988 resultados para Shrimp Penaeus-monodon
Corn starch, gelatin, sago palm starch, agar, and bread flour were tested for their binding capacity in pelleted diets for Penaeus monodon . Agar was found to be good binder, but it costs too much, while bread flour was also good but as it's commonly used for human comsumption its use for animal feed should be minimized. The use of 20% bread flour, or a combination of 5% sago palm starch or corn starch with 15% bread flour is recommended, depending on the cost and availability. Basic composition of the formulated diet is tabulated, as is water stability of 2 and 4 mm diameter steamed pellets after 2, 6 and 18 h.
Pure cultures of Haliphthoros philippinensis, isolated from infected Penaeus monodon larvae, were exposed for 24 hours to varying concentrations of antifungal agents. The efficiency of each agent to inhibit sporulation and mycelial growth was measured. Effects on P. monodon eggs and larvae were also investigated. It is concluded that preliminary bioassay of larval tolerance to the suggested effective doses should always be made prior to prophylaxix or therapeutic applications.
The study aimed to find a cheap and practical method of extracting mimosine from Leucaena leucocephala, otherwise known as ipil-ipil in the Philippines. L. leucocephala leaves are used in cattle, poultry and swine feed and have been tried as a food ingredient in some fish diets. While it contains relatively high amount of protein, its use as feed has been limited because of the presence of toxic substance, mimosine. Findings revealed that soaking the leaves in water was highly efficient for the extraction of mimosine, the longer the duration of soaking the more mimosine was extracted. On the other hand, 87 % of the juveniles Penaeus monodon fed with diets containing L. leucocephala leaves soaked for 24 hours survived, much higher compared to those that were fed with unsoaked leaves for eight weeks.
The study was undertaken to ascertain the commercially important species of penaeid prawns caught in Batan Bay, Philippines and their abundance in fish corrals. A total of 12 species were commercially caught: Penaeus monodon, P. semisulcatus, P. merguiensis, P. indicus, P. latisulcatus, P. japonicus, P. canaliculatus, Metapenaeus ensis, M. endeavouri, M. dalli, M. elegans, and Trachypenaeus fulvus.
应用地高辛标记的对虾白斑杆状病毒 (whitespotsyndromebaculovirus,WSSV)核酸探针 ,与人工感染后不同时间采集的对虾组织样品进行原位杂交 ,以动态研究病毒从侵染至对虾发病死亡的过程。将典型感染WSSV的病虾组织投喂健康对虾 ,结果显示 :WSSV首先通过侵染消化道上皮进入虾体内增殖 ,此后随着细胞裂解、病毒粒子释放 ,游离的病毒粒子伴随血淋巴循环进而侵染其它靶组织 ,直至对虾发病死亡。
Phylogenetic relationships within Metapenaeopsis remain largely unknown. The modern revision of the genus suggests that the shape of the petasma, followed by the presence of a stidulating organ, are the most important distinguishing taxonomic features. In the present study, phylogenetic relationships were studied among seven Metapenaeopsis species from the Indo-West Pacific based on partial sequences of mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) genes. Mean sequence divergence was 6.4% for 16S and 15.8% for COI. A strikingly large nucleotide distance (10.0% for 16S and 16.9% for COI) was recorded between M. commensalis, the only Indo-West Pacific species with a one-valved petasma, and the other species with a two-valved petasma. Phylogenetic analyses using neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood generated mostly identical tree topologies in which M. commensalis is distantly related to the other species. Two clades were resolved for the remaining species, one with and the other without a stridulating organ, supporting the main groupings of the recent taxonomic revision. Results of the present study also indicate that the deep-water forms represent a relatively recent radiation in Metapenaeopsis.
