914 resultados para Social Order


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O estágio realizado teve como objetivo analisar as metodologias de caracterização utilizadas aquando da delimitação da estrutura ecológica municipal de cada concelho alentejano. Propõe-se que este trabalho reflita e sistematize as diferentes perspetivas levadas a cabo na execução dos planos de ordenamento do território (à escala municipal). Pretende-se sobretudo verificar se esta delimitação vai, ou não, ao encontro da perspetiva da Arquitetura Paisagista e de que forma deve esta ser transposta para os processos de planeamento e se cumpre as orientações de carácter geral constantes do PROTA. Hoje em dia, a preservação ambiental já vem sendo considerada uma questão de ordem social, pelo que devemos dirigir--nos para a adoção de um novo padrão de atuação que apreenda o elevado grau de degradação ambiental atual. Este padrão implica o reconhecimento das componentes ambiental, ecológica e paisagística nos processos de planeamento e gestão, fazendo com que a componente ecológica e ambiental seja tida em consideração a par dos elementos construídos e dos económicos e sociais; ABSTRACT: Analysis of Characterization and Delimitation Methodologies of the Ecological Structure in the Municipal Plans for the Alentejo Regional Planning The objective of this internship was to analyze the characterization methodologies during the delimitation of the municipal ecological structure of each county in the Alentejo region. It is proposed that this work reflects and systematizes different perspectives undertaken in the implementation of territory development plans territory (at the municipal level). It is primarily intended to determine if that definition will, or not, meet the perspective of Landscape Architecture and how this should be implemented in the planning processes, and also if that definition follows the general guidelines fixed by the Regional Plan for Spatial Planning of Alentejo. Nowadays, environmental protection has already been considered a matter of social order, thus we must guide ourselves to the adoption of a new standard of performance to seize the high level of current environmental degradation. This pattern implies the recognition of the environmental, ecological and landscape components in planning and management processes, causing ecological and environmental aspects to be taken into consideration alongside the built, economic and social elements.


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A zona geográfica circunscrita que abrange este trabalho de investigação encontra-se exígua de pesquisa e trabalhos arqueológicos, sendo no entanto reconhecida como uma zona enxameada de vestígios. Um imenso património por descobrir. Ambiciona-se, por isso clarificar a ocupação, no que respeita ao povoamento do território do actual concelho do Marco de Canaveses, no período cronológico da Proto-História, de forma a contribuir para uma actualização da investigação realizada e procurando novos pontos a desenvolver, alargando-a depois a uma vasta área territorial de serrania que integra o imenso noroeste peninsular. Orientada por um fio condutor sequencial de natureza cronológica, a investigação realizada conta com o contributo da toponímia, análise cartográfica, monografias e resenhas locais para o conhecimento de toda uma realidade patrimonial existente ao longo do território em estudo. A correlação das temáticas de ordem social, como a circulação de pessoas e bens através da rede viária e, por outro lado, de ordem geográfica no que respeita a locais propícios à fixação da população pelas suas características culturais e naturais, permite uma análise geográfica a este nível e a resposta a questões como: “De que forma habitou?” e “Porque habitou?”.


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Dans cet article, je tente de montrer comment, à travers l’Inquisition, s’est joué un conflit sourd pour la terre qui a permis la création d’une nouvelle noblesse de service. Cette création s’apparente à une forme de surclassement" de certains lignages, qui est allé de pair avec un "déclassement" inversement proportionnel de familles conversas. Les deux thèmes que j’aborde sont les enjeux de la spéculation immobilière qui se joue autour de la vente des biens urbains confisqués et ceux de la constitution de fiefs dans la promotion de certains lignages, en particulier de celui des Enríquez de Ribera, à la tête du marquesado de Tarifa, puis ducado de Alcalá. Le but fut de permettre la promotion fulgurante et solide d’un lignage, c’est l’évidence, mais par-delà le cas particulier, l’arrière-plan foncier et économique de la distribution de la terre et le pouvoir qui en découle engagent, à un moment déterminé, une transformation sociale qui change profondément la donne au XVIe siècle.


