979 resultados para Vehicle Departure Model


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This paper investigates the feasibility of using an instrumented vehicle to detect bridge dynamic parameters, such as natural frequency and structural damping, in a scaled laboratory experiment. In the experiment, a scaled vehicle model crosses a steel girder which has been adopted as the bridge model. The bridge model also includes a scaled road surface profile. The effects of varying vehicle model mass and speed are investigated. The damping of the girder is also varied. The bridge frequency and changes in damping are detected in the vehicle acceleration response in the presence of a rough road surface profile.


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The axle forces applied by a vehicle through its wheels are a critical part of the interaction between vehicles, pavements and bridges. Therefore, the minimisation of these forces is important in order to promote long pavement life spans and ensure that bridge loads are small. Moreover, as the road surface roughness affects the vehicle dynamic forces, the monitoring of pavements for highways and bridges is an important task. This paper presents a novel algorithm to identify these dynamic interaction forces which involves direct instrumentation of a vehicle with accelerometers. The ability of this approach to predict the pavement roughness is also presented. Moving force identification theory is applied to a vehicle model in theoretical simulations in order to obtain the interaction forces and pavement roughness from the measured accelerations. The method is tested for a range of bridge spans in simulations and the influence of road roughness level on the accuracy of the results is investigated. Finally, the challenge for the real-world problem is addressed in a laboratory experiment.


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This study is intended to investigate the validity of the stability diagram (SD) aided multivariate autoregressive (MAR) analysis for identifying modal parameters of a real truss bridge. The MAR models are adopted to fit the time series of the dynamic accelerations recorded from a number of observation points on the bridge; then the modal parameters are extracted from the MAR model coefficient matrix. The SD is adopted to determine statistically dominant modes. In plotting the SD, a number of stability criteria are further adopted for filtering out those modes with unstable modal parameters. By the present method, the first five modal frequencies and mode shapes are identified with very high precision, while the damping ratios are identified with high precision for the 1st mode but with poorer precision for higher modes. Moreover, the ability of the SD in selecting structural modes without getting involved in any model-order optimization problem is highlighted through a comparison study.


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Transport accounts for 22% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United Kingdom and cars are expected tomore than double by 2050. Car manufacturers are continually aiming for a substantially reduced carbonfootprint through improved fuel efficiency and better powertrain performance due to the strict EuropeanUnion emissions standards. However, road tax, not just fuel efficiency, is a key consideration of consumerswhen purchasing a car. While measures have been taken to reduce emissions through stricter standards, infuture, alternative technologies will be used. Electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and range extended electricvehicles have been identified as some of these future technologies. In this research a virtual test bed of aconventional internal combustion engine and a range extended electric vehicle family saloon car were builtin AVL’s vehicle and powertrain system level simulation tool, CRUISE, to simulate the New EuropeanDrive Cycle and the results were then soft-linked to a techno-economic model to compare the effectivenessof current support mechanisms over the full life cycle of both cars. The key finding indicates that althoughcarbon emissions are substantially reduced, switching is still not financially the best option for either theconsumer or the government in the long run.


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This paper reports on an innovative Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme which addressed transition issues and issues with conducting outdoor work and attitudes towards science through ‘Shared Learning' days between elementary and middle school transition classes. Teachers supported each other to overcome issues with conducting outdoor work and contributed their expertise from their educational stage. The project utilised a blended CPD approach of workshops, coteaching and in-class support and was based upon a wealth earlier successful CPD programmes to result in a sound theoretical framework.
The outcomes were measured using a thorough mixed-methods approach. This paper will report on the achieved outcomes with effective outdoor learning as the vehicle to overcome identified issues and key challenges for policy development.


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Bridge scour is the number one cause of failure in bridges located over waterways. Scour leads to rapid losses in foundation stiffness and can cause sudden collapse. Previous research on bridge health monitoring has used changes in natural frequency to identify damage in bridge beams. The possibility of using a similar approach to identifying scour is investigated in this paper. To assess if this approach is feasible, it is necessary to establish how scour affects the natural frequency of a bridge, and if it is possible to measure changes in frequency using the bridge dynamic response to a passing vehicle. To address these questions, a novel vehicle–bridge–soil interaction (VBSI) model was developed. By carrying out a modal study in this model, it is shown that for a wide range of possible soil states, there is a clear reduction in the natural frequency of the first mode of the bridge with scour. Moreover, it is shown that the response signals on the bridge from vehicular loading are sufficient to allow these changes in frequency to be detected.


