976 resultados para Unit cell dimension
Isotibolone is frequently found as an impurity in tibolone, a drug used for hormone reposition of post-menopause women, due to some inadequate tibolone synthesis or as a result of degradation during drug storage. The presence of isotibolone impurities should be detected and quantified in active pharmaceutical ingredient products of tibolone before its use in the manufacturing of medicaments. The X-ray powder diffraction technique offers the possibility of quantifying isotibolone amounts at different stages of drug production and storage, from the chemical synthesis to the final formulation. In the course of a study involving the quantitative analysis of isotibolone by X-ray powder diffraction, the authors determined the structure of the title compound using a recently developed approach (A. Gomez and S. Kycia, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 2011, 44, 708-713). The structure is monoclinic, space group P2(1) (4), with unit cell parameters a = 6.80704(7) angstrom, b = 20.73858(18) angstrom, c = 6.44900(6) angstrom, beta = 76.4302(5)degrees, V = 884.980(15) angstrom(3) and two molecules per unit cell (Z = 2). The molecules are hydrogen bonded in the ab plane forming layers that are held together in the crystal by van der Waals interactions along the c-axis.
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction of malate dehydrogenase from Plasmodium falciparum
The expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction characterization of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) from the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum (PfMDH) are reported. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the function and role of PfMDH, the protein was purified to homogeneity. The purified protein crystallized in space group P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 72, b = 157, c = 159 angstrom, a = 105, beta = 101, ? = 95 degrees. The resulting crystals diffracted to a maximal resolution of 2.24 angstrom and the structure has been solved by molecular replacement, with 16 monomers in the asymmetric unit. The 16 monomers are arranged into four independent tetramers, in agreement with previous reports demonstrating the tetrameric solution state of PfMDH. The X-ray structure of PfMDH is expected to clarify the differences in catalysis by PfMDH compared with other MDH family members and to provide a basis for the structure-based design of specific PfMDH inhibitors as well as general MDH inhibitors.
The purpose of this article is to present a method which consists in the development of unit cell numerical models for smart composite materials with piezoelectric fibers made of PZT embedded in a non-piezoelectric matrix (epoxy resin). This method evaluates a globally homogeneous medium equivalent to the original composite, using a representative volume element (RVE). The suitable boundary conditions allow the simulation of all modes of the overall deformation arising from any arbitrary combination of mechanical and electrical loading. In the first instance, the unit cell is applied to predict the effective material coefficients of the transversely isotropic piezoelectric composite with circular cross section fibers. The numerical results are compared to other methods reported in the literature and also to results previously published, in order to evaluate the method proposal. In the second step, the method is applied to calculate the equivalent properties for smart composite materials with square cross section fibers. Results of comparison between different combinations of circular and square fiber geometries, observing the influence of the boundary conditions and arrangements are presented.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die binäre intermetallische Verbindung TixFe1-x im C14 Laves-Phase Stabilitätsbereich anhand von dünnen Schichten untersucht. TiFe2 weist zwei energetisch nahezu entartete magnetische Grundzustände auf. Dies führt zu einer starken Korrelation von strukturellen und magnetischen Eigenschaften, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht wurden. Es wurden daher epitaktische Schichten mit variabler Zusammensetzung im C14 Stabilitätsbereich auf Al2O3 (001)-orientierten Substraten mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie präpariert und strukturell charakterisiert. Die temperatur- und magnetfeldabhängigen magnetischen Eigenschaften dieser Proben wurden mittels DC-SQUID Magnetisierungsmessungen bestimmt. Es zeigte sich eine magnetische Phasenseparation von Antiferromagnetismus und Ferromagnetismus in Abhängigkeit von der Zusammensetzung. Aus den charakteristischen Ordnungstemperaturen konnte ein magnetisches Phasendiagramm für dünne Schichten und niedrige Aligning-Felder erstellt werden. Ein Phasendiagramm für Volumenproben bei hohem Magnetfeld unterscheidet sich von diesem im Wesentlichen durch den Einfluß von Fe-Segregation in den Volumenproben, welche bei der epitaktischen Präparation nicht auftritt. Anhand von Monte-Carlo Verfahren, denen ein quenched random disorder Modell zugrunde lag, wurde das Verhalten der Dünnschichtproben simuliert und daraus ein magnetisches Phasendiagramm abgeleitet. Das simulierte und experimentelle Phasendiagramm stimmt in den wesentlichen Punkten überein. Die Unterschiede sind durch die speziellen Wachstumseigenschaften von TiFe2 erklärbar. Als Ergebnis kann die magnetische Phasenseparation in diesem System als Auswirkung einer Symmetriebrechung durch Substitution in der Einheitszelle beschrieben werden.
