917 resultados para Sistema solar
Solar energy can be considered the largest source of energy available on earth and has attracted in recent decades, attention and interest for its rational use. The use of energy sources in a sustainable way is essential to the survival of future generations, due to the scarcity of natural resources and their exploitation in a disorderly way. This academic work aims to bring a possible alternative to reduce the consumption of eletrical energy, at the University of Engineering – Campus of Guaratinguetá, through the use of a photovoltaic system interconnected to the LED bulbs. For this, the necessary data for the design of the photovoltaic system componentes and their acquisition costs were obtained and three differents configurations were developed to choose the one that bests fits the studied case, considering the return time of the initial investment (payback)
This work presents a study about distributed generation using photovoltaic systems in the context of smart grids. The characteristics of a Smart Grid and the several aspects this concept involves - distributed generation among them - are discussed. There are also examples of equipment, like smart meters, and of national and international projects. The specificities of distributed generation and the rules and standards necessary in this sort of installation are talked through with focus in the solar energy generation method. Regarding photovoltaic systems, the working principles of the panels are presented, along with its main electrical characteristics and the technologies available. Finally there is a study concerning the sizing of a distributed generation system that involves photovoltaic panels in a residential plant. An analysis of the costs and return of investment period is made about the specific case in consideration.
Ce document présente l'analyse de la qualité de l'énergie dans une centrale solaire photovoltaïque - avec une capacité installée de 1 MWpico, relié au réseau de distribution d’électricité en 11,9 kV, qui a comme but connaître et également de comparer à la norme nationale actuelle, les effets de la qualité de l'énergie électrique résultant de l'utilisation de cette type matrice génératrice. Le rapport a été basé sur des niveaux spécifiés dans le module 8 des Procédures de distribution d'électricité dans le réseau national d'électricité - PRODIST, qui précise les directrices sur la question de la qualité de l'énergie électrique sur le territoire brésilien. Il a été considéré aussi les recommandations internationales 929 et 1547, qui proposent des pratiques recommandées concernant des systèmes de génération de l'énergie solaire PV (photovoltaïque), et également des normes pour le raccordement de ces types de sources au réseau de distributions d'électricité, tous deux établis par l'Institut des ingénieurs électriciens et électroniciens, largement connu comme IEEE. Le développement et le travail sur le terrain a eu lieu de manière continué, et non dans des moments spécifiques, assurant de cette manière, la fiabilité des données obtenues
Introduces technical, economic and environmentally competitive solutions in the energy market is a great challenge for society. This work examines each of these aspects considering the production of electrolytic hydrogen with energy from wind power, solar and hydropower, in order to ensure an overview of this energy carrier. Initially, an assessment of the technical aspects is made addressing existing electrolysers technologies, its main characteristics and differences. The geographical distribution of wind, solar and hydroelectric potential in Brazil is also mapped, and a configuration scheme of a hydrogen production system is discussed. Subsequently, the economic analysis calculates the cost of investment in the alkaline electrolyser of 60 Nm³ / h, similar to the Brazilian bus powered by hydrogen project, coordinated by EMTU. Since the main input of electrolysis is electricity, is analyzed the latest energy auctions of each primary source and it is calculated the cost of production of the wind, solar and hydropower hydrogen. Postponed to this, are investigated the intrinsic environmental impacts of electricity generation process, proposing a readjustment of an indicator of ecological efficiency for the production of hydrogen. Finally, the work discusses the concept of externalities and demonstrates how the incorporation of external costs can leverage the hydrogen economy. In short, it is evident that the wind and hydroelectric hydrogens are more promising compared to solar hydrogen, whether in the economic aspect, because it achieved lower costs, whether in the environmental aspect, because it reached the highest ecological efficiency
The objective of this project was to monitor the satellites of the Global Positioning System (GPS) from a fixed point on Earth and to verify the rate of recurrence respect to their rotation and displacement. A topographic GPS signal receiver connected to a personal computer was used to recorded, for five days, the displacement of the satellites. This work was based on the fact that many literature references state that satellites complete one orbit around the Earth every 12 hours, then, it is assumed that the satellite would be seen twice in a day from the same fixed point on Earth.Although, this does not occur, as thise time interval correspond to 12 hours sidereal time and not solar time. In addition, this study was carried out in order toconfirm and update the information related to the number of satellites in operation today, found to be 31. In that sense, some references concerning the space segment of this system were defined in details.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Solar heaters are an appropriate technology in tropical and sub-tropical climates to heat bath water by solar energy. Low-cost solar heaters meet the demand of low-income rural communities which currently do not have access to this technology. Current research analyzes the economic viability of solar heaters, built with recyclable materials, to reduce electric energy bill. A solar heating system was built consisting of recyclable materials in accordance with the manuals provided by the Secretariat of Environment of the state of Paraná (SEMA). Duration of use of electric showers by families of rural properties was determined to calculate expenses and billing of electricity. Simulation and material costs showed that the system was feasible. Commercial solar heaters could be replaced at a cost of R$ 22.61 per month during 13 months.
