954 resultados para Sexual development


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Sexual harassment complaints are predominantly resolved through confidential alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes rather than a tribunal hearing, so very little is known about the type of complaints which are made or how they are being resolved. This secrecy has created problems for the law’s development and its effectiveness. This article compares settlement agreements negotiated through ADR with tribunal orders, so as to identify whether ADR offers any additional benefits to the process of addressing sexual harassment and to identify changes to the process which would increase the law’s effectiveness while maintaining the benefits of ADR. Very little is known about the type of settlements negotiated in this jurisdiction, so the secondary purpose of the study is to provide information about how sexual harassment is being addressed.


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By analysing published research, and holding focus group discussions with counsellors, my thesis examines how the demands and practice of psychological measurement, understood as a scientific activity, have shaped, produced and constrained professional research and therapy concerning the effects of child sexual abuse.


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Estimate the prevalence of sexual behaviour and alcohol use and examine the association between excessive alcohol use and risky sexual behaviour in late secondary students in Victoria, Australia.

The sample of Year 11 students from government and independent schools participating in the 2008 International Youth Development Study (n=450) was representative of the Victorian school population. Logistic regression analyses examined the associations between sexual behaviour, binge and compulsive drinking, adjusting for socio-demographic, school and family factors.

Under half (44%) the students had experienced sex in the past year, half (50%) had engaged in binge drinking in the past two weeks and 26% reported compulsive drinking in the past year. Of those who reported sex in the past year (n=197), 34% had sex without a condom at the last sexual encounter and 28% later regretted sex due to alcohol. The likelihood of experiencing sex was increased by binge (OR=2.44, 95%CI 1.44-4.12) and compulsive drinking (OR=2.15, 95%CI 1.29-3.60). For those sexually active, binge drinking increased the risk of having three or more sexual partners (OR=3.37, 95%CI 1.11-10.26) and compulsive drinking increased the likelihood of regretted sex due to alcohol (OR=4.43, 95%CI 2.10-9.31). Excessive drinking was not associated with condom non-use.

Conclusion and implications

Risky sex – multiple sexual partners and regretted sex due to alcohol – and excessive drinking are highly prevalent and co-associated among Victorian late secondary students.


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 This thesis uses an autoethnographic approach to investigate how the construction of sexual scripts and sexual interactions of same-sex attracted men are influenced by the interaction and the intersection of sexual identity, desire, gender, emotional scripts and emotional geography; and points to implications for sexual counselling and education.


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Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) among adults is commonly observed in animals and is considered to be adaptive. However, the ontogenic emergence of SSD, i.e. the timing of divergence in body size between males and females, has only recently received attention. It is widely acknowledged that the ontogeny of SSD may differ between species, but it remains unclear how variable the ontogeny of SSD is within species. Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus and Snowy Plovers C. nivosus are closely related wader species that exhibit similar, moderate (c. 4%), male-biased adult SSD. To assess when SSD emerges we recorded tarsus length variation among 759 offspring in four populations of these species. Tarsus length of chicks was measured on the day of hatching and up to three times on recapture before fledging. In one population (Mexico, Snowy Plovers), males and females differed in size from the day of hatching, whereas growth rates differed between the sexes in two populations (Turkey and United Arab Emirates, both Kentish Plovers). In contrast, a fourth population (Cape Verde, Kentish Plovers) showed no significant SSD in juveniles. Our results suggest that adult SSD can emerge at different stages of development (prenatal, postnatal and post-juvenile) in different populations of the same species. We discuss the proximate mechanisms that may underlie these developmental differences.


