981 resultados para Temas de agenda


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Systematic reviews comparing the effectiveness of strategies to prevent, detect, and treat chronic kidney disease are needed to inform patient care. We engaged stakeholders in the chronic kidney disease community to prioritize topics for future comparative effectiveness research systematic reviews. We developed a preliminary list of suggested topics and stakeholders refined and ranked topics based on their importance. Among 46 topics identified, stakeholders nominated 18 as 'high' priority. Most pertained to strategies to slow disease progression, including: (a) treat proteinuria, (b) improve access to care, (c) treat hypertension, (d) use health information technology, and (e) implement dietary strategies. Most (15 of 18) topics had been previously studied with two or more randomized controlled trials, indicating feasibility of rigorous systematic reviews. Chronic kidney disease topics rated by stakeholders as 'high priority' are varied in scope and may lead to quality systematic reviews impacting practice and policy.


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En este artículo resumimos trabajos que abordan cuestiones relacionadas con el uso y desarrollo de pensamiento relacional en el contexto de la resolución de igualdades y sentencias numéricas. Nuestra intención es describir el estado de la cuestión e identificar líneas de investigación abiertas. Previamente detallamos el significado del término pensamiento relacional y señalamos otros términos más frecuentes en la literatura relacionados con este constructo.


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Este artigo apresenta resultados parciais de uma investigação de doutorado referente à busca de temas adequados aos interesses dos alunos, que estejam em sintonia com a vida moderna e que possibilitem desenvolver conteúdos matemáticos para o Currículo de Matemática, no Ensino Médio. Apresenta-se a história desta etapa da Educação Básica, no Brasil, visando uma compreensão do todo que possibilite identificar temas já trabalhados ou desenvolvidos no Currículo de Matemática. O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar quais seriam os possíveis temas a serem trabalhados, no Ensino Médio, que alie conteúdos matemáticos e temas de interesse. A metodologia de pesquisa apresenta uma abordagem qualitativa, pois permite que o pesquisador valide a pesquisa através da análise e descrição dos dados coletados pelo pesquisador. Um exemplo de tema a ser explorado, é a Criptografia, pois permite desenvolver conceitos matemáticos em atividades de codificação e decodificação, proporcionando o trabalho em grupo, a criação de estratégias de resolução de situações problemas e a recontextualização dos conteúdos envolvidos no tema abordado.


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Se han publicado en estos días de nuevo las estadísticas sobre el consumo de prensa en nuestro país: seguimos estando en 108 ejemplares por 1000 habitantes. Superamos ligeramente por arriba el nivel del subdesarrollo marcado por la UNESCO: 100 ejemplares. Y lejos, por supuesto, de los niveles de los países de nuestro entorno, que se suele decir ahora. Pero hay un elemento distorsionador. En esos países (Inglaterra, Alemania...) suben las estadísticas las tiradas de la prensa «amarilla», de los periódicos de cotilleos, suplidos aquí por las tiradas inmensas de las revistas del «corazón». A pesar de que suponen un capítulo importante de los medios, y por tanto de la conformación de la opinión pública, no siempre se tienen en cuenta, se les suele despreciar como poco importantes. Algo así ha pasado en esta sección... ¡hasta este momento!


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En un proyecto de investigación finalizado, se diseñó un software de escritorio para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del tema Resolución Numérica de Ecuaciones no Lineales, usando el paquete MatLab.


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This paper by CEO, PSIRU and PSI details the continuing influence of water multinationals on the World Water Forum and its agenda.


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United Kingdom (UK) and European Union policy is rapidly developing to meet international targets for the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment. To inform this process, research needs to keep pace with these changes and research questions must be focused on providing robust scientific evidence. Thirty four priority research questions within six broad themes were identified by delegates who attended the 1st marine and coastal policy Forum, hosted by the Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy Research at Plymouth University in June 2011. The priority questions formed through this research are timely and reflect the pace and change of marine policy in the UK in response to international, European and national policy drivers. Within the data theme, the majority of questions seek to find improved procedures to manage and use data effectively. Questions related to governance focus on how existing policies should be implemented. The marine conservation questions focus entirely upon implementation and monitoring of existing policy. Questions related to ecosystem services focus on research to support the conceptual links between ecosystem services, ecosystem function, and marine management. Questions relating to marine citizenship are fundamental questions about the nature of societal engagement with the sea. Finally, the marine planning questions focus upon understanding the general approaches to be taken to marine planning rather than its detailed implementation. The questions that have emerged from this process vary in scale, approach and focus. They identify the interdisciplinary science that is currently needed to enable the UK to work towards delivering its European and international commitments to achieve the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment


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There is now a concerted effort to grow the ‘blue economy’ which in Europe is estimated at being worthy around €500 a year. The relevance of marine research for the blue-growth agenda is often linked to the degree to which the research is ‘applied’, links to so called ‘blue-skies’ research are less clear. Conservation science is often seen even more negatively with conservation being seen as a hindrance to economic development. The history of blue-skies marine research and conservation science tells a very different story however suggesting the future rests on bringing these elements together.


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Much of the interest in promoting sustainable development in planning for the city-region focuses on the apparently inexorable rise in the demand for car travel and the contribution that certain urban forms and land-use relationships can make to reducing energy consumption. Within this context, policy prescription has increasingly favoured a compact city approach with increasing urban residential densities to address the physical separation of daily activities and the resultant dependency on the private car. This paper aims to outline and evaluate recent efforts to integrate land use and transport policy in the Belfast Metropolitan Area in Northern Ireland. Although considerable progress has been made, this paper underlines the extent of existing car dependency in the metropolitan area and prevailing negative attitudes to public transport, and argues that although there is a rhetorical support for the principles of sustainability and the practice of land-use/transportation integration, this is combined with a selective reluctance to embrace local changes in residential environment or in lifestyle preferences which might facilitate such principles.


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This article considers the development of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and contends that it is now deeply embedded and intertwined in policies to renew and modernize the United Kingdom's public services. After briefly reviewing prior research based upon the themes proposed by Broadbent and Laughlin (1999), this article suggests a new research agenda to reflect how the PFI has matured and developed in recent years.