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Although functional recovery could be advocated as an achievable treatment goal, many effective interventions for the treatment of psychotic symptoms, such as antipsychotic drugs, may not improve functioning. The last two decades of cognitive and clinical research on schizophrenia were a turning point for the firm acknowledgment of how relevant social cognitive deficits and negative symptoms could be in predicting psychosocial functioning. The relevance of social cognition dysfunction in schizophrenia patients’ daily living is now unabated. In fact, social cognition deficits could be the most significant predictor of functionality in patients with schizophrenia, non-redundantly with neurocognition. Emerging evidence suggests that negative symptoms appear to play an indirect role, mediating the relationship between neurocognition and social cognition with functional outcomes. Further explorations of this mediating role of negative symptoms have revealed that motivational deficits appear to be particularly important in explaining the relationship between both neurocognitive and social cognitive dysfunction and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. In this paper we will address the relative contribution of two key constructs—social cognitive deficits and negative symptoms, namely how intertwined they could be in daily life functioning of patients with schizophrenia.


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Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa


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Os Organismos públicos encontram-se, actualmente, a desenvolver estudos a nível dos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão, motivados pela necessidade que existe em adoptar novas técnicas de Gestão capazes de responder às novas exigências de informação. Em termos gerais, os Organismos públicos encontram-se numa fase de viragem na sua actuação, em que surge a necessidade de dispor de novos sistemas de informação capazes de dar resposta às exigências da Nova Gestão Pública. É certo que a Nova Gestão Pública conduz a uma maior motivação, proporcionando uma melhoria na obtenção dos resultados e modernizando a relação entre o controlo das despesas públicas e a prestação de contas a nível dos órgãos do Estado, e onde a uniformização de critérios se apresenta como um dos principais requisitos para criar condições de implementação de uma contabilidade pública que funcione como instrumento de apoio aos utilizadores da informação e, em particular, aos Órgãos de Chefia e Direcção. Este trabalho analisa o caso do Exército Português, como exemplo de um Organismo público que aproveitou a obrigatoriedade de adesão ao novo Regime de Administração Financeira do Estado, para promover a implementação de um Sistema Integrado de Gestão capaz de responder às novas exigências de informação. Analisam-se também as estratégias de actuação e reorientação organizacional utilizadas pelo Exército Português, de modo a permitir o desenvolvimento e implementação do sistema baseado na uniformização de critérios que garanta os requisitos e as técnicas de Gestão capazes de criar condições para desenvolver uma contabilidade pública que funcione como instrumento de apoio à decisão. ABSTRACT; At present, government entities are developing studies at an Integrated Management System level, impelled by the actual need of adopting new Management techniques capable of responding to the new demands regarding Information. ln global terms, government entities are reaching a turning point in its way of acting, due to the arising need of settling new information systems which provide an answer to the demands of the New Public Management. It is assured that the New Public Management leads to a higher motivation, providing an improvement in accomplishing results and modernizing the link between the control of public expenditure and presenting accounts of State Organs. It also presents the criteria standards as one of the main requirements to create implementation conditions of a public accounting which operates as a support mean to the information users and, more specifically, to the Command and Boarding Bodies. This study analyses the Portuguese Army, an example of government entity which seized the obligation of joining the New Public Financial Management Regime to promote the implementation of an Integrated Management System capable of responding to the new information demands. The performing strategies and organizational refocus used by the Portuguese Army are also analyzed in order to allow the development and implementation of the system. It is based in the standard criteria that secure the requirements and Management techniques which enable the progress of a public accounting acting as a support resource in decision-making.


