969 resultados para Therapeutic interventions


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BACKGROUND: To investigate the focus of psychodynamic-oriented interventions in cancer patients by means of a qualitative analysis of the therapists' reports. METHODS: One hundred thirty-five reports collected within a controlled psychotherapy trial were analyzed; the themes addressed during the intervention were classified in categories reflecting the focus of the intervention and correlated with sociodemographic and medical data and type of intervention. RESULTS: Twenty main themes were identified and classified in two categories: category 1 corresponded to interventions based on expression and support, and category 2 to interventions based on introspection, with subcategory 2.1 focusing on the patient's psychological functioning and subcategory 2.2 focusing on his way to engage and communicate in relationships. While the most frequently addressed theme was related to the diagnosis of cancer (N = 102/576; 22.6%), the majority of themes were related to other concerns (N = 446/576; 77.4%). Half of the interventions (50.4%) were classified in category 1, 27.4% in category 2.1, and 9.6% in category 2.2. Patients of category 1 entered less often brief psychotherapy (step 2 of the intervention) and more frequently suffered from advances disease. CONCLUSIONS: A wide variety of themes are addressed in psychodynamic interventions in the oncology setting, illustrating that cancer is not the only focus of therapy. Other themes reflect different psychological difficulties triggered by the disease. This study illustrates that cancer patients have different needs, which surpass the event of the disease. Early clarification and comprehension of the demand may therefore be beneficial to adjust the therapeutic approach. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A variation of task analysis was used to build an empirical model of how therapists may facilitate client assimilation process, described in the Assimilation of Problematic Experiences Scale. A rational model was specified and considered in light of an analysis of therapist in-session performances (N = 117) drawn from six inpatient therapies for depression. The therapist interventions were measured by the Comprehensive Psychotherapeutic Interventions Rating Scale. Consistent with the rational model, confronting interventions were particularly useful in helping clients elaborate insight. However, rather than there being a small number of progress-related interventions at lower levels of assimilation, therapists' use of interventions was broader than hypothesized and drew from a wide range of therapeutic approaches. Concerning the higher levels of assimilation, there was insufficient data to allow an analysis of the therapist's progress-related interventions.


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University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine, Doctoral Programme of Clinical Investigation, Heart Center, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland Division of Internal Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Seinäjoki Central Hospital, Seinäjoki, Finland Heart Center, Satakunta Central Hospital, Pori, Finland Annales Universitatis Turkuensis Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2015 Antithrombotic therapy during and after coronary procedures always entails the challenging establishment of a balance between bleeding and thrombotic complications. It has been generally recommended to patients on long-term warfarin therapy to discontinue warfarin a few days prior to elective coronary angiography or intervention to prevent bleeding complications. Bridging therapy with heparin is recommended for patients at an increased risk of thromboembolism who require the interruption of anticoagulation for elective surgery or an invasive procedure. In study I, consecutive patients on warfarin therapy referred for diagnostic coronary angiography were compared to control patients with a similar disease presentation without warfarin. The strategy of performing coronary angiography during uninterrupted therapeutic warfarin anticoagulation appeared to be a relatively safe alternative to bridging therapy, if the international normalized ratio level was not on a supratherapeutic level. In-stent restenosis remains an important reason for failure of long-term success after a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Drug-eluting stents (DES) reduce the problem of restenosis inherent to bare metal stents (BMS). However, a longer delay in arterial healing may extend the risk of stent thrombosis (ST) far beyond 30 days after the DES implantation. Early discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy has been the most important predisposing factor for ST. In study II, patients on long-term oral anticoagulant (OAC) underwent DES or BMS stenting with a median of 3.5 years’follow-up. The selective use of DESs with a short triple therapy seemed to be safe in OAC patients, since late STs were rare even without long clopidogrel treatment. Major bleeding and cardiac events were common in this patient group irrespective of stent type. In order to help to predict the bleeding risk in patients on OAC, several different bleeding risk scorings have been developed. Risk scoring systems have also been used also in the setting of patients undergoing a PCI. In study III, the predictive value of an outpatient bleeding risk index (OBRI) to identify patients at high risk of bleeding was analysed. The bleeding risk seemed not to modify periprocedural or long-term treatment choices in patients on OAC after a percutaneous coronary intervention. Patients with a high OBRI often had major bleeding episodes, and the OBRI may be suitable for risk evaluation in this patient group. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a novel technology for imaging intravascular coronary arteries. OCT is a light-based imaging modality that enables a 12–18 µm tissue axial resolution to visualize plaques in the vessel, possible dissections and thrombi as well as, stent strut appositions and coverage, and to measure the vessel lumen and lesions. In study IV, 30 days after titanium-nitride-oxide (TITANOX)-coated stent implantation, the binary stent strut coverage was satisfactory and the prevalence of malapposed struts was low as evaluated by OCT. Long-term clinical events in patients treated with (TITANOX)-coated bio-active stents (BAS) and paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES) in routine clinical practice were examined in study V. At the 3-year follow-up, BAS resulted in better long-term outcome when compared with PES with an infrequent need for target vessel revascularization. Keywords: anticoagulation, restenosis, thrombosis, bleeding, optical coherence tomography, titanium


