627 resultados para TTA-CAAS
(Diversidade e estrutura comunitária de cerrado sensu stricto em afloramentos rochosos no Parque Estadual dos Pireneus, Goiás). Este estudo foi realizado no Parque Estadual dos Pireneus e tem como objetivo analisar a composição florística e a estrutura comunitária do componente lenhoso do cerrado sensu stricto sobre afloramentos de rochas e comparar os resultados com outros locais. A área localiza-se entre as coordenadas 15°48'42"-47" S e 48°52'40"-63" W, a 1.310 m de altitude média. Dez parcelas de 20 m × 50 m (1.000 m²) foram alocadas aleatoriamente onde mediu-se todos os indivíduos lenhosos com diâmetro do tronco igual ou superior a 5 cm, tomado a 30 cm do solo. O estudo registrou 65 espécies, pertencentes a 51 gêneros e 35 famílias. As famílias mais representativas quanto ao número de espécies foram: Myrtaceae (oito spp.), Fabaceae (sete spp.) e Melastomataceae (seis spp.). As doze primeiras espécies em VI foram responsáveis por mais de 50% da dominância e densidade totais. A densidade foi de 1.105 indivíduos ha-1 e a área basal 11,03 m² ha-1. O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H') foi de 3,65 nats ind-1e encontra-se dentro da faixa de variação de estudos em cerrado sensu stricto. Os agrupamentos das parcelas do parque gerados pela análise de classificação mostraram que este cerrado é composto por espécies características do local como Schwartzia adamantium (Cambess.) Bedell ex Giraldo-Cañas, Alchornea triplinervia (Spreng.) Müll. Arg. e Clusia burchellii Engl., espécies generalistas das fisionomias de cerrado e também espécies mais comuns em mata de galeria, e apresenta estrutura similar a esta vegetação em outras condições edáficas.
Foram determinadas a composição florística e a estrutura da vegetação arbustivo-arbórea, incluindo monocotiledôneas, em uma comunidade de cerrado rupestre, no município Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Goiás. Os objetivos desse estudo foram: 1. Comparar os aspectos florísticos e estruturais da área estudada com aqueles de outros 14 estudos com comunidades arbustivo-arbóreas, com e sem a presença de monocotiledôneas, 2. Avaliar os padrões fitogeográficos das 15 áreas comparadas. Foram amostradas 71 espécies, sendo cinco espécies de monocotiledôneas (três Velloziaceae e duas Arecaceae). Considerando as monocotiledôneas, a comunidade inventariada foi a mais densa (1.977 indivíduos ha-1) e apresentou a segunda maior área basal (11,25/ m²/ ha-1), entre as áreas comparadas. No entanto, sem as monocotiledôneas a densidade e área basal reduziram para 892 indivíduos ha-1 e 7,55/ m²/ ha-1, respectivamente. Os índices de diversidade (H'/=/ 2,81) e equabilidade (J'/=/ 0,66) foram baixos com a presença das monocotiledôneas, mas se elevaram, com a exclusão das espécies desse grupo (H/ =/ 3,63, J'/=/ 0,86). Os aumentos nos valores de riqueza, densidade e área basal, com a inclusão das monocotiledôneas indicaram elevada importância das famílias Velloziaceae e Arecaceae na comunidade de cerrado rupestre estudada. A flora foi representada predominantemente por espécies de cerrado sentido restrito sobre solos profundos. No entanto, cinco das dez espécies com maiores VI são consideradas habitat especialistas de cerrado rupestre (Vellozia variabilis Mart. ex Schult. f., Wunderlichia cruelsiana Taub., Schwartzia adamantium (Cambess.) Bedell ex Giraldo-Cañas, Hyptis pachyphylla Epling e Vellozia tubiflora (A. Rich.) Kunth). Além do mais, foi observada baixa similaridade florística entre a área de estudo e as áreas comparadas, sugerindo particularidade florística do cerrado rupestre de Alto Paraíso de Goiás. Os padrões fitogeográficos, revelados por análises de agrupamento (UPGMA) e ordenação (DCA), indicaram influência da altitude, da proximidade geográfica entre áreas e de suas localizações em relação aos biomas adjacentes ao Cerrado (Floresta Amazônica, Mata Atlântica e Caatinga).