In the course of this work the effect of metal substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of the double perovskites Sr2MM’O6 (M = Fe, substituted by Cr, Zn and Ga; M’ = Re, substituted by Sb) was explored by means of X-ray diffraction, magnetic measurements, band structure calculations, Mößbauer spectroscopy and conductivity measurements. The focus of this study was the determination of (i) the kind and structural boundary conditions of the magnetic interaction between the M and M’ cations and (ii) the conditions for the principal application of double perovskites as spintronic materials by means of the band model approach. Strong correlations between the electronic, structural and magnetic properties have been found during the study of the double perovskites Sr2Fe1-xMxReO6 (0 < x < 1, M = Zn, Cr). The interplay between van Hove-singularity and Fermi level plays a crucial role for the magnetic properties. Substitution of Fe by Cr in Sr2FeReO6 leads to a non-monotonic behaviour of the saturation magnetization (MS) and an enhancement for substitution levels up to 10 %. The Curie temperatures (TC) monotonically increase from 401 to 616 K. In contrast, Zn substitution leads to a continuous decrease of MS and TC. The diamagnetic dilution of the Fe-sublattice by Zn leads to a transition from an itinerant ferrimagnetic to a localized ferromagnetic material. Thus, Zn substitution inhibits the long-range ferromagnetic interaction within the Fe-sublattice and preserves the long-range ferromagnetic interaction within the Re-sublattice. Superimposed on the electronic effects is the structural influence which can be explained by size effects modelled by the tolerance factor t. In the case of Cr substitution, a tetragonal – cubic transformation for x > 0.4 is observed. For Zn substituted samples the tetragonal distortion linearly increases with increasing Zn content. In order to elucidate the nature of the magnetic interaction between the M and M’ cations, Fe and Re were substituted by the valence invariant main group metals Ga and Sb, respectively. X-ray diffraction reveals Sr2FeRe1-xSbxO6 (0 < x < 0.9) to crystallize without antisite disorder in the tetragonal distorted perovskite structure (space group I4/mmm). The ferrimagnetic behaviour of the parent compound Sr2FeReO6 changes to antiferromagnetic upon Sb substitution as determined by magnetic susceptibility measurements. Samples up to a doping level of 0.3 are ferrimagnetic, while Sb contents higher than 0.6 result in an overall antiferromagnetic behaviour. 57Fe Mößbauer results show a coexistence of ferri- and antiferromagnetic clusters within the same perovskite-type crystal structure in the Sb substitution range 0.3 < x < 0.8, whereas Sr2FeReO6 and Sr2FeRe0.9Sb0.1O6 are “purely” ferrimagnetic and Sr2FeRe0.1Sb0.9O6 contains antiferromagnetically ordered Fe sites only. Consequently, a replacement of the Re atoms by a nonmagnetic main group element such as Sb blocks the double exchange pathways Fe–O–Re(Sb)–O–Fe along the crystallographic axis of the perovskite unit cell and destroys the itinerant magnetism of the parent compound. The structural and magnetic characterization of Sr2Fe1-xGaxReO6 (0 < x < 0.7) exhibit a Ga/Re antisite disorder which is unexpected because the parent compound Sr2FeReO6 shows no Fe/Re antisite disorder. This antisite disorder strongly depends on the Ga content of the sample. Although the X-ray data do not hint at a phase separation, sample inhomogeneities caused by a demixing are observed by a combination of magnetic characterization and Mößbauer spectroscopy. The 57Fe Mößbauer data suggest the formation of two types of clusters, ferrimagnetic Fe- and paramagnetic Ga-based ones. Below 20 % Ga content, Ga statistically dilutes the Fe–O–Re–O–Fe double exchange pathways. Cluster formation begins at x = 0.2, for 0.2 < x < 0.4 the paramagnetic Ga-based clusters do not contain any Fe. Fe containing Ga-based clusters which can be detected by Mößbauer spectroscopy firstly appear for x = 0.4.
