355 resultados para ULTRATHIN


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The manner in which ultrathin films of alumina, deposited at the dielectric-electrode interface, affect the recoverable energy density associated with (BiFeO3)0.6–(SrTiO3)0.4 (BFST) thin film capacitors has been characterised. Approximately 6 nm of alumina on 400 nm of BFST increases the maximum recoverable energy of the system by around 30% from 13 Jcc1 to 17 Jcc1.
Essentially, the alumina acts in the same way as a naturally present parasitic “dead-layer,” distorting the polarisation-field response such that the ultimate polarisation associated with the BFST is pushed to higher values of electric field. The work acts as a proof-of-principle to illustrate how the design of artificial interfacial dielectric “dead-layers” can increase energy densities in simple dielectric capacitors, allowing them to compete more generally with other energy storage technologies.


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Extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray harmonic spectra produced by intense laser-solid interactions have, so far, been consistent with Doppler upshifted reflection from collective relativistic plasma oscillations-the relativistically oscillating mirror mechanism(1-6). Recent theoretical work, however, has identified a new interaction regime in which dense electron nanobunches are formed at the plasma-vacuum boundary resulting in coherent XUV radiation by coherent synchrotron emission(7,8) (CSE). Our experiments enable the isolation of CSE from competing processes, demonstrating that electron nanobunch formation does indeed occur. We observe spectra with the characteristic spectral signature of CSE-a slow decay of intensity, I, with high-harmonic order, n, as I(n) proportional to n(-1.62) before a rapid efficiency rollover. Particle-in-cell code simulations reveal how dense nanobunches of electrons are periodically formed and accelerated during normal-incidence interactions with ultrathin foils and result in CSE in the transmitted direction. This observation of CSE presents a route to high-energy XUV pulses(7,8) and offers a new window on understanding ultrafast energy coupling during intense laser-solid density interactions.


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A short overview of laser-plasma acceleration of ions is presented. The focus is on some recent experimental results and the related theoretical work on advanced regimes. These latter include in particular target normal sheath acceleration using ultrashort low-energy pulses and structured targets, radiation pressure acceleration in both thick and ultrathin targets and collisionless shock acceleration in moderate density plasmas. For each approach, open issues and the need and potential for further developments are briefly discussed. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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A scheme in which carbon ion bunches are accelerated to a high energy and density by a laser pulse (∼10 W/cm) irradiating cone targets is proposed and investigated using particle-in-cell simulations. The laser pulse is focused by the cone and drives forward an ultrathin foil located at the cone's tip. In the course of the work, best results were obtained employing target configurations combining a low-Z cone with a multispecies foil transversely shaped to match the laser intensity profile. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Asymmetry in the collective dynamics of ponderomotively-driven electrons in the interaction of an ultraintense laser pulse with a relativistically transparent target is demonstrated experimentally. The 2D profile of the beam of accelerated electrons is shown to change from an ellipse aligned along the laser polarization direction in the case of limited transparency, to a double-lobe structure aligned perpendicular to it when a significant fraction of the laser pulse co-propagates with the electrons. The temporally-resolved dynamics of the interaction are investigated via particle-in-cell simulations. The results provide new insight into the collective response of charged particles to intense laser fields over an extended interaction volume, which is important for a wide range of applications, and in particular for the development of promising new ultraintense laser-driven ion acceleration mechanisms involving ultrathin target foils.


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Ultraintense laser pulses with a few-cycle rising edge are ideally suited to accelerating ions from ultrathin foils, and achieving such pulses in practice represents a formidable challenge. We show that such pulses can be obtained using sufficiently strong and well-controlled relativistic nonlinearities in spatially well-defined near-critical-density plasmas. The resulting ultraintense pulses with an extremely steep rising edge give rise to significantly enhanced carbon ion energies consistent with a transition to radiation pressure acceleration.