Reactive arthritis (ReA) is an inflammatory joint disease, which belongs to the group of Spondyloarthritis (SpA). It may occur after infections with certain gram-negative bacteria such as Salmonella and Yersinia. SpAs are strongly associated with the human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-B27. Despite active research, the mechanism by which HLA-B27 causes disease susceptibility is still unknown. However, HLA-B27 has a tendency to misfold during assembly. It is possible that the misfolding of HLA-B27 could alter signaling pathways and/or molecules involved in inflammatory response in cells. We have earlier discovered that in HLA-B27-positive cells the interaction between the host and causative bacteria is disturbed. Our recent studies indicate that the expression of HLA-B27 may alter certain signaling molecules by disturbing their activation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the expression of HLA-B27 disturbs the signaling molecules, especially the phosphorylation of transcription factor STAT1. STAT1 is an important mediator of inflammatory responses. Our results show that the phosphorylation of the STAT1 is significantly altered in HLA-B27-expressing U937 monocytic cells compared with control cells. STAT1 tyrosine 701 is more strongly phosphorylated in HLAB27- expressing cells; whereas the phosphorylation of STAT1 serine 727 is prolonged. Phosphorylation of STAT1 was discovered to be dependent on protein kinase PKR. Furthermore, we found out that the expression of posttranscriptional gene regulator HuR was altered in HLA-B27-expressing cells. We also detected that HLA-B27-positive cells secrete more interleukin 6, which is an important mediator of inflammation. These results help to understand how HLA-B27 may confer susceptibility to SpAs.
Johan Jakob Nervander f. 23.2.1805 i Nystad d. 15.3.1848 i Helsingfors Johan Jakob Nervander var finländsk diktare, fysiker och meteorolog, samt en nyckelfigur i Lördagssällskapet. Hans inflytande inom den finländska kultureliten var som störst på 1820-40-talen. Fast den vetenskapliga forskningen krävde största delen av Nervanders uppmärksamhet, drogs han också till diktandet. Nervanders viktigaste verk som poet är Jephtas Bok, En Minnes-Sång i Israel, som belönades med Svenska Akademiens andra pris år 1832 och trycktes åtta år senare. Nervanders lyrik var formmässigt slipad. Till innehåll och stämning varierade dikterna kraftig, från starka känslouttryck och fritt flygande fantasi till melankoli och inbundenhet. http://www.blf.fi/artikel.php?id=3567 http://www.kansallisbiografia.fi/kb/artikkeli/3567/
Valtakunnallisesti arvokkaat maisema-alueet ovat edustavimpia maaseudun kulttuurimaisemia, joiden arvo perustuu monimuotoiseen kulttuurivaikutteiseen luontoon, hoidettuun viljelymaisemaan ja perinteiseen rakennuskantaan. Suomessa on 156 maisema-aluetta, jotka ovat valtioneuvoston vuonna 1995 tekemän periaatepäätöksen mukaan valtakunnallisesti arvokkaita. Näistä alueista kahdeksan sijaitsee Varsinais-Suomessa ja viisi Satakunnassa. Maisema-alueilla turvataan edustavien ja elinvoimaisten maaseutumaisemien säilyminen. Vuosien 2012 - 2014 aikana koko Suomessa oli meneillään valtakunnallisesti arvokkaiden maisema-alueiden päivitys- ja täydennysinventointi, jota tehtiin maakunnittain ympäristöministeriön MAPIO-työryhmän laatimien ohjeiden mukaisesti. Valtakunnallisella tasolla päivitys- ja täydennysinventointien tulosten perusteella koostetaan uusi ehdotus valtakunnallisesti arvokkaiksi maisema-alueiksi. Ehdotuksen pohjalta on tarkoitus valmistella maisema-alueista uusi valtioneuvoston päätös. Valtakunnallisesti arvokkaiden maisema-alueiden päivittäminen edellyttää kannanottoa maakunnallisesti arvokkaisiin maisema-alueisiin. Satakunnassa maakunnallisesti arvokkaat maisema-alueet on inventoitu nyt ensimmäistä kertaa ”Katson maalaismaisemaa”-hankkeessa. Varsinais-Suomen osalta on yhtenäistetty eri aikoina tehtyjä aikaisempia maakunnallisia inventointeja, jotka on jo otettu huomioon voimassa olevissa maakuntakaavoissa. Tässä raportissa esitellään päivitys- ja täydennysinventointien kulkua ja tuloksia Satakunnan ja Varsinais-Suomen osalta.