993 resultados para Solomon, Alisa


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Congregation Mishkan Tefila was founded in 1858 as Mishkan Israel, and is considered to be the oldest conservative synagogue in New England. Its founding members were East Prussian Jews who separated from Ohabei Shalom, which was predominately Polish at the time. In 1894, Mishkan Israel and another conservative synagogue, Shaarei Tefila, merged to form Congregation Mishkan Tefila. The synagogue moved its religious school to Walnut Street in Newton in 1955, and began planning for a new building in Chestnut Hill on Hammond Pond Parkway. The groundbreaking ceremony was on November 13, 1955. In 1958, services were held for the first time in the new synagogue building. This collection contains plays, annual reports, programs for events and dinners, and newsletters.


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In 1916, the Jewish community of Boston established Beth Israel Temple Beth-El, located on the East Side of Providence, dates back to 1849, with the creation of the group "Sons of Israel." On September 10, 1849, Solomon Pareira, Leonard Gavitts and Morris Steinberg were granted an acre of land along the New London Turnpike (now Reservoir Avenue) to establish a cemetery. In 1854, the Congregation of the Sons of Israel and David was established, leading to president Solomon Pareira's deeding of the cemetery land in 1857 for the sole utilization of the congregation. This collection contains programs, sermons and newsletters. Although the congregation was originally Orthodox, it affiliated with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Union for Reform Judaism) in 1877.


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This report presents the process and outcomes of a five year project, which employed genetics and breeding approach for integrating disease resistance,agronomy and quality traits that enhances sustainable productivity improvement in sweet corn production. The report outlines a molecular markers based approach to introgress quantitative traits loci that are believed to contribute to resistance to downy mildew, a potentially devastating disease that threatens sweet corn and other similar crops. It also details the approach followed to integrate resistances for other major diseases such as southern rust (caused by Puccinia polysora Underw), Northern Corn Leaf Blight (Exserohilum turcicum) with improved agronomy and eating quality. The report explains the importance of heterosis (hybrid vigour) and combining ability in the development of useful sweet corn hybrids. It also explains the relevance of parental performance to predict its breeding value and the performance of its hybrids.


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Bound photocopies of various documents, describing the estate of Solomon Abt in the town of Melsungen in Hesse, Germany. Included are the copies of a marriage contract between Solomon Abt and Vogel Tebler; extensive lists of all of Solomon Abt’s possession when he died in 1829; correspondence of his heirs and the guardians of his children, as well as various court documents.


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Maize grown in eastern and southern Africa experiences random occurrences of drought. This uncertainty creates difficulty in developing superior varieties and their agronomy. Characterisation of drought types and their frequencies could help in better defining selection environments for improving resistance to drought. We used the well tested APSIM maize model to characterise major drought stress patterns and their frequencies across six countries of the region including Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The database thus generated covered 35 sites, 17 to 86 years of daily climate records, 3 varieties and 3 planting densities from a total of 11,174 simulations. The analysis identified four major drought environment types including those characterised by low-stress which occurred in 42% of the years, mid-season drought occurring in 15% of the years, late-terminal stress which occurred in 22% of the years and early-terminal drought occurring in 21% of the years. These frequencies varied in relation to sites, genotypes and management. The simulations showed that early terminal stress could result in a yield reduction of 70% compared with low-stress environmental types. The study presents the importance of environmental characterization in contributing to maize improvement in eastern and southern Africa.


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Background Studies investigating the relationship between malnutrition and post-discharge mortality following acute hip fracture yield conflicting results. This study aimed to determine whether malnutrition independently predicted 12-month post-fracture mortality after adjusting for clinically relevant covariates. Methods An ethics approved, prospective, consecutive audit was undertaken for all surgically treated hip fracture inpatients admitted to a dedicated orthogeriatric unit (November 2010–October 2011). The 12-month mortality data were obtained by a dual search of the mortality registry and Queensland Health database. Malnutrition was evaluated using the Subjective Global Assessment. Demographic (age, gender, admission residence) and clinical covariates included fracture type, time to surgery, anaesthesia type, type of surgery, post-surgery time to mobilize and post-operative complications (delirium, pulmonary and deep vein thrombosis, cardiac complications, infections). The Charlson Comorbidity Index was retrospectively applied. All diagnoses were confirmed by the treating orthogeriatrician. Results A total of 322 of 346 patients were available for audit. Increased age (P = 0.004), admission from residential care (P < 0.001), Charlson Comorbidity Index (P = 0.007), malnutrition (P < 0.001), time to mobilize >48 h (P < 0.001), delirium (P = 0.003), pulmonary embolism (P = 0.029) and cardiovascular complication (P = 0.04) were associated with 12-month mortality. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that malnutrition (odds ratio (OR) 2.4 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3–4.7, P = 0.007)), in addition to admission from residential care (OR 2.6 (95% CI 1.3–5.3, P = 0.005)) and pulmonary embolism (OR 11.0 (95% CI 1.5–78.7, P = 0.017)), independently predicted 12-month mortality. Conclusions Findings substantiate malnutrition as an independent predictor of 12-month mortality in a representative sample of hip fracture inpatients. Effective strategies to identify and treat malnutrition in hip fracture should be prioritized.


