958 resultados para Teachers – Continuous Formation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A presente pesquisa trata das Políticas Públicas Educacionais de Formação Docente. Seu objeto de estudo é a formação continuada dos docentes que vêm integrando o Projeto Político-Pedagógico Escola Cabana, em Belém, Pará, no período de 1997 a 2004 e objetiva analisar as propostas de políticas de formação docente continuada no contexto das reformas educativas contemporâneas e do Projeto acima citado. Especificamente busca-se: a) Identificar e analisar as concepções de formação continuada presentes na política educacional do município de Belém no período 1997 2004; b) Compreender o papel dos professores no processo de definição e implementação das políticas de formação continuada de Belém; c) Identificar e caracterizar as contribuições do Programa de Formação Continuada para a consolidação do Projeto Político-Pedagógico Escola Cabana, d) Apontar os dilemas e desafios impulsionados pela política educacional em estudo. O percurso metodológico caracteriza um estudo de caso o qual foi desenvolvido em uma escola da Rede Municipal de Educação Belém. Para atingir os objetivos propostos foi feito estudo teórico sobre a temática, análise de conteúdo dos documentos oficiais da Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SEMEC) e de onze entrevistas realizadas (sendo oito com docentes e três com gestores da Política Educacional em estudo) o que permitiu articular as seguintes categorias de análise: contradição e participação. A pesquisa evidencia que a formação continuada docente é ponto-chave para consolidação do projeto em estudo, mas enfrenta dilemas e desafios no sentido de organizar de forma mais contínua as formações, aproximando o foco para as realidades das escolas, buscando resgatar de forma mais consistente o professor como sujeito histórico do processo educativo.


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no intuito de identificar as razões das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos docentes no que se refere à utilização da informática na prática pedagógica, para poder propor a superação das mesmas e consequentemente contribuir para a consolidação da informática educativa nas atividades docentes. Com o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa foi observado que a própria prática pessoal da metodologia aplicada à disciplina “Informática Aplicada” do curso técnico em agropecuária indicava um bom caminho a superação de parte das dificuldades identificadas, embora até então esta prática estivesse dissociada de uma fundamentação teórica específica. Deste modo procuramos, através deste trabalho, formalizar alguns conceitos e sistematizá-los para que, uma vez identificada a raiz do problema, possamos propor uma metodologia de trabalho baseado na Pedagogia de Projetos que possa promover a superação das dificuldades. A analogia com o ciclo de desenvolvimento de softwares demonstrou que a adoção de um procedimento cíclico para o desenvolvimento de projetos de trabalho voltados para o uso da informática na prática docente representa uma boa ferramenta metodológica capaz de favorecer a reflexividade sobre as práticas docentes, promovendo a interdisciplinaridade e a transdisciplinaridade, transformando a informática educativa numa ferramenta de ligação entre as disciplinas, rompendo com a visão fragmentada de uma disciplina específica voltada apenas ao uso do computador e/ou apenas restrita ao laboratório de informática. Por fim, destacamos a necessidade da formação contínua e continuada dos docentes para a efetiva incorporação da informática educativa à sua prática pedagógica, pois, estando habilitados para o emprego das novas tecnologias e conhecendo como podem desenvolver projetos pedagógicos com elas, os docentes se sentirão encorajados em utilizá-las em ações curriculares escolares as mais criativas.


