548 resultados para Tractor slippage
BACKGROUND: Blochmannia are obligately intracellular bacterial mutualists of ants of the tribe Camponotini. Blochmannia perform key nutritional functions for the host, including synthesis of several essential amino acids. We used Illumina technology to sequence the genome of Blochmannia associated with Camponotus vafer. RESULTS: Although Blochmannia vafer retains many nutritional functions, it is missing glutamine synthetase (glnA), a component of the nitrogen recycling pathway encoded by the previously sequenced B. floridanus and B. pennsylvanicus. With the exception of Ureaplasma, B. vafer is the only sequenced bacterium to date that encodes urease but lacks the ability to assimilate ammonia into glutamine or glutamate. Loss of glnA occurred in a deletion hotspot near the putative replication origin. Overall, compared to the likely gene set of their common ancestor, 31 genes are missing or eroded in B. vafer, compared to 28 in B. floridanus and four in B. pennsylvanicus. Three genes (queA, visC and yggS) show convergent loss or erosion, suggesting relaxed selection for their functions. Eight B. vafer genes contain frameshifts in homopolymeric tracts that may be corrected by transcriptional slippage. Two of these encode DNA replication proteins: dnaX, which we infer is also frameshifted in B. floridanus, and dnaG. CONCLUSIONS: Comparing the B. vafer genome with B. pennsylvanicus and B. floridanus refines the core genes shared within the mutualist group, thereby clarifying functions required across ant host species. This third genome also allows us to track gene loss and erosion in a phylogenetic context to more fully understand processes of genome reduction.
La producción agrícola requiere el tráfico de maquinaria cada vez más pesada y potente sobre el suelo agrícola. Esto produce compactación del suelo tanto a nivel superficial como subsuperficial. La compactación en los primeros centímetros del suelo tiene efecto sobre la germinación y emergencia de la semilla y, finalmente sobre el rendimiento del cultivo con encarecimiento del costo de la labranza. El esfuerzo cortante es el método para diagnóstico de compactación menos estudiado en el país. Para aportar datos sobre este parámetro se realizó un ensayo de esfuerzo cortante sobre un suelo agrícola en tres condiciones mecánicas diferentes, utilizando una placa de corte, que simuló al neumático del tractor. Se tiró de la misma hasta que se produjo el corte superficial del suelo. El objetivo general del presente trabajo fue: Analizar los valores de esfuerzo cortante en un suelo argiudol típico para distintas condiciones de transitabilidad, siendo los objetivos específicos: a) Evaluar la utilidad del esfuerzo cortante para diagnosticar compactación superficial y capacidad portante del suelo b) Analizar y establecer relaciones entre los resultados de dos de los métodos utilizados para el diagnóstico de compactación de suelo (penetrometría y esfuerzo cortante). Las hipótesis de trabajo fueron: a) Las diferentes condiciones de transitabilidad de un suelo, se corresponden con distintos valores de esfuerzo cortante del mismo y b) Es posible diagnosticar el estado de compactación superficial de un suelo a partir de los datos de esfuerzo cortante. Las principales conclusiones del trabajo fueron: a) El suelo trabajado bajo la técnica de siembra directa, tiene una alta capacidad para soportar el tránsito de una rueda esto hace que se rompa o corte a mayores esfuerzos tangenciales que un suelo suelto b) El parámetro de esfuerzo cortante del suelo es útil para diagnosticar el estado de compactación superficial del mismo y por lo tanto puede ser utilizado para determinar la transitabilidad de la maquinaria agrícola c) Los valores de resistencia a la penetración entre 0 y 250 mm guardan una relación directa con los valores de esfuerzo cortante independientemente del estado mecánico del suelo d) Un suelo bajo siembra directa podrá resistir mayores cargas, en superficie, antes de deformarse que un suelo en cama de siembra, y este a su vez en mayor medida que un suelo arado.
La comunidad aborigen CIPAQUI está compuesta por 77 familias que habitan tres parajes del Departamento de Tumbaya (La Ciénaga, Patacal y Quisquiri) , en la Provincia de Jujuy. En su mayoría, poseen menos de 2 hectáreas que dedican a la producción agrícola-ganadera, estructurada alrededor del trabajo familiar. El bajo rendimiento de la producción, el estado sanitario de los montes frutales, la dificultad creciente para realizar las labores culturales (manual o a caballo, con arado de mancera o bien esperando un turno incierto de un tractor municipal para efectuar un servicio) , la falta de asistencia técnica permanente, la variabilidad del acceso al agua, la imposibilidad de acceder a mejoras productivas, y la carencia de nuevas oportunidades para la comercialización de sus productos, constituyen limitantes a las que la comunidad se enfrenta y que no puede superar sin la intervención del Estado. A principios del año 2012, la comunidad CIPAQUI entra el contacto con la Unidad para el Cambio Rural (UCAR) , dependiente del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación (MAGyP) a través de la solicitud de apoyo de uno de sus integrantes, que se constituyó en promotor y aliado local para la formulación del proyecto. En principio, el promotor solicitó financiamiento para la compra de un tractor y sus complementos. El anteproyecto obtuvo la atención de áreas de la UCAR (las unidades Ambiental y Social y de Formulación de Proyectos) que trabajaron en conjunto, dando como resultado una propuesta de trabajo preliminar que se desarrolló entre los meses de julio y septiembre de 2012. No obstante, debido a dificultades relacionadas a la búsqueda de fuentes de financiamiento el proyecto se vio suspendido en sus avances. La propuesta actual es retomar el trabajo realizado y avanzar sobre el mismo. Para tal objetivo se aplicarán los conocimientos académicos brindados por la Especialización: se seguirá avanzando en la formulación con el criterio de proyecto público, lo cual no implicará abandonar los conceptos relacionados a las evaluaciones ex ante como la viabilidad económica y financiera. El objetivo general de la intervención -cuya extensión se estima en 32 meses- es `Mejorar el ingreso monetario de los productores de la comunidad CIPAQUI, promoviendo el desarrollo productivo de las actividades tradicionales agropecuarias`. Para ello, se trabajará en la ejecución de dos componentes: 1. Infraestructura, bienes y equipamiento productivo: 1.1 Mecanización de la producción: incorporará maquinaria y equipos; 1.2 Ampliación de la capacidad productiva: ampliará y reemplazará ejemplares degradados en los montes frutales con la incorporación de prácticas tecnológicas adecuadas; 1.3 Optimización de la infraestructura deriego: aumentará la eficiencia en el uso del agua y mejorará su distribución. 2. Asistencia técnica y capacitación: 2.1 Asistencia técnica: proveerá servicios de apoyo al productor; 2.2 Desarrollo comercial: transferirá información comercial; 2.3 Actividades complementarias: se evaluará la posibilidad de incorporar la oferta del servicio de turismo rural. El monto total de la iniciativa asciende a US $ 190.095. Se espera que al término de su ejecución el proyecto haya generado las condiciones para mejorar la cantidad y calidad de la producción, asegurado la provisión de agua durante todo el año y optimizado la comercialización y organización local.
Slippage due to wall depletion effect is well-known in rheological investigation. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the paste microstructure on slip formation for the paste materials (lead-free solder paste and isotropic conductive adhesives). The effect of different flowgeometries, gap heights and surface roughness on the paste viscosity was investigated. The utilisation of different measuring geometries has not clearly showed the presence of wall-slip in the paste samples. The existence of wall-slip was found to be pronounced when gap heights were varied using the parallel plate geometry. It was also found that altering the surface roughness of the parallel plate measuring geometry did not significantly eliminate wall-slip as expected. But results indicate that the use of a relatively rough surface helps to increase paste adhesion to the plates and to a certain extent inducing structural breakdown in the paste. Most importantly, the study also demonstrated on how the wall-slip formation in the paste material could be utilised for understanding of the paste microstructure and its flow behaviour.
Wall-slip plays an important role in the flow behaviour of solder paste materials. The wall-slip arises due to the various attractive and repulsive forces acting between the solder particles and the walls of the measuring geometry. These interactions could lead to the presence of a thin liquid layer adjacent to the wall, which causes slippage. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the solder paste formulation on wall-slip formation and its effect on the printability of these pastes material. A wall slip model is utilised to calculate the true viscosity and slip velocity for the lead-free solder pastes samples used in this study. The difference in the measured viscosity and the true viscosity could indicate wall-slip formation between the solder pastes and the parallel plate. Sample P1 showed a higher slip velocity compared to sample P2. The slip velocity calculated for the solder pastes could be used as a performance indicator to understand the paste release characteristics in the stencil printing process.
Wall-slip plays an important role in characterising the flow behaviour of solder paste materials. The wall slip arises due to the various attractive and repulsive forces acting between the solder particles and the walls of the measuring geometry.These interactions could lead to the presence of a thin solvent layer adjacent to the wall, which gives rise to slippage. The wall slip effect can play an important role in ensure successfulpaste release after the printing process. Wall-slip plays animportant role in characterising the flow behaviour of solderpastes and isotropic conductive adhesives. The study investigates the wall-slip formation in solder paste andisotropic conductive adhesives using flow visualisation technique. The slip distance was measured for parallel plate with different surface roughness in order to quantify the wallslip formations in these paste materials. An ink marker line was drawn between the parallel plate and the free surface of the sample. The parallel was rotated slowly at a constant shear rate of 0.05 sec-1 and the displacement of the ink marker was observed using a video microscope and image capturing software was utilised to capture the displacement of ink marker. From this study, it was found that the wall-slip effect was evident in all the paste materials. In addition, the different surface roughness of the parallel plates did not prevent the formation of wall-slip. This study has revealed that the wallslip effect could used to understand the flow behaviour of the paste in the stencil printing process.
Solder paste is the most important strategic bonding material used in the assembly of surface mount components in electronics manufacturing. As the trend towards miniaturisation of electronic products continues, there is an increasing demand for better understanding of the flow and deformation that is, the rheological behaviour of solder paste formulations. Wall slip plays an important role in characterising the flow behaviour of solder paste materials. The problem of wall slip arises due to the various attractive and repulsive forces acting between the solder particles and the walls of the measuring geometry. These interactions could lead to the presence of a thin solvent layer adjacent to the wall, which gives rise to slippage. In rheological measurements, slip effects can generally be avoided by using roughened surfaces for measuring geometries. In this paper, a novel technique is developed to study the effect of wall slip in the rheological measurements of lead-free solder paste. The viscosity and oscillatory data obtained for three different solder paste samples (from measuring geometries of different surface roughness) havebeen analysed and compared. In viscosity measurements, slip effects were dominant at low shear rates and the use of serrated surfaces was found to be quite effective in minimizing slip effects. Oscillatory measurements were also affected by roughening the surfaces of measuring geometries.
As the trend toward further miniaturisation of pocket and handheld consumer electronic products continues apace, the requirements for even smaller solder joints will continue. With further reductions in the size of solder joints, the reliability of solder joints will become more and more critical to the long-term performance of electronic products. Solder joints play an important role in electronics packaging, serving both as electrical interconnections between the components and the board, and as mechanical support for components. With world-wide legislation for the removal/reduction of lead and other hazardous materials from electrical and electronic products, the electronics manufacturing industry has been faced with an urgent search for new lead-free solder alloy systems and other solder alternatives. In order to achieve high volume, low cost production, the stencil printing process and subsequent wafer bumping of solder paste has become indispensable. There is wide agreement in industry that the paste printing process accounts for the majority of assembly defects, and most defects originate from poor understanding of the effect of printing process parameters on printing performance. The printing of ICAs and lead-free solder pastes through the very small stencil apertures required for flip chip applications was expected to result in increased stencil clogging and incomplete transfer of paste to the printed circuit pads. Paste release from the stencil apertures is dependent on the interaction between the solder paste, surface pad and aperture wall; including its shape. At these very narrow aperture sizes the paste rheology becomes crucial for consistent paste withdrawal because for smaller paste volumes surface tension effects become dominant over viscous flow. Successful aperture filling and release will greatly depend on the rheology of the paste material. Wall-slip plays an important role in characterising the flow behaviour of solder paste materials. The wall- slip arises due to the various attractive and repulsive forces acting between the solder particles and the walls of the measuring geometry. These interactions could lead to the presence of a thin solvent layer adjacent to the wall, which gives rise to slippage. The wall slip effect can play an important role in ensuring successful paste release after the printing process. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the paste microstructure on slip formation for the paste materials (lead-free solder paste and isotropic conductive adhesives). The effect of surface roughness on the paste viscosity was investigated. It was also found that altering the surface roughness of the parallel plate measuring geometry did not significantly eliminate wall slip as was expected. But results indicate that the use of a relatively rough surface helps to increase paste adhesion to the plates, inducing structural breakdown of the paste. Most importantly, the study also demonstrated on how the wall slip formation in the paste material could be utilised for understanding of the paste microstructure and its flow behaviour
Travel literature's inherent intergenericity extends into the realm of the interaesthetic in Nicolas Bouvier's textual and photographic representations of Asia. Although produced as distinct narratives, successive editorial decisions and the layering of these two media in the mind of the reader have transformed Bouvier's already palimpsestic texts into fluid, phototextual constructs. This article will offer ‘contrapuntal’ readings of a selection of Bouvier's texts in relation to the photographs charting his intercultural encounters in China and Japan. Countering the relegation of these photographs to the conventional status of aide-mémoire, the article will consider the shifting relationships of complementarity, tension, or disjuncture between image and text. These relationships are characterised by slippage, subversion and paradox. Text does not ‘load’ image, and images do not illustrate text. Indeed, Bouvier's photographs frequently contest, modify, or debunk the textual narratives. Ultimately, the article will argue that Bouvier's representations of Asia, both textual and visual, offer a challenge to cultural essentialism, to self-other binaries, and to monolithic discourses of otherness.
Cells expressing human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E6 and E7 proteins exhibit deregulation of G(2)/M genes, allowing bypass of DNA damage arrest signals. Normally, cells with DNA damage that override the G(2) damage checkpoint would precociously enter mitosis and ultimately face mitotic catastrophe and apoptotic cell death. However, E6/E7-expressing cells (E6/E7 cells) have the ability to enter and exit mitosis in the presence of DNA damage and continue with the next round of the cell cycle. Little is known about the mechanism that allows these cells to gain entry into and exit from mitosis. Here, we show that in the presence of DNA damage, E6/E7 cells have elevated levels of cyclin B, which would allow entry into mitosis. Also, as required for exit from mitosis, cyclin B is degraded in these cells, permitting initiation of the next round of DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression. Proteasomal degradation of cyclin B by anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is, in part, due to elevated levels of the E2-conjugating enzyme, Ubch10, and the substrate recognition protein, Cdc20, of APC/C. Also, in E6/E7 cells with DNA damage, while Cdc20 is complexed with BubR1, indicating an active checkpoint, it is also present in complexes free of BubR1, presumably allowing APC/C activity and slippage through the checkpoint.
The work presented in this paper takes advantage of newly developed instrumentation suitable for in process monitoring of an industrial stretch blow molding machine. The instrumentation provides blowing pressure and stretch rod force histories along with the kinematics of polymer contact with the mould wall. A Design of Experiments pattern was used to qualitatively relate machine inputs with these process parameters and the thickness distribution of stretch blow molded PET (polyethylene terephtalate) bottles. Material slippage at the mold wall and thickness distribution is also discussed in relation to machine inputs. The key process indicators defined have great potential for use in a closed loop process control system and for validation of process simulations.
Although discussions are underway within the Action Team 14 of the United Nations COPUOS, there is currently no concerted international plan addressing the impact threat from near-Earth objects (NEOs) and how to organize, prepare and implement mitigation measures. We report on a new international project to address impact hazard mitigation issues, being the subject of a proposal submitted to the European Commission in response to the 2011 FP7 Call "Prevention of impacts from near-Earth objects on our planet". Our consortium consists of 13 research institutes, universities, and industrial partners from 6 countries and includes leading US and Russian space organizations. The primary aim of the project, NEOShield, is to investigate in detail the three most promising mitigation techniques: the kinetic impactor, blast deflection,and the gravity tractor, and devise feasible demonstration missions. Furthermore, we will investigate options for an international strategy for implementation when an actual impact threat arises. The NEOShield project was formally accepted by the European Commission on 17 November 2011 and funded with a total of 5.8 million Euros for a period of 3.5 years. The kick-off meeting took place at the DLR Institute of Planetary Research, Berlin, in January 2012. In this paper we present a brief overview of the planned scope of the project.