697 resultados para VREDEFORT DOME
Bedrock geochemical analysis, coupled with detailed data analysis, was carried out on some 260 samples taken from two areas of 'the Harlech Dome, near Dolgellau, North Wales. This was done to determine if rocks from mineralised and non-mineralised areas could be distinguished, and to determine mineralisation types and wall rock alterations. The Northern Area, near Talsarnau, has no recorded mineralisation, while the Southern Area, near Bontddu, has been exploited for gold. The rocks sampled, in both areas, were from the Cambrian Gamlan Flags, Clogau Shales, Vigra Flags, later vein materials, and igneous intrusions. All samples were analysed, using a new rapid, atomic absorption spectrophotometric technique, for Si, AI, Fe, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, Sr, Hg, and Ba. In addition 60 samples were analysed by X-ray fluorescence for Mn, Ti, Ca, K, Na, P, Cr, Ce, La, S, Y , Rh, and Th. Total CO2 was determined, on selected samples, using a combustion technique. Elemental distributions, for each rock type, in each area, were· plotted, and means, standard deviations, and enrichment indices were calculated. Multivariate statistical analysis on the results distinguished a Cu-type mineralisation in the Northern area, and both Cu and Pb/Zn types in the Southern Area. It also showed the Northern Area to be less strongly mineralised than the Southern one in which both mineralisation types are associated with wall rock alteration. Elemental associations and trends due to sedimentary processes were distinguished from those related to mineralisation. Hg is related to mineralisation, and plots of factor scores, on the sampling grid, produced clusters of mineralisation related factors in areas of known mineralisation. A double Fourier Trend Analysis program, with a wavelength search routine, was developed and used to recognise sedimentary trends for Sr. Y., Rb, and Th. These trends were interpreted to represent areas of low pH and reducing conditions. They also indicate that the supply of sediment remained constant over Gamlan, Clogau, and Vigra times. The trend surface of Hg showed no association with rock type. It is shown that analysis of a small number of samples, for a carefully selected number of elements, with detailed data analysis, can provide more useful information than analysis of a large number of samples for many elements. The mineralisation is suggested to have been the result of water solutions leaching ore metals from the sedimentary rocks and redepositing them in veins.
Spectral albedo has been measured at Dome C since December 2012 in the visible and near infrared (400 - 1050 nm) at sub-hourly resolution using a home-made spectral radiometer. Superficial specific surface area (SSA) has been estimated by fitting the observed albedo spectra to the analytical Asymptotic Approximation Radiative Transfer theory (AART). The dataset includes fully-calibrated albedo and SSA that pass several quality checks as described in the companion article. Only data for solar zenith angles less than 75° have been included, which theoretically spans the period October-March. In addition, to correct for residual errors still affecting data after the calibration, especially at the solar zenith angles higher than 60°, we produced a higher quality albedo time-series as follows: In the SSA estimation process described in the companion paper, a scaling coefficient A between the observed albedo and the theoretical model predictions was introduced to cope with these errors. This coefficient thus provides a first order estimate of the residual error. By dividing the albedo by this coefficient, we produced the "scaled fully-calibrated albedo". We strongly recommend to use the latter for most applications because it generally remains in the physical range 0-1. The former albedo is provided for reference to the companion paper and because it does not depend on the SSA estimation process and its underlying assumptions.
Lead isotopic compositions and Pb and Ba concentrations have been measured in ice cores from Law Dome, East Antarctica, covering the past 6500 years. 'Natural' background concentrations of Pb (ab. 0.4 pg/g) and Ba (ab. 1.3 pg/g) are observed until 1884 AD, after which increased Pb concentrations and lowered 206Pb/207Pb ratios indicate the influence of anthropogenic Pb. The isotopic composition of 'natural' Pb varies within the range 206Pb/207Pb=1.20-1.25 and 208Pb/207Pb=2.46-2.50, with an average rock and soil dust Pb contribution of 8-12%. A major pollution event is observed at Law Dome between 1884 and 1908 AD, elevating the Pb concentration four-fold and changing 206Pb/207Pb ratios in the ice to ab. 1.12. Based on Pb isotopic systematics and Pb emission statistics, this is attributed to Pb mined at Broken Hill and smelted at Broken Hill and Port Pirie, Australia. Anthropogenic Pb inputs are at their greatest from 1900 to 1910 and from ab. 1960 to ab. 1980. During the 20th century, Ba concentrations are consistently higher than 'natural' levels and are attributed to increased dust production, suggesting the influence of climate change and/or changes in land coverage with vegetation.
