895 resultados para Unsupervised endmember extraction
A quantitative model of water movement within the immediate vicinity of an individual root is developed and results of an experiment to validate the model are presented. The model is based on the assumption that the amount of water transpired by a plant in a certain period is replaced by an equal volume entering its root system during the same time. The model is based on the Darcy-Buckingham equation to calculate the soil water matric potential at any distance from a plant root as a function of parameters related to crop, soil and atmospheric conditions. The model output is compared against measurements of soil water depletion by rice roots monitored using γ-beam attenuation in a greenhouse of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"/Universidade de São Paulo(ESALQ/USP) in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in 1993. The experimental results are in agreement with the output from the model. Model simulations show that a single plant root is able to withdraw water from more than 0.1 m away within a few days. We therefore can assume that root distribution is a less important factor for soil water extraction efficiency.
Two concentration methods for fast and routine determination of caffeine (using HPLC-UV detection) in surface, and wastewater are evaluated. Both methods are based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) concentration with octadecyl silica sorbents. A common “offline” SPE procedure shows that quantitative recovery of caffeine is obtained with 2 mL of an elution mixture solvent methanol-water containing at least 60% methanol. The method detection limit is 0.1 μg L−1 when percolating 1 L samples through the cartridge. The development of an “online” SPE method based on a mini-SPE column, containing 100 mg of the same sorbent, directly connected to the HPLC system allows the method detection limit to be decreased to 10 ng L−1 with a sample volume of 100 mL. The “offline” SPE method is applied to the analysis of caffeine in wastewater samples, whereas the “on-line” method is used for analysis in natural waters from streams receiving significant water intakes from local wastewater treatment plants
In most pathology laboratories worldwide, formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples are the only tissue specimens available for routine diagnostics. Although commercial kits for diagnostic molecular pathology testing are becoming available, most of the current diagnostic tests are laboratory-based assays. Thus, there is a need for standardized procedures in molecular pathology, starting from the extraction of nucleic acids. To evaluate the current methods for extracting nucleic acids from FFPE tissues, 13 European laboratories, participating to the European FP6 program IMPACTS (www.impactsnetwork.eu), isolated nucleic acids from four diagnostic FFPE tissues using their routine methods, followed by quality assessment. The DNA-extraction protocols ranged from homemade protocols to commercial kits. Except for one homemade protocol, the majority gave comparable results in terms of the quality of the extracted DNA measured by the ability to amplify differently sized control gene fragments by PCR. For array-applications or tests that require an accurately determined DNA-input, we recommend using silica based adsorption columns for DNA recovery. For RNA extractions, the best results were obtained using chromatography column based commercial kits, which resulted in the highest quantity and best assayable RNA. Quality testing using RT-PCR gave successful amplification of 200 bp-250 bp PCR products from most tested tissues. Modifications of the proteinase-K digestion time led to better results, even when commercial kits were applied. The results of the study emphasize the need for quality control of the nucleic acid extracts with standardised methods to prevent false negative results and to allow data comparison among different diagnostic laboratories.
Several features that can be extracted from digital images of the sky and that can be useful for cloud-type classification of such images are presented. Some features are statistical measurements of image texture, some are based on the Fourier transform of the image and, finally, others are computed from the image where cloudy pixels are distinguished from clear-sky pixels. The use of the most suitable features in an automatic classification algorithm is also shown and discussed. Both the features and the classifier are developed over images taken by two different camera devices, namely, a total sky imager (TSI) and a whole sky imager (WSC), which are placed in two different areas of the world (Toowoomba, Australia; and Girona, Spain, respectively). The performance of the classifier is assessed by comparing its image classification with an a priori classification carried out by visual inspection of more than 200 images from each camera. The index of agreement is 76% when five different sky conditions are considered: clear, low cumuliform clouds, stratiform clouds (overcast), cirriform clouds, and mottled clouds (altocumulus, cirrocumulus). Discussion on the future directions of this research is also presented, regarding both the use of other features and the use of other classification techniques
The objective of this study was to extract and concentrate calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystals from plant leaves that form the above mentioned crystals. The chemical and physical studies of CaOx from plant to be performed depend on an adequate amount of the crystals. The plant used in this study was croton (Codiaeum variegatum). The leaves were ground in a heavy duty blender and sieved through a 0.20 mm sieve. The suspension obtained was suspended in distilled water. The crystals were concentrated at the bottom of a test tube. The supernatant must be washed until it is free of plant pigments and other organic substances. Biogenic CaOx crystals have well-defined and sharp peaks, indicating very high crystallinity. Moreover, the CaOx crystals were not damaged during the extraction procedure, as can be seen on the scanning electron microscope images. The porposed method can be considered efficient to extract and concentrate biogenic calcium oxalate.
