934 resultados para UPSTREAM
Starting from a biologically active recombinant DNA clone of exogenous unintegrated GR mouse mammary tumor virus, we have generated three subclones of PstI fragments of 1.45, 1.1, and 2.0 kb in the plasmid vector PBR322. The nucleotide sequence has been determined for the clone of 1.45 kb which includes almost the complete region of the long terminal repeat (LTR) plus an adjacent stretch of unique sequence DNA. A short region of the 2.0 kb clone, containing the beginning of the LTR, has also been sequenced. Starting with the A of an initiation codon outside the LTR, we detected an open reading frame of 960 nucleotides, potentially coding for a protein of 320 amino acids (36K). Two hundred nucleotides downstream from the termination codon, and approximately 25 nucleotides upstream from the presumptive initiation site of viral RNA synthesis, we found a promoter-like sequence. The sequence AGTAAA was detected approximately 15-20 nucleotides upstream from the 3' end of virion RNA and probably serves as a polyadenylation signal. The 1.45 kb PstI fragment has been transfected into Ltk- cells together with a plasmid containing the thymidine kinase gene of herpes simplex virus. The virus-specific RNA synthesis detected in a Tk+ cell clone was strongly stimulated by the addition of dexamethasone.
Vitellogenin genes are expressed specifically in the liver of female oviparous vertebrates under the strict control of estrogen. To explain this tissue-specific expression, we performed a detailed analysis of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B1 promoter by DNase I footprinting and gel mobility-shift assays. We characterized five binding sites for the ubiquitous factor CTF/NF-I. Two of these sites are close to the TATA-box, whereas the others are located on both sides of the estrogen responsive unit formed by two imperfect estrogen response elements. Moreover two liver-enriched factors, C/EBP and HNF3, were found to interact with multiple closely spaced proximal promoter elements in the first 100 base pairs upstream of the TATA-box. To confirm the physiological significance of this in vitro analysis, in vivo DNase I footprinting experiments were carried out using the ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction technique. The various cis-elements characterized in vitro as binding sites for known transcription factors and more particularly for liver-enriched transcription factors are efficiently recognized in vivo as well, suggesting that they play an important role in the control of the liver-specific vitellogenin gene B1 expression.
Quatre cristaux du canal ASIC1a ont été publiés et soutiennent une stoechiométrie trimérique. Cependant, ces données contredisant de précédentes analyses fonctionnelles effectuées sur des canaux de la même famille, notre intérêt fut porté sur l'oligomérisation d'ASIC1a. Dans ce sens, un nouvel essai couplant la méthode d'analyse par substitution de cystéines (SCAM) avec l'utilisation de réactifs sulfhydryls bifonctionnels (crosslinkers) a été mis en place. Le but étant de stabiliser, puis sélectionner les canaux fonctionnels, pour ensuite les séparer selon leur taille par SDS-PAGE. Grâce à cette technique, nous avons démontré que le complexe stabilisé a une taille coïncidant avec une organisation tétramérique. En plus de son oligomérisation, le chemin emprunté par les ions pour traverser le canal n'est pas clairement défini dans ces structures. De ce fait, utilisant une approche électrophysiologique, nous avons étudié le lien entre la structure et la fonction du vestibule extracellulaire d'ASIC1a. Dans ce but, nous nous sommes intéressés l'accessibilité de cystéines spécifiques localisées dans ce vestibule pour des réactifs méthanethiosulfonates (MTS). Ainsi, nous avons pu corréler les cinétiques de modification de ces cystéines par les MTS avec les effets sur le courant sodique, et donc avoir des informations supplémentaires sur la voie empruntée par les ions. De plus, la simulation informatique de liaison de ces réactifs illustre le remplissage total de ce vestibule. Fonctionnellement, cette interaction ne perturbe pas le passage de ions, c'est pourquoi il nous apparaît probable que le vestibule présente une taille plus large que celle illustrée par les cristaux. Dans un deuxième temps, notre intérêt fut porté sur ENaC. Ce canal est composé des trois sous-unités (a, ß et y) et est exprimé dans divers épithéliums, dont les tubules des reins. Il participe à l'homéostasie sodique et est essentiellement régulé par voie hormonale via l'aldostérone et la Vasopressine, mais également par des sérines protéases ou le Na+. Nous avons étudié la répercussion fonctionnelle de la mutation aS243P, découverte chez un nouveau-né prématuré atteint de pseudohypoaldostéronisme