fermi-Fläche zeichnet sich dort der Einfluss von Defekten und der Unordnung der Kristallstruktur deutlich ab.rnrnDurch Verwendung von Filmen mit unterschiedlichem Grad der Unordnung können verschiedene Streumechanismen unterschieden werden. Für Co$_{2}$FeSi$_{0.6}$Al$_{0.4}$ and Co$_{2}$FeGa$_{0.5}$Ge$_{0.5}$ zeigt sich ein positiver AHE bei einer Unordnung vom Typ B2 und bei einer induzierten temperaturabh"angigen Streuung, wo hingegen eine Typ DO$_{3}$-Unordnung zusammen mit anderen möglichen intrinsischen Beiträgen einen negativen Effekt hervorruft.rnrnDarüber hinaus wurden die magneto-optische Kerr-Effekte (MOKE) dieser Verbindungen untersucht. Hierfür wurden Beiträge erster Ordnung als Funktion der intrinsischen und extrinsischen Parameter qualitativ analysiert. Auf den Einfluss der kristallinen Ordnung auf Beiträge zweiter Ordnung des MOKE-Signals wird ebenfalls eingegangen.rnrnDes Weiteren wurden dünne Schichten der Heusler-Verbindung Co$_{2}$MnAl auf MgO- und Si-Subs-traten (beide (100)) mit Hochfrequenz-Mag-netron-Sputtern erzeugt. Die zusammensetzung sowie die magnetischen und Transport-Eigenschaften wurden hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Abscheidebedingungen systematisch untersucht.rnrnInsbesondere zeigt der AHE-Widerstand ein außerordentliches temperaturunabhängiges Verhalten in einem Bereich moderater Magnetfeldstärken von 0 bis 0.6,T. Hierf"ur wurde der nicht-diagonale Transport bei Temperaturen bis zu 300,$^{circ}$C analysiert. Die Daten zeigen die Eignung des Materials für Hall-Sensoren auch oberhalb der Raumtemperatur.rnrnJüngst wurde der Spin Seebeck-Effekt (SSE) entdeckt. Der Effekt aus dem Bereich der Spin-Kaloritronik erzeugt eine Spin-Spannung'' aufgrund eines Temperaturgradienten in magnetischen Materialien. Hier werden vorläufige Messungen des SSE in Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$ und in Heusler-Verbindungen präsentiert.rn


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Thermoelektrizität beschreibt die reversible Beeinflussung und Wechselwirkung von Elektrizität und Temperatur T in Systemen abseits des thermischen Gleichgewichtes. In diesen führt ein Temperaturgradient entlang eines thermoelektrischen Materials zu einem kontinuierlichen Ungleichgewicht in der Energieverteilung der Ladungsträger. Dies hat einen Diffusionsstrom der energiereichen Ladungsträger zum kalten Ende und der energiearmen Ladungsträger zum heißen Ende zur Folge. Da in offenen Stromkreisen kein Strom fließt, wird ein Ungleichgewicht der Ströme über das Ausbilden eines elektrischen Feldes kompensiert. Die dadurch entstehende Spannung wird als Seebeck Spannung bezeichnet. Über einen geeigneten Verbraucher, folgend aus dem Ohm'schen Gesetz, kann nun ein Strom fließen und elektrische Energie gewonnen werden. Den umgekehrten Fall beschreibt der sogenannte Peltier Effekt, bei dem ein Stromfluss durch zwei unterschiedliche miteinander verbundene Materialien ein Erwärmen oder Abkühlen der Kontaktstelle zur Folge hat. Die Effizienz eines thermoelektrischen Materials kann über die dimensionslose Größe ZT=S^2*sigma/kappa*T charakterisiert werden. Diese setzt sich zusammen aus den materialspezifischen Größen der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit sigma, der thermischen Leitfähigkeit kappa und dem Seebeck Koeffizienten S als Maß der erzeugten Spannung bei gegebener Temperaturdifferenz. Diese Arbeit verfolgt den Ansatz glaskeramische Materialien mit thermoelektrischen Kristallphasen zu synthetisieren, sie strukturell zu charakterisieren und ihre thermoelektrischen Eigenschaften zu messen, um eine Struktur-Eigenschaft Korrelation zu erarbeiten. Hierbei werden im Detail eine elektronenleitende (Hauptphase SrTi_xNb_{1-x}O_3) sowie eine löcherleitende Glaskeramik (Hauptphase Bi_2Sr_2Co_2O_y) untersucht. Unter dem Begriff Glaskeramiken sind teilkristalline Materialien zu verstehen, die aus Glasschmelzen durch gesteuerte Kristallisation hergestellt werden können. Über den Grad der Kristallisation und die Art der ausgeschiedenen Spezies an Kristallen lassen sich die physikalischen Eigenschaften dieser Systeme gezielt beeinflussen. Glaskeramiken bieten, verursacht durch ihre Restglasphase, eine niedrige thermische Leitfähigkeit und die Fermi Energie lässt sich durch Dotierungen in Richtung des Leitungs- oder Valenzbands verschieben. Ebenso besitzen glaskeramische Materialien durch ihre Porenfreiheit verbesserte mechanische Eigenschaften gegenüber Keramiken und sind weniger anfällig für den Einfluss des Sauerstoffpartialdruckes p_{O_2} auf die Parameter. Ein glaskeramisches und ein gemischt keramisch/glaskeramisches thermoelektrisches Modul aus den entwickelten Materialien werden konzipiert, präpariert, kontaktiert und bezüglich ihrer Leistung vermessen.