The use of alternative energy systems in the current days is an urgent necessity due to the problems that the planet is facing as the heating and loss of ozone layer. The scarcity of conventional energy is another problem that must be solved for the future of humanity. It must be considered that the people are inhabiting places moved away not always with available energy. The application of technologies as automation and control can help us to solve this problem. Therefore, this work aimed at apply an equipment of industrial usage, the Programmable Logical Controller, PLC, in alternative energies systems, as eolic generation and fotovoltaic generation used for water pumping, aiming the automatic control and the efficiency in the places where it has simultaneous availability of these sources, based in criterion of priority that previously established itself between them. It was made a hydraulic and energetic evaluation of the energy system, eolic and fotovoltaic, used in the automatic control system of pumping, in the place of accomplishment of the experiment, according to previously established physical conditions. The results have shown that the control system using the PLC is practicable and has trustworthiness. The program developed can be adapted for the use with several power plants in a specific application place. The fotovoltaic system of pumping, using a polycrystalline of 70 Watts connected to a pump Shurflo 8000, showed to be efficient with significant flows in almost all the months. The eolic system of pumping, using an eolic generator of 400 Watts assembled in place of experiment, did not demonstrate energetic capacity for use in this specific type of application.
Since ancient times, it has been a huge challenge to all people around the world to manage to get their fresh water, keeping it clean and providing it to every human being, so that it can be used for their daily needs. This is especially true for small properties in the countryside and in isolated areas with low demographic density. Pumping the water in those regions is a solution that rationalizes its use in domestic chores, in animal rearing and in the irrigation systems of cultivated areas. Making feasible local, renewable and non-polluted energetic alternatives is the aim for those areas that are usually far away from the public electric network. Using photovoltaic solar energy is the alternative now proposed. For this objective was built a system with two monocrystalline panels, one pump, two water tanks, two level sensors and a solenoid valve to pump water, using a pump powered an array of monocrystalline solar panels. The main goal was to compare their rate of water flow and their energy consumption. The use of one data acquisition equipment allowed collecting meteorological, electrical and hydraulic values, and also serving for the control and activation of the pumping system. During four months in a row as from April 2009, arrangements with one or two panels were tested. Mathematics correlations and adjustment lines were used to interpret the behavior of obtained dataset. During the analyzed period the system followed the linear equations with great accuracy. The daily average amount of water pumped by the several tested arrays stayed between 1,100 and 2,500 liters, and that is enough to supply a small rural property. The pumping system with two panels effectively showed the major amount of water, but a system with one panel can be an economical solution until 1,500 liters on day. It did not characterize a direct relationship between power or quantity of photovoltaic panels and daily outflow of water pumping.
O objetivo do trabalho é desenvolver um sistema informático de digitalização e processamento de actinogramas baseado em técnicas de Processamento de Imagens Digitais e comparar com o sistema tradicional de medidas. Os actinogramas foram fornecidos pela Estação Meteorológica de Botucatu (FCA/UNESP). As análises preliminares indicam um desempenho satisfatório do software proposto, gerando medidas na mesma ordem de grandeza do método de referência para partição diária. O software proposto pertence a um projeto que se encontra ainda em andamento, onde rotinas de técnicas diversas continuam sendo implementadas no reconhecimento da curva de interesse para melhorar a qualidade do processamento das informações gráficas dos actinogramas. Os actinogramas estão em fase de digitalização para que o software possa ser testado com uma base de dados mais consistente, onde poderão ser identificados tendências temporais dos dados resultantes da aplicação das técnicas de Processamento de Imagens Digitais no monitoramento da radiação solar por actinógrafos.