de type 1. Cette maladie autosomale récessive se caractérise, généralement, par une hyponatrémie liée à d'importantes pertes de sel dans les urines, une hyperkaliémie, ainsi qu'un niveau élevé d'aldostérone. Tout d'abord aucune des expériences biochimiques et électrophysiologiques n'a pu démontrer un défaut d'expression ou une forte diminution de l'activité soutenant les données cliniques. Cependant, en challengeant aS243PßyENaC avec une forte concentration de Na+ externe, une hypersensibilité de canal fut observée. En effet, ni les phénomènes régulateurs de « feedback inhibition » ou de « Na+ self-inhibition » n'étaient semblables au canal sauvage. De ce fait, ils apparaissaient exacerbés en présence de la mutation, amenant ainsi à une diminution de la réabsorption de Na+. Ceci corrobore entièrement l'hyponatrémie diagnostiquée. Le rein d'un prématuré étant immature, la quantité de Na+ atteignant la partie distale du néphron est plus élevée, du fait que les autres mécanismes de réabsorption en amont ne sont probablement pas encore en place. Cette hypothèse est renforcée par l'existence d'un frère présentant la même mutation, mais qui, né à terme, ne présentait aucun signe d'hyponatrémie. - The main topic of my thesis is the structure-function relationship of the ENaC/Deg family of ion channels, namely the Acid-Sensing Ion Channel ASIC1a and the Epithelial Na Channel ENaC. The primary part of this research is dedicated to the structure of ASIC1a. Four channel crystals have been published, which support a trimeric stoichiometry, although these data contradict previous functional experiments on other ENaC/Deg members. We are therefore interested in ASIC1a oligomerization and have set up a new assay combining the Substituted- Cysteine Accessibility Method (SCAM) with Afunctional sulfhydryl reagents (crosslinkers) allowing its study. The aim was to first stabilize the channels, then select those that are functional and then resolve them according to their size on SDS-PAGE. We demonstrated that the stabilized complex has a molecular weight corresponding to a tetrameric stoichiometry. In addition to our interest in the oligomerization of the ENaC/Deg family of ion channels, we also wanted to investigate the thus far undefined way of permeation for these channels. Therefore, taking the advantage of a more electrophysiological approach, we studied the accessibility of specific cysteines for methanethiosulfonate reagents (MTS) and were able to correlate the MTS association kinetics on cysteine residues with Na+ currents. These results have given us an insight into ion permeation and our functional evidence indicates that the extracellular is larger than that depicted by the crystal structures. As a side project, we focused on ENaC, which is made up of three subunits (a, ß and y) and is expressed in various epithelia, especially in the distal nephron of the kidneys. It plays a role in Na+ homeostasis and is essentially regulated by hormones via aldosterone and vasopressin, but also by serine proteases or Na+. We have studied the functional impact of the aS243P mutation, discovered in a premature baby suffering from pseudohypoaldosteronism of type 1. This autosomal recessive disease is characterized by hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and high aldosterone levels. Firstly, neither biochemical nor electrophysiological experiments indicated an expression defect or a strong decrease in activity. However, challenging aS243PßyENaC with increased external Na+ concentration showed channel hypersensitivity. Indeed, both the "feedback inhibition" and the "Na+ self-inhibition" regulatory mechanisms are impaired, leading to a decrease in Na+ reabsorption, entirely supports the diagnosis. The kidneys in preterm infants are immature and Na+ levels reaching the distal nephron are higher than normally observed. We hypothesize that the upstream reabsorption machinery is unlikely to be sufficiently matured and this assumption is supported by an asymptomatic sibling carrying the same mutation, but born at term. - La cellule, unité fonctionnelle du corps humain, est délimitée par une membrane plasmique servant de barrière biologique entre les milieux intra et extracellulaires. Une communication entre cellules est indispensable pour un fonctionnement adéquat. Sa survie dépend, entre autres, du maintien de la teneur en ions dans chacun des milieux qui doivent pouvoir être réabsorbés, ou sécrétés, selon les besoins. Les protéines insérées dans la membrane forment un canal et sont un moyen de communication permettant spécifiquement à des ions tel que le sodium (Na+) de traverser. Le Na+ se trouve dans la plupart des aliments et le sel, et est spécifiquement réabsorbé au niveau des reins grâce au canal sodique épithélial ENaC. Cette réabsorption