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Due to the existence of a velocity slip and temperature jump on the solid walls, the heat transfer in microchannels significantly differs from the one in the macroscale. In our research, we have focused on the pressure driven gas flows in a simple finite microchannel geometry, with an entrance and an outlet, for low Reynolds (Re<200) and low Knudsen (Kn<0.01) numbers. For such a regime, the slip induced phenomena are strongly connected with the viscous effects. As a result, heat transfer is also significantly altered. For the optimization of flow conditions, we have investigated various temperature gradient configurations, additionally changing Reynolds and Knudsen numbers. The entrance effects, slip flow, and temperature jump lead to complex relations between flow behavior and heat transfer. We have shown that slip effects are generally insignificant for flow behavior. However, two configuration setups (hot wall cold gas and cold wall hot gas) are affected by slip in distinguishably different ways. For the first one, which concerns turbomachinery, the mass flow rate can increase by about 1% in relation to the no-slip case, depending on the wall-gas temperature difference. Heat transfer is more significantly altered. The Nusselt number between slip and no-slip cases at the outlet of the microchannel is increased by about 10%.


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Due to their high thermal efficiency, diesel engines have excellent fuel economy and have been widely used as a power source for many vehicles. Diesel engines emit less greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) compared with gasoline engines. However, diesel engines emit large amounts of particulate matter (PM) which can imperil human health. The best way to reduce the particulate matter is by using the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) system which consists of a wall-flow monolith which can trap particulates, and the DPF can be periodically regenerated to remove the collected particulates. The estimation of the PM mass accumulated in the DPF and total pressure drop across the filter are very important in order to determine when to carry out the active regeneration for the DPF. In this project, by developing a filtration model and a pressure drop model, we can estimate the PM mass and the total pressure drop, then, these two models can be linked with a regeneration model which has been developed previously to predict when to regenerate the filter. There results of this project were: 1 Reproduce a filtration model and simulate the processes of filtration. By studying the deep bed filtration and cake filtration, stages and quantity of mass accumulated in the DPF can be estimated. It was found that the filtration efficiency increases faster during the deep-bed filtration than that during the cake filtration. A “unit collector” theory was used in our filtration model which can explain the mechanism of the filtration very well. 2 Perform a parametric study on the pressure drop model for changes in engine exhaust flow rate, deposit layer thickness, and inlet temperature. It was found that there are five primary variables impacting the pressure drop in the DPF which are temperature gradient along the channel, deposit layer thickness, deposit layer permeability, wall thickness, and wall permeability. 3 Link the filtration model and the pressure drop model with the regeneration model to determine the time to carry out the regeneration of the DPF. It was found that the regeneration should be initiated when the cake layer is at a certain thickness, since a cake layer with either too big or too small an amount of particulates will need more thermal energy to reach a higher regeneration efficiency. 4 Formulate diesel particulate trap regeneration strategies for real world driving conditions to find out the best desirable conditions for DPF regeneration. It was found that the regeneration should be initiated when the vehicle’s speed is high and during which there should not be any stops from the vehicle. Moreover, the regeneration duration is about 120 seconds and the inlet temperature for the regeneration is 710K.