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This edition includes a diverse range of contributions that collectively illustrate two elevated concerns of critical Indigenous studies: First, an interest in establishing ways and means of conducting ethical research with Indigenous communities; and second, critically engaging with constructions of Indigeneity. The first article, by Craig Sinclair, Peter Keelan, Samuel Stokes, Annette Stokes and Christine Jefferies-Stokes, examines the increasingly popular use of participatory video (PV) as a means of engagement, in this case with children in remote Aboriginal communities as participants in health research. The authors note that, whilst not without methodological disadvantages, the PV method, with its flexibility to respond to community priorities is particularly well suited to research with remote Aboriginal communities.


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Background The Global Burden of Diseases (GBD), Injuries, and Risk Factors study used the disability-adjusted life year (DALY) to quantify the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors. This paper provides an overview of injury estimates from the 2013 update of GBD, with detailed information on incidence, mortality, DALYs and rates of change from 1990 to 2013 for 26 causes of injury, globally, by region and by country. Methods Injury mortality was estimated using the extensive GBD mortality database, corrections for ill-defined cause of death and the cause of death ensemble modelling tool. Morbidity estimation was based on inpatient and outpatient data sets, 26 cause-of-injury and 47 nature-of-injury categories, and seven follow-up studies with patient-reported long-term outcome measures. Results In 2013, 973 million (uncertainty interval (UI) 942 to 993) people sustained injuries that warranted some type of healthcare and 4.8 million (UI 4.5 to 5.1) people died from injuries. Between 1990 and 2013 the global age-standardised injury DALY rate decreased by 31% (UI 26% to 35%). The rate of decline in DALY rates was significant for 22 cause-of-injury categories, including all the major injuries. Conclusions Injuries continue to be an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed and developing world. The decline in rates for almost all injuries is so prominent that it warrants a general statement that the world is becoming a safer place to live in. However, the patterns vary widely by cause, age, sex, region and time and there are still large improvements that need to be made.


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We report the first genome sequence of a Colocasia bobone disease-associated virus (CBDaV) derived from bobone-affected taro [Colocasia esculenta L. Schott] from Solomon Islands. The negative-strand RNA genome is 12,193 nt long, with six major open reading frames (ORFs) with the arrangement 3′-N-P-P3-M-G-L-5′. Typical of all rhabdoviruses, the 3′ leader and 5′ trailer sequences show complementarity to each other. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that CBDaV is a member of the genus Cytorhabdovirus, supporting previous reports of virus particles within the cytoplasm of bobone-infected taro cells. The availability of the CBDaV genome sequence now makes it possible to assess the role of this virus in bobone, and possibly alomae disease of taro and confirm that this sequence is that of Colocasia bobone disease virus (CBDV).


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It has been established by photoemission studies that Ge in obliquely deposited pure Ge and Ge-chalcogenide thin films undergoes predominant photooxidation when irradiated with band gap photons. The role of Ge appears to be that of providing a highly porous low density microstructure and photooxidation seems to be a direct consequence of such large scale porosity in these films. The formation of low vapour pressure oxide fractions of Ge and Te and volatile high vapour pressure oxide fractions of S and Se is responsible for anomalous photoinduced transformations in these films.


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The formation of crystalline diamond films from amorphous diamond-like carbon films by pulsed laser irradiation with a 300 μs non-Q-switched Nd:YAG laser has been established by a combined study of transmission electron microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and electrical resistivity. The films have been prepared by glow discharge decomposition of a mixture of propane, n-butane, and hydrogen in a rf plasma operating at a frequency of 13.56 MHz. Prior to laser irradiation, the films have been found to be amorphous by transmission electron microscope studies. After irradiation, the electron diffraction patterns clearly point out the formation of cubic diamond structure with a lattice spacing of 3.555 Å. However, the close similarity between diamond and graphite electron diffraction patterns could sometimes be misleading regarding the formation of a diamond structure, and hence, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies have been carried out to confirm the results. A chemical shift in the C 1s core level binding energies towards higher values, viz., from 286.5 to 287.8 eV after laser irradiation, and a high electrical resistivity >1013 Ω cm are consistent with the growth of diamond structure. This novel "low-temperature, low-pressure" synthesis of diamond films offers enormous potential in terms of device compatibility with other solid-state devices.