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La stéatohépatite non alcoolique (NASH) est une pathologie du foie dont l’amplitude et les répercussions sont de plus en plus préoccupantes dans le monde médical ou biomédical. Elle est associée à l’obésité, au syndrome métabolique et au diabète sucré de type II. La recherche de la thérapie optimale pour le NASH est un domaine en plein essor puisqu’aucun traitement n’est suffisamment efficace à ce jour. La présente étude fait le point sur de nouvelles possibilités de traitements qui se sont avérés efficaces pour contrer les différentes lésions métaboliques et cellulaires rencontrées dans un modèle in vivo chez le rat où le NASH est induit par l’ingestion d’une diète riche en gras. Cette étude démontre, tout d’abord, que les traitements durant six semaines avec l’acide ursodéoxycholique (UDCA) et son dérivé le NCX 1000, possédant des propriétés donatrices de monoxyde d’azote, à doses équimolaires, protègent de manière équivalente le foie contre le stress oxydatif, l’hyperinsulinémie, l’inflammation et la fibrose causés par la stéatohépatite. De plus, la combinaison d’une plus faible dose de NCX 1000 avec un antioxydant lipophile tel que la vitamine E offre une protection similaire, particulièrement au niveau des paramètres du stress oxydatif. Par ailleurs, l’étude illustre aussi que la silibinine, composé polyphénolique actif du chardon marie (Silybum marianum) et utilisé en traitement pendant 5 semaines, possède un pouvoir hépatoprotecteur, des propriétés antioxydantes et un effet hypoinsulinémique dans ce modèle de stéatohépatite d’origine nutritionnelle. Le potentiel thérapeutique de ces composés en fait des candidats de choix pour le traitement du NASH qui méritent de faire l’objet d’études cliniques poussées.


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Les quatre principales activités de la gestion de risque thérapeutique comportent l’identification, l’évaluation, la minimisation, et la communication du risque. Ce mémoire aborde les problématiques liées à l’identification et à la minimisation du risque par la réalisation de deux études dont les objectifs sont de: 1) Développer et valider un outil de « data mining » pour la détection des signaux à partir des banques de données de soins de santé du Québec; 2) Effectuer une revue systématique afin de caractériser les interventions de minimisation de risque (IMR) ayant été implantées. L’outil de détection de signaux repose sur la méthode analytique du quotient séquentiel de probabilité (MaxSPRT) en utilisant des données de médicaments délivrés et de soins médicaux recueillis dans une cohorte rétrospective de 87 389 personnes âgées vivant à domicile et membres du régime d’assurance maladie du Québec entre les années 2000 et 2009. Quatre associations « médicament-événement indésirable (EI) » connues et deux contrôles « négatifs » ont été utilisés. La revue systématique a été faite à partir d’une revue de la littérature ainsi que des sites web de six principales agences réglementaires. La nature des RMIs ont été décrites et des lacunes de leur implémentation ont été soulevées. La méthode analytique a mené à la détection de signaux dans l'une des quatre combinaisons médicament-EI. Les principales contributions sont: a) Le premier outil de détection de signaux à partir des banques de données administratives canadiennes; b) Contributions méthodologiques par la prise en compte de l'effet de déplétion des sujets à risque et le contrôle pour l'état de santé du patient. La revue a identifié 119 IMRs dans la littérature et 1,112 IMRs dans les sites web des agences réglementaires. La revue a démontré qu’il existe une augmentation des IMRs depuis l’introduction des guides réglementaires en 2005 mais leur efficacité demeure peu démontrée.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise (M. Sc.)en criminologie