se fait de l'urine primaire vers l'intérieur de la cellule, puis est transporté vers le sang. Pour maintenir un équilibre, une régulation de ce canal est nécessaire. En effet, des dysfonctionnements impliquant la régulation ou l'activité d'ENaC lui-même sont à l'origine de maladies telles que la mucoviscidose, l'hypertension ou encore, le pseudohypoaldostéronisme (PHA). Cette maladie est caractérisée, notamment, par d'importantes pertes de sel dans les urines. Des pédiatres ont diagnostiqué un PHA chez un nouveau-né, ce dernier présentant une modification du canal ENaC, nous avons recréé cette protéine afin d'étudier l'impact de ce changement sur son activité. Nous avons démontré que la régulation d'ENaC était effectivement perturbée, conduisant ainsi à une forte réduction de la réabsorption sodique. Afin de développer des molécules capables de moduler l'activité de protéines. Il est nécessaire d'en connaître la structure. Celle du canal sodique sensible à l'acidification ASIC1, un canal cousin d'ENaC, est connue. Ces données structurales contredisant cependant les analyses fonctionnelles, nous nous sommes penchés une nouvelle fois sur ASIC1. Une protéine est une macromolécule biologique composée d'une chaîne d'acides aminés (aa). De l'enchaînement d'aa à la protéine fonctionnelle, quatre niveaux de structuration existent. Chaque aa donne une indication quant au repliement et plus particulièrement la cystéine. Arborant un groupe sulfhydryle (SH) capable de former une liaison spécifique et stable avec un autre SH, celle-ci est souvent impliquée dans la structure tridimensionnelle de la protéine. Ce type de liaison intervient également dans la stabilisation de la structure quaternaire, qui est l'association de plusieurs protéines identiques (homomère), ou pas (hétéromère). Dans cette partie, nous avons remplacé des aa par des cystéines à des endroits spécifiques. Le but était de stabiliser plusieurs homomères d'ASICl ensemble avec des réactifs créant des ponts entre deux SH. Ainsi, nous avons pu déterminer le nombre de protéines ASIC1 participant à la formation d'un canal fonctionnel. Nos résultats corroborent les données fonctionnelles soutenant un canal tétramérique. Nous avons également étudié l'accessibilité de ces nouvelles cystéines afin d'obtenir des informations supplémentaires sur la structure du chemin emprunté par le Na+ à travers ASIC1 et plus particulièrement du vestibule extracellulaire.
Islet-brain 1 (IB1) is the human and rat homologue of JIP-1, a scaffold protein interacting with the c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK). IB1 expression is mostly restricted to the endocrine pancreas and to the central nervous system. Herein, we explored the transcriptional mechanism responsible for this preferential islet and neuronal expression of IB1. A 731-bp fragment of the 5' regulatory region of the human MAPK8IP1 gene was isolated from a human BAC library and cloned upstream of a luciferase reporter gene. This construct drove high transcriptional activity in both insulin-secreting and neuron-like cells but not in unrelated cell lines. Sequence analysis of this promoter region revealed the presence of a neuron-restrictive silencer element (NRSE) known to bind repressor zinc finger protein REST. This factor is not expressed in insulin-secreting and neuron-like cells. By mobility shift assay, we confirmed that REST binds to the NRSE present in the IB1 promoter. Once transiently transfected in beta-cell lines, the expression vector encoding REST repressed IB1 transcriptional activity. The introduction of a mutated NRSE in the 5' regulating region of the IB1 gene abolished the repression activity driven by REST in insulin-secreting beta cells and relieved the low transcriptional activity of IB1 observed in unrelated cells. Moreover, transfection in non-beta and nonneuronal cell lines of an expression vector encoding REST lacking its transcriptional repression domain relieved IB1 promoter activity. Last, the REST-mediated repression of IB1 could be abolished by trichostatin A, indicating that deacetylase activity is required to allow REST repression. Taken together, these data establish a critical role for REST in the control of the tissue-specific expression of the human IB1 gene.