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The garimpo gold mining activity has released about 2.500 tons of mercury in the Brazilian Amazonian environment in the 1980-1995 period. The northern region of Mato Grosso State, an important gold mining and trading area during the Arnazonian gold rush is now at a turning point regarding its economic future. Nowadays, the activities related to gold mining have only a low relevance on its economy. Thus, the local communities are looking for economic alternatives for the development of the region. Cooperative fish farming is one of such alternatives. However, some projects are directly implemented on areas degraded by the former garimpo activity and the mercury left behind still poses risks, especially by its potential accumulation in fish. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the levels of mercury contamination in two fish farming areas, Paranaita and Alta Floresta, with and without records of past gold-washing activity, respectively. Data such as mercury concentration in fish of different trophic level, size, and weight as well as the water physical and chemical parameters were measured and considered. These preliminary data have shown no significant difference between these two fish fanning areas, relatively to mercury levels in fish. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oligophenylenes (polyphenylenes) are constituted by an array of conjugated benzenes where inter-ring electron delocalization tends to extend over the whole chain (linear conjugation) being intrinsically limited, among other factors, by terminal effects. Alternatively, cyclic conjugation is envisaged as the unlimited free-boundary versionofconjugation which will impact the structure of molecules in rather unknown ways. The cyclic version of oligophenylenes, cycloparaphenylenes ([n]CPPs with n the number of phenyl rings) were first synthesized in 2008 by Beztozzi and Jasti.1 Today the whole [n]CPP series from [5]CPP to [18]CPP has been prepared. [n]CPPs represent ideal models to investigate new insights of the electronic structure of molecules and cyclic conjugation when electrons or charges circulate in a closed circuit without boundaries. Radical cations and dications of [n]CPP from n=5 to n=12 have been prepared and studied by Raman spectroscopy.2 Small [n]CPP dications own their stability to the closed-shell electronic configuration imposed by cyclic conjugation. However, in large [n]CPP dications cyclic conjugation is minimal and these divalent species form open-shell biradicals. The Raman spectra reflect the effect of cyclic conjugation in competition with cyclic strain and biradicaloid aromatic stabilization. Cyclic conjugation provokes the existence of a turning point or V-shape behavior of the frequencies of the G bands as a function of n. In this communication we will show the vibrational spectroscopic fingerprint of this rare form of conjugation. [1] R. Jasti, J. Bhattacharjee, J. B. Neaton, C. R. Bertozzi, “Synthesis, Characterization, and Theory of [9]-, [12]-, and [18]Cycloparaphenylene: Carbon Nanohoop Structures”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130 (2008), 17646–17647. [2] M. P. Alvarez, P. M. Burrezo, M. Kertesz, T. Iwamoto, S. Yamago, J. Xia, R. Jasti, J. T. L. Navarrete, M. Taravillo, V. G. Baonza, J. Casado, “Properties of Sizeable [n]CycloParaPhenylenes As Molecular Models of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes By Raman Spectroscopy: Structural and Electron-Transfer Responses Under Mechanical Stress”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, (2014), 7033−7037.


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Nombre de recherches portent sur la question de l’abandon de la délinquance et du processus de désistance qui la précède. Bien que les angles d’approche soient diversifiés, elles s’entendent pour dire que ce processus implique des changements sociaux autant que personnels. Ce mémoire s’est intéressé à la question des changements identitaires chez des individus qui avaient été condamnés à une longue peine d’emprisonnement et qui ont obtenu leur libération conditionnelle totale. Le principal objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre en quoi les aspects permanents de l’identité et ceux qui sont modifiables sont à l’œuvre dans la trajectoire de changement d’un homme condamné à perpétuité pour meurtre et qui a obtenu sa libération conditionnelle totale. La méthode qualitative qu’est le récit de vie, et selon une perspective phénoménologique, a été utilisée afin d’atteindre les objectifs de cette recherche. Un homme condamné à une sentence de prison à vie, mais ayant obtenu sa libération totale a été rencontré en dix entretiens en profondeur d’une durée d’une heure à une heure et demie. Nous avons choisi de procéder à un nombre élevé d’entretiens de type semi-directifs afin de permettre l’approfondissement des propos de l’individu rencontré. Les résultats suggèrent que certaines représentations de l’identité restent stables dans le temps alors que d’autres se transforment au fil de la trajectoire de vie. En effet, de l’analyse du récit de vie de l’individu se dégagent deux représentations stables, qui marquent durablement l’identité de ce dernier dans sa trajectoire de vie, et quatre modifiables, qui se sont développées au cours de sa détention. Les résultats montrent aussi que les représentations stables semblent intervenir autant dans le processus criminogène que dans celui de la désistance.


