997 resultados para Summa Genera


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The precise generic delimitation of Aliella andPhagnalon, and their closest relatives within the Gnaphalieae are discussed in this review. Among the main results obtained, wehave found that the genera Aliella and Phagnalon are nested withinthe “Relhania clade” and Anisothrix, Athrixia and Pentatrichia aretheir closest relatives. Macowania is also part of the “Relhaniaclade”, whereas the subtribal affinities of Philyrophyllum liewithin the “crown radiation clade”. The monophyly of Aliellaand Phagnalon is not supported statistically. In addition,Aliella appears to be paraphylethic in most of the analysesperformed. The resulting phylogeny suggests an African origin forthe ancestor of Aliella and Phagnalon and identifies three mainclades within Phagnalon that constitute the following naturalgroups on a geographic basis: (1) the Irano-Turanian clade; (2) the Mediterranean-Macaronesian clade; and (3) the Yemen-Ethiopian clade. Some endemics to Yemen and Ethiopia appeared merged in the Mediterranean-Macaronesian clade, providing new evidence of the phytogeographical links betweenMacaronesia, Eastern Africa and Southern Arabia. Incongruities between thechloroplast and nuclear molecular data and the lack of resolution in some clades mayindicate that hybridization could have played an important role in the evolution anddiversification of both Phagnalon and Aliella.


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First genome size estimations for some eudicot families and genera.- Genome size diversity in angiosperms varies roughly 2400-fold, although approximately 45% of angiosperm families lack a single genome size estimation, and therefore, this range could be enlarged. To contribute completing family and genera representation, DNA C-Values are here provided for 19 species from 16 eudicot families, including first values for 6 families, 14 genera and 17 species. The sample of species studied is very diverse, including herbs, weeds, vines, shrubs and trees. Data are discussed regarding previous genome size estimates of closely related species or genera, if any, their chromosome number, growth form or invasive behaviour. The present research contributes approximately 1.5% new values for previously unreported angiosperm families, being the current coverage around 55% of angiosperm families, according to the Plant DNA C-Values Database.


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En tête, consultation de H. chancelier et d'autres théologiens de Paris.


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Ascidians have developed multiple defensive strategies mostly related to physical, nutritional or chemical properties of the tunic. One of such is chemical defense based on secondary metabolites. We analyzed a series of colonial Antarctic ascidians from deep-water collections belonging to the genera Aplidium and Synoicum to evaluate the incidence of organic deterrents and their variability. The ether fractions from 15 samples including specimens of the species A. falklandicum, A. fuegiense, A. meridianum, A. millari and S. adareanum were subjected to feeding assays towards two relevant sympatric predators: the starfish Odontaster validus, and the amphipod Cheirimedon femoratus. All samples revealed repellency. Nonetheless, some colonies concentrated defensive chemicals in internal body-regions rather than in the tunic. Four ascidian-derived meroterpenoids, rossinones B and the three derivatives 2,3-epoxy-rossinone B, 3-epi-rossinone B, 5,6-epoxy-rossinone B, and the indole alkaloids meridianins AG, along with other minoritary meridianin compounds were isolated from several samples. Some purified metabolites were tested in feeding assays exhibiting potent unpalatabilities, thus revealing their role in predation avoidance. Ascidian extracts and purified compound-fractions were further assessed in antibacterial tests against a marine Antarctic bacterium. Only the meridianins showed inhibition activity, demonstrating a multifunctional defensive role. According to their occurrence in nature and within our colonial specimens, the possible origin of both types of metabolites is discussed.


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Ascidians have developed multiple defensive strategies mostly related to physical, nutritional or chemical properties of the tunic. One of such is chemical defense based on secondary metabolites. We analyzed a series of colonial Antarctic ascidians from deep-water collections belonging to the genera Aplidium and Synoicum to evaluate the incidence of organic deterrents and their variability. The ether fractions from 15 samples including specimens of the species A. falklandicum, A. fuegiense, A. meridianum, A. millari and S. adareanum were subjected to feeding assays towards two relevant sympatric predators: the starfish Odontaster validus, and the amphipod Cheirimedon femoratus. All samples revealed repellency. Nonetheless, some colonies concentrated defensive chemicals in internal body-regions rather than in the tunic. Four ascidian-derived meroterpenoids, rossinones B and the three derivatives 2,3-epoxy-rossinone B, 3-epi-rossinone B, 5,6-epoxy-rossinone B, and the indole alkaloids meridianins AG, along with other minoritary meridianin compounds were isolated from several samples. Some purified metabolites were tested in feeding assays exhibiting potent unpalatabilities, thus revealing their role in predation avoidance. Ascidian extracts and purified compound-fractions were further assessed in antibacterial tests against a marine Antarctic bacterium. Only the meridianins showed inhibition activity, demonstrating a multifunctional defensive role. According to their occurrence in nature and within our colonial specimens, the possible origin of both types of metabolites is discussed.


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The objective of this study was to revise the nominal, and only described, species of the genera Allomachilis Silvestri, 1906, from Australia, and Kuschelochilis Wygodzinsky, 1951, from Chile (Microcoryphia: Meinertellidae). The studied specimens came from the collections deposited in the: American Museum of Natural History (USA); Instituto di Entomologia Agraria dell'Università di Portici (Italy); South Australian Museum (Australia); Carmen Bach collection of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain); and the entomology collection of the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (Portugal). The revision of the nominal species of the genera Allomachilis and Kuschelochilis allows to consider the Neotropical genus a junior synonym of the Australian one.