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive brain tumor that, by virtue of its resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, is currently incurable. Identification of molecules whose targeting may eliminate GBM cells and/or sensitize glioblastoma cells to cytotoxic drugs is therefore urgently needed. CD44 is a major cell surface hyaluronan receptor and cancer stem cell marker that has been implicated in the progression of a variety of cancer types. However, the major downstream signaling pathways that mediate its protumor effects and the role of CD44 in the progression and chemoresponse of GBM have not been established. Here we show that CD44 is upregulated in GBM and that its depletion blocks GBM growth and sensitizes GBM cells to cytotoxic drugs in vivo. Consistent with this observation, CD44 antagonists potently inhibit glioma growth in preclinical mouse models. We provide the first evidence that CD44 functions upstream of the mammalian Hippo signaling pathway and that CD44 promotes tumor cell resistance to reactive oxygen species-induced and cytotoxic agent-induced stress by attenuating activation of the Hippo signaling pathway. Together, our results identify CD44 as a prime therapeutic target for GBM, establish potent antiglioma efficacy of CD44 antagonists, uncover a novel CD44 signaling pathway, and provide a first mechanistic explanation as to how upregulation of CD44 may constitute a key event in leading to cancer cell resistance to stresses of different origins. Finally, our results provide a rational explanation for the observation that functional inhibition of CD44 augments the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Abstract : Apoptosis is an evolutionarily conserved cellular suicide mechanism that can be triggered by activation of various pathways, such as the Fas-Pathway. Upon stimulation by its specific ligand (FasL), present at the surface of Cytotoxic Τ lymphocytes, the death receptor Fas initiates a signaling cascade culminating in the activation of cellular caspases, leading thus to cell death of the target cell (e.g. transformed cell). Dysregulation of apoptosis in general, and of Fas pathway in particular, was shown to contribute to pathogenesis of cancers and many human diseases. Even though, during the last decades the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis have been widely studied, it is important to better understand the mechanisms leading to apoptosis, to improve our understanding of pathological processes, and generate more subtle apoptosis-modulating therapies to fight cancer and other diseases. In order to identify new components of the Fas signaling pathway, a screen based on the mechanism of RNA interference was undertaken. After a first and a second manual whole-kinome screen, we identified several strong positive hits that showed a protection against Fas ligand-induced apoptosis with distinct siRNAs, notably STK11, an interesting tumor suppressor mutated in several sporadic and inherited cancers. The STK11 functional characterization reveals that this kinase represents an apically acting general pro-apoptotic modulator of the extrinsic pathway (FasL, TRAIL, TNF-induced apoptosis), but not of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. The STK11 action on the Fas pathway was shown to be dependent on its kinase activity, but independent of AMPK, a well-characterized STK11 downstream substrate. Furthermore, STK11 was shown to interact with caspase-8, a major mediator of the extrinsic pathway, and modulate its activity through an unclear mechanism that may involve an STK11-dependant caspase-8 phosphorylation. This modification may allow a proper caspase-8 polyubiquitination and activation in p62 sequestosmes aggregates, but may also increase the activation of caspase-8 at the DISC level. In addition, we observed that STK11 modulate not only the apoptotic pathway induced by Fas engagement, but also FasL-induced JNK and NF- KB, sustaining an upstream role of this kinase in the pathway. In conclusion, our report reveals that STK11 is an important pro-apoptotic modulator of the Fas pathway in particular, and extrinsic pathway in general. Our finding could explain, at least partially, why inactivating mutations of the kinase leads to cancer, by allowing resistance to apoptosis and accordingly evasion of immune surveillance. Résumé : L'apoptose est un mécanisme de suicide cellulaire, conservé dans diverses espèces, et qui au niveau moléculaire est déclenché par différentes voies de signalisation, comme par exemple lors de l'activation du récepteur Fas. La liaison du ligand FasL au récepteur de la mort Fas, induit une cascade de signalisation qui conduit à l'activation des caspases. Les lymphocytes Τ cytotoxiques peuvent utiliser la voie Fas pour induire la mort et se débarrasser de cellules dangereuses pour le reste de l'organisme, tel que les cellules transformées. La dysrégulation de l'apoptose en général, et de la voie Fas en particulier, peut contribuer à diverses maladies telles que le cancer. Même si ces dernières décennies, les mécanismes moléculaires conduisant à l'apoptose ont été extensivement étudiés, il reste néanmoins important de mieux comprendre le phénomène d'apoptose, pour améliorer notre compréhension des processus pathologiques, mais surtout dans le but de