During the 1996 Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide-International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition traverse, two firn cores were retrieved from the Talos Dome area (East Antarctica) at elevations of 2316 m (TD, 89 m long) and 2246 m (ST556, 19 m long). Cores were dated by using seasonal variations in non-sea-salt (nss) SO42- concentrations coupled with the recognition of tritium marker level (1965-1966) and nss SO42- spikes due to the most important volcanic events in the past (Pinatubo 1991, Agung 1963, Krakatoa 1883, Tambora 1815, Kuwae 1452, Unknown 1259). The number of annual layers recognized in the TD and ST556 cores was 779 and 97, respectively. The dD record obtained from the TD core has been compared with other East Antarctic isotope ice core records (Dome C EPICA, South Pole, Taylor Dome). These records suggest cooler climate conditions between the middle of 16th and the beginning of 19th centuries, which might be related to the Little Ice Age (LIA) cold period. Because of the high degree of geographical variability, the strongest LIA cooling was not temporally synchronous over East Antarctica, and the analyzed records do not provide a coherent picture for East Antarctica. The accumulation rate record presented for the TD core shows a decrease during part of the LIA followed by an increment of about 11% in accumulation during the 20th century. At the ST556 site, the accumulation rate observed during the 20th century was quite stable.
A record of Pb isotopic compositions and Pb and Ba concentrations are presented for the EPICA Dome C ice core covering the past 220 ky, indicating the characteristics of dust and volcanic Pb deposition in central East Antarctica. Lead isotopic compositions are also reported in a suite of soil and loess samples from the Southern Hemisphere (Australia, Southern Africa, Southern South America, New Zealand, Antarctica) in order to evaluate the provenance of dust present in Antarctic ice. Lead isotopic compositions in Dome C ice support the contention that Southern South America was an important source of dust in Antarctica during the last two glacial maxima, and furthermore suggest occasional dust contributions from local Antarctic sources. The isotopic signature of Pb in Antarctic ice is altered by the presence of volcanic Pb, inhibiting the evaluation of glacial-interglacial changes in dust sources and the evaluation of Australia as a source of dust to Antarctica. Consequently, an accurate evaluation of the predominant source(s) of Antarctic dust can only be obtained from glacial maxima, when dust-Pb concentrations were greatest. These data confirm that volcanic Pb is present throughout Antarctica and is emitted in a physical phase that is free from Ba, while dust Pb is transported within a matrix containing Ba and other crustal elements.
Introdução A maculopatia cupuliforme é uma identidade clínica recentemente descrita, caracterizada por uma convexidade da área macular, associada a diferenças regionais da espessura da esclerótica em míopes. Material e Métodos Mulher de 64 anos que recorreu ao serviço de urgência por queixa de baixa acuidade visual em ambos os olhos com agravamento nos últimos meses. Referia antecedentes oftalmológicos de miopia (-5,25 dioptrias) e DMI exsudativa, tendo realizado 20 injecções de anti-angiogénico, sem melhora. Apresentava acuidade visual de 2/10 no OD e 1/10 no OE, sem alterações de relevo no segmento anterior. Á fundoscopia destacavam-se alterações pigmentares na região macular, sem drusa ou hemorragia em ambos os olhos. Realizou OCT que evidenciou a presença de líquido subretinianano subfoveolar, sem tracção vítreo-macular mas associado a convexidade das camadas da retina. A angiografia fluoresceinica não revelou pontos de extravasamento de contraste sugestivos de membrana neovascular activa nem coriorretinopatia serosa central. Resultados Com base nos achados do OCT macular e após exclusão de outras hipóteses estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico de maculopatia cupuliforme. Após 3 meses houve remissão espontânea do edema subretiniano no OD. Conclusão Para o diagnóstico da maculopatia cupuliforme, o OCT spectral-domain é essencial, sendo característico observar-se uma convexidade da área macular, em pelo menos um eixo (scan vertical ou horizontal) e daí a importância da realização sistemática dos 2 scans. Uma complicação associada à maculopatia cupuliforme é o descolamento seroso da retina, para o qual não existe, até ao momento, um tratamento eficaz, apesar de relatos de remissão espontânea. Este caso ilustra a importância do conhecimento desta patologia e do seu diagnóstico diferencial.