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Contexte et problématique. Selon l’Association Canadienne d’Équitation Thérapeutique (ACET), l’équitation thérapeutique comprend toutes les activités équestres s’adressant à une clientèle présentant des déficiences. L’équitation thérapeutique compte plusieurs approches, notamment l’hippothérapie, une stratégie de réadaptation offerte par des ergothérapeutes, physiothérapeutes et orthophonistes. L’hippothérapie se base sur le mouvement tridimensionnel induit par le cheval lequel favorise l’amélioration de diverses fonctions neuromotrices notamment le tonus du tronc et de la tête, la posture debout et les ajustements posturaux. Bien que les approches d’équitation thérapeutique prennent de l’ampleur au Québec, il n’y a toujours aucune règlementation officielle. Il existe donc une confusion importante entre les différentes approches d’équitation thérapeutique et l’hippothérapie actuellement reconnue comme la seule approche médicale de réadaptation utilisant le cheval. Les clientèles présentant de lourdes déficiences neuro-musculo-squelettiques se voient donc régulièrement référées dans des centres qui n’offrent pas d’hippothérapie et sont confrontées à des risques importants. Objectifs. Modéliser les interventions d’équitation thérapeutique afin de rendre explicites les composantes de ces interventions et les liens qui les unissent ainsi qu’analyser la plausibilité des interventions à atteindre les résultats escomptés. Méthodologie. Les interventions d’équitation thérapeutique ont été modélisées par des entrevues réalisées auprès des principales personnes offrant des services d’équitation thérapeutique au Québec. Une revue de la littérature a été conduite sur les principes de réadaptation qui sous-tendent les interventions. L’ensemble des données recueillies ont été analysé selon une procédure habituelle d’analyse de contenu qualitatif. Résultats. Les modèles créés permettent d’améliorer les connaissances des pratiques d’équitation thérapeutiques et d’hippothérapie au Québec. Conséquences. Les modèles permettent d’entamer une réflexion sur la règlementation de ces pratiques au Québec et au Canada ainsi que de soutenir les processus de références dans les différents centres québécois.


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The complex metabolic relationships between the host and its microbiota change throughout life and vary extensively between individuals, affecting disease risk factors and therapeutic responses through drug metabolism. Elucidating the biochemical mechanisms underlying this human supraorganism symbiosis is yielding new therapeutic insights to improve human health, treat disease, and potentially modify human disease risk factors. Therapeutic options include targeting drugs to microbial genes or co-regulated host pathways and modifying the gut microbiota through diet, probiotic and prebiotic interventions, bariatric surgery, fecal transplants, or ecological engineering. The age-associated co-development of the host and its microbiota provides a series of windows for therapeutic intervention from early life through old age


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Spontaneous adverse drug events (ADE) reporting is the main source of data for assessing the risk/benefit of drugs available in the pharmaceutical market. However, its major limitation is underreporting, which hinders and delays the signal detection by Pharmacovigilance (PhV). To identify the techniques of educational intervention (EI) for promotion of PhV by health professionals and to assess their impact. A systematic review was performed in the PUBMED, PAHO, LILACS and EMBASE databases, from November/2011 to January/2012, updated in March/2013. The strategy search included the use of health descriptors and a manual search in the references cited by selected papers. 101 articles were identified, of which 16 met the inclusion criteria. Most of these studies (10) were conducted in European hospitals and physicians were the health professionals subjected to most EI (12), these studies lasted from one month to two years. EI with multifaceted techniques raised the absolute number, the rate of reporting related to adverse drug reactions (ADR), technical defects of health technologies, and also promoted an improvement in the quality of reports, since there was increased reporting of ADR classified as serious, unexpected, related to new drugs and with high degree of causality. Multifaceted educational interventions for multidisciplinary health teams working at all healthcare levels, with sufficient duration to reach all professionals who act in the institution, including issues related to medication errors and therapeutic ineffectiveness, must be validated, with the aim of standardizing the Good Practice of PhV and improve drug safety indicators.