Serine proteinase homologues (SPHs), as one of prophenoloxiase-activating factors (PPAFs), play critical roles in innate immunity of crabs. Based on an EST from the eyestalk full length cDNA library, the complete cDNA (designated as PtSPH) and genomic DNA of SPH from the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus were cloned in this study. The estimated molecular weight of mature PtSPH (354 amino acids) was 38.7 kDa and its isoelectric point was 5.08. Multiple sequence alignment revealed that PtSPH lacked a catalytic residue with a substitution of Ser in the active site triad to Gly. Phylogenetic analysis indicated PtSPH together with PPAFs of Callinectes sapidus (AAS60227), Eriocheir sinensis (ACU65942), Penaeus monodon (ABE03741, ACP19563) and Pacifastacus leniusculus (ACB41380), formed a distinct cluster which only included clip-SPHs. As the first analyzed genomic structure of PPAFs in crustaceans, two introns were found in the open reading frame region of this gene. The mRNA transcripts of PtSPH could be detected in all the examined tissues, and were higher expressed in the eyestalk than that in gill, hepatopancreas, haemocytes and muscle. Accompanied with the change in phenoloxidase (PO) activity and total haemocyte counts, the temporal expression of PtSPH gene in haemocytes after Vibrio alginolyticus challenge demonstrated a clear time-dependent expression pattern with two peaks within the experimental period of 32 h. These findings suggest that PtSPH is involved in the antibacterial defense mechanism of Portunus tritubercualtus crab. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Residues of enrofloxacin, furazolidone and their metabolites in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
The residues of enrofloxacin and its metabolite in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) were studied after oral dose of 50 mg/kg for 7 days. To find the differences between Nile tilapia and Chinese shrimp (Penaeus chinensis), the residues of enrofloxacin in P chinensis were also studied under the same conditions. The results showed that enrofloxacin metabolized into ciprofloxacin in both Nile tilapia and P chinensis, the maximal concentration of enrofloxacin in muscle, liver and plasma of Nile tilapia were 3.61 mu g/g, 5.96 mu g/g, 1.25 mu g/ml respectively, and ciprofloxacin in muscle was 0.22 mu g/g. The maximal concentration of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in P chinensis were 1.68 mu g/g and 0.07 mu g/g respectively. The predicted withdrawal time for Nile tilapia was 22 days, and P. chinensis was 12 days under our experiment conditions. The residues of fitrazolidone [3-(5-nitrofurfurylidenamino)-2-oxazolidinone] and its main metabolite 3-amina-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) in Nile tilapia were first determined by HPLC/MS. Results showed that after oral dose of 30 mg/kg for 7 days, the maximum concentration of farazolidone in Nile tilapia was 413 mu g/kg after 6 h, whereas AOZ residue reached its maximum (31 mu g/kg) right after stopping treatment. In contrast to the high metabolic rate of furazolidone, AOZ was very difficult to eliminate in vivo, thus the withdrawal time of furazolidone in Nile tilapia was 22 days at least. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Persistence of the antivibrio property of the potential antagonistic probiotics, Pseudomonas MCCB 102 and 103, at di¡erent temperatures, pH and in organic solvents was studied. The antivibrio compound was extracted, puri¢ed and characterized using thin-layer chromatography, high-pressure liquid chromatography, liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy, UV^ Vis and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and identi¢ed as N-methyl-1-hydroxyphenazine, a phenazine antibiotic. The toxicity of the compound was tested in Penaeus monodon haemocyte culture and the IC50 valuewas found to be1.4 0.31mg L 1. The compound was found to be bacteriostatic at 0.5mg L 1. Its stability to varying temperature, pH, organic solvents, prolonged shelf-life and vibriostatic nature point to its suitability for prophylatic aquaculture application.
