929 resultados para TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE


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Information systems are changing the way artists and consumers create, use and interact with music. Music experience has become richer and more sophisticated than simply buying and listening to music. New links between IS and music are forging unprecedented levels of creative e-collaboration, innovative music technology development, new music commerce and marketing methods, alongside with the emergence of e-music communities nurturing up-and-coming artists careers. Distinct from non-creative industries, the music industry is at the forefront of technological innovation where the ubiquitous adoption of music downloading, widespread use of personal music systems, and value chain disintermediation has shifted the focus of value delivery towards consumer control. This paper provides new insights into the effect of recent technological change on stakeholders within the music industry value chain, and of music information systems upon creative music products. The paper further explores the stakeholder perceptions of the value added or depleted from music by the technology, and examines the future expectations of information systems amidst the volatility and uncertainty of the music industry.


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In recent time, many Chinese firms have not only operated quite successfully at their home front, competing with those giant multinational companies inside China, they are also moving offshore. The short internationalisation process of Chinese firms looks both sudden and unexpected, causing many to wonder the success factors for Chinese firms. A dynamic innovation that combines strategic, organisational, cost as well as technological change was believed to have contributed to the fast growing Chinese firms in the global stage. This paper reviews the literature related to these areas of innovation. It also discusses reasons for firms to innovate or imitate, using institutional perspective and resource-based view (RBV). Intertwined with these discuss ion, empirical studies of innovative performance among Chinese firms are also analysed. The results show that in fact most Chinese firms still follow an imitative strategy, but there is a clear evidence of strategic cost innovation widely practiced among Chinese firms.


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Construction is an important industry and forms a vital part of national economics in the world. Factors affecting the productivity of the construction industry should be measured appropriately to reflect its development situation and economic performance. The Malmquist index method with a novel decomposition technique is employed to estimate the total factor productivity of the Australian construction industry during the period 1990-2007 and to analyse the factors affecting the technological change in the industry. Research results exemplified by two input variables and one output variable elaborate how construction technology, pure technical efficiency and scale economy take effect in the change of construction productivity. In addition, based on temporal and spatial comparisons, the analysis for construction productivities reveals their changes over time and across the country. Proposals and recommendations are expected to be beneficial for policy making and strategic decisions to improve the performance of the Australian construction industry.


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While scholars have paid much attention to YouTube in a Web 2.0 environment, the YouTube blockbuster is yet to be discussed as part of this convergence culture. It differs from transmedia storytelling in that no single company owns or controls the characters or concepts. Once users have elevated videos with rich narrative qualities to the heights of fame within YouTube and other virtual social networks, they are taken from the YouTube archive by global commercial media and given new exchange values in traditional media forms such as books, films, television shows and ancillary products, using fragmented classical narrative techniques to do so. This paper traces the history of the blockbuster as a way of large commercial media adapting to social and technological change after World War II, to its refinements in the 1970s to cater for younger audiences and changes in the media landscape, to its most recent incarnation in YouTube. We argue that the economic and cultural values of the blockbuster are being transformed and refigured by the new form it has begun to take within convergence culture.


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Electronic books (e-books) are rapidly gaining popularity as a technological innovation that will change the way people read books. A social cognitive perspective to understand how a person adopts an e-book device is utilised in this paper to empirically test the results of a survey. A portion of the conceptual model is supported by the results of the survey that demonstrates the importance of an individual's ethics and entrepreneurial orientation to the adoption behaviour they have about e-book devices. This paper highlights for practitioners the importance of focusing on marketing the ethical and innovativeness of e-book devices.


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An increase in the pace of technological change has revolutionised the way accountants perform their jobs. In response to this challenge, the identification of a new comprehensive set of information technology competencies combined with information technology skills and other skills (namely, soft skills) are necessary. This study uses mixed methods to identify which information technology skills and competencies are required for accountants from the perspective of academics in Malaysia. Findings indicate that spreadsheets, word processing and accounting software were ranked as much-needed skills to be acquired by accountants while communication skills were ranked as the most required skills, and delegation skills as the least required. Although academics have an important role to determine accountants’ information technology skills and competencies, they are still unfamiliar with the exact soft skills that should be blended in utilising information technology.