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In contrast to the impressive advances in somatic research of erectile dysfunction (ED), scientific literature shows contradictory reports on the results of psychotherapy for the treatment of ED. Authors conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological interventions for the treatment of ED compared to oral drugs, local injection, vacuum devices, or other psychological intervention. Distinct sources of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were searched: electronic databases (between 1966 and 2007), cross checking of references, and contact with scientific societies. For dichotomous outcomes the pooled relative risks were calculated and for continuous outcomes mean differences between interventions. Statistical heterogeneity was addressed. Eleven RCTs involving 398 men met the inclusion criteria. There is evidence that group therapy improves ED. Focused sex group therapy showed greater efficacy than control group. Men randomized to receive psychotherapy plus sildenafil showed significant improvement of ED and were less likely than those receiving only sildenafil to drop out. Regarding to the effectiveness of psychological interventions for the treatment of ED compared to local injection and vacuum devices no difference was found. Melnik T, Soares BGO, and Nasello AG. The effectiveness of psychological interventions for the treatment of erectile dysfunction: Systematic review and meta-analysis, including comparisons to sildenafil treatment, intracavernosal injection, and vacuum devices. J Sex Med 2008;5:2562-2574.


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Abstract Introduction Vertebroplasty (VP) is a cost-efficient alternative to kyphoplasty; however, regarding safety and vertebral body (VB) height restoration, it is considered inferior. We assessed the safety and efficacy of VP in alleviating pain, improving quality of life (QoL) and restoring alignment. Methods In a prospective monocenter case series from May 2007 until July 2008, there were 1,408 vertebroplasties performed during 319 interventions in 306 patients with traumatic, lytic and osteoporotic fractures. The 249 interventions in 233 patients performed because of osteoporotic vertebral fractures were analyzed regarding demographics, treatment and radiographic details, pain alleviation (VAS), QoL improvement (NASS and EQ-5D), complications and predictors for new fractures requiring a reoperation. Results The osteoporotic patient sample consisted of 76.7% (179) females with a median age of 80 years. A total of 54 males had a median age of 77 years. On average, there were 1.8 VBs fractured and 5 VBs treated. The preoperative pain was assessed by the visual analog scale (VAS) and decreased from 54.9 to 40.4 pts after 2 months and 31.2 pts after 6 months. Accordingly, the QoL on the EQ-5D measure (−0.6 to 1) improved from 0.35 pts before surgery to 0.56 pts after 2 and to 0.68 pts after 6 months. The preoperative Beck Index (anterior height/posterior height) improved from a mean of 0.64 preoperative to 0.76 postoperative, remained stable at 2 months and slightly deteriorated to 0.72 at 6 months postoperatively. There were cement leakages in 26% of the fractured VBs and in 1.4% of the prophylactically cemented VBs; there were symptoms in 4.3%, and most of them were temporary hypotension and one pulmonary cement embolism that remained asymptomatic. The univariate regression model revealed a tendency for a reduced risk for new or refractures on radiographs (OR = 2.61, 95% CI 0.92–7.38, p = 0.12) and reoperations (OR = 2.9, 95% CI 0.94–8.949, p = 0.1) when prophylactic augmentation was performed. The final multivariate regression model revealed male patients to have an about three times higher refracture risk (radiographic) (OR = 2.78, p = 0.02) at 6 months after surgery. Patients with a lumbar index fracture had an about three to five times higher refracture/reoperation risk than patients with a thoracic (OR = 0.33/0.35, p = 0.009/0.01) or thoracolumbar (OR = 0.32/0.22, p = 0.099/0.01) index fracture. Conclusion If routinely used, VP is a safe and efficacious treatment option for osteoporotic vertebral fractures with regard to pain relief and improvement of the QoL. Even segmental realignment can be partially achieved with proper patient positioning. Certain patient or fracture characteristics increase the risk for early radiographic refractures or new fractures, or a reoperation; a consequent prophylactic augmentation showed protective tendencies, but the study was underpowered for a final conclusion.


