929 resultados para Single Equation Models
Enzyme-mediated decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) is controlled, amongst other factors, by organic matter properties and by the microbial decomposer community present. Since microbial community composition and SOM properties are often interrelated and both change with soil depth, the drivers of enzymatic decomposition are hard to dissect. We investigated soils from three regions in the Siberian Arctic, where carbon rich topsoil material has been incorporated into the subsoil (cryoturbation). We took advantage of this subduction to test if SOM properties shape microbial community composition, and to identify controls of both on enzyme activities. We found that microbial community composition (estimated by phospholipid fatty acid analysis), was similar in cryoturbated material and in surrounding subsoil, although carbon and nitrogen contents were similar in cryoturbated material and topsoils. This suggests that the microbial community in cryoturbated material was not well adapted to SOM properties. We also measured three potential enzyme activities (cellobiohydrolase, leucine-amino-peptidase and phenoloxidase) and used structural equation models (SEMs) to identify direct and indirect drivers of the three enzyme activities. The models included microbial community composition, carbon and nitrogen contents, clay content, water content, and pH. Models for regular horizons, excluding cryoturbated material, showed that all enzyme activities were mainly controlled by carbon or nitrogen. Microbial community composition had no effect. In contrast, models for cryoturbated material showed that enzyme activities were also related to microbial community composition. The additional control of microbial community composition could have restrained enzyme activities and furthermore decomposition in general. The functional decoupling of SOM properties and microbial community composition might thus be one of the reasons for low decomposition rates and the persistence of 400 Gt carbon stored in cryoturbated material.
We estimate the monthly volatility of the US economy from 1968 to 2006 by extending the coincidentindex model of Stock and Watson (1991). Our volatility index, which we call VOLINX, hasfour applications. First, it sheds light on the Great Moderation. VOLINX captures the decrease in thevolatility in the mid-80s as well as the different episodes of stress over the sample period. In the 70sand early 80s the stagflation and the two oil crises marked the pace of the volatility whereas 09/11 is themost relevant shock after the moderation. Second, it helps to understand the economic indicators thatcause volatility. While the main determinant of the coincident index is industrial production, VOLINXis mainly affected by employment and income. Third, it adapts the confidence bands of the forecasts.In and out-of-sample evaluations show that the confidence bands may differ up to 50% with respect to amodel with constant variance. Last, the methodology we use permits us to estimate monthly GDP, whichhas conditional volatility that is partly explained by VOLINX. These applications can be used by policymakers for monitoring and surveillance of the stress of the economy.
The goal of this study was to examine the antecedents and correlates of children’s mental representations of attachment at 5 years (Attachment Story Completion Task, Bretherton, Ridgeway, & Cassidy, 1990; MacArthur Story Stem Battery, Bretherton, Oppenheim, Buchsbaum, Emde, & the MacArthur Narrative Group, 1990). Predictors included children’s attachment security with mothers and fathers assessed via the Attachment Q-Set (AQS, Waters, 1987) at 3 years, and parent-child narrative quality regarding positive and negative events at 5 years. Participants included 71 children and their mothers and fathers. Structural equation models (SEM) indicated that children’s attachment security exerted a significant indirect effect on children’s mental representations through parent-child narrative quality. Specifically, children’s attachment security with fathers was related to their mental representations via father-child reminiscing about positive events, and children’s attachment security with mothers was related to their mental representations via mother-child reminiscing about negative events. Results are discussed in terms of the development and implications of attachment relationships within the family context.
