908 resultados para Solar telescopes
We present a sample of three large near-relativistic (>50 keV) electron events observed in 2001 by both the ACE and the Ulysses spacecraft, when Ulysses was at high-northern latitudes (>60°) and close to 2 AU. Despite the large latitudinal distance between the two spacecraft, electrons injected near the Sun reached both heliospheric locations. All three events were associated with large solar flares, strong decametric type II radio bursts and accompanied by wide (>212°) and fast (>1400 km s-1) coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We use advanced interplanetary transport simulations and make use of the directional intensities observed in situ by the spacecraft to infer the electron injection profile close to the Sun and the interplanetary transport conditions at both low and high latitudes. For the three selected events, we find similar interplanetary transport conditions at different heliolatitudes for a given event, with values of the mean free path ranging from 0.04 AU to 0.27 AU. We find differences in the injection profiles inferred for each spacecraft. We investigate the role that sector boundaries of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) have on determining the characteristics of the electron injection profiles. Extended injection profiles, associated with coronal shocks, are found if the magnetic footpoints of the spacecraft lay in the same magnetic sector as the associated flare, while intermittent sparse injection episodes appear when the spacecraft footpoints are in the opposite sector or a wrap in the HCS bounded the CME structure.
The paper presents the variability of major floods in Switzerland for the period 1800-2008 from a summer index (INU). The index is constructed from the damage caused by flooding, with the aim of establishing the possible influence of the solar and climate variability on the major floods. The coincidence of flood-rich periods with those observed in other regions of different climate and fluvial regimes suggests that climate forcings and changes in the general circulation of the atmosphere are those who govern the appearance of these high-frequency temporal clusters.
Identification of clouds from satellite images is now a routine task. Observation of clouds from the ground, however, is still needed to acquire a complete description of cloud conditions. Among the standard meteorologicalvariables, solar radiation is the most affected by cloud cover. In this note, a method for using global and diffuse solar radiation data to classify sky conditions into several classes is suggested. A classical maximum-likelihood method is applied for clustering data. The method is applied to a series of four years of solar radiation data and human cloud observations at a site in Catalonia, Spain. With these data, the accuracy of the solar radiation method as compared with human observations is 45% when nine classes of sky conditions are to be distinguished, and it grows significantly to almost 60% when samples are classified in only five different classes. Most errors are explained by limitations in the database; therefore, further work is under way with a more suitable database
Tannery effluents are very dangerous for the environment since they contain large amounts of dangerous and biorecalcitrant contaminants (organic matter and Cr(VI)). This paper reports the efficiency of heterogeneous photocatalysis, based on the application of solar and artificial radiation, furnished by UV lamps, using TiO2 fixed on a flat plate, in the treatment of synthetic effluents. The results of COD and Cr(VI) demonstrate that the use of solar radiation is the most efficient way to perform the photocatalytic treatment of these effluents since a minimum removal of 62 and 61% was observed for Cr(VI) and organic matter, respectively.
Dairy wastewater is characterized by frequent episodes of drastic increases of organic content, giving rise to bulking filamentous bacteria and compromising the biological treatment process. This study reports the reduction of organic content of such wastewater by the application of the solar photo-Fenton process. For a wastewater containing 335, 2627 or 5400 mg C L-1 between 90% and 50% of the organic carbon content were removed after 3.5 h irradiation. The results show that the solar photo-Fenton process can be a good alternative for the abatement of organic content of dairy wastewater, especially in cases of organic content fluctuation, allowing an efficient biological treatment.
Destruction of Padron® (dye and picloram) was evaluated using a photoreactor and a solar reactor. Photolysis was observed using only a germicide lamp (GL). Black light (BL) and H2O2 (172 mmol L-1) promoted a conversion of 49% and 6% of dye and picloram, respectively. Photocatalytic processes were more efficient using TiO2/GL (96%-dye; 60%-picloram) than TiO2/BL (44%-dye; 40%-picloram). Photolysis using sunlight was not observed during PadronÒ recirculation in the reactor constructed with four borosilicate tubes. Meanwhile, adding H2O2 resulted in 12% conversion of dissolved organic compounds. Finally, the most efficient mineralization (60%) was obtained using the Fenton reaction ( H2O2-176 mmol L-1; FeSO4x6H2O-90 mmol L-1) and sunlight.