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Infrared thermography is a well-recognized non-destructive testing technique for evaluating concrete bridge elements such as bridge decks and piers. However, overcoming some obstacles and limitations are necessary to be able to add this invaluable technique to the bridge inspector's tool box. Infrared thermography is based on collecting radiant temperature and presenting the results as a thermal infrared image. Two methods considered in conducting an infrared thermography test include passive and active. The source of heat is the main difference between these two approaches of infrared thermography testing. Solar energy and ambient temperature change are the main heat sources in conducting a passive infrared thermography test, while active infrared thermography involves generating a temperature gradient using an external source of heat other than sun. Passive infrared thermography testing was conducted on three concrete bridge decks in Michigan. Ground truth information was gathered through coring several locations on each bridge deck to validate the results obtained from the passive infrared thermography test. Challenges associated with data collection and processing using passive infrared thermography are discussed and provide additional evidence to confirm that passive infrared thermography is a promising remote sensing tool for bridge inspections. To improve the capabilities of the infrared thermography technique for evaluation of the underside of bridge decks and bridge girders, an active infrared thermography technique using the surface heating method was developed in the laboratory on five concrete slabs with simulated delaminations. Results from this study demonstrated that active infrared thermography not only eliminates some limitations associated with passive infrared thermography, but also provides information regarding the depth of the delaminations. Active infrared thermography was conducted on a segment of an out-of-service prestressed box beam and cores were extracted from several locations on the beam to validate the results. This study confirms the feasibility of the application of active infrared thermography on concrete bridges and of estimating the size and depth of delaminations. From the results gathered in this dissertation, it was established that applying both passive and active thermography can provide transportation agencies with qualitative and quantitative measures for efficient maintenance and repair decision-making.


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Arctic landscapes have visually striking patterns of small polygons, circles, and hummocks. The linkages between the geophysical and biological components of these systems and their responses to climate changes are not well understood. The "Biocomplexity of Patterned Ground Ecosystems" project examined patterned-ground features (PGFs) in all five Arctic bioclimate subzones along an 1800-km trans-Arctic temperature gradient in northern Alaska and northwestern Canada. This paper provides an overview of the transect to illustrate the trends in climate, PGFs, vegetation, n-factors, soils, active-layer depth, and frost heave along the climate gradient. We emphasize the thermal effects of the vegetation and snow on the heat and water fluxes within patterned-ground systems. Four new modeling approaches build on the theme that vegetation controls microscale soil temperature differences between the centers and margins of the PGFs, and these in turn drive the movement of water, affect the formation of aggradation ice, promote differential soil heave, and regulate a host of system propel-ties that affect the ability of plants to colonize the centers of these features. We conclude with an examination of the possible effects of a climate wan-ning on patterned-ground ecosystems.


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The evolution of oceanographic conditions in the upwelling region off northern Chile (18 degrees-24 degrees S) between 1996 and 1998 (including the 1997-1998 El Niño) is presented using hydrographic measurements acquired on quarterly cruises of the Chilean Fisheries Institute, with sea surface temperature (SST), sea level, and wind speeds from Arica (18.5 degrees S), Iquique (20.5 degrees S), and Antofagasta (23.5 degrees S) and a time series of vertical temperature profiles off Iquique. Spatial patterns of sea surface temperature and salinity from May 1996 to March 1997 followed a normal seasonal progression, though conditions were anomalously cool and fresh. Starting in March 1997, positive anomalies in sea level and sea surface temperature propagated along the South American coast to 37 degrees S. Maximum sea level anomalies occurred in two peaks in May-July 1997 and October 1997 to February 1998, separated by a relaxation period. Maximum anomalies (2 degrees C and 0.1 practical salinity units (psu)) extended to 400 m in December 1997 within 50 km of the coast. March 1998 presented the largest surface anomalies (> 4 degrees C and 0.6 psu). Strong poleward flow (20-35 cm s(-1) ) occurred to 400 m or deeper during both sea level maxima and weaker (10 cm s(-1) ) equatorward flow followed each peak. By May 1998, SST had returned to the climatological mean, and flow was equatorward next to the coast. However, offshore salinity remained anomalously high owing to a tongue of subtropical water extending southeast along the Peruvian coast. Conditions off northern Chile returned to normal between August and December 1998. The timing of the anomalies suggests a connection to equatorial waves. The progression of the 1997-1998 El Niño was very similar to that of 1982-1983, though with different timing with respect to seasons.