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The digital has speeded up multi-platform image delivery, to impose sampling and collagic strategies into the way we process information. This is a trauma inducing situation. During an earlier period of technological change reading the moving landscape similarly overwhelmed the early train traveller. Wolfgang Schivelbusch noted that ‘The inability to acquire a mode of perception adequate to technological travel crossed all political, ideological and aesthetic lines.’ (1983) New perceptual strategies had to be developed that contextualized the blur and the streak produced by looking out the train window without overwhelming the viewer. Utilizing Chris Brewin’s (2001) model of two parallel memory systems, this paper argues that, as another round of unprecedented technological change impacts on our senses, another ‘re-alignment’ of the senses is required. Chris Brewin’s (2001) model of two parallel memory systems, of Verbally Accessible Memory (VAM) and Situational Accessible Memory (SAM), suggests that the current information explosion requires a greater emphasis on the SAM system for processing information and critical thinking. Processed through the amygdala, SAM is implicit, situationally triggered, information intensive and conveys no sense of time. Found footage films, like those of Martin Arnold and Peter Tscherkassky that cut up, layer, repeat and recycle historic imagery perform the sampling and collagic strategies that characterize this SAM memory system to demonstrate a more visually based mode of critical thinking.


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Broad economic and social reform, rapid technological change and increasing global competition have meant that organisations must consider all aspects of their business model in order to successfully create and capture ongoing customer value. In this study it is proposed that business model innovation must always consider and incorporate the symbiotic and interdependent relationship that stakeholders have with an organisation. One particular aspect of economic reform, privatisation, has become an important driver of economic growth in many economies, particularly when linked with the rapid growth of air travel. Privatisation of an airport can generate a radical change in the overall business model for the airport owner and the various stakeholders involved in the operation of the airport. Sydney Airport has restructured its overarching business model to meet the demands of stakeholders. Using feedback from key stakeholders, this research examines the generally accepted view that airport privatisation leads to an improvement in airport performance. Chesbrough's Business Model Framework provides a lens to assist the analysis of Sydney Airport operations before and after privatisation, and provides valuable insights into the impact of privatisation on business model innovation. © Cambridge University Press and Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management 2014.


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The scholarly publication model is discussed and the impact of the current technological change on knowledge and communication generally on the scholarly publication model is set out. The proposal is made that rather than open access being the cause of the apparent and impending collapse of the scholarly publication industry, it is but one driver of a far wider change in scholarly publication. That change will have effects that extend well beyond the simple decision of whether a publication should be available by subscription or by one of the forms of open access. A number of other changes to scholarly publication are also itemized. The change is inevitable but its extent is as yet unclear.


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There is urgent need to consider energy consumption when measuring total-factor productivity in the construction industry. This paper adopts the Malmquist index method to investigate the factors affecting the energy productivity of the Australian construction industry and compares them with those decomposed from the total-factor productivity. An input-oriented distance function and a contemporaneous benchmark technology are employed to develop the data envelopment analysis models. The Malmquist productivity index is decomposed into the technological change, pure technical efficiency change and activity effect to gain comprehensive insights into changes of construction productivity in the Australian states and territories over the past two decades. Research results show that both energy productivity and total-factor productivity improved in Australia, particularly related to technological development. The pure technical efficiency and activity indices changed slightly over time or across regions. This study demonstrates that there exists a linkage between energy productivity and total-factor productivity through their technological and technical efficiency changes. The Australian construction industry could enhance these two productivities by introducing advanced technologies and implementing them efficiently.


