705 resultados para Social work - Study and teaching (Continuing education)


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Trata da Política de Formação Continuada de professores no Brasil, tendo como objeto de estudo o Pró-Letramento, um programa de formação continuada de professores de escolas públicas, na modalidade à distância (semipresencial), que visa à melhoria da aprendizagem da leitura/escrita e matemática nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental realizado pelo MEC, em parceria com universidades que integram a Rede Nacional de Formação Continuada de Professores e com os sistemas de ensino. O problema de pesquisa consiste na seguinte preocupação: O programa Pró-Letramento é parte da política educacional vigente de precarização, intensificação do trabalho docente e responsabilização dos professores pelos resultados dos sistemas educacionais? Esta investigação foi norteada pelas seguintes questões motivadoras: O programa Pró-Letramento tem contribuído para melhoria do trabalho docente? Que concepções de formação continuada e trabalho docente estão presentes nesta política educacional? O Pró-Letramento tem reforçado a responsabilização dos professores pelo desempenho dos alunos? O objetivo consistiu em analisar a repercussão do Pró- Letramento no trabalho de professores que atuam em escolas públicas, que participaram ou estão participando da formação continuada oferecida por esse programa no período compreendido entre os anos de 2008 a 2011, no Pólo Belém, com base no momento atual de discussão das políticas educacionais brasileira. Como objetivos específicos, essa investigação acadêmica pretendeu identificar se o Pró-Letramento integra uma política de valorização do magistério que visa à melhoria das condições de trabalho, remuneração e atuação profissional; investigar que concepção de formação continuada está presente nesta política educacional, se restrita a conhecimentos práticos ou mais amplos no sentido de propiciar a compreensão do contexto social em que se processa a atuação profissional e, verificar se o Pró-Letramento tem reforçado a responsabilização dos professores pelo desempenho dos alunos, da escola e do sistema ou a intensificação do trabalho docente. Os procedimentos teórico metodológicos consistiram em levantamento bibliográfico, análise de documentos e em pesquisa de campo, mediante a realização de entrevista semiestruturada. Para a análise dos dados foi realizada análise do conteúdo. A presente investigação apontou como principais resultados, com base no aporte teórico elencado e no relato das professoras entrevistadas, que a formação continuada em serviço e a distância basilar nas propostas de programas governamentais têm sido apresentadas como uma formação que é desenvolvida de forma aligeirada, pouco fundamentada teoricamente, descontínua e descontextualizada o que implica em débitos para atuação profissional dos professores e, que as professoras cursistas do Pró-Letramento não têm contado com condições adequadas de trabalho, carreira, remuneração e formação continuada. Com base nas considerações finais, constata-se que existe a necessidade de efetivação de uma política de formação capaz de formar um profissional com condições de compreender os processos sociais e de relacioná-los ao contexto de sua atuação profissional, e com isso romper com uma política de formação de professores, pautada em uma perspectiva utilitarista e individualizadora de formação continuada de professores e dissociada da garantia de valorização do magistério e condições adequadas de trabalho.