développer de nouvelles thérapies ciblant l'apoptose contre le cancer et d'autres pathologies. Pour identifier de nouveau constituants de la voie Fas, un criblage génétique basé sur l'interférence à l'ARN a été entrepris. Après un premier et un deuxième criblage d'une librairie du kinome, nous avons identifié différentes protéines qui pourraient jouer un rôle positif dans la voie Fas, et en particulier la protéine suppresseur de tumeur STK11, qui est fréquemment mutée dans divers cancers sporadiques et héréditaires. La caractérisation fonctionnelle de STK11 a révélé que cette kinase était un modulateur apical de la voie extrinsèque de l'apoptose en général (Fas, TNF, TRAIL), mais pas de la voie intrinsèque. L'action de STK11 sur la voie Fas est dépendante de sa fonction kinase, mais indépendante de l'AMPK, un substrat bien caractérisé de STK11. De plus, STK11 interagît avec la caspase-8, un constituant majeur de la voie Fas, et module son activité, par un mécanisme encore peu clair qui pourrait impliquer une phosphorylation de la caspase-8 par STK11. Cette modification pourrait permettre une activation optimale de la caspase-8 en jouant un rôle dans le processus de polyubiquitination de la caspase-8, phénomène qui semble être important pour l'activation de la caspase-8 dans des agrégats protéiques avec p62, mais qui pourrait aussi augmenter son activation au niveau du DISC. Finalement, nous avons observé que STK11 modulait non seulement la voie apoptotique déclenchée par l'activation de Fas, mais aussi les voies non-apoptotiques de Fas, comme JNK et NF-KB. En conclusion notre étude, révèle que STK11 est un important modulateur pro- apoptotique de la voie Fas, et de la voie extrinsèque en général. Cette découverte pourrait expliquer, du moins partiellement, pourquoi les mutations inactivatrices de STK11 conduisent au cancer, par une augmentation de la résistance à l'apoptose et donc par l'évasion de la surveillance immunitaire.
In order to characterize the gene encoding the ligand binding (1(st); alpha) chain of the human IFN-gamma receptor, two overlapping cosmid clones were analyzed. The gene spans over 25 kilobases (kb) of the genomic DNA and has seven exons. The extracellular domain is encoded by exons 1 to 5 and by part of exon 6. The transmembrane region is also encoded by exon 6. Exon 7 encodes the intracellular domain and the 3' untranslated portion. The gene was located on chromosome 6q23.1, as determined by in situ hybridization. The 4 kb region upstream (5') of the gene was sequenced and analyzed for promoter activity. No consensus-matching TATA or CAAT boxes in the 5' region were found. Potential binding sites for Sp1, AP-1, AP-2, and CREB nuclear factors were identified. Compatible with the presence of the Sp1/AP-2 sites and the lack of TATA box, S1-nuclease mapping experiments showed multiple transcription initiation sites. Promoter activity of the 5' flanking region was analyzed with two different reporter genes: the Escherichia coli chloramphenicol acetyltransferase and human growth hormone. The smallest 5' region of the gene that still had full promoter activity was 692 base pairs in length. In addition, we found sequences belonging to the oldest family of Alu repeats, 2 - 3 kb upstream of the gene, which could be useful for genetic studies.
This report presents systematic empirical annotation of transcript products from 399 annotated protein-coding loci across the 1% of the human genome targeted by the Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE) pilot project using a combination of 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and high-density resolution tiling arrays. We identified previously unannotated and often tissue- or cell-line-specific transcribed fragments (RACEfrags), both 5' distal to the annotated 5' terminus and internal to the annotated gene bounds for the vast majority (81.5%) of the tested genes. Half of the distal RACEfrags span large segments of genomic sequences away from the main portion of the coding transcript and often overlap with the upstream-annotated gene(s). Notably, at least 20% of the resultant novel transcripts have changes in their open reading frames (ORFs), most of them fusing ORFs of adjacent transcripts. A significant fraction of distal RACEfrags show expression levels comparable to those of known exons of the same locus, suggesting that they are not part of very minority splice forms. These results have significant implications concerning (1) our current understanding of the architecture of protein-coding genes; (2) our views on locations of regulatory regions in the genome; and (3) the interpretation of sequence polymorphisms mapping to regions hitherto considered to be "noncoding," ultimately relating to the identification of disease-related sequence alterations.
