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Background: Previous assessment methods for PG recognition used sensor mechanisms for PG that may cause discomfort. In order to avoid stress of applying wearable sensors, computer vision (CV) based diagnostic systems for PG recognition have been proposed. Main constraints in these methods are the laboratory setup procedures: Novel colored dresses for the patients were specifically designed to segment the test body from a specific colored background. Objective: To develop an image processing tool for home-assessment of Parkinson Gait(PG) by analyzing motion cues extracted during the gait cycles. Methods: The system is based on the idea that a normal body attains equilibrium during the gait by aligning the body posture with the axis of gravity. Due to the rigidity in muscular tone, persons with PD fail to align their bodies with the axis of gravity. The leaned posture of PD patients appears to fall forward. Whereas a normal posture exhibits a constant erect posture throughout the gait. Patients with PD walk with shortened stride angle (less than 15 degrees on average) with high variability in the stride frequency. Whereas a normal gait exhibits a constant stride frequency with an average stride angle of 45 degrees. In order to analyze PG, levodopa-responsive patients and normal controls were videotaped with several gait cycles. First, the test body is segmented in each frame of the gait video based on the pixel contrast from the background to form a silhouette. Next, the center of gravity of this silhouette is calculated. This silhouette is further skeletonized from the video frames to extract the motion cues. Two motion cues were stride frequency based on the cyclic leg motion and the lean frequency based on the angle between the leaned torso tangent and the axis of gravity. The differences in the peaks in stride and lean frequencies between PG and normal gait are calculated using Cosine Similarity measurements. Results: High cosine dissimilarity was observed in the stride and lean frequencies between PG and normal gait. High variations are found in the stride intervals of PG whereas constant stride intervals are found in the normal gait. Conclusions: We propose an algorithm as a source to eliminate laboratory constraints and discomfort during PG analysis. Installing this tool in a home computer with a webcam allows assessment of gait in the home environment.
This paper describes the formulation of a Multi-objective Pipe Smoothing Genetic Algorithm (MOPSGA) and its application to the least cost water distribution network design problem. Evolutionary Algorithms have been widely utilised for the optimisation of both theoretical and real-world non-linear optimisation problems, including water system design and maintenance problems. In this work we present a pipe smoothing based approach to the creation and mutation of chromosomes which utilises engineering expertise with the view to increasing the performance of the algorithm whilst promoting engineering feasibility within the population of solutions. MOPSGA is based upon the standard Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) and incorporates a modified population initialiser and mutation operator which directly targets elements of a network with the aim to increase network smoothness (in terms of progression from one diameter to the next) using network element awareness and an elementary heuristic. The pipe smoothing heuristic used in this algorithm is based upon a fundamental principle employed by water system engineers when designing water distribution pipe networks where the diameter of any pipe is never greater than the sum of the diameters of the pipes directly upstream resulting in the transition from large to small diameters from source to the extremities of the network. MOPSGA is assessed on a number of water distribution network benchmarks from the literature including some real-world based, large scale systems. The performance of MOPSGA is directly compared to that of NSGA-II with regard to solution quality, engineering feasibility (network smoothness) and computational efficiency. MOPSGA is shown to promote both engineering and hydraulic feasibility whilst attaining good infrastructure costs compared to NSGA-II.