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A pesquisa versa sobre avaliação e trabalho docente no ensino médio, tendo como objeto de investigação e análise as políticas de avaliação que vêm sendo instituídas a partir dos anos 1990, com recorte específico no denominado novo Enem e suas repercussões sobre o trabalho docente. O estudo possui como objetivo geral analisar e compreender as reformas instituídas na educação brasileira a partir da década de 1990, com foco na avaliação externa, especificamente na implementação do Enem, enquanto um processo de avaliação implementado no bojo de uma nova regulação educacional, e suas possíveis repercussões sobre o trabalho docente nesse nível de ensino, última etapa da educação básica, tendo como lócus a Região Metropolitana do Cariri – CE. Quanto à metodologia adotada, optou-se pela abordagem de pesquisa qualitativa, enfocando o complexo universo das políticas de avaliação externa e do trabalho docente no Ensino médio, lançando mão, para a coleta de dados, da pesquisa exploratória, revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevistas não-diretivas. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado com base na análise de conteúdo, a partir de exaustiva análise das informações levantadas que, cotejadas com o referencial teórico, permitiu a emersão de algumas categorias de análise, como: avaliações externas, trabalho docente, regulação da educação e accountability. Como síntese dos resultados aferidos, destacamos que: - A Reforma do Aparelho do Estado Brasileiro, implementada a partir da década de 1990, instituiu o “Estado avaliador”, pautado, dentre outros, pela desresponsabilização do Estado para com as políticas sociais, pelo foco nos resultados, na excelência, na performatividade e na obtenção da eficiência e eficácia educacional, instituindo mecanismos de controle, no formato de avaliações, para a promoção da regulação da educação, de modo a assegurar os valores dominantes no contexto educacional escolar, controlando seus resultados; - são fortes as repercussões das políticas educacionais inscritas sob a lógica mercadológica sobre o ensino médio, dado que o mesmo vem sofrendo alterações significativas nas últimas décadas, em decorrência do “Estado avaliador” e da crescente centralidade das avaliações externas; - as avaliações externas de larga escala, com destaque para o Enem, privilegiam o accountability, por meio dos fenômenos da desresponsabilização do Estado, da crescente responsabilização da escola e dos profissionais da educação, da meritocracia e da privatização da educação, promovendo a intensificação do trabalho docente; - o atual modelo de avaliação de larga escala impõe ênfase aos produtos ou resultados em detrimento do processo, focando-se no trato individual de instituições ou estudantes, por meio de dados predominantemente quantitativos, resultando em classificação e rankeamento, estimulando a competição entre as instituições educacionais e entre os sujeitos; - esse processo tem repercutido sobre o trabalho docente, intensificando-o, à medida que os professores, à revelia de suas condições objetivas de trabalho, que são extremamente precárias na maioria das escolas públicas, tendem a ser responsabilizados, individualmente, pelo êxito ou fracasso de seus alunos; - por fim, constatamos que, não obstante novas atribuições e responsabilidades estarem sendo imputadas ao professor, inclusive com a imposição unilateral de metas a serem atingidas, não há, em contrapartida às exigências postas pelo Enem, uma efetiva política de Estado voltada para a valorização dos profissionais docentes no Ceará, seja pela via da carreira, da remuneração e/ou da formação continuada.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work, we show the experience of continuing teacher education in Cartography in the period from 03/11/2009 to 03/11/2010, it was held by the Center for Continuing Education in Mathematics Education, Science and Environment (CECEMCA) - UNESP - Rio Claro, in DL (Distance Learning). This experience was through the extension course set in TelEduc platform. The course was titled Introduction to Cartography and aimed primarily: Present concepts of systematic and thematic mapping and its potential application in teaching practices, increase knowledge in the areas of Geography, Cartography and Environment; Offer alternatives for implementing content mapping in the classroom.


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The Toxoplasma gondii infection is very important from the point of view of public health and affects almost all homeothermic animal species, including birds and mammals. In this study, thirty teachers from elementary schools in the northwest area of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, were interviewed about toxoplasmosis. Their students frequented of first to fourth series of the fundamental teaching. The questionnaire with closed questions were: 1) is the cat the main transmitter of toxoplasmosis in humans?; 2) If the cat can transmit toxoplasmosis, how happens?; 3) “If the dog can transmit toxoplasmosis, how happens?”; Is there any other way to acquire toxoplasmosis?; If there are other means of transmission, which can be? After this stage, lectures of short duration were supplied about this disease and reapplied the interview form. The data were analyzed with base in descriptive statistics. We found that there was an assimilation of the concepts on the control of toxoplasmosis by the teachers. In conclusion, there is the need of implanting one continuing education program for the community in general directed to the improvement of basic concepts of toxoplasmosis control.


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The article shows the process of Europeanization of the Italian social work education. After a brief excursus of the development of social work education in Italy, the paper presents the experiences made in the context of Socrates Erasmus project. Considering the results of the Thematic Network in Social Work organised by Parma University, some reflections are presented on the effects of Europeanization both respect the teachers and the students.


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This article describes a study of Swedish social work students’ use of knowledge during their field practice. Data was collected by using short written narratives, where the students reflect on situations from practice, situations they experienced as critical or problematic. The narratives were analysed with a method inspired by the interpretation theory of Paul Ricoeur. The article starts with a discussion adhering to the present trend of evidence-based social work practice. This is followed by a study of 144 narratives from social work students containing critical or problematic events. A quantitative description of the material as well as qualitative model of two type-strategies, that social work students use, is presented. The results show, among other things, that students use several forms of knowledge, where facts/evidence is one of several. The study also shows that there is a strong adaptation to varying critical situations. A conclusion is that it is difficult to a priori define the types and proportions of knowledge to use in social work practice.


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The article analyses the option of common Nordic Standards for social work education in these countries. The option is viewed through the lens of trends in education in the different countries. In the article the notion of an Integrated Field Model is used to indicate the starting point for a common model of education. This model covers the field characteristics of Denmark and Norway and their current move towards a more research-based education. It also covers the research characteristics of education in Finland, Iceland and Sweden and their current move towards a new field connection based on research-oriented education. Some thoughts on international requirements on comparability and compatibility in this setting are addressed in the final section.