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Toleration is a key concept of liberalism, both from the historical and conceptual points of view. On the other hand, as people’s freedom to live according to their moral and religious ideas has long become a basic value for liberal societies and their political constitutions, it is reasonable to understand that there is nothing to be tolerated nor by citizens neither by the State. However, a part of the scope and meaning of the fundamental rights and freedoms is subject to what John Rawls calls reasonable disagreements and this is a field where toleration understood in the classic way is compatible with equality: not to intervene against that which is being disapproved understood has a raison d'être. Since the 1980s, toleration has been present in the debates on how to deal with pluralism in a constitutional democracy. This has to be connected to the rise of identity politics: political and intellectual movements such as multiculturalism or comunitarism that questioned whether social order based on neutral criteria was either possible or desirable or both things at the same time. Outstanding liberal philosophers were among those demanding political priority for comunitarian values and those who showed interest for toleration as a key concept to articulate pluralism. Key distinctions between them can be explained as the result of the different approaches they take when facing classical theories on toleration: whereas John Locke’s is a major influence on Rawls, John Stuart Mill’s is on the others, while Gray, Walzer and Rorty follow Isaiah Berlin’s reading of Mill.


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La rédaction de ce mémoire a été possible grâce à la bourse d’études supérieures du Canada (BESC M), Joseph-Armand-Bombardier du Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRSH) du gouvernement du Canada, 2015.


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This dissertation analyses, through a rhetorical framework and a literary approach, texts written in Catalan and Castilian by four Catalan female writers (Dolors Monserdà, Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Esther Tusquets, Monserrat Roig ), whose works cover from 1900 to the 1980. Utilizing this urban feminine literature, it discusses the historical-geographical vision about the changes in Catalan society during the twentieth century with its consequences for the urban space, especially the space occupied by women. It is also established that Barcelona’s recovery and literary vindication by women has been done through the written text, as literary affirmation and as a matter of conscience in which the city could not be summed up as a backdrop, but rather as an active part of a literary creation, active in the double sense, as a socio-historical space in the novel and as characteristic of their works. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate that the use of the city as a setting for the novels determines and characterizes those female writers’ texts. Consequently, these writings are literary material relevant and essential to the understanding of the Barcelonian women’s space. However their use of space is not arbitrary, on the contrary it corresponds to a social order established by the patriarchy where the relation of women to the world is embodied in the intentional and socially restricted space and movements of their bodies. The theoretical perspectives of this study are based on Montserrat Roig’s feminist urban space theories. Her theory advocates the right to individuality, denouncing the patriarchal and hierarchical social system present in gendered space from the outside male world to the domestic feminized space. I also turn to the writings of Maria Aurèlia Capmany, who addresses cultural aspects of women’s roles revealing a purposive controlled patriarchal society according to a historical-geographical analysis. This study of texts permits a new reading of the Catalan capital and demonstrates that Catalan women writers have consciously willed to give birth to a new history of the city: the history of women as protagonist citizens, producers, reproducers, and consumers of the space represented by the Catalan capital


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La rédaction de ce mémoire a été possible grâce à la bourse d’études supérieures du Canada (BESC M), Joseph-Armand-Bombardier du Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRSH) du gouvernement du Canada, 2015.