Ausgehend von der Entdeckung der reversiblen Strukturierung mittels Rastersondenmethoden im Phasensystem Na2O/V2O5/P2O5 wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zwei Ansatzpunkte verfolgt. Einerseits sollten mittels der Schmelzflußelektrolyse einige bereits existierende niederdimensionale Molybdänbronzen mit bekannten elektronischen Übergängen in ausreichend großen Kristallen gezüchtet werden, um sie auf ihre Strukturierungseigenschaften hin zu untersuchen. Gleichzeitig sollte durch Variation versucht werden, neue, bisher unbekannte Bronzen oder reduzierte Oxide zu synthetisieren und charakterisieren. Der zweite Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag in der Synthese und Charakterisierung von Oxidchalkogeniden, bestehend aus einem Seltenerdmetall und einem 3d-Metall von Titan bis hin zu den mittleren Übergangsmetallen. Diese Verbindungen können durch die Kombination der jeweiligen Eigenschaften der oxidischen und chalkogeniden Teilstrukturen völlig neue elektronische und/oder magnetische Eigenschaften aufweisen. Mögliche auftretende Phasenübergänge sind wiederum für Strukturierungsversuche interessant. Die zu den Oxidchalkogeniden durchgeführten Untersuchungen ergaben im Phasensystem Ln/Ti/S/O (Ln = Lanthanoide) insgesamt sechs Verbindungen. Zwei von ihnen, La8Ti9S24O4 und Nd20Ti11S44O6, besitzen als gemeinsames Strukturelement tetranukleare [Ti4(u4-S)2(u2-O)4]-Cluster, bestehend aus vier miteinander über gemeinsame Flächen kondensierte TiS4O2-Oktaeder. Die Titanpositionen innerhalb der Cluster sind mit Ti+3-Ionen besetzt. Beide Verbindungen weisen in einem Temperaturbereich zwischen 150 K und 250 K eine deutlich ausgeprägte Hysterese der magnetischen Suszeptibilität auf, die sich im Falle von La8Ti9S24O4 auf einen Jahn-Teller-Übergang zurückführen läßt. Daneben konnte erstmals eine Serie oxidisch/sulfidisch gemischter Ruddlesden-Popper-Verbindungen mit Ln2Ti2S2O5 (Ln = Pr, Nd, Sm) synthetisiert und charakterisiert werden. Titan liegt als vierwertiges Ion in aus TiSO5-Oktaedern gebildeten Perowskit-Doppelschichten vor. Die neunfach koordinierten Positionen sind mit den Seltenerdmetallionen gefüllt, die zwölffach koordinierten Lagen sind unbesetzt. Bei dem sechsten erhaltene Titanoxidsulfid, La4TiS6.5O1.5, handelt es sich um einen Halbleiter mit einer Bandlücke von etwa 2 eV. Weiterhin gelang es, die Serie Ln2M3S2O8 (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm; M = Nb, Ta) zu synthetisieren und in ihren physikalischen Eigenschaften zu charakterisieren. Es handelt sich ausnahmslos um Halbleiter mit Bandlücken zwischen E=0.125 eV für La2Nb3S2O8 und E=0.222 eV für Pr2Ta3S2O8. Die Struktur der Oxidsulfide Ce2Ta3S2O8, Pr2Ta3S2O8, Nd2Nb3S2O8 sowie Sm2Ta3S2O8 weist im Gegensatz zu den anderen Verbindungen eine Fehlordnung eines der beiden kristallographisch unabhängigen Nb- bzw. Ta-Atome auf. Daraus resultiert eine Symmetrieerniedrigung von Pnma zu Pbam. Der Einsatz von Europium führte zu einer neuen Modifikation des bronzoiden Oxids EuTa2O6, in der das Europium als Eu+2 vorliegt, wie 151Eu-Mößbauer-Untersuchungen bestätigten. Vor der Durchführung der Kristallzüchtungen mittels der Schmelzflußelektrolysen mußten die benutzen Öfen und Elektrolysezellen geplant und angefertigt werden. Es konnten dann verschiedene blaue, rote und violette Moybdänbronzen (sowie La2Mo2O7) in Kristallen bis zu 25 mm Länge dargestellt werden. Ferner gelang die erste exakte Einkristalluntersuchung der roten Bronze Rb0.33MoO3. Sie verfügt über die höchste d-Elektronen-Lokalisierungsrate aller bekannten roten Bronzen. Die erhaltenen Bronzen wurden teilweise von der Arbeitsgruppe Fuchs, Physikalisches Institut der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, auf ihre Nanostrukturierbarkeit hin untersucht. Dabei ergaben sich zwei verschiedene Strukturierungsmechanismen. Sind es im Fall der blauen