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A global review of social work education reveals considerable similarity among countries as well as significant differences. Historically, programs of social work education are informed by humanistic values and encompass knowledge of social problems, an understanding of individuals and their environment in interaction, and method of intervention into social and human difficulties. At the same time, structure of social work within the educational system and the length of training vary considerably from country to country. There is no serious international standards' setting for social work education, programs, educators and students around the world. Education programs exist at differing levels of education and for differing periods of time. There are no worldwide data on the number and qualifications of teachers of social work, the number and characteristics of social work students, variations in curricula and type of practicum (Hokeenstad and Kendall, 2001; Hokenstad, Midgley, 1998). North American and European models have had a major influence on social work educational programs in most parts of the world, especially developing countries. Still, the amount of western influence on social work education in developing countries is an issue that continues to be discussed (Hockenstad, Khinduka and Midgley, 1992; Frumkin, Lloyd, 2001). The programs in practice in Europe and North America have influenced the implementation of social work education programs. In recent years this influence has had a big part in the acceptance of the generalist approach. It is very important that social work education programs must be planned in accordance with the social structure and the development process of the society. Because of this, information on the social indicators and social welfare services will be given first then social work education will be stressed upon.


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Health issues under aspects pertaining to social work are currently being investigated in our department under two main perspectives. The study of Youth, Health, and Internet is based on experiences with a project of e-mail counseling for youths we have been running in our department for one year so far. Our thesis is that the internet has become an important platform for youngsters in general as well as concerning health issues specifically. So far, however, little is known about the ways youths address their health related problems in the net. We believe that research in this area is badly needed since future concepts of effective health improvement and prevention for youths cannot ignore this medium. Biography and Health is our second focus of investigation, addressing deficiencies in the empirical research of Aaron Antonovsky´s salutogenetic concept that has lately become quite popular in many health discussions. Drawing from biographical methods we are currently investigating the development of the so called "sense of coherence" - the center piece of salutogenesis.


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"The disaster does not primarily lie in people and in the way that they perceive the circumstances, rather in the circumstances that doom people to powerlessness and apathy - circumstances which they could, however, change" (Adorno, 1966, p. 189). When Karl Marx writes to Friedrich Sorge in his letter of the 19.10.1877, regarding his critique of the opinion of his opponents Dühring & Co., that one must deal with "a whole crowd of immature students and pompous doctors who claim to give socialism a 'higher, ideal' turn, that is to say, to replace the materialistic basis (that demands serious, objective study if one wants to operate on it)… with modern mythology by means of their goddesses of justice, freedom, equality and fraternité" (Marx, 1973, p. 303; cf. Schiller, 1993, p. 199 onwards), this thus refers to fundamental problems with the concept of "justice" up until today. As the debate shows, it concerns the contextualization of the term "justice", its meaning in historically concrete as well as socio-political circumstances, and therefore a social analysis that is both representation and critique. Essentially it also concerns the question of the relationship between ideas and reality and the development of standards of historical systematic 'nature' out of social frameworks (see Frey, 1978; Theunissen, 1989).


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For Estonia and its people social work is one of the vitally important fields that had to be built up from almost nothing since independence was regained in 1991. During Soviet times social work and social workers did not receive the necessary attention. Severe social problems were denied and kept hidden since according to official communist ideology, life in the Soviet Union was the best in the world and getting better all the time. Social workers did not receive specialised education and their functions were to be carried out by the workers of trade unions and the party, by teachers and by the workers of the personnel departments. In the 1990s big changes, having also an effect on social life, took place in the development of Estonian society. Concepts such as social work and social worker were rediscovered in Estonia. There are certain prerequisites for the success of any activity (including social work). One of the most important ones is being a professional, a worker with thorough preparation. Social work as an occupation requires specialised academic education, which is based on theoretical knowledge and practical skills that have been acquired through theoretical knowledge. Specialised knowledge is a foundation for attaining a specialised qualification. However, at the same time one has to keep in mind that social work as an occupation is constantly changing, there is no absolute knowledge - everything is relative, dynamic and changing (Tamm, 1998). The changing nature of the activity requires reflection by a social worker, who also has to be able to evaluate his/her work and its basis and learn from experiences. Academic specialised education implies also the development of a new professional identity and higher levels of competence. This underlines the necessity of specialised education.


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In this article I will outline the methodological approach of a non-empirical comparative research project which I began in 2003. The project is situated in the context of the research training group “Youth Welfare in Transition” at the universities of Bielefeld and Dortmund, funded by the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). In that context I have organised an international conference about the modes of cooperation between school and youth work agencies with colleagues from Canada, France, Finland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Israel, and Germany. Meeting in Bielefeld from the 9th to the 11th of October 2003, we compared the respective national arrangements of formal and non-formal education (www.uni-bielefeld.de/paedagogik/agn/ag8/Ganztagsbildung.html). This note is based on the scheme of comparison which was given to the contributors in order to help them preparing their presentations. At the moment the scheme is nearing completed with significant data prepared by the contributors/authors (see Otto/Coelen 2004), supplemented with data from research works published in German and English. The next step will be to set up an empirical project about the relationships between schools and youth work agencies in three European countries (probably France, Finland and the Netherlands).