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella kulttuuritalo Annankatu 6:tta elämäkerrallisena paikkana, joka on elävä ja muutokselle altis. Tutkimuksen keskeisin tavoite on tarkastella Annankatu 6:n käyttäjien elämäkerrallisten paikkasuhteiden ilmenemistä kertomuksissa. Primääritutkimusaineisto koostuu 11 yksilöhaastattelusta, jotka tehtiin keväällä 2013 sekä dokumenttielokuvasta Rajattoman ajan talo. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään elämäkerrallisia paikkasuhteita haastattelukertomusten kautta. Haastatteluaineiston luokittelun ja analysoinnin metodi perustuu Pertti Alasuutarin juonirakenneanalyysiin teoksessa Laadullinen tutkimus 2.0. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkimuksessa toimii maantieteilijä Pauli Tapani Karjalaisen topobiografinen eli elämäkerrallinen paikan tulkinta teoksessa Paikka –eletty, kuviteltu, koettu. Keskeisin tutkimustulos on muutoksen merkitys elämäkerrallisissa paikkasuhteissa. Muutosten kautta käyttäjien elämä kietoutuu vahvemmin paikkaan. Paikkasuhteet ilmenevät kertomuksissa erilaisten teemojen kautta. Ihmisen ja paikan vuorovaikussuhde on tärkeä oivallus tutkimuksessa, sillä paikka ei ole ihmisestä erillinen. Tutkimustuloksena on tällöin myös paikan uudelleen määrittely. Tutkimus osoittaa käyttäjän olevan ensiarvoisen tärkeässä asemassa paikkoja tutkittaessa. Ilman käyttäjää paikka on vain fyysinen objekti. Käyttäjien kautta paikka herää eloon.
Guava is a fruit with high respiration rates and a very short shelf life. Since information on its respiration pattern is contradictory, the objective was to study the changes occurring in the fruit during ripening and to relate them to the respiration behavior of this fruit. Guavas were picked at the half-ripe stage and stored for 8 days at 22 ± 1 ºC and 78 ± 1% relative humidity. The analyses conducted were: peel and pulp coloration, firmness, total soluble solids (TSS), total titratable acidity (TTA), and ethylene production. According to the results, it was verified that the parameters analyzed apparently do not coincide and are ethylene-independent. There was an accentuated ethylene production during ripening, starting from the 4th day. The ethylene synthesis continued increasing up to the 8th day, when the fruits were already decomposing. It was observed that the firmness decreased sharply in the first three days of ripening, and the skin and pulp color changed during ripening. The TSS, total soluble solids, and the TTA, total titratable acidity, practically did not change during the ripening, even with the increased ethylene production. It can be concluded that guava is a fruit that presents characteristics of climacteric and non-climacteric fruits.
Prunus mume is widely studied due to its health benefits regarding increase of blood fluidity and consequent improvement of the cardiovascular system and the prevention or even the fight against different types of cancer. However, in Brazil this culture is found only among oriental descendants. The present study aimed to characterize mume fruit collected from three different locations in the State of São Paulo regarding general aspects such as pH, total titratable acidity (TTA), total soluble solids (TTS), pectin content and yield of pulp and chemical characteristics: total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant capacity. Mume fruit were collected unripe and analyzed until maturation about 88 days after flowering. Fruit collected in Botucatu came from a commercial mume fruit producer and had average weight of 16.9 g, while in fruit from other locations weight varied from 5.7-6.9 g. TSS ranged from 9.5 to 10.0 Brix, total solids was 10.2-12.2% and pH showed values between 2.5 and 2.7 for all locations. TTA expressed in citric acid decreased from 4.0-5.7 g (100g- 1) at unripe stage to 2.0-3.8 g (100g- 1) in mature-stage fruit. Pectin content decreased from 11.2 to 10.8% during fruit maturation, TPC content was 147-226 mg catechin (g- 1) on a dry matter basis and the antioxidant capacity was 96-169 µMol Trolox (g- 1) on a dry matter basis or 21-34 µMol Trolox (g- 1) on a wet matter basis.
Lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI) is a recessively inherited disorder characterised by reduced plasma and increased urinary levels of cationic amino acids (CAAs), protein malnutrition, growth failure and hyperlipidemia. Some patients develop severe immunological, renal and pulmonary complications. All Finnish patients share the same LPIFin mutation in the SLC7A7 gene that encodes CAA transporter y+LAT1. The aim of this study was to examine molecular factors contributing to the various symptoms, systemic metabolic and lipid profiles, and innate immune responses in LPI. The transcriptomes, metabolomes and lipidomes were analysed in whole-blood cells and plasma using RNA microarrays and gas or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques, respectively. Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling in monocyte-derived macrophages exposed to pathogens was scrutinised using qRT-PCR and the Luminex technology. Altered levels of transcripts participating in amino acid transport, immune responses, apoptosis and pathways of hepatic and renal metabolism were identified in the LPI whole-blood cells. The patients had increased non-essential amino acid, triacylglycerol and fatty acid levels, and decreased plasma levels of phosphatidylcholines and practically all essential amino acids. In addition, elevated plasma levels of eight metabolites, long-chain triacylglycerols, two chemoattractant chemokines and nitric oxide correlated with the reduced glomerular function in the patients with kidney disease. Accordingly, it can be hypothesised that the patients have increased autophagy, inflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis, leading to hepatic steatosis, uremic toxicity and altered intestinal microbe metabolism. Furthermore, the LPI macrophages showed disruption in the TLR2/1, TLR4 and TLR9 pathways, suggesting innate immune dysfunctions with an excessive response to bacterial infections but a deficient viral DNA response.
Il est bien connu que les enfants qui présentent un trouble de traitement auditif (TTA) ont de la difficulté à percevoir la parole en présence de bruit de fond. Cependant, il n’existe aucun consensus quant à l’origine de ces difficultés d’écoute. Ce programme de recherche est consacré à l’étude des incapacités sous-jacentes aux problèmes de perception de la parole dans le bruit chez les enfants présentant un TTA. Le Test de Phrases dans le Bruit (TPB) a été développé afin d’examiner si les difficultés de perception de la parole dans le bruit d’enfants ayant un TTA relèvent d’incapacités auditives, d’incapacités cognitivo-linguistiques ou des deux à la fois. Il comprend cinq listes de 40 phrases, composées de 20 phrases hautement prévisibles (HP) et de 20 phrases faiblement prévisibles (FP), de même qu’un bruit de verbiage. Le niveau de connaissance du mot clé (mot final) de chaque phrase a été vérifié auprès d’un groupe d’enfants âgés entre 5 et 7 ans. De plus, le degré d’intelligibilité des phrases dans le bruit et le niveau de prévisibilité ont été mesurées auprès d’adultes pour assurer l’équivalence entre les listes. Enfin, le TPB a été testé auprès d’un groupe de 15 adultes et d’un groupe de 69 enfants sans trouble auditif avant de l’administrer à des enfants ayant un TTA. Pour répondre à l’objectif général du programme de recherche, dix enfants présentant un TTA (groupe TTA) et dix enfants jumelés selon le genre et l’âge sans difficulté auditive (groupe témoin) ont été soumis aux listes de phrases du TPB selon différentes conditions sonores. Le groupe TTA a obtenu des performances significativement plus faibles comparativement au groupe témoin à la tâche de reconnaissance du mot final des phrases présentées en même temps qu’un bruit de verbiage compétitif, aux rapports signal-sur-bruit de 0, +3 et +4 dB. La moyenne de la différence des scores obtenue entre les phrases HP et FP à chaque condition expérimentale de bruit était similaire entre les deux groupes. Ces résultats suggèrent que les enfants ayant un TTA ne se distinguent pas des enfants du groupe témoin au plan de la compétence cognitivo-linguistique. L’origine des difficultés d’écoute de la parole dans le bruit dans le cas de TTA serait de nature auditive. Toutefois, les résultats des analyses de groupe diffèrent de ceux des analyses individuelles. Les divers profils de difficultés d’écoute identifiés auprès de cette cohorte appuient l’importance de continuer les investigations afin de mieux comprendre l’origine des problèmes de perception de la parole dans le bruit dans le cas de TTA. En connaissant mieux la nature de ces difficultés, il sera possible d’identifier les stratégies d’intervention de réadaptation spécifiques et efficaces.