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The Maasai/Kikuyu agro-pastoral borderlands of Maiella and Enoosupukia, located in the hinterlands of Lake Naivasha’s agro-industrial hub, are particularly notorious in the history of ethnicised violence in the Kenya’s Rift Valley. In October 1993, an organised assault perpetrated by hundreds of Maasai vigilantes, with the assistance of game wardens and administration police, killed more than 20 farmers of Kikuyu descent. Consequently, thousands of migrant farmers were violently evicted from Enoosupukia at the instigation of leading local politicians. Nowadays, however, intercommunity relations are surprisingly peaceful and the cooperative use of natural resources is the rule rather than the exception. There seems to be a form of reorganization. Violence seems to be contained and the local economy has since recovered. This does not mean that there is no conflict, but people seem to have the facility to solve them peacefully. How did formerly violent conflicts develop into peaceful relations? How did competition turn into cooperation, facilitating changing land use? This dissertation explores the value of cross-cutting ties and local institutions in peaceful relationships and the non-violent resolution of conflicts across previously violently contested community boundaries. It mainly relies on ethnographic data collected between 2014 and 2015. The discussion therefore builds on several theoretical approaches in anthropology and the social sciences – that is, violent conflicts, cross-cutting ties and conflicting loyalties, joking relationships, peace and nonviolence, and institutions, in order to understand shared spaces that are experiencing fairly rapid social and economic changes, and characterised by conflict and coexistence. In the researched communities, cross-cutting ties and the split allegiances associated with them result from intermarriages, land transactions, trade, and friendship. By institutions, I refer to local peace committees, an attempt to standardise an aspect of customary law, and Nyumba Kumi, a strategy of anchoring community policing at the household level. In 2010, the state “implanted” these grassroots-level institutions and conferred on them the rights to handle specific conflicts and to prevent crime. I argue that the studied groups utilise diverse networks of relationships as adaptive responses to landlessness, poverty, and socio-political dynamics at the local level. Material and non-material exchanges and transfers accompany these social and economic ties and networks. In addition to being instrumental in nurturing a cohesive social fabric, I argue that such alliances could be thought of as strategies of appropriation of resources in the frontiers – areas that are considered to have immense agricultural potential and to be conducive to economic enterprise. Consequently, these areas are continuously changed and shaped through immigration, population growth, and agricultural intensification. However, cross-cutting ties and intergroup alliances may not necessarily prevent the occurrence or escalation of conflicts. Nevertheless, disputes and conflicts, which form part of the social order in the studied area, create the opportunities for locally contextualised systems of peace and non-violence that inculcate the values of cooperation, coexistence, and restraint from violence. Although the neo-traditional institutions (local peace committees and Nyumba Kumi) face massive complexities and lack the capacity to handle serious conflicts, their application of informal constraints in dispute resolution provides room for some optimism. Notably, the formation of ties and alliances between the studied groups, and the use of local norms and values to resolve disputes, are not new phenomena – they are reminiscent of historical patterns. Their persistence, particularly in the context of Kenya, indicates a form of historical continuity, which remains rather “undisturbed” despite the prevalence of ethnicised political economies. Indeed, the formation of alliances, which are driven by mutual pursuit of commodities (livestock, rental land, and agricultural produce), markets, and diversification, tends to override other identities. While the major thrust of social science literature in East Africa has focused on the search for root causes of violence, very little has been said about the conditions and practices of cooperation and non-violent conflict resolution. In addition, situations where prior violence turned into peaceful interaction have attracted little attention, though the analysis of such transitional phases holds the promise of contributing to applicable knowledge on conflict resolution. This study is part of a larger multidisciplinary project, “Resilience in East African Landscapes” (REAL), which is a Marie Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks (ITN) project. The principal focus of this multidisciplinary project is to study past, present, and future thresholds and sustainable trajectories in human-landscape interactions in East Africa over the last millennia. While other individual projects focus on long-term ecosystem dynamics and societal interactions, my project examines human-landscape interactions in the present and the very recent past (i.e. the period in which events and processes were witnessed or can still be recalled by today’s population). The transition from conflict to coexistence and from competition to cooperative use of previously violently contested land resources is understood here as enhancing adaptation in the face of social-political, economic, environmental, and climatic changes. This dissertation is therefore a contribution to new modes of resilience in human-landscape interactions after a collapse situation.