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In this paper we construct and analyze a growth model with the following three ingredients. (i) Technological progress is embodied. (ii) The production function of a firm is such that the firm makes both technology upgrade as well as capital and labor decisions. (iii) The firm’s production technology is putty-clay. We assume that there are disincentives to the accumulation of capital, resulting in a divergence between the social and the private cost of investment. We solve a single firm’s problem in this environment. Then we determine general equilibrium prices of capital goods of different vintages. Using these prices we aggregate firms’ decisions and construct the theoretical analogues of National Income statistics. This generates a relationship between disincentives and per capita incomes. We analyze this relationship and show the quantitative and qualitative roles of embodiment and putty-clay. We also show how the model is taken to data, quantified and used to determine to what extent income gaps across countries can be attributed to disincentives.


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Ao longo dos últimos 20 anos tem havido uma profusão de estudos que examinam, no âmbito de empresas, a contribuição dos mecanismos de aprendizagem e da adoção de técnicas de gestão para o processo de acumulação tecnológica. No entanto, ainda são escassos os estudos que examinem, de maneira conjunta e sob uma perspectiva dinâmica, o relacionamento entre a adoção de técnicas de gestão, mecanismos de aprendizagem e trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas. Mais que isto, faltam estudos que examinem o duplo papel das técnicas de gestão, ora como parte do estoque de capacidades tecnológicas, ora como um processo de aprendizagem tecnológica em si. Esta dissertação objetiva oferecer uma contribuição para preencher esta lacuna neste campo de estudo. O enfoque desta dissertação deriva de observações empíricas, realizadas em empresas, e inspira-se no clássico estudo Innovation and Learning: the two faces of R&D, de Cohen e Levinthal (1989). Assim a dissertação baseia-se em um estudo de caso individual, realizado em uma empresa do setor siderúrgico no Brasil, no período de 1984 a 2008, examinando estas questões à luz de modelos analíticos disponíveis na literatura internacional. Neste sentido, adotou-se o entendimento de capacidade tecnológica como o conjunto de recursos necessários para gerar e gerir mudanças tecnológicas, sendo construída e acumulada de forma gradual, a partir do engajamento em processos de aprendizagem e da coordenação de bases de conhecimentos acumulados em diferentes dimensões, simbioticamente relacionadas. As métricas utilizadas identificam tipos e níveis de capacidade tecnológica para diferentes funções e identifica quatro tipos de processos de aprendizagem tecnológica e os avalia em termos de suas características-chave. Tomando-se por base evidências empíricas qualitativas e quantitativas, colhidas em primeira mão, a base de trabalho de campo, este estudo verificou que: 1. A empresa acumulou níveis inovativos de capacidades tecnológicas em todas as funções examinadas, sendo o nível Inovativo Intermediário (Nível 5) nas funções Engenharia de Projetos (de forma incompleta) e Equipamentos e o nível Intermediário Avançado (Nível 6) nas funções Processos e Organização da Produção e Produtos. 2. Os mecanismos de aprendizagem subjacentes à acumulação destes níveis de capacidade tecnológica apresentaram resultados relevantes em termos de suas características-chave, principalmente no que diz respeito à variedade e intensidade: de 24 mecanismos em 1984 para um total de 59 em 2008, com uma variação de 145,8%, e com 56 dos 59 mecanismos (94,92%) utilizados atualmente de forma sistemática. 3. O período compreendido entre os anos de 1990 e 2004, no qual foram implementadas as técnicas de gestão estudadas, exceto o Plano de Sugestões, se caracteriza por apresentar a maior taxa de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas e por dar início à utilização da quase totalidade dos 35 novos mecanismos de aprendizagem incorporados pela empresa após o início de suas operações (1984). E que as técnicas de gestão estudadas: 1. Colaboraram para o processo de aprendizagem tecnológica da AMBJF, principalmente pela necessidade de se: (i) incorporar novos mecanismos de aprendizagem que lhe permitissem acumular, antecipadamente, a base de conhecimentos necessária à implementação das técnicas de gestão estudadas; (ii) coordenar um número maior de mecanismos que dessem o adequado suporte ao aumento da complexidade de seu Sistema de Gestão Integrada (SOl). 2. Ampliaram, por si, o estoque de capacidades tecnológicas da empresa, maIS especificamente em sua dimensão organizacional, a partir da acumulação de conhecimento em procedimentos, instruções de trabalho, manuais, processos e fluxos de gestão e de produção, dentre outros. Desta forma, os resultados aqui encontrados confirmam que a adoção e a implementação das técnicas de gestão estudadas contribuíram com e influenciaram o processo de aprendizagem tecnológica e a trajetória de acumulação tecnológica da empresa, ao mesmo tempo, exercendo, portanto, um duplo papel na organização. Esta conclusão nos leva a um melhor entendimento do tema e pode contribuir para a compreensão de ações políticas e gerenciais que possam acelerar a acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas, entendendo a relevância das técnicas de gestão menos em termos de sua "mera" adoção e mais do seu processo de implementação.