Alkalimetall-Molybdänbronzen ausschließlich Lochstrukturen, die entstehen, handelt es sich bei La2Mo2O7 um Hügelstrukturen. Mittels der Schmelzflußelektrolyse konnte auch das gemischtvalente Alkalimetall-Eisenmolybdat NaFe2(MoO4)3 synthetisiert werden. Daneben gelang die Synthese dreier weiterer Alkalimetall-Eisenmolybdate: Cs2Fe2(MoO4)3, NaFe4(MoO4)5 und CsFe5(MoO4)7. Bis auf Cs2Fe2(MoO4)3, welches in der bekannten Langbeinit-Struktur kristallisiert, handelt es sich bei den übrigen Alkalimetall-Eisenmolybdaten um völlig neuartige Käfigverbindungen, bzw. bei CsFe5(MoO4)7 um eine Tunnelverbindung. Die Kristallstrukturen beinhalten kondensierte FeO6-Oktaeder. Im Fall von NaFe2(MoO4)3 lassen sich [Fe2O10]-Einheiten, für NaFe4(MoO4)5 [Fe2O10]- sowie [Fe3O14]-Einheiten, und für CsFe5(MoO4)7 [Fe4O18]-Baueinheiten beobachten. Die Positionen der Fe+2- und Fe+3-Atome in NaFe4(MoO4)5 wurden mit Hilfe einer 57Fe-Mößbauer-Untersuchung bestimmt.
The synthesis and characterization of various heteroatom containing PAHs with positive charge were investigated in this work: 1. A series of 2-phenyl-benzo[8,9]quinolizino[4,5,6,7-fed]phenanthridinylium (PQP) salts with different alkyl chains and anions were synthesized. The synthesis of the extended derivates of PQP salts with two fused benzene rings, 2-phenyl-naphthacene[1,2]quinolizino[3,4,5,6-def]benzo[i]phenanthridinium (DBPQP) tetrafluoroborate was also developed. The self-assembly behavior of these amphiphilic PAHs was investigated in methanolic solution as well as in the bulk. Various aggregates with different morphologies such as fibers, tubes and vesicals were obtained from their solution. All of these morphology changes could be ascribed to the changes in intermolecular interactions which resulting from the difference in the molecular structures such as aromatic cores, alkyl chains and counterions. 2. The synthetic strategy of oxygen containing positively charged PAHs, benzo[5,6]naphthaceno[1,12,11,10-jklmna]xanthylium (BNAX) salts and its dibenzo derivates, DBNAX salts were developed. With a similar method, sulfur containing benzo[5,6]naphthaceno[1,12,11,10-jklmna]thioxanthylium (BNATX) salts were also synthesized. Various BNAX salts with different alkyl chains could be obtained and their supramolecular behavior were investigated. A discotic liquid crystalline behavior was observed for di- (3-25) and tridodecyl (3-27) substituted BNAX salts and both compounds exhibited large unit cell in their 2D-WAXS patterns which could be attributed to the formation of dimer structures. By drop casting their methanolic solution on silicon wafers, similar nanoscaled fibers from monododecyl substituted BNAX bromide 3-24 and DBNAX bromide 3-35 could be observed. 3. A novel synthetic method toward nitrogen containing 14-phenyl-dibenzo[jk,mn]naphtho[2,1,8-fgh]thebenidinium (DBNT) salts was also developed. In this method, the undehydrogenated precursor of DBNT, dibenzoacridinium salt could be produced directly from the reaction between dibenzoxanthenylium derivates and amine/aniline in reasonable yields. Various DBNT salts with different alkyl and alkylphenyl chains on their nitrogen atom were synthesized in this two-step method. The self-assembly behavior of two alkylated DBNT salts, 4-15a and 4-18b was also studied in this work. Compound 4-15a formed nanoscaled fibers and helical aggregates were obtained from 4-18b in their methanolic solutions. 4. Various ionic complexes were derived by complexing PQP and DBPQP cations with different sulfate/sulfonate group containing anionic surfactants. The ionic complexes resulting from the ionic self-assembly (ISA) method exhibited self-assembly behavior which was controllable by the species and shape of cations and anions. Various aggregates such as nanofibers and spherical aggregates could be produced from their methanolic solution in a defined manner conveniently.
