877 resultados para Transmission line matrix methods
A new hybrid comparison technique for transmission line protection, providing polar characteristics marked by sharp discontinuities, has been developed. The comparator models, described in block schematic form, accompany a steady state theoretical basis for comparison. Dynamic test results are indicated for a directional quadrilateral characteristic which closely corresponds to the probable fault area of a transmission line.
Static distance relays employing semiconductor devices as their active elements offer many advantages over the conventional electromagnetic and rectifier relays. The paper describes single-system and three-system static distance relays, which depend for their operation on the instantaneous-comparison or `block-spike¿ scheme. Design principles and typical discriminating and logic circuits are described for the new relaying equipment. The relaying circuitry has been devised for obtaining uniform performance on all kinds of faults, by the use of two phase detectors¿one for multiphase faults and one for earth faults. The phase detector for multiphase faults provides an improved polar characteristic in the complex-impedance plane, which fits only around the fault area of a transmission line. The other features of the relay are: reliable pickup for close-in faults, least susceptibility to maloperation under power-swing conditions, and reduction in cost and panel space required. The operating characteristics of the relays, as expressed by accuracy/range charts, are also presented.
Composite Right/Left Handed (CRLH) transmission line (TL) based electronically tunable 1.5 cell zero order resonator (ZOR) is demonstrated with microstrip technology by use of varactors. A novel mechanism for DC bias for the varactor is proposed. This is achieved by patterning the ground plane of microstrip thereby reducing the complexity of DC feed mechanism. This approach also mitigates the effect of parasitics arising from DC feed choke appearing in the RF signal path.
The Radio Interference (RI) from electric power transmission line hardware, if not controlled, poses serious electromagnetic interference to system in the vicinity. The present work mainly concerns with the RI from the insulator string along with the associated line hardware. The laboratory testing for the RI levels are carried out through the measurement of the conducted radio interference levels. However such measurements do not really locate the coronating point, as well as, the mode of corona. At the same time experience shows that it is rather difficult to locate the coronating points by mere inspection. After a thorough look into the intricacies of the problem, it is ascertained that the measurement of associated ground end currents could give a better picture of the prevailing corona modes and their intensities. A study on the same is attempted in the present work. Various intricacies of the problem,features of ground end current pulses and its correlation with RI are dealt with. Owing to the complexity of such experimental investigations, the study made is not fully complete nevertheless it seems to be first of its kind.
This paper deals with line protection challenges experienced in system having substantial wind generation penetration. Two types of WTGU: Doubly Fed (DFIG) and Squirrel Cage (SCIG) Induction Generators are simulated and connected to grid with single circuit transmission line. The paper summarizes analytical investigations carried out on the impedance seen by distance relays by varying fault resistances and grid short circuit MVA, for the protection of such transmission lines during faults. The results are also compared with systems having conventional synchronous machine connected to the grid.
This letter relates to the design of crossovers for carrying criss crossing signals. Two types of crossovers are proposed in this letter. Both the crossovers are designed using a two layer printed circuit board. An unbroken continuous transmission line is routed in the top layer for carrying signal 1 from one node to another node. Transmission line used for carrying a signal 2 consists of three physically discontinuous, but electrically connected segments. Two end segments of these are located in the top layer while the middle segment is placed in the bottom layer. While Type I crossover offers an isolation of 25 dB, Type II crossover offers isolation better than 35 dB from dc to 10 GHz. These crossovers are compact and measure an actual size of 10 x 10 x 0.78 mm(3).
Corona is an unavoidable phenomena in high voltage power transmission system, in spite of suitably designed insulator accessories and transmission line hardware. It is a proven fact that the continuous occurrence of corona can subject the polymeric insulator to a severe degradation. Further, moisture in the air has a positive influence on the corona activity. This paper presents the methodology to evaluate the corona performance of the silicone rubber housing material with simultaneous application of cold fog. Analysis conducted after corona treatment by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) present an interesting results showing a higher hydroxylation of sample surface under the moisture application than in the normal condition for both AC and DC excitation. FTIR spectrum also indicates the presence of nitric acid on the treated surface with coldfog application. Results obtained from SEM analysis are also presented.
Many applications in cosmology and astrophysics at millimeter wavelengths including CMB polarization, studies of galaxy clusters using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE), and studies of star formation at high redshift and in our local universe and our galaxy, require large-format arrays of millimeter-wave detectors. Feedhorn and phased-array antenna architectures for receiving mm-wave light present numerous advantages for control of systematics, for simultaneous coverage of both polarizations and/or multiple spectral bands, and for preserving the coherent nature of the incoming light. This enables the application of many traditional "RF" structures such as hybrids, switches, and lumped-element or microstrip band-defining filters.
Simultaneously, kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) using high-resistivity materials like titanium nitride are an attractive sensor option for large-format arrays because they are highly multiplexable and because they can have sensitivities reaching the condition of background-limited detection. A KID is a LC resonator. Its inductance includes the geometric inductance and kinetic inductance of the inductor in the superconducting phase. A photon absorbed by the superconductor breaks a Cooper pair into normal-state electrons and perturbs its kinetic inductance, rendering it a detector of light. The responsivity of KID is given by the fractional frequency shift of the LC resonator per unit optical power.