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Aims/hypothesis: We aimed to determine whether plasma lipoproteins, after leakage into the retina and modification by glycation and oxidation, contribute to the development of diabetic retinopathy in a mouse model of type 1 diabetes.

Methods: To simulate permeation of plasma lipoproteins intoretinal tissues, streptozotocin-induced mouse models of diabetes and non-diabetic mice were challenged with intravitreal injection of human ‘highly-oxidised glycated’ low-density lipoprotein (HOG-LDL), native- (N-) LDL, or the vehicle PBS.Retinal histology, electroretinography (ERG) and biochemical markers were assessed over the subsequent 14 days.

Results: Intravitreal administration of N-LDL and PBS had noeffect on retinal structure or function in either diabetic or non-diabetic animals. In non-diabetic mice, HOG-LDL elicited a transient inflammatory response without altering retinal function,but in diabetic mice it caused severe, progressive retinal injury, with abnormal morphology, ERG changes, vascular leakage, vascular endothelial growth factor overexpression, gliosis, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and propensity to apoptosis.

Conclusions/interpretation: Diabetes confers susceptibility to retinal injury imposed by intravitreal injection of modified LDL. The data add to the existing evidence that extravasated, modified plasma lipoproteins contribute to the propagation of diabetic retinopathy. Intravitreal delivery of HOG-LDL simulates a stress known to be present, in addition to hyperglycaemia, in human diabetic retinopathy once blood retinal barriers are compromised.


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Nos últimos anos, o número de vítimas de acidentes de tráfego por milhões de habitantes em Portugal tem sido mais elevado do que a média da União Europeia. Ao nível nacional torna-se premente uma melhor compreensão dos dados de acidentes e sobre o efeito do veículo na gravidade do mesmo. O objetivo principal desta investigação consistiu no desenvolvimento de modelos de previsão da gravidade do acidente, para o caso de um único veículo envolvido e para caso de uma colisão, envolvendo dois veículos. Além disso, esta investigação compreendeu o desenvolvimento de uma análise integrada para avaliar o desempenho do veículo em termos de segurança, eficiência energética e emissões de poluentes. Os dados de acidentes foram recolhidos junto da Guarda Nacional Republicana Portuguesa, na área metropolitana do Porto para o período de 2006-2010. Um total de 1,374 acidentes foram recolhidos, 500 acidentes envolvendo um único veículo e 874 colisões. Para a análise da segurança, foram utilizados modelos de regressão logística. Para os acidentes envolvendo um único veículo, o efeito das características do veículo no risco de feridos graves e/ou mortos (variável resposta definida como binária) foi explorado. Para as colisões envolvendo dois veículos foram criadas duas variáveis binárias adicionais: uma para prever a probabilidade de feridos graves e/ou mortos num dos veículos (designado como veículo V1) e outra para prever a probabilidade de feridos graves e/ou mortos no outro veículo envolvido (designado como veículo V2). Para ultrapassar o desafio e limitações relativas ao tamanho da amostra e desigualdade entre os casos analisados (apenas 5.1% de acidentes graves), foi desenvolvida uma metodologia com base numa estratégia de reamostragem e foram utilizadas 10 amostras geradas de forma aleatória e estratificada para a validação dos modelos. Durante a fase de modelação, foi analisado o efeito das características do veículo, como o peso, a cilindrada, a distância entre eixos e a idade do veículo. Para a análise do consumo de combustível e das emissões, foi aplicada a metodologia CORINAIR. Posteriormente, os dados das emissões foram modelados de forma a serem ajustados a regressões lineares. Finalmente, foi desenvolvido um indicador de análise integrada (denominado “SEG”) que proporciona um método de classificação para avaliar o desempenho do veículo ao nível da segurança rodoviária, consumos e emissões de poluentes.Face aos resultados obtidos, para os acidentes envolvendo um único veículo, o modelo de previsão do risco de gravidade identificou a idade e a cilindrada do veículo como estatisticamente significativas para a previsão de ocorrência de feridos graves e/ou mortos, ao nível de significância de 5%. A exatidão do modelo foi de 58.0% (desvio padrão (D.P.) 3.1). Para as colisões envolvendo dois veículos, ao prever a probabilidade de feridos graves e/ou mortos no veículo V1, a cilindrada do veículo oposto (veículo V2) aumentou o risco para os ocupantes do veículo V1, ao nível de significância de 10%. O modelo para prever o risco de gravidade no veículo V1 revelou um bom desempenho, com uma exatidão de 61.2% (D.P. 2.4). Ao prever a probabilidade de feridos graves e/ou mortos no veículo V2, a cilindrada do veículo V1 aumentou o risco para os ocupantes do veículo V2, ao nível de significância de 5%. O modelo para prever o risco de gravidade no veículo V2 também revelou um desempenho satisfatório, com uma exatidão de 40.5% (D.P. 2.1). Os resultados do indicador integrado SEG revelaram que os veículos mais recentes apresentam uma melhor classificação para os três domínios: segurança, consumo e emissões. Esta investigação demonstra que não existe conflito entre a componente da segurança, a eficiência energética e emissões relativamente ao desempenho dos veículos.


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Energy resource scheduling becomes increasingly important, as the use of distributed resources is intensified and massive gridable vehicle use is envisaged. The present paper proposes a methodology for dayahead energy resource scheduling for smart grids considering the intensive use of distributed generation and of gridable vehicles, usually referred as Vehicle- o-Grid (V2G). This method considers that the energy resources are managed by a Virtual Power Player (VPP) which established contracts with V2G owners. It takes into account these contracts, the user´s requirements subjected to the VPP, and several discharge price steps. Full AC power flow calculation included in the model allows taking into account network constraints. The influence of the successive day requirements on the day-ahead optimal solution is discussed and considered in the proposed model. A case study with a 33 bus distribution network and V2G is used to illustrate the good performance of the proposed method.


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Master Thesis in Mechanical Engineering field of Maintenance and Production


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Geostatistics has been successfully used to analyze and characterize the spatial variability of environmental properties. Besides giving estimated values at unsampled locations, it provides a measure of the accuracy of the estimate, which is a significant advantage over traditional methods used to assess pollution. In this work universal block kriging is novelty used to model and map the spatial distribution of salinity measurements gathered by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in a sea outfall monitoring campaign, with the aim of distinguishing the effluent plume from the receiving waters, characterizing its spatial variability in the vicinity of the discharge and estimating dilution. The results demonstrate that geostatistical methodology can provide good estimates of the dispersion of effluents that are very valuable in assessing the environmental impact and managing sea outfalls. Moreover, since accurate measurements of the plume’s dilution are rare, these studies might be very helpful in the future to validate dispersion models.


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The high penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) in distribution networks and the competitiveenvironment of electricity markets impose the use of new approaches in several domains. The networkcost allocation, traditionally used in transmission networks, should be adapted and used in the distribu-tion networks considering the specifications of the connected resources. The main goal is to develop afairer methodology trying to distribute the distribution network use costs to all players which are usingthe network in each period. In this paper, a model considering different type of costs (fixed, losses, andcongestion costs) is proposed comprising the use of a large set of DER, namely distributed generation(DG), demand response (DR) of direct load control type, energy storage systems (ESS), and electric vehi-cles with capability of discharging energy to the network, which is known as vehicle-to-grid (V2G). Theproposed model includes three distinct phases of operation. The first phase of the model consists in aneconomic dispatch based on an AC optimal power flow (AC-OPF); in the second phase Kirschen’s andBialek’s tracing algorithms are used and compared to evaluate the impact of each resource in the net-work. Finally, the MW-mile method is used in the third phase of the proposed model. A distributionnetwork of 33 buses with large penetration of DER is used to illustrate the application of the proposedmodel.