This employment has the function the utilization of mango seeds Tommy Atkins, like starch source to obtain biopolymers and fibers source and nanowhiskers cellulose also, that will be use like reinforcing fillers in micro and nanobiocomposites polymeric. The fibers in natura removed from tegument mango seed were characterized, as weel as the treated fibers and nanowhiskers of cellulose extracted from them. The starch extracted from seed s almond showed a good performance (32%) and a high purity. The chemicals analyzes, of crystallinity and morphological of the fibers in natura, treated fibers and nanowhiskers of cellulose confirmed the efficacy of the chemical treatement performed to remove amorphous constituents (hemicellulose and lignina). The thermoplastic starch (TPS) obtained from two sources, corn starch and starchy material mango, was produced in a twin screw extruder with compositon mass of 62,5% of starch, 9,4% of water and 28,1% of glycerol. The starch material mango was the main objective of this work for the production of biodegradable materials, and the starch corn was utilized during the production stage to evaluate the processability of the starch and use as parameter for comparison, according of being a conventional source for obtaining conventional comercial starch. The incorporation of fibers (6% in mass) and nanowhiskers cellulose (1% in mass) in matrix of TPS to obtain composite and nanocomposite, respectively, it was performed in single screw extruder. The biocomposites and bionanocomposites polymeric were obtained and the TPS from starchy material mango presented better results of thermal and mechanicals properties when compared to TPS corn starch. Concludes that the sediment generated of the agroindustrial processing mango used presents potencial to producing of biodegradables materials
Recent years have seen a significant growth in surface modifications in titanium implants, resulting in shorter healing times in regions with low bone density. Among the different techniques, subtraction by chemical agents to increase oxidation has been applied for surface treatment of dental implants. However, this technique is generally unable to remove undesirable oxides, formed spontaneously during machining of titanium parts, raising costs due to additional decontamination stages. In order to solve this problem, the present study used plasma as an energy source to both remove these oxides and oxidize the titanium surface. In this respect, Ti disks were treated by hollow cathode discharge, using a variable DC power supply and vacuum system. Samples were previously submitted to a cleaning process using an atmosphere of Ar, H2 and a mixture of both, for 20 and 60 min. The most efficient cleaning condition was used for oxidation in a mixture of argon (60%) and oxygen (40%) until reaching a pressure of 2.2 mbar for 60 min at 500°C. Surfaces were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), adhesion and cell proliferation. SEM showed less cell spreading and a larger number of projections orfilopodia in the treated samples compared to the control sample. AFM revealed surface defects in the treated samples, with varied geometry between peaks and valleys. Biological assays showed no significant difference in cell adhesion between treated surfaces and the control. With respect to cell proliferation, the treated surface exhibited improved performance when compared to the control sample. We concluded that the process was efficient in removing primary oxides as well as in oxidizing titanium surfaces
A aplicação de fertilizantes fosfatados por meio de fertirrigação com sistemas de irrigação localizada pode causar obstrução de emissores. Para evitar esse problema, pode ser utilizado o ácido fosfórico como fonte de fósforo às plantas. Porém, têm sido pouco investigados os efeitos da irrigação relacionados às perdas de CO2 do solo para a atmosfera, em conseqüência da decomposição do carbono orgânico e da infiltração de água no solo. Neste trabalho, investigou-se, no período de um mês, o efeito da fertirrigação com ácido fosfórico nas taxas de emissão de CO2 de um latossolo desprovido de vegetação, na Área Experimental de Irrigação da UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal - SP. Utilizou-se de um sistema de irrigação por gotejamento, com delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, constando de cinco repetições e cinco tratamentos (0; 30; 60; 90 e 120 kg ha-1de P2O5), aplicados via fertirrigação com ácido fosfórico. Verificou-se que as taxas de emissão de CO2 aumentaram significativamente após as fertirrigações, porém não houve efeito da dose do ácido fosfórico sobre as taxas. A umidade do solo mostrou-se um fator importante na relação entre as variações das taxas de emissão e a temperatura do solo ao longo do período estudado.
