998 resultados para ULLA-verkosto
Ammatillisen koulutusjärjestelmän kehitystä on viime vuodet ohjannut osaamisen työelämälähtöisyyden johdonmukainen vahventaminen. Avainkäsitteiksi ovat nousseet autenttinen ammattitaito ja – arviointi. Uudistukset ovat toteutuneet mm. näyttötutkintoina. Tutkimus tarkastelee näyttötutkintojärjestelmän ja varhaiskasvatusosaamisen välistä suhdetta. Erityisinä kiinnostuksen kohteina ovat varhaiskasvatuksellisen ammattitaidon määrittyminen sekä varhaiskasvatusosaamisen näyttöperustainen arviointi. Tutkimusaineiston ensimmäisen osan muodostavat tutkintotilaisuuden toteutusta ohjaavat aineistot. Keskeisimmässä osassa ovat Lapsi- ja perhetyön ammattitaitovaatimukset. Tutkimusaineiston toisen osan muodostavat 1188 työelämän tuottamaa ammattitaitovaatimuskohtaista arviointia. Aineistoon sisältyy myös 60 tutkinnon järjestäjän arvioijien antamaa osaamisen arviointia. Tutkimus on lähtökohdiltaan deskriptiivinen, painottaen kuvailevan ja selittävän analyysin ohella evaluoivaa näkökulmaa. Tutkimuksen menetelmällinen lähtökohta on laadullinen sisällön analyysi. Sisällön analyysin tukena sovelletaan tietokoneperustaista laadullisen aineiston analyysiohjelmaa QSR NVivo7:ää. Aineistoa tarkastellaan myös kvantitatiivisesti. Tutkimuksen metodologinen ja epistemologinen lähestymistapa edustaa selkeimmin hermeneuttista suuntausta. Aineiston osalta keskeistä on autenttisuus ja naturalistisuus. Tutkimuksen perusteella ammattitaitovaatimukset pyrkivät todentamaan ammatillisen varhaiskasvatuksen laaja-alaista ja moniulotteista olemusta. Tiettyjä varhaiskasvatuksellisen osaamisen sisältöalueita ei kuitenkaan kyetä kaikilta osin luotettavasti sekä pätevästi osoittamaan ja todentamaan autenttisissa työtilanteissa. Työelämälähtöisissä arvioinneissa erityisen ongelmallisia sisältöalueita ovat perhelähtöinen yhteistyö sekä moniammatillinen verkosto-osaaminen. Varhaiskasvattajat painottavat arvioinneissaan selkeästi varhaispedagogista osaamista. Tutkimus osoittaa, että varhaiskasvatustyön edellyttämät osaamisvaatimukset ovat saavutettavissa ainoastaan varhaiskasvatustyöhön kokonaisuudessaan kohdentuvan tutkinnon kautta. Osaamisvaatimusten tulee myös todentua kattavasti jo ammatillisen kelpoisuuden tuottavan osaamisen vähimmäistasolla. Näyttötutkinto tarjoaa aikuisväestölle mielekkään ja joustavan mallin saavuttaa ammatillinen kelpoisuus. Varhaiskasvatuksellisen osaamisen näkökulmasta ideaalinen tutkinto- ja koulutusjärjestelmä rakentuisi työelämälähtöisen oppimisen ja koulutusperustaisen oppimisen tasapainoiselle yhdistelmälle.
Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is underdiagnosed in women, probably due to the different gender-related manifestation. We investigated the differences in presentation, symptoms and co-morbidities of SDB in men and in pre- and postmenopausal women by a clinical, retrospective, cross-sectional study of 601 consecutively referred women and 233 age- and BMI-matched male-female pairs studied with the static-chargesensitive bed (SCSB) and an oximeter. Data on the use of nasal CPAP were gathered from the Paimio hospital database, and the co-morbidity information was based on reimbursed medication data from the National Agency for Medicines and the Social Insurance institution. The abnormal breathing episodes at night were more frequent in men than in women, and in postmenopausal women compared to premenopausal ones. Partial upper airway obstruction was the most common type of SDB in both genders but especially in females. BMI and the major symptoms of SDB were similar in pre- and postmenopausal women, and a menopause effect on symptoms was not found. CPAP adherence did not differ between symptomatic patients with partial upper airway obstruction and those presenting with conventional obstructive sleep apnea. Comorbidities were more frequent in SDB patients than in the general Finnish population. Compared to sleep apnea, partial upper airway obstruction was associated with a threefold prevalence of asthma and/or COPD in both genders, and with a 60% reduced prevalence of hypertension in females matched for age and BMI. Our results emphasize that partial upper airway obstruction is not a milder form of SDB but a different entity, the severity of which is underestimated when using the conventional apnea-hypopnea index. It seems clinically relevant to diagnose and treat the co-morbidities and SDB also in patients with partial upper airway obstruction, especially in elderly and symptomatic women.
