981 resultados para Stage Malaria
In August 1983 the Authors studied 36 patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria and 14 normal individuals born in Humaita region who had never had malaria, had no spleen enlargement and had negative parasitemia as well as passive hemagglutination. Medical histories were obtained and complete physical examination were performed in all of them just as blood tests, parasite density and lymphocyte typing. The lymphocytes were separated and then frozen in liquid nitrogen for later typing by rosette formation. The patients were divided in two groups according to the presence (13 patients) or abscence (23 patients) of gametocytes before treatment. Severe malaria was predominant in the group without gametocytes. The results showed a decrease in the T-cell numbers in Plasmodium falciparum acute malaria patients both with or without gametocytes before the treatment, while B-cell numbers were normal only in the patients with gametocytes. These observations as like as those previously reported by the Authors, permit to associate the presence of gametocytes in peripheral blood and normal number of B-cells in patients with mild Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
This literature review discusses the most frequently used serodiagnostic methods for the determination of the humoral immune response to malarial parasites. The importance of malaria as a global public health problem is stressed in the light of the new discoveries leading to the future development of an anti-malarial vaccine suitable for use in humans. Serological techniques are expected to play an important role in the assessment of the relative efficacy of these candidate vaccines. A discussion of the different antigen preparation techniques is also presented.
Os autores estudaram a prevalência da deficiência de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PD), pelo método de BREWER et alii, em 141 indivíduos da população do município de Humaitá, Estado do Amazonas. Destes, 128 eram amazônides, 67 dos quais nunca tiveram malária, enquanto que 61 tinham tido ou estavam tendo a doença; os 13 restantes que estavam com malária não eram arnazônides. Os resultados revelaram que 7 arnazônides (4,96%), eram deficientes. Destes, 5 eram do sexo feminino e 2 do masculino. Em todos os indivíduos do sexo feminino o teste foi positivo com comportamento do tipo heterozigoto. Dos indivíduos deficientes, 4 nunca tinham tido malária; dos outros 3, 2 apresentavam a reação de hemaglutinação positiva com título 1/16 e o terceiro estava tendo malária causada pelo Plasmodium falciparum pela primeira vez. Este doente apresentou forma benigna de malária evoluindo para cura clínica e parasitológica no 3.° dia de tratamento com a clindamicina. Nenhum dos 13 doentes não arnazônides apresentava deficiência de G6PD. Dessa forma, não houve diferença na prevalência da deficiência de G6PD em arnazônides que nunca tiveram malária e em arnazônides que tinham tido ou estavam tendo a doença. Portanto, os indivíduos com deficiência de G6PD estão sujeitos a infecções por Plasmodium falciparum na mesma proporção que os não deficientes. Por outro lado, o aumento da prevalência da deficiência de G6PD, na amostra estudada, poderia estar relacionado com a pressão seletiva exercida pela malária em população submetida à homozigose.
Revista electrónica de Ciências da Terra,http://e-terra.geopor.pt,Geociences on-line journal, Vol. 6, nº1
HLA antigens and their relationship with malaria infection were studied in four different ethnic groups in Colombia (South America): two groups of indians (Kunas and Katios), one of negroes and a group of mixed ancestry. A total of 965 persons were studied, 415 with malaria and 550 as controls. HLA-A,B, and C antigen frequencies in the four groups are reported. The association of each HLA antigen with malaria infection due to P. vivax and to P. falciparum was evaluated. Negroes, Kunas and Katios indians variously lack from 6 to 9 of the HLA antigens found in the mixed group. In the designated ethnic groups, antigens B5, B13, B15, Cw2 and Cw4 showed borderline association with malaria infection. However, in the mixed ethnic group, statistically significant associations were found with malaria infection and the presence of A9, Aw19, B17, B35, and Z98 (a B21-B45: crossreacting determinant) with few differences when P. vivax infection and P. falciparum infection were considered individually. This finding may represent a lack of general resistance to malaria in the group that harbors antigens of Caucasian origin. These individuals have been in direct and permanent contact with malaria only in the past 65 years. In contrast, indians, both Kunas and Katios, and Negroes have lived for centuries in malaria endemic areas, and it is possible that a natural selection system has developed through which only those individuals able to initiate an acute immune response to malaria have survived.