In a number of programs for gene structure prediction in higher eukaryotic genomic sequences, exon prediction is decoupled from gene assembly: a large pool of candidate exons is predicted and scored from features located in the query DNA sequence, and candidate genes are assembled from such a pool as sequences of nonoverlapping frame-compatible exons. Genes are scored as a function of the scores of the assembled exons, and the highest scoring candidate gene is assumed to be the most likely gene encoded by the query DNA sequence. Considering additive gene scoring functions, currently available algorithms to determine such a highest scoring candidate gene run in time proportional to the square of the number of predicted exons. Here, we present an algorithm whose running time grows only linearly with the size of the set of predicted exons. Polynomial algorithms rely on the fact that, while scanning the set of predicted exons, the highest scoring gene ending in a given exon can be obtained by appending the exon to the highest scoring among the highest scoring genes ending at each compatible preceding exon. The algorithm here relies on the simple fact that such highest scoring gene can be stored and updated. This requires scanning the set of predicted exons simultaneously by increasing acceptor and donor position. On the other hand, the algorithm described here does not assume an underlying gene structure model. Indeed, the definition of valid gene structures is externally defined in the so-called Gene Model. The Gene Model specifies simply which gene features are allowed immediately upstream which other gene features in valid gene structures. This allows for great flexibility in formulating the gene identification problem. In particular it allows for multiple-gene two-strand predictions and for considering gene features other than coding exons (such as promoter elements) in valid gene structures.
Genomic plasticity of human chromosome 8p23.1 region is highly influenced by two groups of complex segmental duplications (SDs), termed REPD and REPP, that mediate different kinds of rearrangements. Part of the difficulty to explain the wide range of phenotypes associated with 8p23.1 rearrangements is that REPP and REPD are not yet well characterized, probably due to their polymorphic status. Here, we describe a novel primate-specific gene family, named FAM90A (family with sequence similarity 90), found within these SDs. According to the current human reference sequence assembly, the FAM90A family includes 24 members along 8p23.1 region plus a single member on chromosome 12p13.31, showing copy number variation (CNV) between individuals. These genes can be classified into subfamilies I and II, which differ in their upstream and 5′-untranslated region sequences, but both share the same open reading frame and are ubiquitously expressed. Sequence analysis and comparative fluorescence in situ hybridization studies showed that FAM90A subfamily II suffered a big expansion in the hominoid lineage, whereas subfamily I members were likely generated sometime around the divergence of orangutan and African great apes by a fusion process. In addition, the analysis of the Ka/Ks ratios provides evidence of functional constraint of some FAM90A genes in all species. The characterization of the FAM90A gene family contributes to a better understanding of the structural polymorphism of the human 8p23.1 region and constitutes a good example of how SDs, CNVs and rearrangements within themselves can promote the formation of new gene sequences with potential functional consequences.
Background: Asparagine N-Glycosylation is one of the most important forms of protein post-translational modification in eukaryotes. This metabolic pathway can be subdivided into two parts: an upstream sub-pathway required for achieving proper folding for most of the proteins synthesized in the secretory pathway, and a downstream sub-pathway required to give variability to trans-membrane proteins, and involved in adaptation to the environment andinnate immunity. Here we analyze the nucleotide variability of the genes of this pathway in human populations, identifying which genes show greater population differentiation and which genes show signatures of recent positive selection. We also compare how these signals are distributed between the upstream and the downstream parts of the pathway, with the aim of exploring how forces of population differentiation and positive selection vary among genes involved in the same metabolic pathway but subject to different functional constraints. Results:Our results show that genes in the downstream part of the pathway are more likely to show a signature of population differentiation, while events of positive selection are equally distributed among the two parts of the pathway. Moreover, events of positive selection arefrequent on genes that are known to be at bifurcation points, and that are identified as beingin key position by a network-level analysis such as MGAT3 and GCS1.Conclusions: These findings indicate that the upstream part of the Asparagine N-Glycosylation pathway has lower diversity among populations, while the downstream part is freer to tolerate diversity among populations. Moreover, the distribution of signatures of population differentiation and positive selection can change between parts of a pathway, especially between parts that are exposed to different functional constraints. Our results support the hypothesis that genes involved in constitutive processes can be expected to show lower population differentiation, while genes involved in traits related to the environment should show higher variability. Taken together, this work broadens our knowledge on how events of population differentiation and of positive selection are distributed among different parts of a metabolic pathway.