In the last two decades of studying the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) phenomenon, intensive emphasis has been put on how and when and where these SEPs are injected into interplanetary space. It is well known that SEPs are related to solar flares and CMEs. However, the role of each in the acceleration of SEPs has been under debate since the major role was taken from flares ascribed to CMEs step by step after the skylab mission, which started the era of CME spaceborn observations. Since then, the shock wave generated by powerful CMEs in between 2-5 solar radii is considered the major accelerator. The current paradigm interprets the prolonged proton intensity-time profile in gradual SEP events as a direct effect of accelerated SEPs by shock wave propagating in the interplanetary medium. Thus the powerful CME is thought of as a starter for the acceleration and its shock wave as a continuing accelerator to result in such an intensity-time profile. Generally it is believed that a single powerful CME which might or might not be associated with a flare is always the reason behind such gradual events.
In this work we use the Energetic and Relativistic Nucleus and Electrons ERNE instrument on board Solar and Heliospheric Observatory SOHO to present an empirical study to show the possibility of multiple accelerations in SEP events. In the beginning we found 18 double-peaked SEP events by examining 88 SEP events. The peaks in the intensity-time profile were separated by 3-24 hours. We divided the SEP events according to possible multiple acceleration into four groups and in one of these groups we find evidence for multiple acceleration in velocity dispersion and change in the abundance ratio associated at transition to the second peak. Then we explored the intensity-time profiles of all SEP events during solar cycle 23 and found that most of the SEP events are associated with multiple eruptions at the Sun and we call those events as Multi-Eruption Solar Energetic Particles (MESEP) events. We use the data available by Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph LASCO on board SOHO to determine the CME associated with such events and YOHKOH and GOES satellites data to determine the flare associated with such events. We found four types of MESEP according to the appearance of the peaks in the intensity-time profile in large variation of energy levels. We found that it is not possible to determine whether the peaks are related to an eruption at the Sun or not, only by examining the anisotropy flux, He/p ratio and velocity dispersion. Then we chose a rare event in which there is evidence of SEP acceleration from behind previous CME. This work resulted in a conclusion which is inconsistent with the current SEP paradigm. Then we discovered through examining another MESEP event, that energetic particles accelerated by a second CME can penetrate a previous CME-driven decelerating shock. Finally, we report the previous two MESEP events with new two events and find a common basis for second CME SEPs penetrating previous decelerating shocks. This phenomenon is reported for the first time and expected to have significant impact on modification of the current paradigm of the solar energetic particle events.
Since 2000, spore dosimetry and spectral photometry have been performed in parallel at the Southern Space Observatory, São Martinho da Serra (Southern Brazil). A comparative study involving data from Punta Arenas - Chile (53.2º S), São Martinho da Serra (29.5º S), Padang - Indonesia (0.9ºS), Brussels - Belgium (50.9º N) and Kiyotake - Japan (31.9º N) from 2000 to 2006 is presented. The Spore Inactivation Doses presented the higher values in summer (973 ± 73 for Punta Arenas and 4,369 ± 202 for São Martinho da Serra, as well 1,402 ± 170 and 3,400 ± 1,674 for Brussels and Kiyotake, respectively). The simplicity, robustness and high resistance of bacterial spores makes the biosensor an potential biological tool for UV-B monitoring.
In this work, TiO2 photocatalysis was used to disinfect domestic wastewaters previously treated by different biological treatment systems: Upward-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB), facultative pond, and duckweed pond. The microorganisms monitored were E. coli, total coliforms, Shigella species, and Salmonella species. Photocatalytic experiments were carried out using two light sources: a solar simulator (UV intensity: 68-70 W m-2) and black-light lamps (BLL UV intensity: 17-20 W m-2). Samples were taken after each treatment stage. Results indicate that bacterial photocatalytic inactivation is affected by characteristics of the effluent, including turbidity, concentration of organic matter, and bacterial concentration, which depend of the type of biological pretreatment previously used.