Pour permettre de mieux comprendre la problématique du désengagement des adolescents en éducation physique et aussi à l’endroit de l’activité physique en général, la présente étude avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens entre, d’une part, le climat motivationnel en classe d’éducation physique (maîtrise et performance) et les besoins psychologiques des élèves des deux sexes (compétence, autonomie et appartenance) et, d’autre part, les buts d’accomplissement (maîtrise, performance-approche et performance-évitement) poursuivis en éducation physique. Elle visait aussi à examiner l’impact des buts d’accomplissement sur les attitudes et habitudes des adolescents à l’endroit de l’activité physique en général. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, 909 élèves (âge moyen = 13,87[0,94]) ont rempli des questionnaires à items auto-révélés à trois reprises pendant l’année scolaire. Des modèles d’équations structurelles (AMOS 22), des analyses d’invariance ainsi que l’approche sans contrainte ont servi à analyser les données. Les résultats indiquent que les buts d’accomplissement des élèves varient en fonction du climat motivationnel perçu et que le sentiment de compétence entretient une relation positive avec les trois buts d’accomplissement. Ces relations étaient invariantes selon le sexe des élèves. Par ailleurs, une seule interaction climat-besoin s’est avérée significative : l’interaction entre le climat de maîtrise et le sentiment d’autonomie prédit négativement l’adoption de buts de performance-évitement. Cela signifie que la perception d’un climat de maîtrise réduit l’adoption de buts de performance-évitement par les élèves, mais seulement lorsque ceux-ci affichent un fort sentiment d’autonomie. Finalement, l’adoption de buts de maîtrise et de buts de performance-approche en éducation physique exerce une influence positive sur les attitudes des élèves qui, à leur tour, influencent leurs habitudes en activité physique. Seule l’adoption de buts de performance-approche entretient une relation positive directe avec les habitudes des élèves. En conclusion, l’enseignant d’éducation physique peut agir sur la motivation et l’engagement des élèves en classe, mais aussi à l’extérieur des cours, en instaurant un climat motivationnel de maîtrise et en aidant les élèves à satisfaire leur besoin de compétence.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
The introduction of delays into ordinary or partial differential equation models is well known to facilitate the production of rich dynamics ranging from periodic solutions through to spatio-temporal chaos. In this paper we consider a class of scalar partial differential equations with a delayed threshold nonlinearity which admits exact solutions for equilibria, periodic orbits and travelling waves. Importantly we show how the spectra of periodic and travelling wave solutions can be determined in terms of the zeros of a complex analytic function. Using this as a computational tool to determine stability we show that delays can have very different effects on threshold systems with negative as opposed to positive feedback. Direct numerical simulations are used to confirm our bifurcation analysis, and to probe some of the rich behaviour possible for mixed feedback.
Nonpoint sources (NPS) pollution from agriculture is the leading source of water quality impairment in U.S. rivers and streams, and a major contributor to lakes, wetlands, estuaries and coastal waters (U.S. EPA 2016). Using data from a survey of farmers in Maryland, this dissertation examines the effects of a cost sharing policy designed to encourage adoption of conservation practices that reduce NPS pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. This watershed is the site of the largest Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implemented to date, making it an important setting in the U.S. for water quality policy. I study two main questions related to the reduction of NPS pollution from agriculture. First, I examine the issue of additionality of cost sharing payments by estimating the direct effect of cover crop cost sharing on the acres of cover crops, and the indirect effect of cover crop cost sharing on the acres of two other practices: conservation tillage and contour/strip cropping. A two-stage simultaneous equation approach is used to correct for voluntary self-selection into cost sharing programs and account for substitution effects among conservation practices. Quasi-random Halton sequences are employed to solve the system of equations for conservation practice acreage and to minimize the computational burden involved. By considering patterns of agronomic complementarity or substitution among conservation practices (Blum et al., 1997; USDA SARE, 2012), this analysis estimates water quality impacts of the crowding-in or crowding-out of private investment in conservation due to public incentive payments. Second, I connect the econometric behavioral results with model parameters from the EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program to conduct a policy simulation on water quality effects. I expand the econometric model to also consider the potential loss of vegetative cover due to cropland incentive payments, or slippage (Lichtenberg and Smith-Ramirez, 2011). Econometric results are linked with the Chesapeake Bay Program watershed model to estimate the change in abatement levels and costs for nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment under various behavioral scenarios. Finally, I use inverse sampling weights to derive statewide abatement quantities and costs for each of these pollutants, comparing these with TMDL targets for agriculture in Maryland.
Para fazer face às exigências da sociedade, as organizações têm a necessidade de desenvolver esforços de modo a aumentar a sua performance, através de práticas de gestão estratégica de recursos humanos. Nesta dissertação iremos aprofundar o estudo do modelo proposto por Marr (2009) para explicar a Cultura Orientada para o Desempenho e demonstrar os efeitos que a cultura tem nos Sistemas de Gestão de Desempenho, utilizando os Modelos de Equações Estruturais, através da análise de respostas obtidas sobre 325 colaboradores de empresas portuguesas do sector público e privado. Desta análise resultou a confirmação das quatro dimensões latentes de Cultura Organizacional propostas pelo autor, através da Análise Factorial Confirmatória, revelando também a sua importância e contributos diferenciados no Sistema de Gestão de Desempenho de uma organização. De um modo geral, verificou-se que as dimensões da Cultura contribuem de forma positiva para o aumento da eficácia de um Sistema de Gestão de Desempenho, alinhado com o modelo conceptual proposto e enfatizando a importância de se estudar as dimensões de Cultura e de Sistemas de Gestão de Desempenho de forma simultânea.
Research on attitudes toward seeking professional help among college students has examined the influence of social class and stigma. This study tested 4 theoretically and empirically derived structural equation models of college students’ attitudes toward seeking counseling with a sample of 2230 incoming university students. The models represented competing hypotheses regarding the manners in which objective social class, subjective social class, classism, public stigma, stigma by close others, and self-stigma related to attitudes toward seeking professional help. Findings supported the social class direct and indirect effects model, as well as the notion that classism and stigma domains could explain the indirect relationships between social class and attitudes. Study limitations, future directions for research, and implications for counseling are discussed.