BACKGROUND: A packed bed bioreactor (PBBR) activated with an indigenous nitrifying bacterial consortia was developed and commercialized for rapid establishment of nitrification in brackish water and marine hatchery systems in the tropics. The present study evaluated nitrification in PBBR integrated into a Penaeus monodon recirculating maturation system under different substrate concentrations and flow rates. RESULTS:Instantnitrificationwasobservedafter integration ofPBBRinto thematuration system.TANandNO2-Nconcentrations were always maintained below0.5 mg L−1 during operation. The TANandNO2-N removalwas significant (P < 0.001) in all the six reactor compartments of the PBBR having the substrates at initial concentrations of 2, 5 and 10 mg L−1. The average volumetric TAN removal rates increased with flow rates from 43.51 (250 L h−1) to 130.44 (2500 L h−1) gTAN m−3 day−1 (P < 0.05). FISH analysis of the biofilms after 70 days of operation gave positive results with probes NSO 190 ((β ammonia oxidizers), NsV 443 (Nitrosospira spp.) NEU (halophilic Nitrosomonas), Ntspa 712 (Phylum Nitrospira) indicating stability of the consortia. CONCLUSION: The PBBR integrated into the P. monodon maturation system exhibited significant nitrification upon operation for 70 days as well as at different substrate concentrations and flow rates. This system can easily be integrated into marine and brackish water aquaculture systems, to establish instantaneous nitrification
Ao longo das últimas décadas, a carcinicultura vem apresentando um grande crescimento em diversas partes do mundo, com o Brasil seguindo esta tendência mundial (FAO, 2004). Nesta atividade três espécies de camarão têm se destacado como as mais cultivadas, sendo elas Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798), Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Osbeck, 1765) e Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931), responsáveis por cerca de 80% da produção mundial (FAO, 2004). No Brasil L. vannamei é a espécie mais cultivada, com a produção brasileira correspondendo a 5% da produção mundial (FAO, 2004). L. vannamei é uma espécie marinha originária do Oceano Pacífico, distribuída do México ao Peru. Por ser eurihalino, este camarão pode se adaptar às mais diversas condições de cultivo, desde águas salgadas até de menores salinidades (BRAY et al., 1993; PONCE-PALAFOX et al., 1997), característica que tem aumentado o interesse dos produtores. Embora seja exótica no Brasil, L. vannamei, mostra maior resistência à variação de temperatura e salinidade do que outros camarões peneídeos nativos (BRITO et al., 2000). O alimento do camarão e as estratégias de seu fornecimento têm merecido uma atenção especial do setor, gerando novas técnicas ou seu aperfeiçoamento. A ração nos sistemas de cultivo intensivo e semi-intensivo, por exemplo, é responsável por 50-60% dos custos totais de produção, demonstrando a importância de novas estratégias para minimizar sue uso. O aumento da biomassa do plâncton (alimento natural), e conseqüentemente, da cadeia alimentar, reduz os custos com a alimentação suplementar, influenciando diretamente os custos finais de produção (AVAULT, 2003). Segundo Nunes (1995), o incremento da produtividade natural é tão importante quanto o uso de uma ração nutricionalmente completa e bem balanceada. Logo após a introdução nos viveiros de cultivo, a base da alimentação de L. vannamei é composta, em parte, pelo alimento natural disponível (NUNES et al. 1997; MARTINEZ-CORDOVA et al. 1997; ROTHLISBERG, 1998) complementada com ração comercial. Martinez-Cordova et al. (2002) mostraram que as concentrações de clorofila ‘a’ diminuem cerca de 50% do início ao fim do cultivo, provavelmente devido a pastagem pelo zooplâncton e por alguns invertebrados bentônicos. Além da importância do zooplâncton como alimento para as pós-larvas de camarão nos viveiros de engorda, o uso destes organismos (principalmente copépodes) como alimento vivo na aqüicultura marinha vem recebendo grande atenção nos últimos anos (DELBARE et al. 1996). Tal fato ocorre por serem ricos em fosfolipídios, ácidos graxos essenciais altamente insaturados e antioxidantes naturais, sendo nutricionalmente superiores aos rotíferos e aos náuplios de artemia, comumente usados na larvicultura marinha (SARGENT et al. 1997, STOTTRUP e NOSKER, 1997) promovendo o sucesso as larviculturas de camarão (PAYNE et al. 1998; SCHIPP et al. 1999; PAYNE e RIPPINGALE, 2000). Desta forma, estudos sobre o cultivo intensivo de camarões marinhos que enfoquem a composição da comunidade planctônica, as variáveis bióticas e abióticas no sistema, e a característica dos efluentes gerados, são de grande importância. Assim, os resultados obtidos podem incrementar a produtividade aquática no cultivo, alem de fornecer subsídios para pesquisas posteriores de avaliação e mitigação dos impactos ambientais causados por esta atividade.