The deficiency or excess of micronutrients has been determined by analyses of soil and plant tissue. In Brazil, the lack of studies that would define and standardize extraction and determination methods, as well as lack of correlation and calibration studies, makes it difficult to establish limits of concentration classes for analysis interpretation and fertilizer recommendations for crops. A specific extractor for soil analysis is sometimes chosen due to the ease of use in the laboratory and not in view of its efficiency in determining a bioavailable nutrient. The objectives of this study were to: (a) evaluate B concentrations in the soil as related to the fertilizer rate, soil depth and extractor; (b) verify the nutrient movement in the soil profile; (c) evaluate efficiency of Hot Water, Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 as available B extractors, using sunflower as test plant. The experimental design consisted of complete randomized blocks with four replications and treatments of five B rates (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 kg ha-1) applied to the soil surface and evaluated at six depths (0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.15, 0.15-0.20, 0.20-0.30, and 0.30-0.40 m). Boron concentrations in the soil extracted by Hot Water, Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 extractors increased linearly in relation to B rates at all depths evaluated, indicating B mobility in the profile. The extractors had different B extraction capacities, but were all efficient to evaluate bioavailability of the nutrient to sunflower. Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 can therefore be used to analyze B as well as Hot Water.
The amounts of macro (P, K, Ca and Mg) and micronutrients (Cu and Zn) extracted with the Mehlich-1 (M1) solution, by the 1.0 mol L-1 KCl (KCl) and with the 0.1 mol L-1 HCl (HCl) for representative soil types of the Rio Grande do Sul state (Brazil) were compared with those extracted with the Mehlich-1 solution determined with the inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP). The amounts of nutrients extracted by the different methods showed high correlation coefficients. On average, the Mehlich-1 solution extracted similar amounts of P, determined with colorimetric and ICP methods, and, K determined with emission and ICP. The amounts of Ca and Mg extracted with the Mehlich-1 solution, determined by ICP, were similar to those extracted with the KCl solution determined by the atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The amounts of Cu and Zn extracted with the Mehlich-1 solution, determined by the ICP, were higher than those extracted with the 0.1 mol L-1 HCl determined by the atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results indicate that the Mehlich-1 solution and ICP can be used for simultaneous multielement extraction and determination for Southern Brazilian soils. However, a conversion factor for values interpretation is needed. The use of the conversion factor to determine the K availability index in soils is adequate and does not affect the K recommendations for crops in southern Brazilian soils.
Information about nutrient extraction and exportation by crops, as well as the periods of highest nutrient demand is important for an adequate fertilization management. However, there are no studies on the nutrient uptake of short-stature hybrid castor bean. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate nutrient extraction and exportation by short-stature castor bean hybrid Lyra, in the spring-summer and fall-winter growing seasons. The experiments were conducted in the 2005/2006 spring-summer and 2006 fall-winter growing seasons on an Oxisol, in Botucatu, SP, in a randomized block design, with four replications. The plots consisted of plant samplings, which occurred 17, 31, 45, 59, 73, 97 and 120 days after emergence (DAE) in the spring-summer and 17, 31, 45, 59, 80, 100 and 120 DAE in fall-winter growing season. The growth of hybrid Lyra was slow and nutrient uptake lowest between emergence and the beginning of flowering. The period of highest dry matter (DM) accumulation rates and highest nutrient demand were observed 40 to 80 DAE, in both growing seasons. The order of nutrient extraction by the plants in the spring-summer growing season was: N>K>Ca>Mg>S>P>Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu>Mo. In fall-winter, S was more absorbed than Mg. Seed yield was higher in the spring-summer (2.995 kg ha-1), but nutrient extraction and exportation per ton of seed were similar in both growing seasons. Around 58 % of N and 84 % of P, and approximately half of the S and B absorbed throughout the cycle were exported with the seeds. However, most of the other nutrients accumulated in the plants returned to the soil in plant residues.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the forensic protocol recently developed by Qiagen for the QIAsymphony automated DNA extraction platform. Samples containing low amounts of DNA were specifically considered, since they represent the majority of samples processed in our laboratory. The analysis of simulated blood and saliva traces showed that the highest DNA yields were obtained with the maximal elution volume available for the forensic protocol, that is 200 ml. Resulting DNA extracts were too diluted for successful DNA profiling and required a concentration. This additional step is time consuming and potentially increases inversion and contamination risks. The 200 ml DNA extracts were concentrated to 25 ml, and the DNA recovery estimated with real-time PCR as well as with the percentage of SGM Plus alleles detected. Results using our manual protocol, based on the QIAamp DNA mini kit, and the automated protocol were comparable. Further tests will be conducted to determine more precisely DNA recovery, contamination risk and PCR inhibitors removal, once a definitive procedure, allowing the concentration of DNA extracts from low yield samples, will be available for the QIAsymphony.