A method is presented for accurate measurement of spectral flux-reflectance (albedo) in a laboratory, for media with long optical path lengths, such as snow and ice. The approach uses an acrylic hemispheric dome, which, when placed over the surface being studied, serves two functions: (i) it creates an overcast “sky” to illuminate the target surface from all directions within a hemisphere, and (ii) serves as a platform for measuring incident and backscattered spectral radiances, which can be integrated to obtain fluxes. The fluxes are relative measurements and because their ratio is used to determine flux-reflectance, no absolute radiometric calibrations are required. The dome and surface must meet minimum size requirements based on the scattering properties of the surface. This technique is suited for media with long photon path lengths since the backscattered illumination is collected over a large enough area to include photons that reemerge from the domain far from their point of entry because of multiple scattering and small absorption. Comparison between field and laboratory albedo of a portable test surface demonstrates the viability of this method.
We report a combined study of external pressure and Cu-substitution on BaFe2As2 single crystals grown by the in-flux technique. At ambient pressure, the Cu-substitution is known to suppress the spin density wave (SDW) phase in pure BaFe2As2(TSDW ≈ 140 K) and to induce a superconducting (SC) dome with a maximum transition temperature [Formula: see text]. This [Formula: see text] is much lower than the Tc ∼ 15-28 K achieved in the case of Ru, Ni and Co substitutions. Such a lower Tc is attributed to a Cu(2+) magnetic pair-breaking effect. The latter is strongly suppressed by applied pressure, as shown herein, Tc can be significantly enhanced by applying high pressures. In this work, we investigated the pressure effects on Cu(2+) magnetic pair-breaking in the BaFe2-xCuxAs2 series. Around the optimal concentration (xopd = 0.11), all samples showed a substantial increase of Tc as a function of pressure. Yet for those samples with a slightly higher doping level (over-doped regime), Tc presented a dome-like shape with maximum Tc ≃ 8 K. Remarkably interesting, the under-doped samples, e.g. x = 0.02 display a maximum pressure induced Tc ≃ 30 K which is comparable to the maximum Tc's found for the pure compound under external pressures. Furthermore, the magnetoresistance effect as a function of pressure in the normal state of the x = 0.02 sample also presented an evolution consistent with the screening of the Cu(2+) local moments. These findings demonstrate that the Cu(2+) magnetic pair-breaking effect is completely suppressed by applying pressure in the low concentration regime of Cu(2+) substituted BaFe2As2.
Egg and pupa of Lobeza dentilinea Schaus, 1901 are described and illustrated for the first time. Eggs are smooth, dome-shaped, and greenish at oviposition. Last instar larvae have an aposematic coloration and the chaetotaxy is very similar to other notodontines, except for the number of lateral setae: L. dentilinea has three instead of four lateral setae on abdominal segments A3-A6. Pupae are light brown and typical of the family, with the last abdominal segments broadly round. Evidence from the adult morphology supporting the placement of the genus in Notodontinae includes proboscis smaller than the length of the head, epiphysis with more than half the length of tibia, tarsal claws simple, and labial palpi short. Male and female are confidently associated, and a redescription of the species is presented based on both sexes. Larvae of L. dentilinea are here recorded feeding on a Melastomataceae.
Purpose: To evaluate prospectively the actual bladder perforation incidence during transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURB) performed by residents and to identify possible predisposing factors to such condition. Patients and Methods: Thirty-four patients with bladder tumor were submitted to TURB in our academic institution in April 2006, and were prospectively studied. Procedures were all done by senior residents under an attending direct supervision. All patients had a cystograms performed after the procedure by the injection of 400 mL of saline-diluted contrast solution with low-pressure infusion through the Foley catheter. The cystograms were evaluated blindly by a single radiologist. All patients were examined by cystoscopy and/or CT every 3 months for the first 2 years postoperatively. Results: The cystogram showed contrast leaking compatible with bladder perforation in 17 (50%) cases. None of the perforations were recognized intraoperatively by the surgeon. All perforations were extraperitoneal and managed conservatively. There was no significant correlation between the incidence of bladder perforation and the patient age (p = 0.508), the tumor stage (p = 0.998), the tumor grade (p = 0.833), the number of lesions (p = 0.394), and the tumor size (p = 0.651). The only factor that had impact on the development of bladder perforation was tumor localization at the bottom of the bladder (p = 0.035; OR, 6750; 95% CI, 1.14, 39.8). Conclusion: Asymptomatic perforations of the bladder wall occur very frequently after a TURB procedure performed by residents in training and, most of the time, are not noticed by the surgeon. Localization of the tumor at bladder dome was the only factor that negatively influenced perforation rates.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of photocoagulation with high-intensity diode laser in the treatment of venous lake (VL) lesions. Background Data: VL is a common vascular lesion characterized by elevated, usually dome-shaped papules, ranging in color from dark blue to dark purple, seen more frequently in elderly patients. They often occur as single lesions on the ears, face, lips, or neck. Once formed, lesions persist throughout life. Although these lesions are usually asymptomatic, they can bleed if injured. Methods: Seventeen patients (7 men and 10 women) with VL on the lip were treated using a noncontact diode laser (wavelength 808 nm, power output 2-3 W in continuous wave). Results: After only one irradiation exposure, all lesions were successfully treated. Healing was completed in approximately 2 to 3 weeks, and none of the patients experienced complications. Postoperative discomfort and scarring were not present or were minimal. Conclusion: Photocoagulation with high-intensity diode laser is an effective, bloodless procedure for the treatment of VL.