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Ion acceleration driven by the interaction of an ultraintense (2 × 1020 W cm-2) laser pulse with an ultrathin ( nm) foil target is experimentally and numerically investigated. Protons accelerated by sheath fields and via laser radiation pressure are angularly separated and identified based on their directionality and signature features (e.g. transverse instabilities) in the measured spatial-intensity distribution. A low divergence, high energy proton component is also detected when the heated target electrons expand and the target becomes relativistically transparent during the interaction. 2D and 3D particle-in-cell simulations indicate that under these conditions a plasma jet is formed at the target rear, supported by a self-generated azimuthal magnetic field, which extends into the expanded layer of sheath-accelerated protons. Electrons trapped within this jet are directly accelerated to super-thermal energies by the portion of the laser pulse transmitted through the target. The resulting streaming of the electrons into the ion layers enhances the energy of protons in the vicinity of the jet. Through the addition of a controlled prepulse, the maximum energy of these protons is demonstrated experimentally and numerically to be sensitive to the picosecond rising edge profile of the laser pulse.


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An ultrathin layer of metasurface that almost completely annihilates the reflection of light (>99.5%) over a wide range of incident angles (>80°) is experimentally demonstrated. Such zero-reflectance metafilms exhibit optimal performance for plasmonic sensing, since their sensitivity to changes of local refractive index is far superior to films of nonzero reflectance. Since both main detection mechanisms tracking intensity changes and wavelength shifts are improved, zero-reflectance metafilms are optimal for localized surface plasmon resonance molecular sensing. Such nanostructures have significant opportunities in many areas, including enhanced light harvesting as well as in developing high-performance molecular sensors for a wide range of chemical and biomedical applications.


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High resolution synchrotron radiation core level photoemission measurements have been used to undertake a comparative study ofthe high temperature thermal stability ofthe ammonium sulphide passivated InGaAs surface and the same surface following the atomic layer deposition (ALD) of an ultrathin (∼1 nm) Al2O3 layer. The solution based ex situ sulphur passivation was found to be effective at removing a significant amount of the native oxides and protecting the surface against re-oxidation upon air exposure. The residual interfacial oxides which form between sulphur passivated InGaAs and the ultrathin Al2O3 layer can be substantially removed at high temperature (up to 700 ◦C) without impacting on the InGaAs stoichiometry while significant loss of indium was recorded at this temperature on the uncovered sulphur passivated InGaAs surface.


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At sufficiently high laser intensities, the rapid heating to relativistic velocities and resulting decompression of plasma electrons in an ultra-thin target foil can result in the target becoming relativistically transparent to the laser light during the interaction. Ion acceleration in this regime is strongly affected by the transition from an opaque to a relativistically transparent plasma. By spatially resolving the laser-accelerated proton beam at near-normal laser incidence and at an incidence angle of 30°, we identify characteristic features both experimentally and in particle-in-cell simulations which are consistent with the onset of three distinct ion acceleration mechanisms: sheath acceleration; radiation pressure acceleration; and transparency-enhanced acceleration. The latter mechanism occurs late in the interaction and is mediated by the formation of a plasma jet extending into the expanding ion population. The effect of laser incident angle on the plasma jet is explored.


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Water-sediment exchange is a fundamental component of oxyanion cycling in the environment. Yet, many of the (im)mobilization processes overlay complex spatial and temporal redox regimes that occur within millimeters of the interface. Only a few methods exist that can reliably capture these porewater fluxes, with the most popular being high-resolution diffusive gradients in thin films (HR-DGT). However, functionality of HR-DGT is restricted by the availability of suitable analyte binding agents within the sampler, which must be simple to cast and homogeneously distributed in the binding layer, exhibit adequate sorption capacities, be resistive to chemical change, and possess a very fine particle size (≤10 μm). A novel binding layer was synthesized to meet these requirements by in situ precipitation of zirconia into a precast hydrogel. The particle diameter ≤0.2 μm of zirconia in this precipitated gel was uniform and at least 50-times smaller than the conventional molding approach. Further, this gel had superior binding and stability characteristics compared with the commonly used ferrihydrite HR-DGT technique and could be easily fabricated as an ultrathin gel (60 μm) for simultaneous oxygen imaging in conjunction with planar-optodes. Chemical imaging of anion and oxygen fluxes using the new sampler were evaluated on Lake Taihu sediments.