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Therapeutic alliance between clinicians and their patients is important in community mental healthcare. It is unclear whether providing effective interventions influences therapeutic alliance.


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BACKGROUND: Quitting smoking improves prognosis after a cardiac event, but many patients continue to smoke, and improved cessation aids are urgently required. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions such as behavioural therapeutic intervention, telephone support and self-help interventions in helping people with coronary heart disease (CHD) to quit smoking. SEARCH STRATEGY: The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (issue 2 2003), MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO and PSYNDEX were searched from the start of the database to August 2003. Results were supplemented by cross-checking references, and handsearches in selected journals and systematic reviews. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled studies (RCTs) in patients with CHD with a minimum follow-up of 6 months. After initial selection of the studies three trials with methodological flaws (e.g. high drop out) were excluded. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Abstinence rates were computed according to an intention to treat analysis if possible, or if not on follow-up results only. MAIN RESULTS: We found 16 RCTs meeting inclusion criteria. Interventions consist of behavioural therapeutic approaches, telephone support and self-help material and were either focused on smoking cessation alone or addressed several risk factors. The trials mostly included older male patients with CHD, predominantly myocardial infarction. Overall there was a positive effect of interventions on abstinence after 6 to 12 months (odds ratio (OR) 1.66, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.25 to 2.22), but substantial heterogeneity between trials. Studies with validated assessment of smoking status at follow-up had lower efficacy (OR 1.44, 95% CI 0.99 to 2.11) than non-validated trials (OR 1.92, 95% CI 1.26 to 2.93). Studies were clustered by intervention strategy and intensity of the intervention. Clustering reduced heterogeneity, although many trials used more than one type of intervention. The ORs for different strategies were similar (behavioural therapies OR 1.69, 95% CI 1.33 to 2.14; telephone support OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.28 to 1.97; self-help OR 1.48, 95% CI 1.11 to 1.96). More intense interventions showed increased quit rates (OR 1.98, 95% CI 1.49 to 2.65) whereas brief interventions did not appear effective (OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.22). Two trials had longer term follow-up, and did not show any benefits after 5 years. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Psychosocial smoking cessation interventions are effective in promoting abstinence at 1 year, provided they are of sufficient duration. Further studies, with longer follow-up, should compare different psychosocial intervention strategies, or the addition of a psychosocial intervention strategy to pharmacological therapy (e.g. nicotine replacement therapy) compared with pharmacological treatment alone.


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OBJECTIVES To synthesise the available evidence on pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions recommended for fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). METHODS Electronic databases including MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Registry and the Cochrane Library were searched for randomised controlled trials comparing any therapeutic approach as recommended in FMS guidelines (except complementary and alternative medicine) with control interventions in patients with FMS. Primary outcomes were pain and quality of life. Data extraction was done using standardised forms. RESULTS 102 trials in 14 982 patients and eight active interventions (tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), the gamma-amino butyric acid analogue pregabalin, aerobic exercise, balneotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), multicomponent therapy) were included. Most of the trials were small and hampered by methodological quality, introducing heterogeneity and inconsistency in the network. When restricted to large trials with ≥100 patients per group, heterogeneity was low and benefits for SNRIs and pregabalin compared with placebo were statistically significant, but small and not clinically relevant. For non-pharmacological interventions, only one large trial of CBT was available. In medium-sized trials with ≥50 patients per group, multicomponent therapy showed small to moderate benefits over placebo, followed by aerobic exercise and CBT. CONCLUSIONS Benefits of pharmacological treatments in FMS are of questionable clinical relevance and evidence for benefits of non-pharmacological interventions is limited. A combination of pregabalin or SNRIs as pharmacological interventions and multicomponent therapy, aerobic exercise and CBT as non-pharmacological interventions seems most promising for the management of FMS.