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El objetivo central de esta tesis es analizar cómo ha sido la comunicación política de la administración de Gustavo Petro entre 2012 y 2014, determinando el nivel de democratización presente en esta. Desde sus inicios, la alcaldía de Gustavo Petro mostro una gran preocupación por el ámbito de comunicación, sin embargo, como se puede ver en el plan de desarrollo, le apunta a una comunicación participativa en donde la ciudadanía haga parte de la construcción, diseño e implementación de los programas de gobierno. Por lo tanto se parte de la hipótesis de que la comunicación política durante esta administración ha sido democrática en tanto que ha permitido hacer partícipe a la ciudadanía de su propio desarrollo, a través del dialogo constante. Lo anterior será visto desde una perspectiva teórica sobre la comunicación política democrática, para lo cual las variables direccionalidad y centralidad serán claves.


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La década de los años 90 fue un periodo de grandes transformaciones a nivel económico, social y político en Colombia. Una de las transformaciones más significativas en el ámbito educativo tuvo que ver con la introducción en la escuela de una serie de prácticas destinadas a garantizar la formación democrática de los ciudadanos; todo esto con el propósito de consolidar en la sociedad una serie de hábitos, valores y prácticas acordes con el nuevo orden social instaurado y amparado por la Constitución Política de 1991. Pese a los esfuerzos legislativos y estatales por promover la democracia en el entorno escolar, las prácticas adelantadas en las instituciones educativas no han logrado responder efectivamente al objetivo de consolidar un ambiente democrático en la escuela y en la sociedad en general, razón por la cual, en este trabajo se realiza un análisis de la manera como una institución educativa en particular, asume y pone en marcha las propuestas democráticas formuladas legalmente, las tensiones suscitadas por la introducción de la propuesta democrática en la escuela, además de las conceptualizaciones sobre la democracia que dichas prácticas contribuyen a configurar y las cuales dan forma a los imaginarios, acciones y discursos cotidianos de estudiantes y docentes específicamente.


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La ricerca di dottorato riguarda i banchetti tenuti dall'imperatore Taizong di Tang durante i suoi 23 anni di regno (dal 626 al 649 d.C.) e a partire da essi ho esaminato la costruzione delle istituzioni politiche e dell'ordine sociale dello Stato cinese dell'epoca, per scoprire come queste attività contribuissero, in una certa misura, alla legittimazione e all'affermazione del potere dell'imperatore stesso. Da questa premessa, sorgono una serie di domande che riguardano vari aspetti: ad esempio, cosa spinse Taizong a puntare su questi banchetti per la costruzione del suo ordine politico? Quando furono organizzati? In quali luoghi? Chi vi partecipava? E come venivano organizzati? Studiando questo tipo di attività ricreative a cui partecipavano Taizong e la sua corte, esplorerò l'evoluzione e i cambiamenti della cultura politica nella dinastia Tang (618-907 d.C.). Analizzerò come il sovrano utilizzasse i banchetti per promuovere lo sviluppo della politica statale e i rituali di corte al fine di mantenere la stabilità sociale all'interno della governance della macchina statale. Esaminerò e metterò a fuoco la relazione dinamica e simbiotica tra cibo e politica nell'antica Cina, anche facendo riferimento a semplici frammenti di cronaca relativi ai resoconti dei banchetti stessi, oltre che a concetti storiografici più generali.


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In the last few years, a remarkable technological revolution has been taking place around the world. Such a technological revolution is not just a means to the end of improving efficiency, but an important end of social order. In this work, I show that blockchain is one important example. I discuss that the success of a disintermediated transaction is conditioned on the level of trust in the rules-of-code. In what follows, the dissertation is organized in three studies. Study 1 is a theoretical paper where I present and discuss a model of how blockchain-like technologies can automate and algorithmically dictate the nurturing of trust. Based on study 1, study 2 is aimed to develop and validate a quantitative scale to measure each component of the proposed trust model. Lastly, study 3 is intended to investigate how telematic equipment can affect individual trusting behavior under condition of information asymmetry. The introduction of black box in the Italian automobile insurance market is the set of this study. Overall, the dissertation offers some major contributions for theory and practice about the dynamics underlying the development of trust in the rising era of blockchain transactions.