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O objectivo deste trabalho é a produção de novos eléctrodos modificados com polioxotungstatos (POMs) do tipo Keggin, incluindo POMs lacunares e substituídos por metais de transição. A preparação e caracterização dos polioxotungstatos encontram-se descritas no Capítulo 2. No Capítulo 3 descreve-se a produção de eléctrodos de carbono vítreo funcionalizados com sais híbridos de tetra-n-butilamónio de vários silicotungstatos pelo método de evaporação da gota. As propriedades electroquímicas dos polioxotungstatos imobilizados foram comparadas com as das espécies solúveis correspondentes. A morfologia dos depósitos foi avaliada por microscopia óptica e por microscopia electrónica de varrimento. No capítulo 4 descreve-se a preparação de novos eléctrodos compósitos de carbono e poli(hexilmetacrilato) com fosfotungstatos. Os estudos electroquímicos revelaram que as principais características dos POMs são mantidas e que os processos de redução são controlados por difusão, dependendo da difusão dos protões da solução. O Capítulo 5 descreve a construção de filmes em multicamadas ultrafinos contendo POMs e polietilenimina, preparados pelo método de auto-montagem camada-sobre-camada em eléctrodos de carbono vítreo. Os filmes em multicamada foram caracterizados por voltametria cíclica e por microscopia electrónica de varrimento e foi usada a espectroscopia de absorção de UV-Vis em placas de quartzo para monitorar o crescimento de filme. Os resultados voltamétricos revelaram que os processos de redução dos POM são confinados à superfície. Alguns destes eléctrodos modificados revelaram propriedades electrocatalíticas relativamente à redução dos aniões nitrito, bromato e/ou iodato. A espectroscopia de impedância electroquímica também foi usada na caracterização destes filmes e os resultados revelaram que a resistência à transferência de carga aumenta com o aumento do número de bicamadas para ambas as espécies redox, indicando que a espessura do filme tem um efeito importante sobre a cinética de reacções de transferência de carga. No capítulo 6 descreve-se a síntese de filmes híbridos orgânicos/inorgânicos compostos por poli(3,4-etilenodioxitiofeno) (PEDOT) e por silicotungstatos do tipo Keggin através da polimerização electroquímica, em condições aquosas, na superfície de electrodos de carbono vítreo. A voltametria cíclica revelou que as características principais dos POMs são mantidas nos filmes. Verificou-se que estes filmes são muito estáveis, possivelmente devido a fortes interacções electrostáticas entre os POMs aniónicos e o polímero positivamente carregado. A espectroscopia de impedância electroquímica foi também utilizada e os resultados mostraram que a resistência de transferência de carga aumenta com o aumento do pH e para valores de potenciais mais elevados. O capítulo 7 apresenta as conclusões finais e possíveis trabalhos futuros.


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Nanoparticles (NPs) are being used or explored for the development of biomedical applications in diagnosis and therapy, including imaging and drug delivery. Therefore, reliable tools are needed to study the behavior of NPs in biological environment, in particular the transport of NPs across biological barriers, including the blood-brain tumor barrier (BBTB), a challenging question. Previous studies have addressed the translocation of NPs of various compositions across cell layers, mostly using only one type of cells. Using a coculture model of the human BBTB, consisting in human cerebral endothelial cells preloaded with ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIO NPs) and unloaded human glioblastoma cells grown on each side of newly developed ultrathin permeable silicon nitride supports as a model of the human BBTB, we demonstrate for the first time the transfer of USPIO NPs from human brain-derived endothelial cells to glioblastoma cells. The reduced thickness of the permeable mechanical support compares better than commercially available polymeric supports to the thickness of the basement membrane of the cerebral vascular system. These results are the first report supporting the possibility that USPIO NPs could be directly transferred from endothelial cells to glioblastoma cells across a BBTB. Thus, the use of such ultrathin porous supports provides a new in vitro approach to study the delivery of nanotherapeutics to brain cancers. Our results also suggest a novel possibility for nanoparticles to deliver therapeutics to the brain using endothelial to neural cells transfer.