Social networking and social networking sites have gained popularity among internet users during the past few years. Social networks fulfill the need of users to stay connected to friends and other people interested in the same issues. Combining social networks to the mobile environment is a growing interest of mobile device users as it allows the users to be in their online social community despite their mobility. This thesis highlights the basics of mobile environment, social networking and PeerHood and introduces a new approach of social networking on mobile environment, which is a new concept in mobile social networking. This approach is based on dynamic group discovery in accordance to some common user interests and management in the PeerHood environment. A reference implementation of a social networking application built on top of PeerHood is presented and it is tested and analyzed to understand the social networking on mobile environment and the new concept of dynamic group discovery in it.
During the last few years, the discussion on the marginal social costs of transportation has been active. Applying the externalities as a tool to control transport would fulfil the polluter pays principle and simultaneously create a fair control method between the transport modes. This report presents the results of two calculation algorithms developed to estimate the marginal social costs based on the externalities of air pollution. The first algorithm calculates the future scenarios of sea transport traffic externalities until 2015 in the Gulf of Finland. The second algorithm calculates the externalities of Russian passenger car transit traffic via Finland by taking into account both sea and road transport. The algorithm estimates the ship-originated emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), particulates (PM) and the externalities for each year from 2007 to 2015. The total NOx emissions in the Gulf of Finland from the six ship types were almost 75.7 kilotons (Table 5.2) in 2007. The ship types are: passenger (including cruisers and ROPAX vessels), tanker, general cargo, Ro-Ro, container and bulk vessels. Due to the increase of traffic, the estimation for NOx emissions for 2015 is 112 kilotons. The NOx emission estimation for the whole Baltic Sea shipping is 370 kilotons in 2006 (Stipa & al, 2007). The total marginal social costs due to ship-originated CO2, NOx, SOx and PM emissions in the GOF were calculated to almost 175 million Euros in 2007. The costs will increase to nearly 214 million Euros in 2015 due to the traffic growth. The major part of the externalities is due to CO2 emissions. If we neglect the CO2 emissions by extracting the CO2 externalities from the results, we get the total externalities of 57 million Euros in 2007. After eight years (2015), the externalities would be 28 % lower, 41 million Euros (Table 8.1). This is the result of the sulphur emissions reducing regulation of marine fuels. The majority of the new car transit goes through Finland to Russia due to the lack of port capacity in Russia. The amount of cars was 339 620 vehicles (Statistics of Finnish Customs 2008) in 2005. The externalities are calculated for the transportation of passenger vehicles as follows: by ship to a Finnish port and, after that, by trucks to the Russian border checkpoint. The externalities are between 2 – 3 million Euros (year 2000 cost level) for each route. The ports included in the calculations are Hamina, Hanko, Kotka and Turku. With the Euro-3 standard trucks, the port of Hanko would be the best choice to transport the vehicles. This is because of lower emissions by new trucks and the saved transport distance of a ship. If the trucks are more polluting Euro 1 level trucks, the port of Kotka would be the best choice. This indicates that the truck emissions have a considerable effect on the externalities and that the transportation of light cargo, such as passenger cars by ship, produces considerably high emission externalities. The emission externalities approach offers a new insight for valuing the multiple traffic modes. However, the calculation of the marginal social costs based on the air emission externalities should not be regarded as a ready-made calculation system. The system is clearly in the need of some improvement but it can already be considered as a potential tool for political decision making.