Background: During early steps of embryonic development the hindbrain undergoes a regionalization process along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis that leads to a metameric organization in a series of rhombomeres (r). Refinement of the AP identities within the hindbrain requires the establishment of local signaling centers, which emit signals that pattern territories in their vicinity. Previous results demonstrated that the transcription factor vHnf1 confers caudal identity to the hindbrain inducing Krox20 in r5 and MafB/Kreisler in r5 and r6, through FGF signaling [1].Results: We show that in the chick hindbrain, Fgf3 is transcriptionally activated as early as 30 min after mvHnf1 electroporation, suggesting that it is a direct target of this transcription factor. We also analyzed the expression profiles of FGF activity readouts, such as MKP3 and Pea3, and showed that both are expressed within the hindbrain at early stages of embryonic development. In addition, MKP3 is induced upon overexpression of mFgf3 or mvHnf1 in the hindbrain, confirming vHnf1 is upstream FGF signaling. Finally, we addressed the question of which of the FGF-responding intracellular pathways were active and involved in the regulation of Krox20 and MafB in the hindbrain. While Ras-ERK1/2 activity is necessary for MKP3, Krox20 and MafB induction, PI3K-Akt is not involved in that process.Conclusion: Based on these observations we propose that vHnf1 acts directly through FGF3, and promotes caudal hindbrain identity by activating MafB and Krox20 via the Ras-ERK1/2 intracellular pathway.
Although Iowa has some of the most productive agricultural land in the nation, it also maintains a very extensive road network.Consequently, landowners and roadway officials often must deal with drainage issues affecting private lands and public highways. However, many individuals are unfamiliar with legal drainage requirements, practices, and procedures, which can result in misunderstandings concerning maintenance responsibilities for drainage facilities, sometimes leading to litigation. To assist propertyowners, public agencies, and others with interest in better understanding drainage maintenance responsibilities, a reference manual was developed to describe Iowa’s drainage laws and offer interpretations in a clear and concise manner. To develop a comprehensive drainage manual, researchers identified and reviewed current available literature. These resources described pertinent drainage issues and presented explanations of legal responsibilities. The literature review included manuals and guides from Iowa, surrounding states, and federal agencies. Researchers developed a survey to assess the needs and interestsof potential users of an Iowa drainage law manual. Survey responses were used to identify common problems and concerns among individuals who encounter drainage issues on a regular basis. Issues mentioned in the survey responses included interpretation of drainage laws and commonly encountered questions relating to public improvements and private interests. Many individuals, including county engineers, stated interest in specific topics such as maintenance and/or diversion of drainage, landowner issues, and upstream and downstream impacts. Overall, the survey provided researchers with valuable information regarding drainage issues, problems, current policies, and concerns. A comprehensive manual of Iowa drainage law will assist agencies and individuals in interpreting current code requirements and in implementing effective and beneficial solutions when dealing with drainage issues.
During a search for genes controlling conidial dormancy in Aspergillus fumigatus, two dehydrin-like genes, DprA and DprB, were identified. The deduced proteins had repeated stretches of 23 amino acids that contained a conserved dehydrin-like protein (DPR) motif. Disrupted DprAΔ mutants were hypersensitive to oxidative stress and to phagocytic killing, whereas DprBΔ mutants were impaired in osmotic and pH stress responses. However, no effect was observed on their pathogenicity in our experimental models of invasive aspergillosis. Molecular dissection of the signaling pathways acting upstream showed that expression of DprA was dependent on the stress-activated kinase SakA and the cyclic AMP-protein kinase A (cAMP-PKA) pathways, which activate the bZIP transcription factor AtfA, while expression of DprB was dependent on the SakA mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, and the zinc finger transcription factor PacC. Fluorescent protein fusions showed that both proteins were associated with peroxisomes and the cytosol. Accordingly, DprA and DprB were important for peroxisome function. Our findings reveal a novel family of stress-protective proteins in A. fumigatus and, potentially, in filamentous ascomycetes.
Approximately 3% of the world population is chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV), with potential development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Despite the availability of new antiviral agents, treatment remains suboptimal. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) identified rs12979860, a polymorphism nearby IL28B, as an important predictor of HCV clearance. We report the identification of a novel TT/-G polymorphism in the CpG region upstream of IL28B, which is a better predictor of HCV clearance than rs12979860. By using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from individuals carrying different allelic combinations of the TT/-G and rs12979860 polymorphisms, we show that induction of IL28B and IFN-γ-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) mRNA relies on TT/-G, but not rs12979860, making TT/-G the only functional variant identified so far. This novel step in understanding the genetic regulation of IL28B may have important implications for clinical practice, as the use of TT/G genotyping instead of rs12979860 would improve patient management.