We have performed Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations of suspensions of monodisperse, hard ellipsoids of revolution. Hard-particle models play a key role in statistical mechanics. They are conceptually and computationally simple, and they offer insight into systems in which particle shape is important, including atomic, molecular, colloidal, and granular systems. In the high density phase diagram of prolate hard ellipsoids we have found a new crystal, which is more stable than the stretched FCC structure proposed previously . The new phase, SM2, has a simple monoclinic unit cell containing a basis of two ellipsoids with unequal orientations. The angle of inclination is very soft for length-to-width (aspect) ratio l/w=3, while the other angles are not. A symmetric state of the unit cell exists, related to the densest-known packings of ellipsoids; it is not always the stable one. Our results remove the stretched FCC structure for aspect ratio l/w=3 from the phase diagram of hard, uni-axial ellipsoids. We provide evidence that this holds between aspect ratios 3 and 6, and possibly beyond. Finally, ellipsoids in SM2 at l/w=1.55 exhibit end-over-end flipping, warranting studies of the cross-over to where this dynamics is not possible. Secondly, we studied the dynamics of nearly spherical ellipsoids. In equilibrium, they show a first-order transition from an isotropic phase to a rotator phase, where positions are crystalline but orientations are free. When over-compressing the isotropic phase into the rotator regime, we observed super-Arrhenius slowing down of diffusion and relaxation, and signatures of the cage effect. These features of glassy dynamics are sufficiently strong that asymptotic scaling laws of the Mode-Coupling Theory of the glass transition (MCT) could be tested, and were found to apply. We found strong coupling of positional and orientational degrees of freedom, leading to a common value for the MCT glass-transition volume fraction. Flipping modes were not slowed down significantly. We demonstrated that the results are independent of simulation method, as predicted by MCT. Further, we determined that even intra-cage motion is cooperative. We confirmed the presence of dynamical heterogeneities associated with the cage effect. The transit between cages was seen to occur on short time scales, compared to the time spent in cages; but the transit was shown not to involve displacements distinguishable in character from intra-cage motion. The presence of glassy dynamics was predicted by molecular MCT (MMCT). However, as MMCT disregards crystallization, a test by simulation was required. Glassy dynamics is unusual in monodisperse systems. Crystallization typically intervenes unless polydispersity, network-forming bonds or other asymmetries are introduced. We argue that particle anisometry acts as a sufficient source of disorder to prevent crystallization. This sheds new light on the question of which ingredients are required for glass formation.