The present study aimed at the utlisation of microbial organisms for the
production of good quality chitin and chitosan. The three strains used for the
study were Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacililus brevis and Bacillus subtilis.
These strains were selected on the basis of their acid producing ability to reduce
the pH of the fermenting substrates to prevent spoilage and thus caused
demineralisation of the shell. Besides, the proteolytic enzymes in these strains
acted on proteinaceous covering of shrimp and thus caused deprotenisation of
shrimp shell waste. Thus the two processes involved in chitin production can be
affected to certain extent using bacterial fermentation of shrimp shell.Optimization parameters like fermentation period, quantity of inoculum,
type of sugar, concentration of sugar etc. for fermentation with three different
strains were studied. For these, parameters like pH, Total titrable acidity (TTA),
changes in sugar concentration, changes in microbial count, sensory changes
etc. were studied.Fermentation study with Lactobacillus plantarum was continued with 20%
w/v jaggery broth for 15 days. The inoculum prepared yislded a cell
concentration of approximately 108 CFU/ml. In the present study, lactic acid and
dilute hydrochloric acid were used for initial pH adjustment because; without
adjusting the initial pH, it took more than 5 hours for the lactic acid bacteria to
convert glucose to lactic acid and during this delay spoilage occurred due to
putrefying enzymes active at neutral or higher pH. During the fermentation study,
pH first decreased in correspondence with increase in TTA values. This showed
a clear indication of acid production by the strain. This trend continued till their
proteolytic activity showed an increasing trend. When the available sugar source
started depleting, proteolytic activity also decreased and pH increased. This was
clearly reflected in the sensory evaluation results. Lactic acid treated samples
showed greater extent of demineralization and deprotenisation at the end of
fermentation study than hydrochloric acid treated samples. It can be due to the
effect of strong hydrochloric acid on the initial microbial count, which directly
affects the fermentation process. At the end of fermentation, about 76.5% of ash was removed in lactic acid treated samples and 71.8% in hydrochloric acid
treated samples; 72.8% of proteins in lactic acid treated samples and 70.6% in
hydrochloric acid treated samples.The residual protein and ash in the fermented residue were reduced to
permissible limit by treatment with 0.8N HCI and 1M NaOH. Characteristics of
chitin like chitin content, ash content, protein content, % of N- acetylation etc.
were studied. Quality characteristics like viscosity, degree of deacetylation and
molecular weight of chitosan prepared were also compared. The chitosan
samples prepared from lactic acid treated showed high viscosity than HCI treated
samples. But degree of deacetylation is more in HCI treated samples than lactic
acid treated ones. Characteristics of protein liquor obtained like its biogenic
composition, amino acid composition, total volatile base nitrogen, alpha amino
nitrogen etc. also were studied to find out its suitability as animal feed
supplement.Optimization of fermentation parameters for Lactobacillus brevis
fermentation study was also conducted and parameters were standardized. Then
detailed fermentation study was done in 20%wlv jaggery broth for 17 days. Also
the effect of two different acid treatments (mild HCI and lactic acid) used for initial
pH adjustment on chitin production were also studied. In this study also trend of
changes in pH. changes in sugar concentration ,microbial count changes were
similar to Lactobacillus plantarum studies. At the end of fermentation, residual
protein in the samples were only 32.48% in HCI treated samples and 31.85% in
lactic acid treated samples. The residual ash content was about 33.68% in HCI
treated ones and 32.52% in lactic acid treated ones. The fermented residue was
converted to chitin with good characteristics by treatment with 1.2MNaOH and
1NHCI.Characteristics of chitin samples prepared were studied and extent of Nacetylation
was about 84% in HCI treated chitin and 85%in lactic acid treated
ones assessed from FTIR spectrum. Chitosan was prepared from these samples
by usual chemical method and its extent of solubility, degree of deacetylation,
viscosity and molecular weight etc were studied. The values of viscosity and
molecular weight of the samples prepared were comparatively less than the
chitosan prepared by Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation. Characteristics of protein liquor obtained were analyzed to determine its quality and is suitability as
animal feed supplement.Another strain used for the study was Bacillus subtilis and fermentation
was carried out in 20%w/v jaggery broth for 15 days. It was found that Bacillus
subtilis was more efficient than other Lactobacillus species for deprotenisation