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The stability of a triple helix formed between a DNA duplex and an incoming oligonucleotide strand strongly depends on the solvent conditions and on intrinsic chemical and conformational factors. Attempts to increase triple helix stability in the past included chemical modification of the backbone, sugar ring, and bases in the third strand. However, the predictive power of such modifications is still rather poor. We therefore developed a method that allows for rapid screening of conformationally diverse third strand oligonucleotides for triplex stability in the parallel pairing motif to a given DNA double helix sequence. Combinatorial libraries of oligonucleotides of the requisite (fixed) base composition and length that vary in their sugar unit (ribose or deoxyribose) at each position were generated. After affinity chromatography against their corresponding immobilized DNA target duplex, utilizing a temperature gradient as the selection criterion, the oligonucleotides forming the most stable triple helices were selected and characterized by physicochemical methods. Thus, a series of oligonucleotides were identified that allowed us to define basic rules for triple helix stability in this conformationally diverse system. It was found that ribocytidines in the third strand increase triplex stability relative to deoxyribocytidines independently of the neighboring bases and position along the strand. However, remarkable sequence-dependent differences in stability were found for (deoxy)thymidines and uridines


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The physical processes controlling the mixed layer salinity (MLS) seasonal budget in the tropical Atlantic Ocean are investigated using a regional configuration of an ocean general circulation model. The analysis reveals that the MLS cycle is generally weak in comparison of individual physical processes entering in the budget because of strong compensation. In evaporative regions, around the surface salinity maxima, the ocean acts to freshen the mixed layer against the action of evaporation. Poleward of the southern SSS maxima, the freshening is ensured by geostrophic advection, the vertical salinity diffusion and, during winter, a dominant contribution of the convective entrainment. On the equatorward flanks of the SSS maxima, Ekman transport mainly contributes to supply freshwater from ITCZ regions while vertical salinity diffusion adds on the effect of evaporation. All these terms are phase locked through the effect of the wind. Under the seasonal march of the ITCZ and in coastal areas affected by river (7°S:15°N), the upper ocean freshening by precipitations and/or runoff is attenuated by vertical salinity diffusion. In the eastern equatorial regions, seasonal cycle of wind forced surface currents advect freshwaters, which are mixed with subsurface saline water because of the strong vertical turbulent diffusion. In all these regions, the vertical diffusion presents an important contribution to the MLS budget by providing, in general, an upwelling flux of salinity. It is generally due to vertical salinity gradient and mixing due to winds. Furthermore, in the equator where the vertical shear, associated to surface horizontal currents, is developed, the diffusion depends also on the sheared flow stability.


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Bentonite and iron metals are common materials proposed for use in deep-seated geological repositories for radioactive waste. The inevitable corrosion of iron leads to interaction processes with the clay which may affect the sealing properties of the bentonite backfill. The objective of the present study was to improve our understanding of this process by studying the interface between iron and compacted bentonite in a geological repository-type setting. Samples of MX-80 bentonite samples which had been exposed to an iron source and elevated temperatures (up to 115ºC) for 2.5 y in an in situ experiment (termed ABM1) at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden, were investigated by microscopic means, including scanning electron microscopy, μ-Raman spectroscopy, spatially resolved X-ray diffraction, and X-ray fluorescence. The corrosion process led to the formation of a ~100 mm thick corrosion layer containing siderite, magnetite, some goethite, and lepidocrocite mixed with the montmorillonitic clay. Most of the corroded Fe occurred within a 10 mm-thick clay layer adjacent to the corrosion layer. An average corrosion depth of the steel of 22–35 μm and an average Fe2+ diffusivity of 1–26×10–13 m2/s were estimated based on the properties of the Fe-enriched clay layer. In that layer, the corrosion-derived Fe occurred predominantly in the clay matrix. The nature of this Fe could not be identified. No indications of clay transformation or newly formed clay phases were found. A slight enrichment of Mg close to the Fe–clay contact was observed. The formation of anhydrite and gypsum, and the dissolution of some SiO2 resulting from the temperature gradient in the in situ test, were also identified. © 2014, Clay Minerals Society. All right reserved.


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PURPOSE Leakage is the most common complication of percutaneous cement augmentation of the spine. The viscosity of the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement is strongly correlated with the likelihood of cement leakage. We hypothesized that cement leakage can be reduced by sequential cement injection in a vertebroplasty model. METHODS A standardized vertebral body substitute model, consisting of aluminum oxide foams coated by acrylic cement with a preformed leakage path, simulating a ventral vein, was developed. Three injection techniques of 6 ml PMMA were assessed: injection in one single step (all-in-one), injection of 1 ml at the first and 5 ml at the second step with 1 min latency in-between (two-step), and sequential injection of 0.5 ml with 1-min latency between the sequences (sequential). Standard PMMA vertebroplasty cement was used; each injection type was tested on ten vertebral body substitute models with two possible leakage paths per model. Leakage was assessed by radiographs using a zonal graduation: intraspongious = no leakage and extracortical = leakage. RESULTS The leakage rate was significantly lower in the "sequential" technique (2/20 leakages) followed by "two-step" (15/20) and "all-in-one" (20/20) techniques (p < 0.001). The RR for a cement leakage was 10.0 times higher in the "all-in-one" compared to the "sequential" group (95 % confidence intervals 2.7-37.2; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The sequential cement injection is a simple approach to minimize the risk for leakage. Taking advantage of the temperature gradient between body and room temperature, it is possible to increase the cement viscosity inside the vertebra while keeping it low in the syringe. Using sequential injection of small cement volumes, further leakage paths are blocked before further injection of the low-viscosity cement.