The understanding of the coupling between superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) layers decoupled by non superconducting PrBa2Cu3O7 (PBCO) layers in c-axis oriented superlattices was the aim of this thesis. For this purpose two conceptually different kind of transport experiments have been performed. rnrnIn the first type of transport experiments the current is flowing parallel to the layers. Here the coupling is probed indirectly using magnetic vortex lines, which are penetrating the superlattice. Movement of the vortex segments in neighbouring YBCO layers is more or less coherent depending on the thickness of both the superconducting and non superconducting layers. This in-plane transport was measured either by sending an external current through bridges patterned in the superlattice or by an induced internal current. rnThe vortex-creep activation energy U was determined by analysis of the in-plane resistive transition in an external magnetic field B oriented along the c-axis. The activation energies for two series of superlattices were investigated. In one series the thickness of the YBCO layers was constant (nY=4 unit cells) and the number of the PBCO unit cells was varied, while in the other the number of PBCO layers was constant (nP=4) and nY varied. The correlation length of the vortex system was determined to be 80 nm along the c-axis direction. It was found that even a single PBCO unit cell in a superlattice effectively cuts the flux lines into shorter weakly coupled segments, and the coupling of the vortex systems in neighbouring layers is negligible already for a thickness of four unit cells of the PBCO layers. A characteristic variation of the activation energy for the two series of superlattices was found, where U0 is proportional to the YBCO thickness. A change in the variation of U0 with the current I in the specimen was observed, which can be explained in terms of a crossover in the vortex creep process, generated by the transport current. At low I values the dislocations mediated (plastic) vortex creep leads to thermally assisted flux-flow behaviour, whereas at high current the dc transport measurements are dominated by elastic (collective) creep.rnThe analysis of standard dc magnetization relaxation data obtained for a series superlattices revealed the occurrence of a crossover from elastic (collective) vortex creep at low temperature to plastic vortex creep at high T. The crossover is generated by the T dependent macroscopic currents induced in the sample. The existence of this creep crossover suggests that, compared with the well known Maley technique, the use of the normalized vortex creep activation energy is a better solution for the determination of vortex creep parameters.rnrnThe second type of transport experiments was to measure directly a possible Josephson coupling between superconducting CuO2 double planes in the superlattices by investigation of the transport properties perpendicular to the superconducting planes. Here three different experiments have been performed. The first one was to pattern mesa structures photolithographically as in previous works. The second used three-dimensional nanostructures cut by a focused ion beam. For the these two experiments insufficient patterning capabilities prevented an observation of the Josephson effect in the current voltage curves. rnA third experiment used a-axis and (110) oriented YBCO films, where in-plane patterning can in principle be sufficient to measure transport perpendicular to the superconducting planes. Therefore the deposition of films with this unusual growth orientation was optimized and investigated. The structural and microstructural evolution of c-axis to a-axis orientation was monitored using x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and magnetization measurements. Films with full a-axis alignment parallel to the substrate normal could be achieved on (100)SrTiO3. Due to the symmetry of the substrate the c-axis direction in-plane is twofold. Transferring the deposition conditions to films grown on (110)SrTiO3 allowed the growth of (110) oriented YBCO films with a unique in-plane c-axis orientation. While these films were of high quality by crystallographic and macroscopic visual inspection, electron microscopy revealed a coherent crack pattern on a nanoscale. Therefore the actual current path in the sample was not determined by the macroscopic patterning which prohibited investigations of the in-plane anisotropy in this case.rn
The aim of Tissue Engineering is to develop biological substitutes that will restore lost morphological and functional features of diseased or damaged portions of organs. Recently computer-aided technology has received considerable attention in the area of tissue engineering and the advance of additive manufacture (AM) techniques has significantly improved control over the pore network architecture of tissue engineering scaffolds. To regenerate tissues more efficiently, an ideal scaffold should have appropriate porosity and pore structure. More sophisticated porous configurations with higher architectures of the pore network and scaffolding structures that mimic the intricate architecture and complexity of native organs and tissues are then required. This study adopts a macro-structural shape design approach to the production of open porous materials (Titanium foams), which utilizes spatial periodicity as a simple way to generate the models. From among various pore architectures which have been studied, this work simulated pore structure by triply-periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) for the construction of tissue engineering scaffolds. TPMS are shown to be a versatile source of biomorphic scaffold design. A set of tissue scaffolds using the TPMS-based unit cell libraries was designed. TPMS-based Titanium foams were meant to be printed three dimensional with the relative predicted geometry, microstructure and consequently mechanical properties. Trough a finite element analysis (FEA) the mechanical properties of the designed scaffolds were determined in compression and analyzed in terms of their porosity and assemblies of unit cells. The purpose of this work was to investigate the mechanical performance of TPMS models trying to understand the best compromise between mechanical and geometrical requirements of the scaffolds. The intention was to predict the structural modulus in open porous materials via structural design of interconnected three-dimensional lattices, hence optimising geometrical properties. With the aid of FEA results, it is expected that the effective mechanical properties for the TPMS-based scaffold units can be used to design optimized scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. Regardless of the influence of fabrication method, it is desirable to calculate scaffold properties so that the effect of these properties on tissue regeneration may be better understood.
