245 resultados para VPL estendido


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SANTANA, André M.; SANTIAGO, Gutemberg S.; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. Real-Time Visual SLAM Using Pre-Existing Floor Lines as Landmarks and a Single Camera. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA, 2008, Juiz de Fora, MG. Anais... Juiz de Fora: CBA, 2008.


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Os estudos de adsorção de corantes alimentícios de soluções aquosas geralmente estão voltados para a remoção de um corante específico, porém, as misturas binárias são mais realistas para simular efluentes industriais. A adsorção de corantes com quitosana é considerada uma tecnologia alternativa eco amigável, e quando a estrutura da quitosana é modificada quimicamente, resulta em um adsorvente mais adequado. A reticulação da quitosana com cianoguanidina apresenta vantagens, como melhoria na estabilidade em soluções ácidas e diminuição do custo do adsorvente. Nesta pesquisa, o objetivo do trabalho foi modificar a quitosana com cianoguanidina para remoção de corantes alimentícios em sistema aquoso binário. A fim de verificar o comportamento dos adsorventes na operação de adsorção, foram preparadas amostras de quitosana com diferentes graus de desacetilação (75%, 85% e 95%), e após, foram realizadas modificações destas amostras com cianoguanidina. Os adsorventes foram caracterizados e aplicados para a adsorção de azul indigotina e amarelo tatrazina em sistema aquoso binário e em sistema simples. O efeito do pH e do grau de desacetilação foram verificados para a remoção dos corantes por quitosana com e sem modificação em sistema simples e binário. Curvas de equilíbrio foram obtidas em diferentes temperaturas e o modelo estendido de Langmuir foi ajustado aos dados experimentais. O comportamento cinético foi avaliado através dos modelos pseudo-primeira ordem, pseudo-segunda ordem e Avrami. Os parâmetros termodinâmicos foram determinados e estudos de dessorção do adsorvente foram realizados. O pH mais adequado foi 3, e o melhor grau de desacetilação foi 95% para ambos os sistemas aquosos e adsorbatos. As capacidades de adsorção da quitosana sem e com modificação não apresentaram diferença significativa. O modelo de Langmuir estendido apresentou ajuste adequado às curvas de equilíbrio e as máximas capacidades de adsorção foram 595,3 e 680,0 mg g-1, obtidas à 25ºC, para o os corantes azul indigotina e amarelo tatrazina, respectivamente. O modelo de Avrami foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados cinéticos de adsorção. A dessorção do adsorvente foi possível por dois ciclos, mantendo sua capacidade de adsorção em 209,7 mg g-1 no primeiro ciclo e 200,2 mg g-1 no segundo ciclo. A quitosana modificada com cianoguanidina apresentou-se como um adsorvente promissor para a remoção de corantes alimentícios em sistema binário.


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The IT capability is a organizational ability to perform activities of this role more effectively and an important mechanism in creating value. Its building process (stages of creation and development) occurs through management initiatives for improvement in the performance of their activities, using human resources and IT assets complementary responsible for the evolution of their organizational routines. This research deals with the IT capabilities related to SIG (integrated institutional management systems), built and deployed in UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) to realization and control of administrative, academic and human resources activities. Since 2009, through cooperative agreements with federal and educational institutions of direct administration, UFRN has supported the implementation of these systems, currently involving more than 30 institutions. The present study aims to understand how IT capabilities, relevant in the design, implementation and dissemination of SIG, were built over time. This is a single case study of qualitative and longitudinal nature, performed by capturing, coding and analysis from secondary data and from semi-structured interviews conducted primarily with members of Superintenência de Informática, organizational unit responsible for SIG systems in UFRN. As a result, the technical, of internal relationship and external cooperation capabilities were identified as relevant in the successful trajectory of SIG systems, which have evolved in different ways. The technical capacity, initiated in 2004, toured the stages of creation and development until it reached the stage of stability in 2013, due to technological limits. Regarding the internal relationship capability, begun in 2006, it toured the stages of creation and development, having extended its scope of activities in 2009, being in development since then. Unlike the standard life cycle observed in the literature, the external cooperation capability was initiated by an intensity of initiatives and developments in the routines in 2009, which were decreasing to cease in 2013 in order to stabilize the technological infrastructure already created for cooperative institutions. It was still identified the start of cooperation in 2009 as an important event selection, responsible for changing or creating trajectories of evolution in all three capacities. The most frequent improvements initiatives were of organizational nature and the internal planning activity has been transformed over the routines of the three capabilities. Important resources and complementary assets have been identified as important for the realization of initiatives, such as human resources technical knowledge to the technical capabilities and external cooperation, and business knowledge, for all of them, as well as IT assets: the iproject application for control of development processes, and the document repository wiki. All these resources and complementary assets grew along the capacities, demonstrating its strategic value to SINFO/UFRN