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1H NMR spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) measurements have been carried out with various sugars, viz. methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside (alpha-MeGluP), methyl beta-D-lucopyranoside (beta-MeGluP), methyl alpha--annopyranoside (alpha-MeManP), maltose (4-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl--glucose), nigerose (3-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-glucose), p-nitrophenyl alpha-maltoside (PNP-alpha-maltoside) and p-nitrophenyl beta-maltoside (PNP-beta-maltoside) to determine the distances of sugar protons from Mn2+ in concanavalin A (Con A). With a rotational correlation time of 1.58 x 10(-10) s determined, distances were calculated using Solomon-Bloembergen equation. The data obtained indicated differences in disposition of different groups in the binding site of Con A. An average value of about 10 A was obtained for the distances of sugar protons from Mn2+ in Con A. In the case of mono and disaccharides, the non-reducing end sugar unit was found to be closer to Mn2+ than the reducing end one.


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Kateuden tunnetta ei ole tarkasteltu käytännöllisessä filosofiassa huolimatta sen määräävästä asemasta ihmisen normaalissa päivittäisessä elämässä. Kateus liittyy moniin ilmiöihin yksilöllisenä tai jopa kollektiivisena ryhmätunteena, kun siihen yhdistyvät epäoikeudenmukaisuus ja itsepetoksellisuus. Tutkielma pyrki osoittamaan kateuden vääjäämättömän monipuolisuuden kilpailullisena ja eriarvoisuutta lisäävänä vertailevana kompleksisena negatiivisena tunteena. Jo antiikin Kreikassa kateus liitettiin ihmisten ja jumalien väliseen eriarvoisuuteen, nykypäivänä taas kateutta leimaa liberaalisen yhteiskuntapolitiikan keskiössä ”tietämättömyyden verhon” takana egalitaarisuuden ihanne ja oikeudenmukaisuuden ja reiluuden taju. Tunnekokemuksena kateus on impotenttinen toisen paremmuudesta ja inferioi näin kateuden episodisuuden irrationaaliseen tilanteeseensa nähden antagonistiseksi. Tutkielman neljästä pääluvussa ensimmäisessä kateus yhdistetään poliittisen liberaalin yhteiskuntafilosofian yhdysvaltalaiseen kannattajaan John Rawlsiin (1921−2002). Hänen ajattelussaan ja pääteoksessaan A Theory of Justice (1971) ja siinä erityisesti kateutta käsittelevässä luvussa IX kateus on yhteiskunnassa vaikuttavaa erityispsykologista taipumusta tavoitella parempiosaisten asemaa oikeudenmukaisuuden kontraktuaalisessa valintajärjestelmässä. Rawlsille kateus ei ole tabu, vaan kateuden ongelma koskee kaikkia abstraktissa alkuasetelmassa yhteiskuntasopimuksen piiriin liittyviä sopija−agentteja. Rationaalinen agentti ei kärsi kateudesta, kun epäoikeudenmukaisuutta ei ole hänen ja muiden samojen vapaus− ja eroperiaatteiden nojalla toimivien ihmisten välillä sietämättömästi. Rawls tekee kuitenkin jaon pahantahoisessa kateudessa (proper) yleiseen ja erityiseen ja erottaa sekä emulatiivisen (emulative) eli motivoivan esimerkin sysäämän kilvoittelevan kateuden varsinaisesta kateudesta (proper). Myös anteeksiannettava kateus (excusable general envy) on Rawlsin onnellisuutta ja reiluutta tasa–arvoistavassa sopimusteorian ideaalissa varsinaisen kateuden alaluokkana mukana. Kateus ja tasa-arvo tulevat esille paremmin kilpailullisessa kateudessa, mistä myös viime vuosien merkittävin kateustutkija amerikkalainen Kentuckyn yliopiston psykologian professori Richard H. Smith on ollut kiinnostunut. Hänelle kateus on inferiorisen kompleksista ja liittyy oman arvon tunteeseen ja kognitiiviseen psykologiaan. Kateuden tutkimus on monialaistunut ja vilkastunut viime vuosikymmenen aikana. Sosiaali−psykologia, sosiologia, kulttuuriantropologia ja tunnefilosofia ovat kiinnostuneet ymmärtämään tätä kompleksista negatiivista tunnetta paremmin. Kulttuurissamme kateus toimii universaalisesti yhteydessä muihin rinnakkaistunteisiin, kuten moraaliseen paheksuntaan tai sitä lievempään närkästymiseen. Kateus ei ole perustunne, mutta sille on löydettävissä prototyypillisiä piirteitä, joskin kateus ei helposti antaudu propositionaaliseen tai kognitiiviseen arvostelmasisältöön