Rapid in vitro methods for measuring digestibility may be useful in analysing aqua feeds if the extent and limits of their application are clearly defined. The pH-stat protein digestibility routine with shrimp hepatopancreas enzymes was previously related to apparent protein digestibility with juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei fed diets containing different protein ingredients. The potential of the method to predict culture performance of shrimp fed six commercial feeds (T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T8) with 350 g kg(-1) declared crude-protein content was assessed. The consistency of results obtained using hepatopancreas enzyme extracts from either pond or clear water-raised shrimp was further verified in terms of reproducibility and possible diet history effects upon in vitro outputs. Shrimps were previously acclimated and then maintained over 56 days (initial mean weight 3.28 g) on each diet in 500-L tanks at 114 ind m(-2), clear water closed system with continuous renewal and mechanical filtering (50 mu m), with four replicates per treatment. Feeds were offered four times daily (six days a week) delivered in trays at feeding rates ranging from 4.0% to 7.0% of stocked shrimp biomass. Feed was accessible to shrimp 4 h daily for 1-h feeding period after which uneaten feed was recovered. Growth and survival were determined every 14 days from a sample of 16 individuals per tank. Water quality was monitored daily (pH, temperature and salinity) and managed by water back flushing filter cleaning every 7-10 days. Feeds were analysed for crude protein, gross energy, amino acids and pepsin digestibility. In vitro pH-stat degree of protein hydrolysis (DH%) was determined for each feed using hepatopancreas enzyme extracts from experimental (clear water) or pond-raised shrimp. Feeds resulted in significant differences in shrimp performance (P < 0.05) as seen by the differences in growth rates (0.56-0.98 g week(-1)), final weight and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Shrimp performance and in vitro DH% with pond-raised shrimp enzymes showed significant correlation (P < 0.05) for yield (R-2 = 0.72), growth rates (R-2 = 0.72-0.80) and FCR (R-2 = -0.67). Other feed attributes (protein : energy ratio, amino acids, true protein, non-protein nitrogen contents and in vitro pepsin digestibility) showed none or limited correlation with shrimp culture performance. Additional correlations were found between growth rates and methionine (R-2 = 0.73), FCR and histidine (R-2 = -0.60), and DH% and methionine or methionine+cystine feed contents (R-2 = 0.67-0.92). pH-stat assays with shrimp enzymes generated reproducible DH% results with either pond (CV <= 6.5%) or clear water (CV <= 8.5%) hepatopancreas enzyme sources. Moreover, correlations between shrimp growth rates and feed DH% were significant regardless of the enzyme origin (pond or clear water-raised shrimp) and showed consistent R-2 values. Results suggest the feasibility of using standardized hepatopancreas enzyme extracts for in vitro protein digestibility.
We have recently shown that the majority of allergens can be represented by allergen motifs. This observation prompted us to experimentally investigate the synthesized peptides corresponding to the in silico motifs with regard to potential IgE binding and cross-reactions with allergens. Two motifs were selected as examples to conduct in vitro studies. From the first motif, derived from allergenic MnSOD sequences, the motif stretch of the allergen Asp f 6 was selected and synthesized as a peptide (MnSOD Mot). The corresponding full-length MnSOD was also expressed in Escherichia coli and both were compared for IgE reactivity with sera of patients reacting to the MnSOD of Aspergillus fumigatus or Malassezia sympodialis. For the second motif, the invertebrate tropomyosin sequences were aligned and a motif consensus sequence was expressed as a recombinant protein (Trop Mot). The IgE reactivity of Trop Mot was analyzed in ELISA and compared to that of recombinant tropomyosin from the shrimp Penaeus aztecus (rPen a 1) in ImmunoCAP. MnSOD Mot was weakly recognized by some of the tested sera, suggesting that the IgE binding epitopes of a multimeric globular protein such as MnSOD cannot be fully represented by a motif peptide. In contrast, the motif Trop Mot showed the same IgE reactivity as shrimp full-length tropomyosin, indicating that the major allergenic reactivity of a repetitive structure such as tropomyosin can be covered by a motif peptide. Our results suggest that the motif-generating algorithm may be used for identifying major IgE binding structures of coiled-coil proteins.
The ornate tropical rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus has substantial potential as an aquaculture species though disease outbreaks during the animal's extended larval lifecycle are major constraints for success. In order to effectively address such disease-related issues, an improved understanding of the composition and dynamics of the microbial communities in the larval rearing tanks is required. This study used flow cytometry and molecular microbial techniques (clone libraries and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)) to quantify and characterise the microbial community of the water column in the early stages (developmental stage I-II) of a P. ornatus larval rearing system. DGGE analysis of a 5000 L larval rearing trial demonstrated a dynamic microbial community with distinct changes in the community structure after initial stocking (day I to day 2) and from day 4 to day 5, after which the structure was relatively stable. Flow cytometry analysis of water samples taken over the duration of the trial demonstrated a major increase in bacterial load leading up to and peaking on the first day of the initial larval moult (day 7), before markedly decreasing prior to when > 50% of larvae moulted (day 9). A clone library of a day 10 water sample taken following a mass larval mortality event reflected high microbial diversity confirmed by statistical analysis indices. Sequences retrieved from both clone library and DGGE analyses were dominated by gamma- and alpha-Proteobacteria affiliated organisms with additional sequences affiliated with beta- and epsilon-Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cytophagales and Chlamydiales groups. Vibrio affiliated species were commonly retrieved in the clone library, though absent from DGGE analysis.