899 resultados para Sexually transmitted infection


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Objective: the urethra is the main port of entry of sexually transmitted pathogens. However, papers on the morphology of the urethra are scarce. The Mongolian gerbil is a rodent native of the Mongolia and China and has been utilized as a laboratory animal since the 1960s. This work describes the ultrastructure of the urethra of the Mongolian gerbil to provide data for future experimental studies. Methods: the urethra of ten adult male gerbils was studied by transmission electron microscopy. Results: the epithelium of the pelvic urethra possesses two cell types: I and II, without the formation of cellular layers, while the penile urethra possesses cellular layers: basal, intermediate and superficial. The urethra presents neurosecretory cells belonging to the amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation system. Conclusions: the urethral epithelium of the gerbil is a neurosecretory epithelium, part of the amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation system.


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Selection favors females that attend to reliable information about male genetic quality and fitness. Male nutritional condition can be a significant sign of mate quality since poor nutrition can be related to reduced sperm quality, low sperm quantity, sexually transmitted diseases, and parasites. We tested whether female Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, preferred the chemical cues of males that were well fed with high-protein diet over those fed with low-protein diet. Females do not only discriminate between males but also show a preference for well-fed males, discriminating between the odors with respect to nutritional state, suggesting that they were responding to a food-specific chemical cue. It is therefore likely that nutritional condition is related to the production of pheromones in males. Our results suggest that information about male nutritional state can be conveyed in chemical cues and that females attend to these cues during mate choice.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi descrever a experiência de construção e aplicação de uma proposta pedagógica no campo da educação sexual, fundamentada em algumas premissas contidas na concepção de Paulo Freire, visando atender adolescentes de uma comunidade carente do interior paulista. A partir dos questionamentos iniciais levantados pelos jovens foram realizados quatro encontros focando questões sobre sexualidade, anatomia e fisiologia humana, métodos anticoncepcionais e DST/Aids. Com a realização desse trabalho, os jovens tiveram oportunidade de participar de um processo educativo que possibilitou, pelo resgate de suas próprias experiências e crenças, a reflexão sobre sua autonomia na vivência de uma sexualidade saudável, respeitando a si próprio e ao outro.


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Trichomonas vaginalis is the flagellate that causes trichomonadiasis, a sexually transmitted disease. Immunological methods have been proposed for the study of antigenic characterization using strains isolated from different patients. This work compares protease profiles from the different strains using gelatin containing polyacrylamide gels to analyse the protease activity. High molecular weight proteases (20 to 100 kDa) were found on gels showing quantitative differences. Human IgG antiproteases were detected by immunoblotting using the same extracts. These proteases could be related with T. vaginalis pathogenesis.


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Objective: to review and describe the different organic and psychic consequences of sexual abuse. Methodology: 71 papers were sorted in a ten-year literature search (1987-1997) in MedLine and Lilacs (South American Literature Index), besides 14 books in the subject. Results: sexual abuse is much less frequent (or less reported) in Brazil: 7% of the population, while in the USA the prevalence is 12.9% to 28% of women and 2% to 9% of men. Results showed women being more frequently sexually abused but less differences in physical abuse were found between genders. There was a significant association between sexual abuse and the following: eating disorders, depression, irritable bowel, chronic pain (mainly pelvic), neurological, rheumatic and venereal disorders. This association was not observed in chronic constipation, Chron disease and dissociative disorders. Conclusions: although it is important to think of sexual/physical abuse as a predisposing factor to several illnesses, caution is necessary specially in cultures with different moral and ethical values. Research in this subject in Brazil should be conducted with patients in treatment, using control groups, in order to take advantage of the existing rapport. It would be also quite important to separate acute and chronic abuse effects, as well as getting to know the meaning of the experienced abuse to each person.


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The urethra is the main place of entry for sexually transmitted pathogens. However, there is little literature on the morphology of the urogenital system, principally the urethra and ducts of the sex accessory glands. The Mongolian gerbil is an insectivorous, herbivorous and monogamous rodent with nocturnal habits; it has been used successfully as a laboratory animal since the 1960s. Therefore, the objective of the present paper was to describe the structure and ultrastructure of the urethra and its relations to the ducts of the accessory sex glands of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), contributing to the understanding of the reproductive biology of the rodent and aiming to provide data for future experimental studies. Conventional techniques of light and scanning electron microscopy were utilized. The urethra and ducts of the accessory sex glands are similar to those of the albino rat and the mouse. However, there is variation in drainage type among accessory sex glands for the inner urethra. The ducts of the seminal vesicle, the ductus deferens, drain their contents independently into the ampullary duct that opens in the urethra. The ducts of the prostate, coagulating and bulbourethral glands drain their contents independently into the urethra.