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 220 – 223, Seattle, EUA
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 724 – 727, Seattle, EUA
This clinical trial compared parasitological efficacy, levels of in vivo resistance and side effects of oral chloroquine 25 mg/Kg and 50 mg/Kg in 3 days treatment in Plasmodium falciparum malaria with an extended followed-up of 30 days. The study enroled 58 patients in the 25 mg/Kg group and 66 in the 50 mg/Kg group. All eligible subjects were over 14 years of age and came from Amazon Basin and Central Brazil during the period of August 1989 to April 1991. The cure rate in the 50 mg/Kg group was 89.4% on day 7 and 71.2% on day 14 compared to 44.8% and 24.1% in the 25 mg/Kg group. 74.1% of the patients in the 25 mg/Kg group and 48.4% of the patients in the 50 mg/Kg group had detectable parasitaemia at the day 30. However, there was a decrease of the geometric mean parasite density in both groups specially in the 50 mg/Kg group. There was 24.1% of RIII and 13.8% of RH in the 25 mg/Kg group. Side effects were found to be minimum in both groups. The present data support that there was a high level resistance to chloroquine in both groups, and the high dose regimen only delayed the development of resistance and its administration should not be recommended as first choice in malaria P. falciparum therapy in Brazil.
The study evaluated six Plasmodium falciparum antigen extracts to be used in the IgG and IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), for malaria diagnosis and epidemiological studies. Results obtained with eighteen positive and nine negative control sera indicated that there were statistically significant differences among these antigen extracts (Multifactor ANOVA, p< 0.0001). Urea, sodium deoxycholate and Zwittergent antigen extracts performed better than did the three others, their features being very similar for the detection of IgG antibodies. Urea, alkaline and sodium deoxycholate antigen extracts proved to be better than the others for the detection of IgM antibodies. A straight line relationship was found between the optical densities (or their respective log 10) and the log 10 of antibody dilutions, with a very constant slope. Thus serum titers could be determined by direct titration and by two different equations, needing only one serum dilution. For IgM antibody detections, log 10 expression gave results that better correlated with direct titration (95% Bonferroni). For IgG antibody detections, the titer differences were not significant. The reproducibility of antibody titers and antigen batches was also evaluated, giving satisfactory results.
A existência de estirpes de Plasmodium falciparum resistentes a multiplos fármacos é um dos problemas mais graves no controlo da malária. Novos fármacos, como a artemisinina (ART) e seus derivados são cada vez mais utilizados no tratamento da malaria e muito embora até ao momento não haja registos de fármaco-resistência estável à ART o seu surgimento seria desastroso devido á falta de alternativas. A investigação apresentada nesta tese descreve a selecção de resistência estável à ART e ao artesunato (ATN) utilizando um modelo roedor de malária, o parasita Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi (Plasmodium chabaudi). Dois clones de Plasmodium chabaudi diferentes, AS-15CQ e AS-30CQ, foram inoculados em murganhos que por sua vez foram tratados na presença de concentrações sucessivamente crescentes de ATN e ART, sendo que no final do processo de seleção de resistência, os parasitas obtidos apresentavam uma resistência de 6 e 15 vezes superior ao ATN e à ART, respectivamente, em relação aos parasitas iniciais. Os clones obtidos foram nomeados respectivamente AS-ATN (obtido a partir de AS-15CQ por seleção com pressão de ATN) e AS-ART (obtido a partir de AS-30CQ por seleção com pressão de ART). A resistência obtida durante o processo de seleção é estável após clonagem, congelamento/descongelamento, passagem sanguínea na ausência de pressão de fármaco e transmissão natural através do mosquito vector. A sequência nucleotídica e o número de cópias dos genes previamente descritos na literatura como moduladores putativos de resistência à ART e seus derivados: mdr1, cg10, tctp e atp6; foi comparada entre parasitas resistentes e sensíveis, não tendo sido encontradas nenhumas alterações, quer na sequência quer no número de cópias destes genes. Posteriormente, numa tentativa de identificar os genes envolvidos na resistância à ART e ao ATN a técnica de Linkage Group Selection (LGS) foi utilizada. Para tal dois cruzamentos genéticos foram realizados. Estes cruzamentos foram realizados entre os clones fármaco-resistentes; AS-ART e AS-ATN e um clone geneticamente distinto dos anteriores e sensível aos fármacos em estudos, AJ. Após realização do LGS quatro loci genéticos; nos cromossomas de P. chabaudi 1, 2, 6 e 8 foram encontrados associados à resistência. Atendendo a que, a selecção no cromossoma 2 era a mais forte, este locus foi submetido a subsequentes análises genéticas, tendo sido encontradas duas mutações diferentes (V739F e V770F) num gene que codifica para um enzima de desubiquitinação (gene ubp-1).