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We analyse the variability of the probability distribution of daily wind speed in wintertime over Northern and Central Europe in a series of global and regional climate simulations covering the last centuries, and in reanalysis products covering approximately the last 60 years. The focus of the study lies on identifying the link of the variations in the wind speed distribution to the regional near-surface temperature, to the meridional temperature gradient and to the North Atlantic Oscillation. Our main result is that the link between the daily wind distribution and the regional climate drivers is strongly model dependent. The global models tend to behave similarly, although they show some discrepancies. The two regional models also tend to behave similarly to each other, but surprisingly the results derived from each regional model strongly deviates from the results derived from its driving global model. In addition, considering multi-centennial timescales, we find in two global simulations a long-term tendency for the probability distribution of daily wind speed to widen through the last centuries. The cause for this widening is likely the effect of the deforestation prescribed in these simulations. We conclude that no clear systematic relationship between the mean temperature, the temperature gradient and/or the North Atlantic Oscillation, with the daily wind speed statistics can be inferred from these simulations. The understand- ing of past and future changes in the distribution of wind speeds, and thus of wind speed extremes, will require a detailed analysis of the representation of the interaction between large-scale and small-scale dynamics.


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Tropical south-western Pacific temperatures are of vital importance to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), but the role of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the growth of the GBR since the Last Glacial Maximum remains largely unknown. Here we present records of Sr/Ca and d18O for Last Glacial Maximum and deglacial corals that show a considerably steeper meridional SST gradient than the present day in the central GBR. We find a 1-2 °C larger temperature decrease between 17° and 20°S about 20,000 to 13,000 years ago. The result is best explained by the northward expansion of cooler subtropical waters due to a weakening of the South Pacific gyre and East Australian Current. Our findings indicate that the GBR experienced substantial meridional temperature change during the last deglaciation, and serve to explain anomalous deglacial drying of northeastern Australia. Overall, the GBR developed through significant SST change and may be more resilient than previously thought.


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We compare six high-resolution Holocene, sediment cores along a S-N transect on the Norwegian-Svalbard continental margin from ca 60°N to 77.4°N, northern North Atlantic. Planktonic foraminifera in the cores were investigated to show the changes in upper surface and subsurface water mass distribution and properties, including summer sea-surface temperatures (SST). The cores are located below the axis of the Norwegian Current and the West Spitsbergen Current, which today transport warm Atlantic Water to the Arctic. Sediment accumulation rates are generally high at all the core sites, allowing for a temporal resolution of 10-102 years. SST is reconstructed using different types of transfer functions, resulting in very similar SST trends, with deviations of no more than +- 1.0/1.5 °C. A transfer function based on the maximum likelihood statistical approach is found to be most relevant. The reconstruction documents an abrupt change in planktonic foraminiferal faunal composition and an associated warming at the Younger Dryas-Preboreal transition. The earliest part of the Holocene was characterized by large temperature variability, including the Preboreal Oscillations and the 8.2 k event. In general, the early Holocene was characterized by SSTs similar to those of today in the south and warmer than today in the north, and a smaller S-N temperature gradient (0.23 °C/°N) compared to the present temperature gradient (0.46 °C/°N). The southern proxy records (60-69°N) were more strongly influenced by slightly cooler subsurface water probably due to the seasonality of the orbital forcing and increased stratification due to freshening. The northern records (72-77.4°N) display a millennial-scale change associated with reduced insolation and a gradual weakening of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC). The observed northwards amplification of the early Holocene warming is comparable to the pattern of recent global warming and future climate modelling, which predicts greater warming at higher latitudes. The overall trend during mid and late Holocene was a cooling in the north, stable or weak warming in the south, and a maximum S-N SST gradient of ca 0.7 °C/°N at 5000 cal. years BP. Superimposed on this trend were several abrupt temperature shifts. Four of these shifts, dated to 9000-8000, 5500-3000 and 1000 and ~400 cal. years BP, appear to be global, as they correlate with periods of global climate change. In general, there is a good correlation between the northern North Atlantic temperature records and climate records from Norway and Svalbard.