1000 resultados para Tratamentos maciços
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The relationship between the microstructure and the magnetic properties of soft magnetic materials, have been studied by different researchers who seek to employ electrical systems, increasing their life span and reduce their energy consumption. Following this same line the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory developed a new synchrotron light source, the Sirius, where magnetic materials with high magnetic permeability values are being studied for use in accelerator dipoles. The low carbon steel is a ferromagnetic material that has a great relationship between cost and magnetic permeability. Aiming to raise the values of permeability of the material, heat treatments were done and evaluated the magnetic properties, microstructure and mechanical properties to correlate them. It was noted that the thermal annealing were the most effective, and the annealing performed with a small time threshold, which only phenomenon observed was the primary recrystallisation, was the most elevated values of magnetic permeability of the material, due to the average grain size ideal achieved. The heat treatments do not guide the magnetic domains of the material and not influence the mechanical properties of the material due to lack of carbon in the microstructure. The annealing treatments were shown to be an alternative to raising the values of the magnetic permeability of the material and facilitate the implementation of ultra low carbon steel in the dipoles of Sirius
The canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) is a neoplasm of round cells that primarily affects the external genitalia of both male and female dogs with high casuistry. Its transmission occurs by the tumor cells’ implementation in the mucous membranes during the coitus or in other body parts through licking, scratching or direct contact with the tumor. The clinical manifestations vary according to the location. Despite being a malignant neoplasm, TVT’s metastatic potential is low. The diagnosis is based on macroscopic characteristics, clinical signs, cytology and/or histopathology exam, among which cytology is considered the best method. There are several treatment protocols for the TVT, among which, surgical excision, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy with vincristine sulfate is the elected treatment. However, more and more new alternatives have been developed, as the usage of natural products, homeopathy and ivermectina. They can be used as a unique treatment to neoplasm or combined to the chemotherapy in order to decrease the dose and the application number of the chemotherapic and its side effects
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The approach of the subject matter in this work relies on the fact that the reliability of methods for performance analysis of materials proves critical for the result. This work focused on the development and presentation of the methodology for lifting probability curves for fatigue test (SN) according to standard E739, this focus is justified by the fact that the results in fatigue test show considerable dispersion making it difficult to reading and interpretation of data, this dispersion arises because the phenomenon of rupture is strongly influenced by internal characteristics of the material, we can then have much data ranging from test to test. Thus we set out originally for a brief study of aluminum alloys in question, as well as the treatments to which they were subjected. We also studied the behavior of materials when subjected to cyclic loading, which configures process of fatigue failure, and even fatigue test method in question. This statistical analysis is based on the ASTM E739 standard, so its contents was studied in detail so that we could present in detail the methodology and raise SN curves for different aluminum alloy 7012 subjected to fatigue test. Data were collected from tests conducted in the department of materials from two samples of aluminum alloy 7012 solubilized and precipitated by different time intervals and assayed temperature fatigue-type traction-compression, these data were then analyzed and used to survey curves using the base as E739. After lifting the curve analyzed the characteristics of the test samples and their correlation with the test results. We confirmed the effectiveness of the method of statistical analysis by ASME E739, which allowed the reading of data without this method would be very difficult to have a reading and comparison of the results for the two types... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de um levantamento bibliográfico da situação em que a cidade de Rio Claro, interior de São Paulo, se encontra em relação à Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana, uma vez que, o município foi apontado como foco da doença no ano de 2000 por mídias regionais. O trabalho visa identificar o período de maior número de casos bem como a situação atual da doença na cidade. Este levantamento bibliográfico, contou com auxilio de agentes de saúde da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e Instituto Adolfo Lutz presente na cidade, além de departamentos da prefeitura municipal envolvidos com tema. Ficou evidente que o município enfrentou períodos de surtos da doença, porém, atualmente a LTA está controlada, apresentando poucos casos em relação há anos anteriores. O atendimento aos doentes é oferecido gratuitamente na rede municipal de saúde. A cidade procura através dos órgãos envolvidos com o tema, conscientizar a população quanto ao risco e método de prevenção
Nowadays, bamboo is being studied because of their strength properties according with their specific mass and speed of growth, which makes it an important alternative as a new resource that will help reduce pressure on forests and helpping them favoring the minimization of uncontrolled deforestation in many regions of Brazil. This study aimed, in general, to analyze physical and mechanical properties of the material with the divulgation of its potential for industrial application. To do so, in this research were determined in relation to the physical properties, moisture content, dimensional stability and the apparent densities and the mechanics and basic, just a tension parallel to grain, in order to observe the interference of various kinds of treatments (chemical, thermal and natural) on the strength and modulus of elasticity in this request. The species used was the Guadua angustifolia, a species native of Brazil. All tests were performed at Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus Experimental Itapeva in the laboratory of Materials Properties. The methodology used for testing of moisture, density and tension parallel to grain were based on NBR 7190/1997 for the wood, and dimensional stability tests were based on much the same as in COPANT 462/1972 (South American) . The preservative treatments conducted followed the recommendation of each manufacturer. The values obtained in tests of physical properties were satisfactory especially with respect to density and dimensional stability analyzed by the coefficient of anisotropy, showed that, compared to wood, excellent quality for the shrinkage test, obtaining a coefficient of 1.2. With respect to parallel tensile tests to fibre results showed, in most cases, that test specimens with the presence of us have lower values of resistance and modulus of elasticity when compared with those without us. In the treatment of thermal-treatment there was an apparent treatment there was an apparent increase in...
The liver has many biological functions that contribute to the proper functioning of the organism. Liver failure is the loss of these functions, leading to the appearance of complications that worsen the general clinical condition of the patient. This review shows the main complications of liver failure, explaining their pathogenesis and the possible forms of treatment in an attempt to improve the quality of life of patients during treatment of the disease that causes liver failure
De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde, a leishmaniose é ainda uma das doenças mais negligenciadas do mundo, afetando principalmente países pobres e em desenvolvimento. As leishmanioses podem, de acordo com a forma de acometimento do homem, dividir-se em dois grandes grupos: visceral e tegumentar. As estatísticas mostram que cerca de 350 milhões de pessoas são consideradas com risco de contrair leishmaniose, e cerca de dois milhões de novos casos ocorrem anualmente. O número de casos de leishmaniose tegumentar no Brasil em 2011 foi de 15.731. É considerada uma doença negligenciada uma vez que os fármacos de escolha são preparações à base de antimoniais, sendo os mesmos desde sua descoberta em 1912. Além disso o tratamento é longo, doloroso e altamente tóxico, assim levando os pacientes muitas vezes a desistirem antes do término previsto. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão bibliográfica a partir do banco de dados do PubMed e Scielo sobre novas pesquisas na área de fármacos e novos tratamentos para leishmaniose cutânea entre os anos de 2007 e 2012.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT