981 resultados para Tito, Josip Broz, 1892-1980.
BACKGROUND: After a peak in the late 1980s, cancer mortality in Europe has declined by ∼10% in both sexes up to the early 2000s. We provide an up-to-date picture of patterns and trends in mortality from major cancers in Europe. METHODS: We analyzed cancer mortality data from the World Health Organization for 25 cancer sites and 34 European countries (plus the European Union, EU) in 2005-2009. We computed age-standardized rates (per 100 000 person-years) using the world standard population and provided an overview of trends since 1980 for major European countries, using joinpoint regression. RESULTS: Cancer mortality in the EU steadily declined since the late 1980s, with reductions by 1.6% per year in 2002-2009 in men and 1% per year in 1993-2009 in women. In western Europe, rates steadily declined over the last two decades for stomach and colorectal cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma, and leukemias in both sexes, breast and (cervix) uterine cancer in women, and testicular cancer in men. In central/eastern Europe, mortality from major cancer sites has been increasing up to the late 1990s/early 2000s. In most Europe, rates have been increasing for lung cancer in women and for pancreatic cancer and soft tissue sarcomas in both sexes, while they have started to decline over recent years for multiple myeloma. In 2005-2009, there was still an over twofold difference between the highest male cancer mortality in Hungary (235.2/100 000) and the lowest one in Sweden (112.9/100 000), and a 1.7-fold one in women (from 124.4 in Denmark to 71.0/100 000 in Spain). CONCLUSIONS: With the major exceptions of female lung cancer and pancreatic cancer in both sexes, in the last quinquennium, cancer mortality has moderately but steadily declined across Europe. However, substantial differences across countries persist, requiring targeted interventions on risk factor control, early diagnosis, and improved management and pharmacological treatment for selected cancer sites.
O conhecimento do potencial erosivo das chuvas e a sua distribuição ao longo do ano contribuem para o planejamento de práticas de manejo e a conservação do solo, que visam a redução da erosão hídrica, diminuindo as perdas de solo e aumentando a produção agrícola. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as chuvas da região de Urussanga, SC, com relação ao potencial erosivo, determinando os Índices de Erosividade mensais e anuais (EI30) e estabelecendo assim o fator "R" para utilização na Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo, período de retorno e probabilidade de ocorrência das chuvas erosivas, a partir dos dados de chuva de diagramas diários do pluviógrafo da Estação Meteorológica de Urussanga, de outubro de 1980 a março de 2012. As chuvas foram digitalizadas em segmentos com intensidade constante. Foi elaborado um programa computacional para a leitura dos dados digitalizados, identificação das chuvas erosivas e realização dos cálculos de erosividade. A precipitação pluvial média anual foi de 1.781,8 mm, dos quais 1.502,6 mm foram de chuvas erosivas e 279,1 mm, de não erosivas. Ocorrem em média 184,9 chuvas por ano, sendo 77,7 % não erosivas e 22,3 %, erosivas. O valor médio anual do índice EI30 é 5.665,10 MJ mm ha-1 h-1, classificando as chuvas com erosividade média a forte. A época do ano com maior erosividade é de dezembro a março. O fator "R" da USLE, para regiões do entorno com características semelhantes de Urussanga, pode ser estimado com dados de pluviometria utilizando-se a equação linear ajustada.
Gastric cancer incidence and mortality decreased substantially over the last decades in most countries worldwide, with differences in the trends and distribution of the main topographies across regions. To monitor recent mortality trends (1980-2011) and to compute short-term predictions (2015) of gastric cancer mortality in selected countries worldwide, we analysed mortality data provided by the World Health Organization. We also analysed incidence of cardia and non-cardia cancers using data from Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (2003-2007). The joinpoint regression over the most recent calendar periods gave estimated annual percent changes (EAPC) around -3% for the European Union (EU) and major European countries, as well as in Japan and Korea, and around -2% in North America and major Latin American countries. In the United States of America (USA), EU and other major countries worldwide, the EAPC, however, were lower than in previous years. The predictions for 2015 show that a levelling off of rates is expected in the USA and a few other countries. The relative contribution of cardia and non-cardia gastric cancers to the overall number of cases varies widely, with a generally higher proportion of cardia cancers in countries with lower gastric cancer incidence and mortality rates (e.g. the USA, Canada and Denmark). Despite the favourable mortality trends worldwide, in some countries the declines are becoming less marked. There still is the need to control Helicobacter pylori infection and other risk factors, as well as to improve diagnosis and management, to further reduce the burden of gastric cancer.
After some success with a small asphalt pavement recycling project in 1975, Kossuth County, Iowa programmed a much larger undertaking during the 1976 construction season. The work performed in 1975 indicated that a quality product could be produced with some modifications to conventional equipment. As anticipated , the major problem encountered was the excessive air pollution created during the heating and mixing process. As part of its 1976 road program, Kossuth County developed plans for recycling sixteen miles of existing asphalt pavements using the "hot mix" recycling process. One project, ten miles in length, was selected by the Federal Highway Authority as part of "Demonstration Project No. 39, Recycling Asphalt Pavements." The FHWA provided a $29,500 grant t o the project to be used for project testing and evaluation. Cooperation and input into the work proposed for 1976 was received from many sources. The people and organizations contributing were the Federal Highway Authority, the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, several contractors, and personnel from the Kossuth County Engineer's Office.
Iowa's first sprinkle treatment in 1974 was applied to a short section of old US 30 west of Ames. A roll type seal coat spreader was used to apply several types of sprinkle aggregates. The following year a spinner type tailgate spreader was used for sprinkle application of an Iowa 7 project in Webster County. Uniform spreading and tire marks were problems in these early projects. A special spinner spreader was built in 1976 and mounted on a truck specially equipped with smooth tires. This special unit was tested in early 1977 on a project that had been scheduled for 1976. Spinner type spreaders proved unacceptable due to non-uniformity of spreading.
Abstract: Distribution of the underpriviledged in the metropolitan area of Helsinki in the 1980ś and the 1990ś - turn point in the development?
Este texto apresenta um estudo sobre a política curricular implementada no Estado de São Paulo nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 para as primeiras séries do ensino fundamental. Examina o currículo prescrito cotejando-o com os contextos práticos de desenvolvimento do currículo. A pesquisa revela que a política curricular desse período articulou-se fortemente com a produção acadêmica em educação. Ressalta ainda a continuidade na política de produção de materiais de orientação curricular nos últimos 20 anos, buscando difundir e tornar hegemônico um pensamento pedagógico inovador. Também verifica que esses materiais circularam de diferentes formas na rede de ensino e foram apropriados de maneira seletiva pelos professores que adotaram, sobretudo, as indicações práticas.
Donateur : Bayol, Jean (1849-1905)
Donateur : Bayol, Jean (1849-1905)
A més de realitzar una estadística mèdica dels trastorns i perills que afecten els treballadors de dita companyia, el document reivindica la necessitat d'aquest tipus de treball per tal de posar sobre la taula els problemes presents i les solucions a buscar.