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Le problème de tournées de véhicules (VRP), introduit par Dantzig and Ramser en 1959, est devenu l'un des problèmes les plus étudiés en recherche opérationnelle, et ce, en raison de son intérêt méthodologique et de ses retombées pratiques dans de nombreux domaines tels que le transport, la logistique, les télécommunications et la production. L'objectif général du VRP est d'optimiser l'utilisation des ressources de transport afin de répondre aux besoins des clients tout en respectant les contraintes découlant des exigences du contexte d’application. Les applications réelles du VRP doivent tenir compte d’une grande variété de contraintes et plus ces contraintes sont nombreuse, plus le problème est difficile à résoudre. Les VRPs qui tiennent compte de l’ensemble de ces contraintes rencontrées en pratique et qui se rapprochent des applications réelles forment la classe des problèmes ‘riches’ de tournées de véhicules. Résoudre ces problèmes de manière efficiente pose des défis considérables pour la communauté de chercheurs qui se penchent sur les VRPs. Cette thèse, composée de deux parties, explore certaines extensions du VRP vers ces problèmes. La première partie de cette thèse porte sur le VRP périodique avec des contraintes de fenêtres de temps (PVRPTW). Celui-ci est une extension du VRP classique avec fenêtres de temps (VRPTW) puisqu’il considère un horizon de planification de plusieurs jours pendant lesquels les clients n'ont généralement pas besoin d’être desservi à tous les jours, mais plutôt peuvent être visités selon un certain nombre de combinaisons possibles de jours de livraison. Cette généralisation étend l'éventail d'applications de ce problème à diverses activités de distributions commerciales, telle la collecte des déchets, le balayage des rues, la distribution de produits alimentaires, la livraison du courrier, etc. La principale contribution scientifique de la première partie de cette thèse est le développement d'une méta-heuristique hybride dans la quelle un ensemble de procédures de recherche locales et de méta-heuristiques basées sur les principes de voisinages coopèrent avec un algorithme génétique afin d’améliorer la qualité des solutions et de promouvoir la diversité de la population. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la méthode proposée est très performante et donne de nouvelles meilleures solutions pour certains grands exemplaires du problème. La deuxième partie de cette étude a pour but de présenter, modéliser et résoudre deux problèmes riches de tournées de véhicules, qui sont des extensions du VRPTW en ce sens qu'ils incluent des demandes dépendantes du temps de ramassage et de livraison avec des restrictions au niveau de la synchronization temporelle. Ces problèmes sont connus respectivement sous le nom de Time-dependent Multi-zone Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (TMZT-VRPTW) et de Multi-zone Mult-Trip Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Synchronization (MZT-PDTWS). Ces deux problèmes proviennent de la planification des opérations de systèmes logistiques urbains à deux niveaux. La difficulté de ces problèmes réside dans la manipulation de deux ensembles entrelacés de décisions: la composante des tournées de véhicules qui vise à déterminer les séquences de clients visités par chaque véhicule, et la composante de planification qui vise à faciliter l'arrivée des véhicules selon des restrictions au niveau de la synchronisation temporelle. Auparavant, ces questions ont été abordées séparément. La combinaison de ces types de décisions dans une seule formulation mathématique et dans une même méthode de résolution devrait donc donner de meilleurs résultats que de considérer ces décisions séparément. Dans cette étude, nous proposons des solutions heuristiques qui tiennent compte de ces deux types de décisions simultanément, et ce, d'une manière complète et efficace. Les résultats de tests expérimentaux confirment la performance de la méthode proposée lorsqu’on la compare aux autres méthodes présentées dans la littérature. En effet, la méthode développée propose des solutions nécessitant moins de véhicules et engendrant de moindres frais de déplacement pour effectuer efficacement la même quantité de travail. Dans le contexte des systèmes logistiques urbains, nos résultats impliquent une réduction de la présence de véhicules dans les rues de la ville et, par conséquent, de leur impact négatif sur la congestion et sur l’environnement.


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Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) represent a challenging control problem with complex, noisy, dynamics. Nowadays, not only the continuous scientific advances in underwater robotics but the increasing number of subsea missions and its complexity ask for an automatization of submarine processes. This paper proposes a high-level control system for solving the action selection problem of an autonomous robot. The system is characterized by the use of reinforcement learning direct policy search methods (RLDPS) for learning the internal state/action mapping of some behaviors. We demonstrate its feasibility with simulated experiments using the model of our underwater robot URIS in a target following task


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El projecte pretén estudiar i quantificar les restriccions creades al fluid en circular pels conductes d’admissió i escapament de la culata del motor del vehicle Àliga. L’estudi consta de quatre etapes: estudi de les restriccions actuals dels sistemes d’admissió i escapament; anàlisi dels resultats de la culata de sèrie i proposta de millores aplicables al model real; càlcul de les restriccions creades pels models millorats, i finalment, estudi comparatiu dels resultats obtinguts, interpretant els resultats dels principals paràmetres a analitzar