This work describes the seasonal and diurnal variations of downward longwave atmospheric irradiance (LW) at the surface in Sao Paulo, Brazil, using 5-min-averaged values of LW, air temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation observed continuously and simultaneously from 1997 to 2006 on a micrometeorological platform, located at the top of a 4-story building. An objective procedure, including 2-step filtering and dome emission effect correction, was used to evaluate the quality of the 9-yr-long LW dataset. The comparison between LW values observed and yielded by the Surface Radiation Budget project shows spatial and temporal agreement, indicating that monthly and annual average values of LW observed in one point of Sao Paulo can be used as representative of the entire metropolitan region of Sao Paulo. The maximum monthly averaged value of the LW is observed during summer (389 +/- 14 W m(-2): January), and the minimum is observed during winter (332 +/- 12 W m(-2); July). The effective emissivity follows the LW and shows a maximum in summer (0.907 +/- 0.032; January) and a minimum in winter (0.818 +/- 0.029; June). The mean cloud effect, identified objectively by comparing the monthly averaged values of the LW during clear-sky days and all-sky conditions, intensified the monthly average LW by about 32.0 +/- 3.5 W m(-2) and the atmospheric effective emissivity by about 0.088 +/- 0.024. In August, the driest month of the year in Sao Paulo, the diurnal evolution of the LW shows a minimum (325 +/- 11 W m(-2)) at 0900 LT and a maximum (345 12 W m-2) at 1800 LT, which lags behind (by 4 h) the maximum diurnal variation of the screen temperature. The diurnal evolution of effective emissivity shows a minimum (0.781 +/- 0.027) during daytime and a maximum (0.842 +/- 0.030) during nighttime. The diurnal evolution of all-sky condition and clear-sky day differences in the effective emissivity remain relatively constant (7% +/- 1%), indicating that clouds do not change the emissivity diurnal pattern. The relationship between effective emissivity and screen air temperature and between effective emissivity and water vapor is complex. During the night, when the planetary boundary layer is shallower, the effective emissivity can be estimated by screen parameters. During the day, the relationship between effective emissivity and screen parameters varies from place to place and depends on the planetary boundary layer process. Because the empirical expressions do not contain enough information about the diurnal variation of the vertical stratification of air temperature and moisture in Sao Paulo, they are likely to fail in reproducing the diurnal variation of the surface emissivity. The most accurate way to estimate the LW for clear-sky conditions in Sao Paulo is to use an expression derived from a purely empirical approach.
Background: Since 1957, when the concept of rotation-advancement repair was introduced by Millard, this technique has become the procedure of choice for unilateral cleft lip worldwide. More recently, modifications described by Noordhoof, Mohler, Skoog, and McComb started being jointly performed so that better results could be obtained. In this study, the nasal position was evaluated and related to the size of the cleft. The primary unilateral cleft lip repair was performed through a modified technique. Methods: Forty-five patients with unilateral cleft lip underwent primary surgical repair through this technique. To analyze aesthetic results, a severity classification of deformities and a scoring system for evaluation of the results were established based on nasal alar lateralization, dome position, alignment of bone segments, and deviation of the columella. Results: By means of the established system, 26.6% of mild forms, 13.4% of moderate forms, and 60% of severe forms were observed. Among aesthetic results, 17.8% were found to be good, and 82.2% were considered excellent. Among aspects considered negative, late deformity of the lower lateral cartilage prevailed. Conclusions: Through the presented evaluation, the authors observed that there was no relation between severity of the cleft and final position of the nose. Among the 27 patients considered to have had severe forms of cleft deformity, 22 were classified as excellent results (81.5%). To obtain better results along time, technical refinements and the critical analysis of results must be performed on a routinely basis.