yksin mentaalisen analyysin välityksellä (Solomon 1976). Siitä pitää huolen kateuden affektuaalnen instrumentaalisuus (feeling) ja kognitiivisen komponentiaalisen tulkinnan vaikeus kateellisen väistellessä oman itsetunnon inferiorisuuden tai omaa toimintavalmiutta heikentävien ilkeämielisten motiiviensa alaisuudessa. Kateelliselle ei ns. perisyntinä riitä, että kadehditulta olisi saatu pois haluttu myönteinen ominaisuus, kohde−esine tai asema, vaan lähietäisyydellä toimivasta kadehditusta pitäisi päästä kokonaan eroon (ns. venäläinen kateus). Siksi kateus approksimoi naapureita, ystäviä, kollegoita tai myös toisen ihmisen aviopuolisoa, mutta usein arkiyhteydessä käsitteellisesti väärinymmärrettynä, koska jälkimmäisessä on kyse kolmepaikkaisesta mustasukkaisuuden tunteesta. Kaksipaikkaisena tunteena (kateellinen & kadehdittu) ja sen vastatunteenaan usein mainittu kiittämättömyys saavat aikaan sen, että kateellinen on myös taipuvainen aggressiivisuuteen ja vihaisuuteen, mutta kun asiaa tarkastelee tarkemmin taustalta paljastuu itsepetoksen elementtejä. Kateellinen hyödyntää itsepetoksen paradoksia eli kahden vastakkaisen uskomuksen (Kateellinen, koska P & Kateellinen, koska ~P) samanaikaista voimassaoloa tilanteessa, jossa omat teot ovat suuntautuneet intentionaalisesti muualle kuin kadehditun komparatiiivisesti parempana näyttäytyvien arvostuserojen kuromiseksi tilanteen tasavertaistamiseksi kiinni. Kateellinen voi olla deliberatiivisen ahne ja nopea epäreilussa reaktiossaan kadehdittua kohtaan. Näin uppiniskainen kateustunne voi tulla eriäväksi havaitun arvioivan arvostelman kanssa. Kateustunne olisi näin määritelmällisesti intensiivistä puutetta (toistuvissa) epätasa−arvoisissa ja irrationalisoituneissa ihmiskohtaamisissa. Tutkimus esitteli kateustunteen adekvaattisena käsitteenä ja toi havaintoja kognitiivisen tunneteorian riittämättömyydestä kateustunteen tutkimukselle. Kiinnostavaa oli, että poliittisessa yhteiskuntafilosofiasta löytyi myös Rawlsin psykologisten erityistaipumuksien ja erityisesti kateuden yhteiskuntapoliittista kritiikkiä. Tunneteoreettisesti kateustunne on kognitiivista perustunnetta holistisempi, intensiivisempi ja intentionaalisempi sekä lisäksi affektuaalisesti motivoiva, joka mahdollistaa myös inhimillisen toiminnan kehittymisen, mutta myös kadehtijan tuhoamisen. Itsepetos sen sijaan tekee kateudesta haavoittuvan ja myös narsismia ruokkivan tunnetilan, jossa kateellinen toimii hedonistisesti ei−kognitiivisen irrationaalisen tietämyksen (envious feeling proper) varassa ja kieltää tunteen konsekventionaaliset usein negatiiviset seuraukset itselleen ja lähiympäristölleen.


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Thin films of Y--Ba--Cu--O have been prepared by conventional methods of RF sputtering. The films exhibit superconducting onset temperatures as high as 91K, midpoint at 80K and a zero resistance state at 35K. Critical current measurements implied critical current densities of the order of 31 A/cm exp 2 . An attempt has been made to establish the role of substrate and various deposition parameters. 7 ref.--AA.


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In a storage system where individual storage nodes are prone to failure, the redundant storage of data in a distributed manner across multiple nodes is a must to ensure reliability. Reed-Solomon codes possess the reconstruction property under which the stored data can be recovered by connecting to any k of the n nodes in the network across which data is dispersed. This property can be shown to lead to vastly improved network reliability over simple replication schemes. Also of interest in such storage systems is the minimization of the repair bandwidth, i.e., the amount of data needed to be downloaded from the network in order to repair a single failed node. Reed-Solomon codes perform poorly here as they require the entire data to be downloaded. Regenerating codes are a new class of codes which minimize the repair bandwidth while retaining the reconstruction property. This paper provides an overview of regenerating codes including a discussion on the explicit construction of optimum codes.