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This thesis examines the relationship between oil prices and economic activity, and it attempts to address the question: do increases in oil prices (oil shocks) precede U.S. recessions? This paper also applied macroeconomics, either through the direct use of a macroeconomic point of view or using a combination of mathematical and statistical models. Two mathematical and statistical models are used to determine the ability of oil prices to predict recessions in the United States. First, using the binary cyclical (Bry-Boschan method) indicator procedure to test the turning point of oil prices compared with turning points in GDP finds that oil prices almost always turn five month before a recession, suggesting that an oil shock might occur before a recession. Second, the Granger causality test shows that oil prices change do Granger cause U.S. recessions, indicating that oil prices are a useful signal to indicate a U.S. recession. Finally, combining this analysis with the literature, there are several potential explanations that the spike in oil prices result in slower GDP growth and are a contributing factor to U.S. recessions.


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Nombre de recherches portent sur la question de l’abandon de la délinquance et du processus de désistance qui la précède. Bien que les angles d’approche soient diversifiés, elles s’entendent pour dire que ce processus implique des changements sociaux autant que personnels. Ce mémoire s’est intéressé à la question des changements identitaires chez des individus qui avaient été condamnés à une longue peine d’emprisonnement et qui ont obtenu leur libération conditionnelle totale. Le principal objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre en quoi les aspects permanents de l’identité et ceux qui sont modifiables sont à l’œuvre dans la trajectoire de changement d’un homme condamné à perpétuité pour meurtre et qui a obtenu sa libération conditionnelle totale. La méthode qualitative qu’est le récit de vie, et selon une perspective phénoménologique, a été utilisée afin d’atteindre les objectifs de cette recherche. Un homme condamné à une sentence de prison à vie, mais ayant obtenu sa libération totale a été rencontré en dix entretiens en profondeur d’une durée d’une heure à une heure et demie. Nous avons choisi de procéder à un nombre élevé d’entretiens de type semi-directifs afin de permettre l’approfondissement des propos de l’individu rencontré. Les résultats suggèrent que certaines représentations de l’identité restent stables dans le temps alors que d’autres se transforment au fil de la trajectoire de vie. En effet, de l’analyse du récit de vie de l’individu se dégagent deux représentations stables, qui marquent durablement l’identité de ce dernier dans sa trajectoire de vie, et quatre modifiables, qui se sont développées au cours de sa détention. Les résultats montrent aussi que les représentations stables semblent intervenir autant dans le processus criminogène que dans celui de la désistance.


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Le début des années 2000 a constitué un tournant dans l’évolution de la situation sociolinguistique de l’Algérie, marqué notamment par une ouverture sur le plurilinguisme qui se manifeste aujourd’hui sur le terrain comme un fait établi. Cette dynamique appelle un regard renouvelé sur les représentations qu’ont les locuteurs algériens des différentes langues en contact. C’est l’objectif de cet article qui présente les résultats d’une enquête sur les représentations sociales des quatre langues en présence (arabe standard, arabe dialectal, berbère et français) chez une population d’étudiants universitaires. Cette recherche, qui se base sur la méthode d’analyse combinée (Maurer, 2013) a permis de mettre au jour la structure de la représentation sociale de chaque langue et de voir la prégnance des images qui circulent chez les locuteurs.