However, coupling these types of optical reception elements to KIDs is a challenge because of the impedance mismatch between the microstrip transmission line exiting these architectures and the high resistivity of titanium nitride. Mitigating direct absorption of light through free space coupling to the inductor of KID is another challenge. We present a detailed titanium nitride KID design that addresses these challenges. The KID inductor is capacitively coupled to the microstrip in such a way as to form a lossy termination without creating an impedance mismatch. A parallel plate capacitor design mitigates direct absorption, uses hydrogenated amorphous silicon, and yields acceptable noise. We show that the optimized design can yield expected sensitivities very close to the fundamental limit for a long wavelength imager (LWCam) that covers six spectral bands from 90 to 400 GHz for SZE studies.
Excess phase (frequency) noise has been observed in KID and is very likely caused by two-level systems (TLS) in dielectric materials. The TLS hypothesis is supported by the measured dependence of the noise on resonator internal power and temperature. However, there is still a lack of a unified microscopic theory which can quantitatively model the properties of the TLS noise. In this thesis we derive the noise power spectral density due to the coupling of TLS with phonon bath based on an existing model and compare the theoretical predictions about power and temperature dependences with experimental data. We discuss the limitation of such a model and propose the direction for future study.
Amphibian declines and extinctions have been documented around the world, often in protected natural areas. Concern for this alarming trend has focused attention on the need to document all species of amphibians that occur within U.S. National Parks and to search for any signs that amphibians may be declining. This study, an inventory of amphibian species in Virgin Islands National Park, was conducted from 2001 to 2003. The goals of the project were to create a georeferenced inventory of amphibian species, use new analytical techniques to estimate proportion of sites occupied by each species, look for any signs of amphibian decline (missing species, disease, die-offs, etc.), and to establish a protocol that could be used for future monitoring efforts. Several sampling methods were used to accomplish these goals. Visual encounter surveys and anuran vocalization surveys were conducted in all habitats throughout the park to estimate the proportion of sites or proportion of area occupied (PAO) by amphibian species in each habitat. Line transect methods were used to estimate density of some amphibian species and double observer analysis was used to refine counts based on detection probabilities. Opportunistic collections were used to augment the visual encounter methods for rare species. Data were collected during four sampling periods and every major trail system throughout the park was surveyed. All of the amphibian species believed to occur on St. John were detected during these surveys. One species not previously reported, the Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis), was also added to the species list. That species and two others (Eleutherodactylus coqui and Eleutherodactylus lentus) bring the total number of introduced amphibians on St. John to three. We detected most of the reptile species thought to occur on St. John, but our methods were less suitable for reptiles compared to amphibians. No amphibian species appear to be in decline at this time. We found no evidence of disease or of malformations. Our surveys provide a snapshot picture of the status of the amphibian species, so continued monitoring would be necessary to determine long-term trends, but several potential threats to amphibians were identified. Invasive species, especially the Cuban treefrog, have the potential to decrease populations of native amphibians. Introduced mammalian predators are also a potential threat, especially to the reptiles of St. John, and mammalian grazers might have indirect effects on amphibians and reptiles through habitat modification. Finally, loss of habitat to development outside the park boundary could harm some important populations of amphibians and reptiles on the island.
A geotecnia constitui uma disciplina relativamente recente na área da engenharia civil, e dessa disciplina faz parte um capítulo ainda menos estudado que trata de fundações submetidas a esforços de tração. O presente trabalho deriva do conjunto de provas de cargas realizado para um importante projeto de linhas de transmissão que permitiu a aferição da teoria de capacidade de carga à tração da Universidade de Grenobel, cujos estudos comparativos mostram bons resultados para fins de aplicações práticas. De posse da extensa documentação técnica produzida e documentada por esse estudo foi possível comparar os resultados obtidos pelas provas de cargas e os resultados teóricos com os resultados das modelagens 2D axisimetricas por elementos finitos. Além dessas análises, foi possível verificar a variação da resistência à tração através de análises paramétricas realizadas a partir da variação da coesão e do ângulo de atrito. Os estudos apresentados reafirmam a confiabilidade das teorias da Universidade de Grenoble, que contemplam a simplicidade desejada às aplicações de cunho prático, com resultados satisfatórios em relação àqueles obtidos nos ensaios de tração. Por outro lado, as análises paramétricas realizadas indicaram a tendência de comportamento que a resistência à tração deve apresentar para diferentes parâmetros do solo. O conhecimento dessas tendências permite ao projetista avaliar os fatores de segurança sob ponto de vista probabilístico, ou seja, permite o emprego de fatores de segurança com o conhecimento da probabilidade de ruína associada. As análises probabilísticas foram traçadas a partir do emprego de funções genéricas de várias variáveis no formato FOSM (First Order Second Moment) que fornecem soluções aproximadas para o cálculo de desvio padrão quando não existe uma amostragem representativa. Ao término das análises, obteve-se como resultado, o mapa comparativo da probabilidade de ruína para os mesmos fatores de segurança empregados com base em resistências estimadas através de diferentes métodos de cálculos (Universidade de Grenoble e modelagem computacional).