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Neste artigo é apresentado um método numérico que pode ser utilizado por alunos de graduação para a solução de problemas em física quântica de poucos corpos. O método é aplicado a dois problemas de dois corpos geralmente vistos pelos estudantes: o átomo de hidrogênio e o dêuteron. O método porém, pode ser estendido para três ou mais partículas.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, 2016.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da termoterapia (56 ºC por 6 min) e quimioterapia (propiconazole 250 ml.l-1) associado com temperatura de armazenamento (temperatura ambiente, 18 ºC e 13 ºC) no controle de podridões de bananas (Musa spp.) 'Prata-Anã' (AAB) em pós-colheita. Os tratamentos apresentaram diferenças significativas na percentagem de área lesionada por fruto, perda de peso e coloração externa da casca em todas as temperaturas de armazenamento. A quimioterapia e a combinação termoterapia e quimioterapia evitaram a manifestação de podridões nas três condições de armazenamento, enquanto a termoterapia reduziu a percentagem de área lesionada por fruto de 98% para 11% em temperatura ambiente, de 8% para 7% em 18 ºC e de 10% para 0% em 13 ºC, sendo mais eficiente sob a temperatura de 13 ºC. Frutos não tratados perderam 25%, 10% e 3% de peso e atingiram a cor 7, 5 e 1 em temperatura ambiente, 18 ºC e 13 ºC, respectivamente. Frutos tratados com termoterapia e quimioterapia perderam 24, 11 e 5% e 20, 10 e 3%, e atingiram índice médio de cor 4 e 3,5, respectivamente. O período de conservação foi estendido para 18, 24 e 45 dias em temperatura ambiente, 18 ºC e 13 ºC, respectivamente. A combinação dos métodos evitou a manifestação de podridões, reduziu a perda de peso e manteve a cor da casca e a qualidade dos frutos.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Florestais, 2015.


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The behavior of the fluid flux in oil fields is influenced by different factors and it has a big impact on the recovery of hydrocarbons. There is a need of evaluating and adapting the actual technology to the worldwide reservoirs reality, not only on the exploration (reservoir discovers) but also on the development of those that were already discovered, however not yet produced. The in situ combustion (ISC) is a suitable technique for these recovery of hydrocarbons, although it remains complex to be implemented. The main objective of this research was to study the application of the ISC as an advanced oil recovery technique through a parametric analysis of the process using vertical wells within a semi synthetic reservoir that had the characteristics from the brazilian northwest, in order to determine which of those parameters could influence the process, verifying the technical and economical viability of the method on the oil industry. For that analysis, a commercial reservoir simulation program for thermal processes was used, called steam thermal and advanced processes reservoir simulator (STARS) from the computer modeling group (CMG). This study aims, through the numerical analysis, find results that help improve mainly the interpretation and comprehension of the main problems related to the ISC method, which are not yet dominated. From the results obtained, it was proved that the mediation promoted by the thermal process ISC over the oil recovery is very important, with rates and cumulated production positively influenced by the method application. It was seen that the application of the method improves the oil mobility as a function of the heating when the combustion front forms inside the reservoir. Among all the analyzed parameters, the activation energy presented the bigger influence, it means, the lower the activation energy the bigger the fraction of recovered oil, as a function of the chemical reactions speed rise. It was also verified that the higher the enthalpy of the reaction, the bigger the fraction of recovered oil, due to a bigger amount of released energy inside the system, helping the ISC. The reservoir parameters: porosity and permeability showed to have lower influence on the ISC. Among the operational parameters that were analyzed, the injection rate was the one that showed a stronger influence on the ISC method, because, the higher the value of the injection rate, the higher was the result obtained, mainly due to maintaining the combustion front. In connection with the oxygen concentration, an increase of the percentage of this parameter translates into a higher fraction of recovered oil, because the quantity of fuel, helping the advance and the maintenance of the combustion front for a longer period of time. About the economic analysis, the ISC method showed to be economically feasible when evaluated through the net present value (NPV), considering the injection rates: the higher the injection rate, the higher the financial incomes of the final project