En éste artículo se analiza las características y dimensiones de los indicadores de las Estrategias Genéricas (Porter, 1980) y de los Cuadro de Mando Integral (Kaplan y Norton, 1992), para posteriormente integrarlas y conjugarlas con el propósito de conformar un “Modelo de Medición de la Gestión Estrategia mediante una Estructura del Cuadro de Mando Integral para el Sector Manufacturero de Talabartería y Guarnicionería de Venezuela” (CMI-EGP). Los datos fueron recolectados con dos cuestionarios basados en dimensiones de éstas dos teorías, relacionadas con la alineación entre el recurso humano y la gestión organizacional. Es decir, donde cada dependencia busca alinear los enfoques estratégicos propios de la organización, para así convertirse en un factor de éxito. La metodología empírica empleada esta basada en la técnica de reducción de datos o análisis factorial y por un análisis confirmatorio mediante la técnica Structural Equation Models (SEM), que es una herramienta integral de modelización multiecuacional que fusiona la econometría con los principios de medición de la psicología y la sociología. Esta técnica estadística de análisis multivariante tiene como objetivos primordiales, el aumentar la capacidad explicativa del investigador y la eficacia estadística. La investigación proporciona una modelización confirmatoria que correlaciona las variables latentes y manifiestas, que determinan el grado de relación y alineación entre las cuatro perspectivas de cuadro de mando integral (procesos internos, financieros, del cliente y aprendizaje y crecimiento) y las estrategias genéricas de Porter. Para el procesamiento se emplea el software LISREL versión más reciente 8.8 del año 2009, que es un programa usado en el análisis de ecuaciones estructurales, que fue desarrollado en los años setenta por Karl Jöreskog y Dag Sörbom, ambos profesores de la Universidad de Upsala, Suecia.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Políticas de Desenvolvimento dos Recursos Humanos
In this paper, the problems of three carrier phase ambiguity resolution (TCAR) and position estimation (PE) are generalized as real time GNSS data processing problems for a continuously observing network on large scale. In order to describe these problems, a general linear equation system is presented to uniform various geometry-free, geometry-based and geometry-constrained TCAR models, along with state transition questions between observation times. With this general formulation, generalized TCAR solutions are given to cover different real time GNSS data processing scenarios, and various simplified integer solutions, such as geometry-free rounding and geometry-based LAMBDA solutions with single and multiple-epoch measurements. In fact, various ambiguity resolution (AR) solutions differ in the floating ambiguity estimation and integer ambiguity search processes, but their theoretical equivalence remains under the same observational systems models and statistical assumptions. TCAR performance benefits as outlined from the data analyses in some recent literatures are reviewed, showing profound implications for the future GNSS development from both technology and application perspectives.
Continuum diffusion models are often used to represent the collective motion of cell populations. Most previous studies have simply used linear diffusion to represent collective cell spreading, while others found that degenerate nonlinear diffusion provides a better match to experimental cell density profiles. In the cell modeling literature there is no guidance available with regard to which approach is more appropriate for representing the spreading of cell populations. Furthermore, there is no knowledge of particular experimental measurements that can be made to distinguish between situations where these two models are appropriate. Here we provide a link between individual-based and continuum models using a multi-scale approach in which we analyze the collective motion of a population of interacting agents in a generalized lattice-based exclusion process. For round agents that occupy a single lattice site, we find that the relevant continuum description of the system is a linear diffusion equation, whereas for elongated rod-shaped agents that occupy L adjacent lattice sites we find that the relevant continuum description is connected to the porous media equation (pme). The exponent in the nonlinear diffusivity function is related to the aspect ratio of the agents. Our work provides a physical connection between modeling collective cell spreading and the use of either the linear diffusion equation or the pme to represent cell density profiles. Results suggest that when using continuum models to represent cell population spreading, we should take care to account for variations in the cell aspect ratio because different aspect ratios lead to different continuum models.
A discrete agent-based model on a periodic lattice of arbitrary dimension is considered. Agents move to nearest-neighbor sites by a motility mechanism accounting for general interactions, which may include volume exclusion. The partial differential equation describing the average occupancy of the agent population is derived systematically. A diffusion equation arises for all types of interactions and is nonlinear except for the simplest interactions. In addition, multiple species of interacting subpopulations give rise to an advection-diffusion equation for each subpopulation. This work extends and generalizes previous specific results, providing a construction method for determining the transport coefficients in terms of a single conditional transition probability, which depends on the occupancy of sites in an influence region. These coefficients characterize the diffusion of agents in a crowded environment in biological and physical processes.