In this thesis, elemental research towards the implantation of a diamond-based molecular quantum computer is presented. The approach followed requires linear alignment of endohedral fullerenes on the diamond C(100) surface in the vicinity of subsurface NV-centers. From this, four fundamental experimental challenges arise: 1) The well-controlled deposition of endohedral fullerenes on a diamond surface. 2) The creation of NV-centers in diamond close to the surface. 3) Preparation and characterization of atomically-flat diamondsurfaces. 4) Assembly of linear chains of endohedral fullerenes. First steps to overcome all these challenges were taken in the framework of this thesis. Therefore, a so-called “pulse injection” technique was implemented and tested in a UHV chamber that was custom-designed for this and further tasks. Pulse injection in principle allows for the deposition of molecules from solution onto a substrate and can therefore be used to deposit molecular species that are not stable to sublimation under UHV conditions, such as the endohedral fullerenes needed for a quantum register. Regarding the targeted creation of NV-centers, FIB experiments were carried out in cooperation with the group of Prof. Schmidt-Kaler (AG Quantum, Physics Department, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz). As an entry into this challenging task, argon cations were implanted into (111) surface-oriented CaF2 crystals. The resulting implantation spots on the surface were imaged and characterized using AFM. In this context, general relations between the impact of the ions on the surface and their valency or kinetic energy, respectively, could be established. The main part of this thesis, however, is constituted by NCAFM studies on both, bare and hydrogen-terminated diamond C(100) surfaces. In cooperation with the group of Prof. Dujardin (Molecular Nanoscience Group, ISMO, Université de Paris XI), clean and atomically-flat diamond surfaces were prepared by exposure of the substrate to a microwave hydrogen plasma. Subsequently, both surface modifications were imaged in high resolution with NC-AFM. In the process, both hydrogen atoms in the unit cell of the hydrogenated surface were resolved individually, which was not achieved in previous STM studies of this surface. The NC-AFM images also reveal, for the first time, atomic-resolution contrast on the clean, insulating diamond surface and provide real-space experimental evidence for a (2×1) surface reconstruction. With regard to the quantum computing concept, high-resolution NC-AFM imaging was also used to study the adsorption and self-assembly potential of two different kinds of fullerenes (C60 and C60F48) on aforementioned diamond surfaces. In case of the hydrogenated surface, particular attention was paid to the influence of charge transfer doping on the fullerene-substrate interaction and the morphology emerging from self-assembly. Finally, self-assembled C60 islands on the hydrogen-terminated diamond surface were subject to active manipulation by an NC-AFM tip. Two different kinds of tip-induced island growth modes have been induced and were presented. In conclusion, the results obtained provide fundamental informations mandatory for the realization of a molecular quantum computer. In the process it was shown that NC-AFM is, under proper circumstances, a very capable tool for imaging diamond surfaces with highest resolution, surpassing even what has been achieved with STM up to now. Particular attention was paid to the influence of transfer doping on the morphology of fullerenes on the hydrogenated diamond surface, revealing new possibilities for tailoring the self-assembly of molecules that have a high electron affinity.