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Este estudo analisa a parceria público-privada celebrada entre a Prefeitura Municipal de Santarém PA e o Instituto Ayrton Senna, que por meio da “Rede Vencer” tem implantado programas de gerenciamento na área educacional nesse município. Dentre estes programas enfocamos o “Programa Gestão Nota 10” (PGN10), por causa do nosso interesse em estudar as alterações que ocorreram com a implantação dessa ferramenta de gestão na Secretaria de Educação, com rebatimento nas escolas da rede municipal de ensino. Para tanto desenvolvemos uma ampla pesquisa em que analisamos documentos sobre a legislação educacional, relatórios de gestão, relatórios sobre a organização da rede municipal de ensino, documentos da parceria público-privada, etc. e também fizemos pesquisa in loco durante a pesquisa onde tivemos a oportunidade de realizar 21 (vinte e um) entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores, membros de conselho de controle social, pedagogos, diretores e coordenadores que atuam no setor educacional do município. Os dados encontrados na pesquisa foram tratados utilizando a análise de conteúdo, pois ela oferece a possibilidade de depreensão da fala dos entrevistados nas formas de comunicação oral e escrita, isso não a descarta, porém, como ferramenta para a análise de outros meios de comunicação como o escrito nos documentos oficiais da parceria IAS-PMS. Isto porque entendemos que toda comunicação que traga consigo um conjunto de significações, de um emissor para um receptor, pode, em princípio, ser traduzida pelas técnicas de análise de conteúdo, interpretadas à luz do método materialista dialético. A análise desses dados, não nos permitiu classificar a ocorrência da gestão democrática, como demonstra a discussão empreendida no corpo do trabalho. Já em relação à implantação do modelo gerencial, percebemos que ela não pode ser completada, pois ainda existem elementos de gestão tradicional no município, além do mais o modelo da “nucleação”, onde a maioria das escolas sequer possui corpo administrativo, contribui para delongar o êxito na implantação da gestão gerencial. Percebemos também que, além de introduzir conceitos de mercado no setor público educacional, estimulando a concorrência entre turmas e escolas, essa parceria serve também para alimentar esses setores privados com dinheiro público em troca da aplicação de algumas técnicas de gestão gerencial no setor educacional. Ademais, há uma intensificação em cima do trabalho do professor que passa a ser responsabilizado pelos resultados a serem alcançados, o que cria uma situação em que não é permitido o descumprimento das metas sob a pecha da incompetência ou, mesmo que velada, sob a advertência de passar por alguma medida administrativa, caso verificado que o “problema foi o professor”. Isso ocasiona uma prática de “alteamento” dos indicadores que nem sempre expressam a situação real em que se encontra a educação. Por fim, nosso estudo demonstrou que, enquanto permanecer essa prática, a possibilidade de uma formação para a cidadania nas escolas fica diminuída, pois parece haver mais espaço para o amestramento de um espírito competitivo do que espaço para o desenvolvimento crítico visando favorecer a criação de um ambiente capaz de proporcionar a percepção de toda essa problemática que se encontra envolta pela ideologia de mercado no setor educacional.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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This paper emerges from our research and extension courses university, from our concerns with the initial and continuous training of teachers and the Childhood Education and the early years of elementary school. We had, as a main focus, presenting aspects of some of these referrals effected towards the creation of possibilities for the collective creation of conditions to nourish all those involved in due diligence with a set of knowledge necessary for making decisions and positions on it and in pedagogical practice. Of theoretical and methodological perspective based our research, teacher training processes should meet the expression of their practical actions in order to produce new knowledge relativized, understood based on the circumstances, the social subjects and the social places of those prepare and disseminate. This understanding was responsible for the methodological choices made for the proposition and development of our research, primarily the oral history. Finally, we conclude, among other things, that the uniqueness of what is done, thought and spoken in the world of school and therefore, the practice of educational research through the narrative is full of content for the projection of new shares in favor of improved processes of teaching and learning aimed the formation and activity of teachers and the humanization of adults and children.


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Front of the possibility of acting with the teachers who teach in schools of Early Childhood Education for children aged six years, about the re-siginification of the understanding of writing language and of the importance of the child in this age group establish a positive relationship with this mode of language, was developed in 2011, a project linked to the Teaching of UNESP titled “Depathologization learning of the writing and inclusive education: reflections and actions of the teacher of Early Childhood Education”. This project aims to identification of the actions, in the classroom, of the patologization and subsequent implementation of actions depathologization writing by teachers’ actions, considering the increasingly early systematization of formal education of this kind of language in kindergarten. To this end, procedures that characterize the collaborative methodology are adopted. Throughout the methodological course, the engagement of the teachers, of the coordination and of the direction was valued, which seemed to favor both the formation, as the maintenance of the group, were very important aspects to ensure the interaction between its members and the common interest in the reflection about the topic in question. This paper focuses attention on whether thematic axes highlight during the initial survey of the expectations of teachers subsequently addressed in theoretical and reflective meetings leading up to identification of actions the patologization and/or of the proposition of the actions despatologizadoras of the learning of the writing, and in what refers to the way they are addressed.


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Recent studies have suggested that tacrolimus monotherapy is a beneficial therapeutic alternative for the normalization of cyclosporin- induced bone loss in animal models and humans. The mechanism accounting for this action is unclear at present. In the present study, we attempted to determine the effect of tacrolimus monotherapy on alveolar bone using histological, histomorphometrical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Groups of rats (n= 10 each) were treated with either tacrolimus (1mg/ kg/ day, s.c.) or drug vehicle for 60 days. Fragments containing maxillary molars were processed for light microscopy to investigate the alveolar bone volume, trabecular separation, number of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, and transmission electron microscopy to investigate their ultrastructural basic phenotype.Treatment with tacrolimus monotherapy during 60 days may induce increases in alveolar bone volume (BV/ TV,%; P < 0.05) and a non- significant decrease in trabecular separation (Tb. Sp, mm; P > 0.05), represented by a decrease in osteoclast number (N. Oc/ BS; P < 0.05) and maintenance of osteoblast number (N. Ob/ BS; P > 0.05). Osteoblasts were often observed as a continuous layer of active cells on the bone surface. Osteoclasts appeared to be detached from the resorbed bone surface, which was often filled by active osteoblasts and collagen- rich matrix. Moreover, osteoclasts in the treated group were frequently observed as inactive cells (without ruffled border, clear zone and detached from the bone surface).Within the limits of the present study, we conclude that tacrolimus leads to an increase in alveolar bone formation, which probably exerts action on osteoclasts. Tacrolimus could, therefore, play a crucial role in the control of both early osteoclast differentiations from precursors, as well as in functional activation.