This work aimed at the synthesis and characterization of particles of modified silica containing the organic filter dibenzoylmethane (DBM) by the hydrolytic sol-gel method, with modifications to the Stöber route. The structures of the resulting Xerogels were characterized by diffuse reflectance UV-VIS spectroscopy in the solid state, infrared absorption spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and 29Si Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (29Si NRM). The results showed favorable formation of hybrid organic-inorganic nanoparticles with efficient absorption/reflectance of radiation in the UV / VIS range, which enables their potential use as sunscreen.
SiO2/TiO2 nanostructured composites with three different ratios of Si:Ti were prepared using the sol-gel method. These materials were characterized using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence, Raman with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and the specific surface area. The band gaps of materials were determined by diffuse reflectance spectra, and the values of 3.20 ± 0.01, 2.92 ± 0.02, and 2.85 ± 0.01 eV were obtained as a result of the proportional increases in the amount of Ti within the composite. The materials exhibit only the anatase (TiO2) crystalline phase and have crystalline domains ranging from 4 to 5 nm. The photodegradation process of methylene blue, royal blue GRL, and golden yellow GL dyes were studied with respect to their contact times, pH variations within the solution, and the variations in the dye concentration of the solution in response to only sunlight. The maximum amount of time for the mineralization of dyes was 90 min. The kinetics of the process follows an apparently first order model, in which the obtained rate constant values were 5.72 × 10-2 min-1 for methylene blue, 6.44 × 10-2min-1 for royal blue GRL, and 1.07 × 10-1min-1 for golden yellow.
Alguns microrganismos fitopatogênicos podem ser transportados pela água, que se constitui em importante e eficiente forma de disseminação. O controle de fitopatógenos pelo tratamento térmico da água infestada, utilizando a energia solar, constituiu o objetivo do trabalho. Quantificou-se a eficiência de um sistema automatizado de aquecimento solar desenvolvido para esta finalidade, baseado em processo misto de aquecimento da água em circuito fechado, com coletores planos e transmissão de calor por convecção natural e forçada. A automatização e a equalização da temperatura foram obtidas por termostatos localizados em diferentes pontos. Verificou-se boa eficiência do equipamento, trabalhando na temperatura de 60 ºC, tanto em rendimento de água processada como na eliminação do inóculo de fitopatógenos de importância econômica, como Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum spp., Fusarium spp., Pythium spp., Verticillium dahliae e Rhizoctonia solani. À exceção de F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, os patógenos testados não sobreviveram ao tratamento térmico a temperaturas acima de 55 0C. A técnica mostrou-se promissora como uma opção na desinfestação da água para uso em irrigação de viveiros, casas de vegetação e diversas finalidades em pequenas ou médias propriedades agrícolas.
Em experimentos com o cultivar de trigo Embrapa 16 conduzidos em Passo Fundo e Não-Me-Toque nas safras de 1999 e 2000 houve uma relação inversa entre a incidência foliar da ferrugem da folha do trigo, a severidade, o número de pústulas por centímetro quadrado e a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença com o rendimento de grãos, e uma relação direta entre a refletância da radiação solar, na faixa de 810 nm, com o rendimento de grãos. A refletância da radiação solar na faixa permitiu estimar o rendimento de grãos do trigo, a severidade da doença e o número de pústulas cm-2. As equações da função de dano com maior R² obtidas pela análise de regressão permitem o cálculo do limiar de dano econômico (LDE) em diferentes estádios fenológicos da cultura. O LDE pode servir de critério indicador do momento para o controle da ferrugem da folha do trigo. Os danos causados pela doença atingiram um máximo de 43%, com uma média de 40 %.