Objectifs: Exposer une nouvelle technique permettant le retrait de ciment extra-vertebral par fuite accidentelle lors du retrait du matériel. Matériels et méthodes: Nous injectons le ciment lorsque sa densité est celle d'une pâte dentifrice pour éviter les passages vasculaires. Lorsque la vertèbre est parfaitement remplie,nous patientons quelques minutes pour éviter la fuite de ciment le long du trajet (environ 4 a 6 cc en moyenne par vertèbre sont injectés). Malgré ces précautions,une fuite de ciment peut survenir lors du retrait du trocart. Cette complication est rare lorsque l'on prend les précautions nécessaires. Cependant, si la pressionintra-vertébrale est importante, le ciment peut être aspiré en dehors de la vertèbre. Résultats: L'aiguille du trocart est retirée pour être remplacée par une pince d'endoscopie 13 gauges. Sous guidage scopique, l'extraction se fait sous contrôle continu ; lapince retirant la fuite de ciment. Conclusion: La connaissance de cette intervention peut être très utile pour les équipes de radiologie interventionnelle , d'orthopédie et de neurochirurgie réalisant desvertébroplasties, pouvant être confrontées à ce type de problèmes.
The use of cultivars with a higher yield potential and the adoption of new technology have achieved high grain yields in common bean, which probably changed the demand for nutrients in this crop. However, there is almost no information about the periods of the cycle in which nutrients are most demanded at which quantities by the main cultivars. The objective of this study was to evaluate the macronutrient extraction and exportation by the common bean cultivars Pérola and IAC Alvorada, under different levels of NPK fertilization, on a dystroferric Red Nitosol, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block (split plot) design with four replications. The plots consisted of six treatments based on a 2 x 3 factorial model, represented by two cultivars and three NPK levels (PD0 - 'Pérola' without fertilization, PD1 - 'Pérola' with 50 % of recommended fertilization, PD2 - 'Pérola' with 100 % of recommended fertilization, AD0 - 'IAC Alvorada' without fertilization, AD1 - 'IAC Alvorada' with 50 % of recommended fertilization, and AD2 - 'IAC Alvorada' with 100 % of recommended fertilization) and subplots sampled seven times during the cycle. At higher levels of NPK fertilization, the grain yield and macronutrient extraction and exportation of both cultivars were higher, but without statistical differences. Macronutrient absorption was higher in the treatments with 100 % of recommended NPK fertilization (average amounts per hectare: 140 kg N, 16.5 kg P, 120 kg K, 69 kg Ca, 17.9 kg Mg, and 16.3 kg S). Regardless of the treatment, the demand for N, P, K, Ca, and Mg was highest from 45 to 55 days after emergence (DAE), i.e., in the R7 stage (pod formation), while the highest S absorption rates were concentrated between 55 and 65 DAE. More than 70 % of P, between 58 and 69 % of N, 40 and 52 % of S, 40 and 48 % of K, and 35 and 45 % of Mg absorbed during the cycle was exported with grains, whereas less than 15 % of Ca was exported.
Where the level of agricultural technology is higher, common bean cultivars with a higher yield potential possibly require greater amounts of micronutrients. In Brazil however, there is a lack of information about the micronutrient extraction and exportation by the main grown cultivars. The objective of this study was to evaluate micronutrient (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) extraction and exportation by common bean cultivars Pérola and IAC Alvorada, under different levels of NPK fertilization, on a dystroferric Red Nitosol, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block (split plot) design with four replications. The plots consisted of six treatments based on a 2 x 3 factorial model, represented by two cultivars and three NPK levels (PD0 - 'Pérola' without fertilization, PD1 - 'Pérola' with 50 % of recommended fertilization, PD2 - 'Pérola' with 100 % of recommended fertilization, AD0 - 'IAC Alvorada' without fertilization, AD1 - 'IAC Alvorada' with 50 % of recommended fertilization, and AD2 - 'IAC Alvorada' with 100 % of recommended fertilization) and subplots sampled seven times during the cycle. Higher levels of NPK fertilization increased micronutrient extraction by both cultivars, and treatments with 100 % of recommended NPK fertilization extracted on average 167 g B, 58 g Cu, 1,405 g Fe, 1,213 g Mn and 211 g Zn per hectare. Regardless of the treatment, the highest demand period for B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in both cultivars occurred at the R7 stage (pod formation), i.e. 42 to 55 days after emergence (DAE). The amount of B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn exported depended mainly on the level of NPK fertilization used, with values per hectare ranging from 38 to 90 g of B, 12 to 26 g of Cu, 222 to 568 g of Fe 234 to 467 g of Mn, and 40 to 96 g of Zn.