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This paper developed a reflection about problems related to the establishment of ethical principles that guide the sexual education aiming at emancipation. Our theoretical framework is the Critical Theory of Society, in particular texts by T. W. Adorno on training, prejudice and education. It is understood that numerous difficulties are related to the achievement of an emancipatory education, and such difficulties are even greater when it comes to sex education since it is an issue that still raises irrational fears on educators, and is absent from the training they received. Following Adorno, it is understood that the current formation favors the development of subjects inclined to prejudice, and that an emancipatory sexual education involves a critique to the conditions under which such formation occurs and, at the same time, a continuous reflection about the relations between the desires and the social possibilities of their realization.


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This research aimed to investigate, to describe and to reflect on the initial and continuous training playful preschool teachers and their applicability in daily practice. Through a literature search on the official documents and playfulness in the formation of the pedagogue, we see the importance of the uses of games and toys in kindergarten. Therefore, a retrospective of early childhood education and teacher training were conducted by analyzing the knowledge necessary to professor of playing in kindergarten. In order to collect data in the field were used as instruments to direct observation of everyday practice of the teacher and a questionnaire to see if the teachers' planning the use of toys and games, times and spaces intended for recreational actions are recorded and are ensured. With these investigative actions, from the descriptive and interpretative analysis of the data can be verified as occurred playful teacher education early childhood education and its importance in recreational use in the classroom every day


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This work was to study how the playful approach occurs in schools in the cycle of Fundamental Education. Know childhood representations from the rise till the present, the importance of playfulness in the formation and development of the child, also investigated the role of schools in the contribution to the process of human development, in view of the process through which pass the grown up most children of the age group studied. The methodology consisted of bibliographical and documentary research on related topics and field research with participant observation with children six years old in the first year of elementary school and conducting semi-structured interviews with teachers of a public school in the city of Bauru. Also analyzes the concepts of teachers on the playful using semi-open interview as the initial resource. We found that 40% of participants are unaware of such term and work with the playful from time to time in the classroom. The introduction of recreational activities in school had a satisfactory repercussion with the entry of other classes in the course of project development. Students were involved, participated in the whole process. However for the playful become effective in school, there must be enough basic training and also continuous education to teachers to break with paradigms crystallized in their teaching practices. Also and above all that, public policies have to consider the children and the children before they become adults as beings with their own identity


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Initial and continuous education for teachers has been studied at Group of Studies and Research on Language, Teaching and Teachers’ narrative (GEPLENP in Portuguese). In order to do so, we use teacher’s narratives from public schools in Assis/SP. Narrative researches have been very widely spread either in Brazil or in any other country. Meaningful papers have shown how important the topic is as well as the method used. This research tries to identify teachers’ social representations, which result from historic, cultural and time constitutions in order to get close to group of teachers’ representations about their initial and continuous education. The individual and singular narrative method gives us the opportunity to access the history told by the participants. The results point out that initial education promotes the opposition between theory and praxis and use of tool is highlighted in continuous education, which limits possibilities of teachers’ reflection on their own school role thus evidencing institutional interests.


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Experiments of continuous alcoholic fermentation of sugarcane juice with flocculating yeast recycle were conducted in a system of two 0.22-L tower bioreactors in series, operated at a range of dilution rates (D (1) = D (2) = 0.27-0.95 h(-1)), constant recycle ratio (alpha = F (R) /F = 4.0) and a sugar concentration in the feed stream (S (0)) around 150 g/L. The data obtained in these experimental conditions were used to adjust the parameters of a mathematical model previously developed for the single-stage process. This model considers each of the tower bioreactors as a perfectly mixed continuous reactor and the kinetics of cell growth and product formation takes into account the limitation by substrate and the inhibition by ethanol and biomass, as well as the substrate consumption for cellular maintenance. The model predictions agreed satisfactorily with the measurements taken in both stages of the cascade. The major differences with respect to the kinetic parameters previously estimated for a single-stage system were observed for the maximum specific growth rate, for the inhibition constants of cell growth and for the specific rate of substrate consumption for cell maintenance. Mathematical models were validated and used to simulate alternative operating conditions as well as to analyze the performance of the two-stage process against that of the single-stage process.