There were studied the variation of the solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in four wavelengths (305 nm, 320 nm, 340 nm e 380 nm) and erythemic dose, measured in Natal RN Brazil, from January 2001 until December 2007, using the ground ultraviolet radiometer of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais / Centro Regional do Nordeste INPE-CRN, fixed on the roof of the Laboratório de Variáveis Ambientais Tropiciais LAVAT-INPE-CRN. It was verified that the mean value of the UVR in the city reachs the HIGH index before 09h00 a.m. and VERY HIGH before 09h40 a.m.; it was also verified that, except in the months of June and July, in the other months of the year the UVR reachs the HIGH index before 10h00 a.m., despite of the recommendations broadcasting in the media about the safe time to people stay ashore on the beaches of the city. After 14h30 p.m., the UVR reachs the MODERATE index in any month of the year. These evidence are valid to all years of the period studied, i.e., 2001 to 2007. The year of 2004 presented the lower mean values of UVR indices, and the year of 2007 presented the higher mean values of UVR index. It was prove, by means of the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the variation in the four wavelengths and in the erythemic dose. Considering that the city has high indices of skin cancer and cataract, the results of the research may be use as a data source to studies that intend to support programs of public health. At the same time, the results of the research may be applied to material science and agriculture studies
A escola tem sido crescentemente focalizada, não só no Brasil, mas em outros países, constituindo importante fonte para a compreensão das realidades vividas e sofridas pela grande maioria das populações mais privilegiadas econômica, social e culturalmente. A bibliografia produzida pelos autores de tais estudos denuncia, de maneira contundente, a baixa qualidade educacional em vários países, expressa por problemas como indisciplina na sala de aula, precárias condições para o trabalho educativo, despreparo dos professores para realizar adequadamente seu trabalho, baixo status profissional e baixa remuneração, agravados no Brasil pelos alarmantes índices de evasão e repetência. Com o olhar nos professores, como comprometimento político e preocupação de pesquisa, desde o ano de 1984, nossos estudos permitem dizer que esse quadro de problemas não constitui um insucesso generalizado, mas representa, sobretudo, desafios a enfrentar.
The detention and infiltration ponds of urban drainage system has function to protect the population from undesirable effects of floods. In general these ponds are not completly used and it potential is wasted. As it are disseminated at different places at cities it can reduce costs with water transport and permit water preservation of best quality. Some it utilities includes use in green areas irrigation, industrial among than cooling towers and boiler, soil compaction, cleaning urban road, pisciculture and fire fighting system. The quality these water is influenced by anauthorized sewage in the drainage system. This study was performed in six detention and infiltration ponds at drainage system of Natal, which aim was to verify the non-portable use these ponds on urban environment. As indirect aim would to incentive the water utilization these ponds as a water source to another uses in urban environment. These ponds represents the characteristics of detention and infiltration of Natal city and consequently of Brazil. As the water quality, the ponds presents following characteristics: three has apparently good quality, other showed intermediate condition and two had water polluted. Were performed twenty sample in each ponds and the following parameters assessed: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, electrical conductivity, coliform thermotolerant, ammonia, organic nitrogen, TKN, nitrate, total phosphorus and alkalinity, bicarbonate, chloride, total hardness, calcium and magnesium hardness, total solids, TSS, TDS, COD and SAR°. To utilization on pisciculture we recommend use in ponds which presents the best quality. Only one pond presented higher pollutants and it not being appropriated for use in cooling tower. The content of solids suspension restricted the water use in all ponds in boilers. As water use in soil compaction, cleaning urban road and fire fighting system the water from these ponds are not appropriated. However, the recommended limits from literature are to domestic sewage, due to this, the parameters are restrictive to diminish the sanitary risk that could be offered with it utilization. The infiltration velocity of water these assessed ponds restrict a moderato use, however the effects are potentiated only in soil less sandy, which not occur in Natal. It is recommend the unrestricted irrigation utilization in ponds with best quality of water, and a restricted irrigation to ponds with worst quality of water. As load of pollutants, it is recommended a complementary treatment in those ponds whit higher load to diminish sanitary risks. In only one pond was found one helminth eggs and due to the convention formula of results, it was found for all ponds less than 1 helminth/liter eggs.