El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis comparativo de dos fuentes de irradiación solar para el territorio peninsular español, siguiendo la iniciativa de estudios previos para otras regiones. La primera de estas fuentes corresponde a medidas de irradiación global diaria en el plano horizontal realizadas por los piranómetros de la red de estaciones meteorológicas del Sistema de Información Agroclimática del Regadío (SIAR), perteneciente al Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Rural y Marino. Esta red está compuesta por más de 360 estaciones ubicadas en once Comunidades Autónomas de la España peninsular. La otra fuente de comparación es un conjunto de imágenes de satélite proporcionadas por la iniciativa denominada ``The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring'' (CM-SAF).
Las plantas solares fotovoltaicas, que son cada vez más habituales en nuestra sociedad, necesitan contar con un sistema de comunicaciones que permita la monitorización continua del funcionamiento de los diferentes equipos así como el control remoto de los mismos y la regulación de la producción. En este Proyecto se ha estudiado la estructura eléctrica y constructiva de una planta fotovoltaica genérica, prestando especial atención a los requerimientos que debe reunir el sistema de comunicaciones. El diseño del sistema de comunicaciones se ha realizado sobre una planta solar ficticia aún sin construir analizando su estructura sobre plano y aproximando la topología de red que se necesita implementar. Partiendo de esta estructura y de las cualidades de este tipo de instalaciones se ha realizado un análisis de las tecnologías disponibles, optando por una solución inalámbrica mixta, utilizando enlaces WiMAX y WiFi, manteniendo tecnología cableada únicamente para interconexión cercana de equipos. Esta elección se ha realizado con la intención de dotar a la planta de un sistema fiable, robusto y flexible sin descuidar el factor económico; para eso se ha cuidado la selección de equipamiento, su disposición en la planta y su configuración básica de funcionamiento. A partir de la solución definitiva se ha obtenido un presupuesto económico de la instalación. Se ha completado el diseño mediante simulaciones radioeléctricas, para asegurar un correcto funcionamiento de los diferentes enlaces. The photovoltaic solar power plants, which are becoming more common in our society, need a communications system that allowing continuous monitoring of the operation of the different devices as well as their remote control and regulation of the production. In this Project, electrical structure and construction of a generic photovoltaic solar plant have been studied, paying special attention to the essential requirements which must be fulfilled by the communication system. The communication system design is was carried out assuming that photovoltaic solar plant is fictitious and before its construction, analysing its structure over site plan and approximating the net topology in order to implement it. The analysis of the available technologies was performed basing on this structure as well as the qualities of this kind of facilities. As a result, a wireless mix option with WIMAX and WiFi links was chosen, using cable technology only to the close interconnection between equipments. This choice was made with the intention of giving the plant with a reliable, robust and flexible system without neglecting the economic factor, so that, the selection of equipment, the layout at the plant and operating basic configuration have been paid great attention. From the final solution is obtained a financial budget of the facility. Design is completed by radioelectric simulations to ensure the operation of the several links properly.
El objetivo de este proyecto es estudiar la viabilidad de una central híbrida solar-ciclo combinado (ISCC) en Argelia. La planta consiste en un ciclo combinado basado en dos turbinas de gas de 42 MW cada una y una turbina de vapor de 60 MW de los cuales 20 MW se deben al campo solar, siendo la potencia eléctrica de la planta 144 MW. El campo solar se ha dimensionado para obtener una contribución solar del 5% sobre la producción eléctrica anual de la instalación. La tecnología solar utilizada es la de colectores cilindro parabólicos. La integración del vapor solar en el ciclo combinado se ha considerado como vapor de alta presión ligeramente sobrecalentado. El agua de alimentación al generador de vapor solar es agua precalentada en el ciclo combinado. Para proceder al diseño de la planta se ha utilizado la herramienta GT-PRO. Se ha analizado la alternativa de incluir un sistema de almacenamiento térmico de 7,5 horas con el objetivo de mejorar el aprovechamiento de la energía del campo solar y reducir así el dumping. Finalmente, para ambas alternativas de planta se ha estimado el balance anual de energía a fin de estudiar cuál de ellas conlleva una mayor rentabilidad económica.