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Este trabalho propõe um modelo de prospecção de cenários e avaliação de projetos de atividades econômicas de produção agrícola de mamona caracterizada como agricultura familiar, extração de óleo vegetal in natura de sementes de mamona e produção de biodiesel (transesterificação), na forma de cadeia produtiva integrada. O modelo utiliza indicadores de avaliação econômico-flnanceiro, ambiental e social, como por exemplo, VPL, TIR, PBS, PBD, custo de produção, renda familiar, número de famílias assentadas e funcionários empregados, e outros, para identificar o desempenho de cada proposta de projeto. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um ambiente computacional "AGRIFIS" para abrigar o modelo proposto nesse trabalho, que é uma ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão para investimentos em cadeia produtiva de mamona, pois se pode estimar o fluxo de caixa futuro de uma determinada proposta de projeto, incluindo as lucratividades, as despesas, a rentabilidade das famílias assentadas para determinadas condições pré-estabelecidas.


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When it comes to oil and gas in Brazil is almost certain that we are referring to activities in deep waters off the coast of Campos, Rio de Janeiro, the main field of action of PETROBRAS and a small number of multinational oil companies . Since the Law 9.478/97 allows, by means of concessions, that other companies other than Petrobras, to explore and produce oil and gas domestically. Soon it moved, then the private companies that want small and medium-sized businesses to invest in such activities, forming a segment of independent producers, as occurs in other countries. In this context, this work aims at making an economic feasibility study, is currently analyzing how this thread and focus on the factors that contribute to its development as well as those that constitute barriers. To this end, we conducted a survey examining some mature fields that are in production in order to capture cost information in the phases of project, operation and abandonment. The work also presents an analysis of the results obtained in the survey, identifying the costs higher. With the results obtained through the study used economic engineering tools such as NPV and IRR, using a variety of design scenarios, to study the economic viability of these fields. In scenario 4 was set a production of 4.0 m³ / d of oil, which is an expected average production for several of these fields, whose minimum value of a barrel of oil, to enable this field, was $ 55.00, this value well below what was being practiced in the market today.