In this work, the argumentative strategies construction in university entrance examinations texts is analyzed. The study intended to present, through the analyzed occurrences in the corpus, the discursive strategies use for the argumentation construction, observing the different lexicalization forms and the effects that these strategies produced for the intended meaning construction. Aiming to analyze the modalization via texts written by candidates for the UFRN entrance examination, the relations between this category and the resources used for the argumentative guidance of the text were highlighted. Conceived as a speaker argumentative strategy to express his/her relationship with the proposition content which enunciates, the modalization is, thus, one of the linguistic expression form used for the attainment of intended meaning effects in the argumentation construction. In order to substantiate the research, the theoretical assumptions adopted were the propositions which deal with this linguistic category, guiding it to a pragmatic-semantic perspective as well as a discursive-semantic one. Hence, Neves ( 1996, 2006), Koch ( 2000, 2002), Cervoni ( 1989), Bronkart (1999) and Castilho; Morais de Castilho (1996) studies, among others founded this work. Afterwards, a contextualized analysis of the modalized statements, taking into account all the set of elements implied on the argumentation construction, was carried out. The research, which had a strict qualitative character, revealed that the candidates make use of modalization to express commitment or dissociation as regards the statement which they produce; to obtain credibility and provide more authority to their arguments, thus avoiding them of being contested; to impose their arguments as real ones and acquire acceptance of the interlocutor; to lessen the proposition content and disguise the knowledge source; to comment the enunciation and attribute the discourse to another sender; to establish a dialogic relation with the interlocutor. In addition to offering support for new investigations, the research also aims to contribute for the mother tongue teaching, emphasizing the need of a focus which provides special attention to the written language functioning and its application diversity. In this work, the argumentative strategies construction in university entrance examinations texts is analyzed. The study intended to present, through the analyzed occurrences in the corpus, the discursive strategies use for the argumentation construction, observing the different lexicalization forms and the effects that these strategies produced for the intended meaning construction. Aiming to analyze the modalization via texts written by candidates for the UFRN entrance examination, the relations between this category and the resources used for the argumentative guidance of the text were highlighted. Conceived as a speaker argumentative strategy to express his/her relationship with the proposition content which enunciates, the modalization is, thus, one of the linguistic expression form used for the attainment of intended meaning effects in the argumentation construction. In order to substantiate the research, the theoretical assumptions adopted were the propositions which deal with this linguistic category, guiding it to a pragmatic-semantic perspective as well as a discursive-semantic one. Hence, Neves ( 1996, 2006), Koch ( 2000, 2002), Cervoni ( 1989), Bronkart (1999) and Castilho; Morais de Castilho (1996) studies, among others founded this work. Afterwards, a contextualized analysis of the modalized statements, taking into account all the set of elements implied on the argumentation construction, was carried out. The research, which had a strict qualitative character, revealed that the candidates make use of modalization to express commitment or dissociation as regards the statement which they produce; to obtain credibility and provide more authority to their arguments, thus avoiding them of being contested; to impose their arguments as real ones and acquire acceptance of the interlocutor; to lessen the proposition content and disguise the knowledge source; to comment the enunciation and attribute the discourse to another sender; to establish a dialogic relation with the interlocutor. In addition to offering support for new investigations, the research also aims to contribute for the mother tongue teaching, emphasizing the need of a focus which provides special attention to the written language functioning and its application diversity
A presença de algumas substâncias na água, como pigmentos fotossintetizantes, particulados, etc., afeta sua cor, provocando mudanças na radiância da água registrada por sensores orbitais. Nesse sentido, o sensoriamento remoto pode se constituir em uma fonte complementar de dados para o monitoramento da qualidade da água em grandes reservatórios (Novo et al., 1994). No contexto de um projeto de pesquisa realizado na AES Tietê S.A., com o objetivo de desenvolver técnicas para a avaliação da área com infestação de plantas aquáticas, imagens orbitais multiespectrais foram usadas tanto para mapear a dispersão espacial e estimar a área de ocorrência de macrófitas aquáticas, em duas épocas distintas, quanto para orientar a definição de pontos de amostragem in loco, visando a coleta e posterior análise da água e de sedimentos nos reservatórios. Este trabalho apresenta uma descrição do procedimento metodológico adotado na análise das imagens multiespectrais, bem como os resultados obtidos na caracterização dos reservatórios de Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga, Promissão e Nova Avanhandava, em termos de seu dimensionamento, variabilidade espectral da água e presença de macrófitas emersas, nas duas épocas do ano consideradas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