In general, Latosols have low levels of available P, however, the influence of the parent material seems to be decisive in defining the pool and predominant form of P in these soils. This study evaluated P availability by extraction with Mehlich-1 (M-1) and Ion Exchange Resin (IER), from samples of B horizons of Ferric and Perferric Latosols developed from different parent materials. To this end, in addition to the physical and chemical characterization of soils, 10 sequential extractions were performed with M-1 and IER from samples of B horizons (depth between 0.8 and 1.0 m). Total contents of Ca, P, Fe, Al, and Ti were determined after digestion with nitric, hydrofluoric and perchloric acids. The effects of sequential P extractions on Fe oxides were also evaluated from the analyses of dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate and ammonium acid oxalate. The high similarity between contents of P accumulated after sequential extractions with M-1 and IER in soils developed on tuffite indicated a predominance of P-Ca. Higher contents of P after a single IER extraction show greater efficiency in P removal from highly weathered soils, as from the Latosols studied here. The P contents also show the high sensitivity of extractant M-1 in highly buffered soils. Furthermore, a single extraction with extractant M-1 or IER is not sufficient to estimate the amount of labile P in these soils.
The Mehlich-1 (M-1) extractant and Monocalcium Phosphate in acetic acid (MCPa) have mechanisms for extraction of available P and S in acidity and in ligand exchange, whether of the sulfate of the extractant by the phosphate of the soil, or of the phosphate of the extractant by the sulfate of the soil. In clayey soils, with greater P adsorption capacity, or lower remaining P (Rem-P) value, which corresponds to soils with greater Phosphate Buffer Capacity (PBC), more buffered for acidity, the initially low pH of the extractants increases over their time of contact with the soil in the direction of the pH of the soil; and the sulfate of the M-1 or the phosphate of the MCPa is adsorbed by adsorption sites occupied by these anions or not. This situation makes the extractant lose its extraction capacity, a phenomenon known as loss of extraction capacity or consumption of the extractant, the object of this study. Twenty soil samples were chosen so as to cover the range of Rem-P (0 to 60 mg L-1). Rem-P was used as a measure of the PBC. The P and S contents available from the soil samples through M-1 and MCPa, and the contents of other nutrients and of organic matter were determined. For determination of loss of extraction capacity, after the rest period, the pH and the P and S contents were measured in both the extracts-soils. Although significant, the loss of extraction capacity of the acidity of the M-1 and MCPa extractants with reduction in the Rem-P value did not have a very expressive effect. A “linear plateau” model was observed for the M-1 for discontinuous loss of extraction capacity of the P content in accordance with reduction in the concentration of the Rem-P or increase in the PBC, suggesting that a discontinuous model should also be adopted for interpretation of available P of soils with different Rem-P values. In contrast, a continuous linear response was observed between the P variables in the extract-soil and Rem-P for the MCPa extractor, which shows increasing loss of extraction capacity of this extractor with an increase in the PBC of the soil, indicating the validity of the linear relationship between the available S of the soil and the PBC, estimated by Rem-P, as currently adopted.
PURPOSE: To objectively characterize different heart tissues from functional and viability images provided by composite-strain-encoding (C-SENC) MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: C-SENC is a new MRI technique for simultaneously acquiring cardiac functional and viability images. In this work, an unsupervised multi-stage fuzzy clustering method is proposed to identify different heart tissues in the C-SENC images. The method is based on sequential application of the fuzzy c-means (FCM) and iterative self-organizing data (ISODATA) clustering algorithms. The proposed method is tested on simulated heart images and on images from nine patients with and without myocardial infarction (MI). The resulting clustered images are compared with MRI delayed-enhancement (DE) viability images for determining MI. Also, Bland-Altman analysis is conducted between the two methods. RESULTS: Normal myocardium, infarcted myocardium, and blood are correctly identified using the proposed method. The clustered images correctly identified 90 +/- 4% of the pixels defined as infarct in the DE images. In addition, 89 +/- 5% of the pixels defined as infarct in the clustered images were also defined as infarct in DE images. The Bland-Altman results show no bias between the two methods in identifying MI. CONCLUSION: The proposed technique allows for objectively identifying divergent heart tissues, which would be potentially important for clinical decision-making in patients with MI.