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Nearly 3 x 1011 m3 of medium and light oils will remain in reservoirs worldwide after conventional recovery methods have been exhausted and much of this volume would be recovered by Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods. The in-situ combustion (ISC) is an EOR method in which an oxygen-containing gas is injected into a reservoir where it reacts with the crude oil to create a high-temperature combustion front that is propagated through the reservoir. The High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) method is a particular denomination of the air injection process applied in light oil reservoirs, for which the combustion reactions are dominant between 150 and 300°C and the generation of flue gas is the main factor to the oil displacement. A simulation model of a homogeneous reservoir was built to study, which was initially undergone to primary production, for 3 years, next by a waterflooding process for 21 more years. At this point, with the mature condition established into the reservoir, three variations of this model were selected, according to the recovery factors (RF) reached, for study the in-situ combustion (HPAI) technique. Next to this, a sensitivity analysis on the RF of characteristic operational parameters of the method was carried out: air injection rate per well, oxygen concentration into the injected gas, patterns of air injection and wells perforations configuration. This analysis, for 10 more years of production time, was performed with assistance of the central composite design. The reservoir behavior and the impacts of chemical reactions parameters and of reservoir particularities on the RF were also evaluated. An economic analysis and a study to maximize the RF of the process were also carried out. The simulation runs were performed in the simulator of thermal processes in reservoirs STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The results showed the incremental RF were small and the net present value (NPV) is affected by high initial investments to compress the air. It was noticed that the adoption of high oxygen concentration into the injected gas and of the five spot pattern tends to improve the RF, and the wells perforations configuration has more influence with the increase of the oil thickness. Simulated cases relating to the reservoir particularities showed that smaller residual oil saturations to gas lead to greater RF and the presence of heterogeneities results in important variations on the RF and on the production curves


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Increase hydrocarbons production is the main goal of the oilwell industry worldwide. Hydraulic fracturing is often applied to achieve this goal due to a combination of attractive aspects including easiness and low operational costs associated with fast and highly economical response. Conventional fracturing usually involves high-flowing high-pressure pumping of a viscous fluid responsible for opening the fracture in the hydrocarbon producing rock. The thickness of the fracture should be enough to assure the penetration of the particles of a solid proppant into the rock. The proppant is driven into the target formation by a carrier fluid. After pumping, all fluids are filtered through the faces of the fracture and penetrate the rock. The proppant remains in the fracture holding it open and assuring high hydraulic conductivity. The present study proposes a different approach for hydraulic fracturing. Fractures with infinity conductivity are formed and used to further improve the production of highly permeable formations as well as to produce long fractures in naturally fractured formations. Naturally open fractures with infinite conductivity are usually encountered. They can be observed in rock outcrops and core plugs, or noticed by the total loss of circulation during drilling (even with low density fluids), image profiles, pumping tests (Mini-Frac and Mini Fall Off), and injection tests below fracturing pressure, whose flow is higher than expected for radial Darcian ones. Naturally occurring fractures are kept open by randomly shaped and placed supporting points, able to hold the faces of the fracture separate even under typical closing pressures. The approach presented herein generates infinite conductivity canal held open by artificially created parallel supporting areas positioned both horizontally and vertically. The size of these areas is designed to hold the permeable zones open supported by the impermeable areas. The England & Green equation was used to theoretically prove that the fracture can be held open by such artificially created set of horizontal parallel supporting areas. To assess the benefits of fractures characterized by infinite conductivity, an overall comparison with finite conductivity fractures was carried out using a series of parameters including fracture pressure loss and dimensionless conductivity as a function of flow production, FOI folds of increase, flow production and cumulative production as a function of time, and finally plots of net present value and productivity index


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A Condução de um veículo automóvel tem-se tornado cada vez mais automatizada ao longo dos anos. Este processo tem-se vindo a desenvolver com o intuito de facilitar cada vez mais a condução dos veículos, de prevenir acidentes rodoviários ou ainda de ser utilizado em operações militares. Este trabalho tem como principal foco o estudo da aplicação de dois dos principais métodos de cálculo da localização probabilística à localização de um veículo automóvel autónomo: o Filtro Estendido de Kalman e o Filtro de Partículas. Foram implementadas várias versões de ambos os filtros, quer em simulação, quer num veículo real, tendo por base, em termos de sensores, a odometria do robô, uma unidade inercial e um GPS. Este trabalho surge na continuação de vários projetos anteriores, com foco no desenvolvimento de um veículo autónomo de baixo custo, acrescentando-lhe a funcionalidade de se localizar. Neste sentido, o trabalho desenvolvido servirá de base para a navegação autónoma em trabalhos futuros.