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Objectives: To investigate if the participation of Atopobium vaginae, Megasphaera sp. and Leptotrichia sp. in the bacterial community of bacterial vaginosis (BV) is associated with distinct patterns of this condition. Methods: In this cross-sectional controlled study, 205 women with BV and 205 women with normal flora were included. Vaginal rinsing samples were obtained for measuring the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and bacterial sialidases. Real-time PCR was used to quantify the BV-associated bacteria and to estimate the total bacterial load using the 16S rRNA. Principal component analysis (PCA) using the measured parameters was performed to compare the BV samples with lower and higher loads of the species of interest. Results: Higher bacterial load (p<0.001), levels of interleukin 1-β (p<0.001) and sialidase activity (p<0.001) were associated with BV. Women with BV and higher relative loads of A vaginae, Megasphaera sp. and Leptotrichia sp. presented increased sialidase activity, but unchanged cytokine levels. PCA analysis did not indicate a different pattern of BV according to the loads of A vaginae, Megasphaera sp. and Leptotrichia sp. Conclusions: Greater participation of A vaginae, Megasphaera sp. and Leptotrichia sp. in vaginal bacterial community did not indicate a less severe form of BV; moreover, it was associated with increased sialidase activity.


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Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectious disease caused by Treponema pallidum. Cases of syphilis have increased in frequency and are challenging when affecting the elderly. The main causes of increased prevalence of syphilis are sexual promiscuity, lack of knowledge about the disease and decreasing use of barrier protection. Clinically, the oral manifestation of syphilis may resemble other entities, which hampers the correct diagnosis. We report a case of a 79-year-old male with weight loss and feeding difficulties. In the oral cavity there were ulcerative lesions in the hard palate and bilaterally in the buccal mucosa. The incisional biopsy revealed only a non-specific ulceration of the oral mucosa. After 20 days, the patient was re-evaluated and presented maculopapular lesions in the palmar and plantar areas. Positive serological venereal disease reference laboratory (VDRL) tests confirmed the diagnosis of secondary syphilis. The patient was treated with Benzathine penicillin G. After two weeks of treatment the oral lesion disappeared and the patient returned to normal feeding and gained weight. This case report reinforces the need to alert physicians and dentists to include sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis in the differential diagnosis of oral ulcerative lesions in elderly sexually active patients. © 2013 Australian Dental Association.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Noventa pacientes soropositivos para o HIV-1 foram estudados, visando-se a descrição de manifestações clínicas e de marcadores de outras doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, assim como de fatores demográficos e comportamentais que possam estar relacionados com a infecção pelo HIV-1 e em pacientes com SIDA/AIDS. A maioria dos entrevistados (83,3%) foi do sexo masculino, apresentou a média de idade 31,4 anos (variando entre 18 e 60 anos) e a distribuição da renda familiar mensal mostrou que 79,5% tinham um ganho inferior a cinco salários mínimos. Pelos menos um tipo de droga, foi consumido por 51,1%, sendo que 20.7% usaram droga não medicamentosa de uso injetável. Destes, 94,4% referiram antecedentes de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. A observação dos hábitos sexuais revelou que 41,6% eram bissexuais, 38,2% heterossexuais e 20,2% eram homossexuais. Cerca de 51,1% dos bissexuais usaram drogas injetáveis e todos referiram a prática de sexo anal e foram positivos para a presença de anticorpos para Chlamydia. A média de idade da primeira relação sexual com penetração foi de 14.7 anos, enquanto que a média de idade em que ocorreu a primeira doença sexualmente transmissível foi de 20.6 anos. A quase totalidade (95,5%) dos entrevistados tiveram múltiplos parceiros sexuais, antes do conhecimento da soropositividade para o HIV-1. Dentre os 90 soropositivos, 73,3% referiram antecedentes de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. Destes, 82,2% referiram a presença de secreção uretraI, de sífilis e de herpes simples. No momento da avaliação, 36,6% (33/90) apresentaram secreção uretral, anal e/ou vaginal, lesão genital, anal, perianal e/ou adenopatia inguinal, assim discriminado: Secreção (51,1%), vesículas (18,1%), lesão verrucosa (18,1%), Adenopatias iguinais ( 18,1% ), úlceras ( 12,1 %) e pápulas (6% ). A reação do VDRL foi positiva em 13,7% (11/80), sendo que neste grupo, 90,9% referiram a prática do sexo anal e 81,8% revelaram antecedentes de DST. Cerca de 96,4% (81/84) apresentaram anticorpos para Chlamydia, sendo que 81,8% revelaram a prática do sexo anal e 72,8% relataram antecedentes de DST .


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As doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST) estão entre os problemas de saúde pública mais comuns em todo o mundo, principalmente entre os adolescentes, pois eles são mais vulneráveis em relação à sexualidade, tanto em países industrializados como nos em desenvolvimento. Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar a prevalência de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis em escolares da rede pública municipal de ensino da área urbana do município de Porto Velho, Estado de Rondônia. Foram investigados 122 alunos da Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Marechal Joaquim Vicente Rondon, na faixa etária de 11 a 19 anos, através de questionário de autopreenchimento e coleta de amostras de sangue, secreção uretral e vaginal. O método sorológico ELISA (Ensaio imunoenzimático) e a bacterioscopia pelo método de Gram foram os testes utilizados para detecção e identificação de DST. 84,4% dos estudantes responderam saber o que é uma DST, 82,8% informaram que usavam preservativo durante as relações sexuais para prevenir DST, 11,5% não utilizavam o preservativo e 5,7% afirmaram que selecionavam seus parceiros sexuais. Foram examinadas 83 amostras de soro pelo teste ELISA e 41 esfregaços corados pelo método de Gram. A prevalência encontrada para Chlamydia foi de 65,3% no sexo feminino e 34,6% no sexo masculino. Os agentes biopatogênicos encontrados com mais freqüência foram Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida albicans e Trichomonas vaginalis.