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This paper argues that changes in the returns to occupational tasks have contributed to changes in the wage distribution over the last three decades. Using Current Population Survey (CPS) data, we first show that the 1990s polarization of wages is explained by changes in wage setting between and within occupations, which are well captured by tasks measures linked to technological change and offshorability. Using a decomposition based on Firpo, Fortin, and Lemieux (2009), we find that technological change and deunionization played a central role in the 1980s and 1990s, while offshorability became an important factor from the 1990s onwards.


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Environmental policy affects the distribution of market shares if intermediate goods are differentiated in their pollution intensity. When innovations are environment-friendly, a tax on emissions skews demand towards new goods which are the most productive. In this case, the tax has to increase along a balanced growth path to keep the market shares of goods of different vintages constant. Comparing balanced growth paths, we find that an increase in the burden of environmental taxation spurs innovation because it increases the market share of recent vintages. As a result the cost of environmental policy in terms of slower growth is weaker and may even be absent.


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This research work intends to carry out a study focused on the dynamic between development, poverty reduction and conservation of natural resources. To consider this relationship to the region chosen was the micro-region of Eastern and Western Seridó in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. In recent years, several studies (Araújo, 2011; BASTOS, 2009) have pointed out that after a period of economic crisis in its tripodproductive, formed by the activities of farming, cotton farming, mining and faced in the eighties, this region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, has not only shown signs of economic recovery but also improve their social indicators. On the other hand, studies of desertification as the view of the state of RN (produced in cooperation between the Government of RN and research institutions) and the Sustainable Development Plan of Seridó (ADES, 2000), indicate that there is an ongoing French process of degradation of natural resources that is capable of compromising the ability of sustaining such a system. To verify this reality and likely finding this relationship, this work is adopted for this study, the analysis of evolution of secondary data from official bodies such as the IBGE on HDI, per capita income and other social indicators between 2000 and 2009. Here is another time of the survey analysis of qualitative data collected from interviews with institutions of academic intervention in nature, researchers at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) State agencies that address the issue of the Middle Environment in Seridó: Institute for Sustainable Development of the NB (IDEMA) and the Brazilian Institute of Environment and the Amazon (IBAMA) and institutions of direct intervention in the region, as the Agency's Sustainable Development Seridó (adhesive) and the Joint Semi-Arid (ASA). After crossing data from quantitative and qualitative, it was found that the dynamics of the region's economic Seridó Potiguar partially answers the improvement of social indicators of poverty. Contribution by the State in this shared stock transfer income. Regarding the influence of productive restructuring in the region on issues of environment, it is noted that the ceramic tile industry, responsible for the absorption percentage of the population with limited ingress into the urban economy, given the low education, accounts for the increase of susceptibility to the ongoing process of desertification in North Seridó Rio Grande. We conclude finally that the guarantee of increased income, freedom and conservation of natural resources ensures primarily by changing the beliefs and values, especially on the part of the business sector, which use natural resources so predatory, aimed at maintaining their rates of return on investment. And concomitantly, the synchronization between technological change, through the use of new energy sources, and institutional change.