(9R)-9-hydroxystearic acid (9R-HSA) has been proven to have antitumoral activity because it is shown to inhibit histone deacetylase 1, an enzyme which activates DNA replication, and the (R)-enantiomer has been shown to be more active than the (S)-enantiomer both in vitro and by molecular docking. Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral component of bone and teeth and has been used for over 20 years in prostheses and their coating because it is biocompatible and bioactive. The goal of incorporating 9R-HSA into hydroxyapatite is to have a material that combines the bioactivity of HA with the antitumoral properties of 9R-HSA. In this work, 9R-HSA and its potassium salt were synthesized and the latter was also incorporated into hydroxyapatite. The content of (R)-9-hydroxystearate ion incorporated into the apatitic structure was shown to be a function of its concentration in solution and can reach values higher than 8.5%. (9R)-9-hydroxystearic acid modified hydroxyapatite was extensively characterized to determine the effect of the incorporation of the organic molecule. This incorporation does not significantly alter the unit cell but reduces the size of both the crystals as well as the coherent domains, mainly along the a-axis of hydroxyapatite. This is believed to be due to the coordination of the negatively charged carboxylate group to the calcium ions which are more exposed on the (100) face of the crystal, therefore limiting the growth mainly in this direction. Further analyses showed that the material becomes hydrophobic and more negatively charged with the addition of 9R-HSA but both of these properties reach a plateau at less than 5% wt of 9R-HSA.
Die Deposition von dünnen, metallischen Schichten auf Silizium-Substraten stellt bereits seit Jahrzehnten die wichtigste Möglichkeit dar, um die wachsenden Anforderungen der Speichertechnologien zu erfüllen. Obwohl Multilagenstrukturen aus oxidischen Schichten eine nahezu unerschöpfliche Vielfalt an neuen Effekten bieten, kommen diese aktuell nur in Nischenanwendungen zum Einsatz. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf dem Verständnis von Phänomenen, die nur an Grenzflächensystemen zu beobachten sind. Die Basis der Untersuchungen stellten die Präparation der Multilagenstrukturen durch Laserablation dar. Eine Untersuchung der strukturellen Eigenschaften von multiferroischen BiFeO3 (BFO)-Schichten erlaubte eine Analyse der Wachstumsmodi und der Symmetrie der Einheitszelle von BFO unter heteroepitaktischer Verspannung. Durch Piezokraftmikroskopie konnte die ferroelektrische Domänenstruktur dünner BFO-Schichten analysiert werden. Die Abbildung der magnetischen Domänenstruktur der ferromagnetischen La0,67Sr0,33MnO3 (LSMO)-Schicht und der antiferromagnetischen BFO-Schicht einer Bilagenstruktur durch Photoemissionselektronenmikroskopie erlaubte eine Analyse der Austauschkopplung an der Grenzfläche. Durch elektronische Rekonstruktion entsteht an der LaAlO3 (LAO) /SrTiO3 (STO)-Grenzfläche ein leitfähiger, quasi-zweidimensionaler Zustand. Dessen Transporteigenschaften wurden mit einem Schwerpunkt auf deren Beeinflussung durch ein elektrisches Feld charakterisiert. Diese Ergebnisse führten zur Implementierung einer ferroelektrischen BFO-Schicht zur Manipulation der Leitfähigkeit an der LAO/STO-Grenzfläche. Die Kontrolle des Widerstandes eines mikrostrukturierten Bereichs durch die Polarisation der BFO-Schicht erlaubt die Nutzung der Struktur als Speichertechnologie.
A recombinant metal-dependent phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) from Streptomyces antibioticus has been crystallized by the hanging-drop method with and without heavy metals. The native crystals belonged to the orthorhombic space group P222, with unit-cell parameters a = 41.26, b = 51.86, c= 154.78 A. The X-ray diffraction results showed significant differences in the crystal quality of samples soaked with heavy atoms. Additionally, drop pinning, which increases the surface area of the drops, was also used to improve crystal growth and quality. The combination of heavy-metal soaks and drop pinning was found to be critical for producing high-quality crystals that diffracted to 1.23 A resolution.
The malaria parasite Plasmodium depends on the tight control of cysteine-protease activity throughout its life cycle. Recently, the characterization of a new class of potent inhibitors of cysteine proteases (ICPs) secreted by Plasmodium has been reported. Here, the recombinant production, purification and crystallization of the inhibitory C-terminal domain of ICP from P. berghei in complex with the P. falciparum haemoglobinase falcipain-2 is described. The 1:1 complex was crystallized in space group P4(3), with unit-cell parameters a = b = 71.15, c = 120.09 A. A complete diffraction data set was collected to a resolution of 2.6 A.