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O Sector Público em Portugal atravessa um momento de viragem. O antigo modelo de gestão, burocrático e autoritário vai, aos poucos, dando lugar a um novo modelo assente no princípio dos três "E(s)"1, economia, eficiência, eficácia, ao qual se pode juntar a sustentabilidade e o respeito pelo ambiente, procura tomar os serviços públicos amigos dos cidadãos e das boas práticas. Esta metamorfose exige, contudo, uma acção concertada não só ao nível das práticas, mas também das mentalidades num trabalho conjunto de governantes gestores e auditores. É hoje indiscutível a importância que a auditoria interna tem no seio das organizações. O sector público começa agora a dar os primeiros passos nesta área procurando através da auditoria, não só evitar fraudes e detectar erros mas também apoiar a gestão através de uma actuação directa e eficaz sobre o que está a acontecer, garantindo que os recursos que são de todos, estão a ser gastos de forma adequada. No Exército já existe uma cultura de auditoria na sua vertente tradicional, ou seja, verificação do passado, efeito persuasor, verificação da legalidade detecção de erros e fraudes. A instituição só pode ganhar se nesta área for pioneira alargando o âmbito, da sua intervenção ao nível da verificação da eficácia e da eficiência melhorando e criando uma cultura de rigor e boas práticas na sua gestão. /ABSTRACT: The public sector in Portugal is at a turning point. The old management, bureaucratic and authoritarian model is gradually giving way to a new model based on the principle of the three "E (s)2”, economy, efficiency, effectiveness and, to which we can join sustainability and environmental respect. It aims at making the public service friendly for citizens and promoting better practices. This metamorphosis, however, requires a harmonized action not only at the practice level but also in the attitudes within a joint effort of governing managers and auditors. It is nowadays· indisputable the importance that internal audit has within organizations. The public sector is beginning to take the first steps in this area, seeking in the audit not only to prevent fraud and detect errors but also to support the management by working directly and effectively on what is happening, ensuring that the resources belong to everyone, and are all being spent properly. ln the Army there is already an audit culture in its traditional area, i.e., verification of the past, persuasive effect, verification of the legality, detecting errors and fraud. The institution can only win if it is pioneer in this area by expanding the scope of its intervention at the level of verification, effectiveness and efficiency, improving and creating a culture of rigor and better practices in its management. (1-Vectores chaves para o aumento da produtividade e da riqueza suporte do chamado Value for Money (VFM) - 2-Key vectors that increase the support productivity and wealth of the so called Value for Money (VFM) )


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Silicon carbide (SiC) is a material of great technological interest for engineering applications concerning hostile environments where silicon-based components cannot work (beyond 623 K). Single point diamond turning (SPDT) has remained a superior and viable method to harness process efficiency and freeform shapes on this harder material. However, it is extremely difficult to machine this ceramic consistently in the ductile regime due to sudden and rapid tool wear. It thus becomes non trivial to develop an accurate understanding of tool wear mechanism during SPDT of SiC in order to identify measures to suppress wear to minimize operational cost.

In this paper, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation has been deployed with a realistic analytical bond order potential (ABOP) formalism based potential energy function to understand tool wear mechanism during single point diamond turning of SiC. The most significant result was obtained using the radial distribution function which suggests graphitization of diamond tool during the machining process. This phenomenon occurs due to the abrasive processes between these two ultra hard materials. The abrasive action results in locally high temperature which compounds with the massive cutting forces leading to sp3–sp2 order–disorder transition of diamond tool. This represents the root cause of tool wear during SPDT operation of cubic SiC. Further testing led to the development of a novel method for quantitative assessment of the progression of diamond tool wear from MD simulations.


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Adaptation of novels and other source texts into theatre has proven to be a recurring and popular form of writing through the ages. This study argues that as the theoretical discourse has moved on from outmoded notions of fidelity to original sources, the practice of adaptation is a method of re-invigorating theatre forms and inventing new ones. This practice-led research employed a tripartite methodology comprised of the writing of two play adaptations, participation by the author/researcher in their productions, and exegetical components focused on the development and deployment of analytical tools. These tools were derived from theoretical literature and a creative practice based on acquired professional artistry "learnt by doing" over a longstanding professional career as actor, director and writer. A suite of analytical tools was developed through the three phases of the first project, the adaptation of Nick Earls’ novel Perfect Skin. The tools draw on Cardwell’s "comparative analysis", which encompasses close consideration of generic context, authorial context and medium-specific context; and on Stam’s "mechanics of narrative": order, duration, frequency, the narrator and point of view. A third analytical lens was developed from an awareness of the significance of the commissioning brief and ethical considerations and obligations to the source text and its author and audience. The tripartite methodology provided an adaptation template that was applied to the writing and production of the second play Red Cap, which used factual and anecdotal sources. The second play’s exegesis (Chapter 10) analyses the effectiveness of the suite of analytical tools and the reception of the production in order to conclude the study with a workable model for use in the practice of adapting existing texts, both factual and fictional, for the theatre.