It bet on the next generation of computers as architecture with multiple processors and/or multicore processors. In this sense there are challenges related to features interconnection, operating frequency, the area on chip, power dissipation, performance and programmability. The mechanism of interconnection and communication it was considered ideal for this type of architecture are the networks-on-chip, due its scalability, reusability and intrinsic parallelism. The networks-on-chip communication is accomplished by transmitting packets that carry data and instructions that represent requests and responses between the processing elements interconnected by the network. The transmission of packets is accomplished as in a pipeline between the routers in the network, from source to destination of the communication, even allowing simultaneous communications between pairs of different sources and destinations. From this fact, it is proposed to transform the entire infrastructure communication of network-on-chip, using the routing mechanisms, arbitration and storage, in a parallel processing system for high performance. In this proposal, the packages are formed by instructions and data that represent the applications, which are executed on routers as well as they are transmitted, using the pipeline and parallel communication transmissions. In contrast, traditional processors are not used, but only single cores that control the access to memory. An implementation of this idea is called IPNoSys (Integrated Processing NoC System), which has an own programming model and a routing algorithm that guarantees the execution of all instructions in the packets, preventing situations of deadlock, livelock and starvation. This architecture provides mechanisms for input and output, interruption and operating system support. As proof of concept was developed a programming environment and a simulator for this architecture in SystemC, which allows configuration of various parameters and to obtain several results to evaluate it
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We use the time-dependent mean-field Cross-Pitaevskii equation to study the formation of a dynamically-stabilized dissipation managed bright soliton in a quasi-one dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Because of three-body recombination of bosonic atoms to molecules, atoms are lost (dissipated) from a BEC. Such dissipation leads to the decay of a BEC soliton. We demonstrate by a perturbation procedure that an alimentation of atoms from an external source to the BEC may compensate for the dissipation loss and lead to a dynamically-stabilized soliton. The result of the analytical perturbation method is in excellent agreement with mean-field numerics. It seems possible to obtain such a dynamically stabilized BEC soliton without dissipation in laboratory.
Dez famílias são tradicionalmente agrupadas na Ordem Coraciiformes, Alcedinidae (martins-pescadores), Momotidae (udus e juruvas), Todidae ( todies ), Meropidae (abelharucos), Coraciidae (rolieiros), Brachypteraciidae ( ground-rollers ), Leptosomidae ( cuckoo-rollers ), Phoeniculidae ( woodhoopoes ), Upupidae (poupas-comuns) e Bucerotidae (calaus), mas não há caracteres na morfologia externa que sejam comuns a todos os membros da ordem. Assim, este trabalho apresenta uma comparação da osteologia craniana das espécies de Coraciiformes com a finalidade de encontrar caracteres osteológicos que possam diagnosticar a ordem ou grupos de táxons de Coraciiformes, servindo ainda como uma fonte de dados para futuras análises filogenéticas. Como constatado por dados da morfologia externa, os caracteres da osteologia craniana ratificaram a diversidade morfológica existente entre os táxons da Ordem Coraciiformes, sendo difícil diagnosticá-la ou encontrar caracteres comuns a todos os seus membros. Apenas dois caracteres são comuns à ordem, tais como a presença da fossa lateroesfenóide e a ausência do processo suprameático, embora tais caracteres também sejam encontrados em outros grupos de aves. Homologias primárias foram encontradas, indicando similaridades entre diversas famílias, tais como: a zona flexória craniofacial é oclusa nos indiviíduos adultos de Coraciidae, Leptosomidae, Phoeniculidae, Upupidae e Bucerotidae; a fossa temporal tem desenvolvimento e profundidade intermediários em Momotidae, Meropidae, Coraciidae, Brachypteraciidae e Bucerotidae; o lacrimal está ausente em Momotidae, fundido com o ectetmóide nos adultos de Upupidae, Phoeniculidae e Bucerotidae, e presente e distinto em Alcedinidae, Todidae, Meropidae, Coraciidae, Brachypteraciidae e Leptosomidae; e o processo retroarticular da mandíbula é desenvolvido em Upupidae, Phoeniculidae e Bucerotidae.