and demineralization. This was mainly due to the difference in the proteolytic
nature of the strains. About 84% of protein and 72% of ash were removed at the
end of fermentation. Considering the statistical significance (P
El Programa de Centros Bilingües crea una red de centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria e Institutos de Educación Secundaria en los que se han de usar las lenguas maternas y no maternas para la enseñanza de áreas y materias del currículo. Teniendo en cuenta las recomendaciones europeas, estos centros tenderán a la pluralidad lingüística y cultural. Tanto en la Educación Primaria como en la Secundaria, el método utilizado estará basado en la comunicación, la interacción y en la priorización del código oral, sin obviar en su momento el código escrito. Los objetivos planteados son: 1. Sintetizar las investigaciones actuales que existen y son de crédito sobre los procesos psicopedagógicos que intervienen en la educación multilingüe y sobre la didáctica de la enseñanza bilingüe; 2. Delimitar cuáles de estos procesos son determinantes para la Educación Física; 3. Encontrar estrategias metodológicas y didácticas que sean congruentes con los requerimientos de la Educación Física en contextos de bilingüismo instructivo. Una vez alcanzados los objetivos anteriores, en función de los recursos disponibles, especialmente de tiempo, se proponen estos objetivos complementarios: 4. Diseñar ejemplos de sesiones didácticas de Educación Física en lengua extranjera; 5. Crear un archivo lexicológico adecuado a los contenidos curriculares del área. Al poner en práctica el proyecto surge, a priori, una gran duda metódica: si los procesos psicológicos solicitados por el uso de dos lenguas son diferentes a los implicados en contextos monolingües, lógicamente, hay que pensar que las estrategias metodológicas o didácticas han de ser diferentes y adaptarse a los nuevos requerimientos. Un buen punto de partida para una investigación documental sobre esto son los numerosos estudios existentes en todo el mundo sobre bilingüismo, especialmente los que implican, por sus características peculiares, el uso del español como una de las lenguas.
El Projecte Hifa és una xarxa dinamitzadora del tercer sector (entitats, associacions, fundacions, etc.) i fomentadora de la participació ciutadana des d'aquest àmbit. Té una marcada transversalitat d'àmbits d'actuació, ja que cada entitat treballa sobre el tema que l'incumbeix. Tot i això, el motor de la xarxa son les entitats naturalistes, conservacionistes i totes aquelles que directe o indirectament treballin en temes ambientals, per tal que, a mesura que s'estableixin relacions amb entitats d'altres àmbits, les vagin influenciant i ambientalitzant, enriquint-se al seu torn amb les experiències que els ofereixin aquestes. Per tal d'agilitzar la implementació de la xarxa, el mètode més eficaç és acotant l'àmbit geogràfic a un nivell que generi quantitats d’informació fàcilment gestionable, i a partir d'aquí, anar creixent de forma horitzontal, no jeràrquica, creant cèl•lules noves en altres parts del territori i connectant-les entre elles. El Projecte Hifa comença per establir-se a la comarca del Gironès, ja que és una comarca on conviuen àmbits rurals amb urbans, però amb un marcat desequilibri en favor de l'últim. Això permet englobar els dos àmbits dins de la xarxa, amb l’al•licient que les dades són comparables i es poden generar estudis de diferenciació entre 3r sector rural i 3r sector urbà
Nowadays, Oceanographic and Geospatial communities are closely related worlds. The problem is that they follow parallel paths in data storage, distributions, modelling and data analyzing. This situation produces different data model implementations for the same features. While Geospatial information systems have 2 or 3 dimensions, the Oceanographic models uses multidimensional parameters like temperature, salinity, streams, ocean colour... This implies significant differences between data models of both communities, and leads to difficulties in dataset analysis for both sciences. These troubles affect directly to the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies ( IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB)). Researchers from this Institute perform intensive processing with data from oceanographic facilities like CTDs, moorings, gliders… and geospatial data collected related to the integrated management of coastal zones. In this paper, we present an approach solution based on THREDDS (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services). THREDDS allows data access through the standard geospatial data protocol Web Coverage Service, inside the European project (European Coastal Sea Operational Observing and Forecasting system). The goal of ECOOP is to consolidate, integrate and further develop existing European coastal and regional seas operational observing and forecasting systems into an integrated pan- European system targeted at detecting environmental and climate changes