We demonstrate that the surface relief guided-mode resonant gratings with specified central wavelength and FWHM in the visible wavelength range can be designed by analyzing the complex poles of Reflectance and transmission coefficient matrix algorithm (RTCM), a variant of S-matrix propagation algorithm proposed for calculation of multilayer gratings. In addition, FWHM is computed with couple-mode (CM) theory of resonant gratings which is firstly extended by Norton et al. in calculation of waveguide grating. Furthermore, the side band reflections of the filter can be reduced to less than 5% in the visible wavelength with the antireflection (AR) design technique widely used in the thin-film field. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
É presentada nesta dissertação uma análise espectral das equações de transporte de nêutrons, independente do tempo, em geometria unidimensional e bidimensional, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), utilizando o modelo de uma velocidade e multigrupo, considerando meios onde ocorrem o fenômeno da fissão nuclear. Esta análise espectral constitui-se na resolução de problemas de autovalores e respectivos autovetores, e reproduz a expressão para a solução geral analítica local das equações SN (para geometria unidimensional) ou das equações nodais integradas transversalmente (geometria retangular bidimensional) dentro de cada região homogeneizada do domínio espacial. Com a solução geral local determinada, métodos numéricos, tais como os métodos de matriz de resposta SN, podem ser derivados. Os resultados numéricos são gerados por programas de computadores implementados em MatLab, versão 2012, a fim de verificar a natureza dos autovalores e autovetores correspondentes no espaço real ou complexo.
middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. It is the only freshwater population of porpoises in the world and is currently listed as Endangered by IUCN. In November and December 2006 we used two boats and line transect methods to survey the entire current range of the population, except for two lakes (Poyang and Dongting). Sighting results were similar for both boats, so we pooled all data and analyzed them using two line transect models and a strip transect model. All models produced similar estimates of abundance (1111, 1225 and 1000). We then added independent estimates of the number of porpoises from the two lakes for a total estimate of approximately 1800 porpoises. Our findings indicate that the population continues to decline and that its distribution is becoming more fragmented. Our current estimate in the main river is slightly less than half the estimate from surveys between 1984 and 1991 (which was probably an underestimate). We also found an apparent gap in the distribution of porpoises between Yueyang and Shishou (similar to 150 km), where sightings had previously been common. Continued threats to Yangtze finless porpoises include bycatch in unregulated and unselective fishing, habitat degradation through dredging, pollution and noise, vessel strikes and water development. Immediate protective measures are urgently needed to ensure the persistence of finless porpoises in the Yangtze River. The survey design and analytical methods developed in this study might be appropriate for surveys of cetaceans in other river systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A technique enabling 10 Gbps data to be directly modulated onto a monolithic sub-THz dual laser transmitter is proposed. As a result of the laser chirp, the logical zeros of the resultant sub-THz signal have a different peak frequency from that of the logical ones. The signal extinction ratio is therefore enhanced by suppressing the logical zeros with a filter stage at the receiver. With the aid of the chirp-enhanced filtering, an improved extinction ratio can be achieved at moderate modulation current. Hence, 10 GHz modulation bandwidth of the transmitter is predicted without the need for external modulators. In this paper, we demonstrate the operational principle by generating an error-free (bit error rate less than 10-9) 100 Mbps Manchester encoded signal with a centre frequency of 12 GHz within the bandwidth of an envelope detector, whilst direct modulation of a 100 GHz signal at data rates of up to 10 Gbps is simulated by using a transmission line model. This work could be a key technique for enabling monolithic sub-THz transmitters to be readily used in high speed wireless links. © 2013 IEEE.
In this paper, the detection wavelength and the electron-hole wave function overlap of InAs/IrxGa1-xSb type II superlattice photodetectors are numerically calculated by using the envelope function and the transfer matrix methods. The band offset is dealt with by employing the model solid theory, which already takes into account the lattice mismatch between InAs and InxGa1-xSb layers. Firstly, the detection wavelength and the wave function overlap are investigated in dependence on the InAs and InxGa1-xSb layer thicknesses, the In mole fraction, and the periodic number. The results indicate that the detection wavelength increases with increasing In mole fraction, InAs and InxGa1-xSb layer thicknesses, respectively. When increasing the periodic number, the detection wavelength first increases distinctly for small periodic numbers then increases very slightly for large period numbers. Secondly, the wave function overlap diminishes with increasing InAs and InxGa1-xSb layer thicknesses, while it enhances with increasing In mole fraction. The dependence of the wave function overlap on the periodic number shows the same trend as that of the detection wavelength on the periodic number. Moreover, for a constant detection wavelength, the wave function overlap becomes greater when the thickness ratio of the InAs over InxGa1-xSb is larger.