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PURPOSE: We sought to examine cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment, and related risk factors among Australian, middle-aged, exclusively heterosexual women compared with sexual minority women (SMW; mainly heterosexual, bisexual, mainly lesbian, and lesbian). METHODS: Secondary data analysis of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health for women born in 1946 through 1951 (n = 10,451) included bivariate tests (i.e., contingency table analyses, independent t tests). RESULTS: SMW did not have significantly higher cancer diagnoses compared with exclusively heterosexual women, although they were more likely to report never having had a mammogram or pap smear. SMW were also significantly more likely to be high-risk drinkers (11.1% vs. 6.8%; p < .05), current smokers (15.1% vs. 8.3%; p < .001), report significantly higher rates of depression (mean ± SD; 6.4 ± 5.5 vs. 5.4 ± 5.1; p < .01.), have experienced physical abuse (10.2% vs. 5.1%; p < .001), and been in a violent relationship (27.2% vs. 12.8%; p < .001). CONCLUSION: SMW had higher rates of several known cancer risk factors, ostensibly placing them at higher risk of cancer as well as chronic health conditions. Further research is needed to determine whether increased risk results in increased cancer as these women age, and to inform the development of interventions to reduce the risk of disease for SMW.


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 This research explores personal stories of 16 Australian women aged 57 years and older who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. It privileges their views and examines how they managed the impact during their lives. The project contributes to professional knowledge by developing anti-ageist practices for social work and human services.


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This thesis provides a reading of the different forms of representation that can be attributed to the character Tashi, the protagonist of the novel Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992), written by the African American writer Alice Walker. Before this work Tashi had already appeared in two previous novels by Walker, first, in The Color Purple (1982) and then, as a mention, in The Temple of My Familiar (1989). With Tashi, the author introduces the issue of female circumcision, a ritual Tashi submits herself to at the beginning of her adult life. The focus of observation lies in the ways in which the author’s anger is transformed into a means of creative representation. Walker uses her novel Possessing the Secret of Joy openly as a political instrument so that the expression “female mutilation” (term used by the author) receives ample attention from the media and critics in general. The aim of this investigation is to evaluate to what extent Walker’s social engagement contributes to the development of her work and to what extent it undermines it. For the analysis of the different issues related to “female genital cutting”, the term I use in this thesis, the works of feminist critics and writers such as Ellen Gruenbaum, Lightfoot-Klein, Nancy Hartsock, Linda Nicholson, Efrat Tseëlon and the Egyptian writer and doctor Nawal El Saadawi will be consulted. I hope that this thesis can contribute as an observation about Alice Walker’s use of her social engagement in the creation of her fictional world.


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This dissertation approaches the children's sexual tourism and adolescents in the seafront of Natal/RN, in the Childhood and youth perspective and military policeman. It analyzes the sexual tourism as development source and of exploration, analyzing your dimensions in reality of Natal/RN, taking as empiric universe your urban seafront and the Independent Company of Tourist Protection, through the cash military policeman. That discussion contemplates theoretical elements, ruled mainly in Pierre Bourdieu theoretical analyses and Michel Foucault, ally to an empiric picture that possesses great specific as the Praia do Meio, Ponta Negra, Alagamar and Praia da Redinha, where they were applied techniques of observation no systematic, rising and bibliographical revision and glimpses semi-structured the white public composed of twenty-five military policemen close to and of fifteen children and adolescents. Along the text several discussions they are accomplished aiming at the understanding of the reality of the tourism-sexual childhood-juvenile, through the study on the body, of the sexuality, of the habitus, of the stigmatization, of the public safety and of the paper military policeman in this context. For the understanding of this reality the Subject's Bus of military policemen speech was proceeded and of children and adolescents, aiming at the understanding that each segment possesses of the other, and the analysis of the speech policeman military produce the perception of considering the childhood and youth that practices the sex tourism, as people originating from of families no restructured and that live social inequalities; while the other segment notices the military policeman as arbitrary and violent system.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Subject s identity is constituted in the relation with the other, which is characterized by dialeticity, and is configured as an identification and/or recognize movement, and strangeness and/or distance. In social interactions, people with whom subject relates himself assign meanings to him and, from these, the subject will ressignify, producing sense about himself. In other words, is through these interactions that subjects organizes themselves, recognize what is yours, and acquire the sense about themselves. It can be highlighted, too, the social-historic context s importance in the self-constitution process, whereas, from this, the subject produces particular forms of perception about reality charged with cultural meaning. Thus, the self-conception, the manners of thinking, of being, of relates, of take position against experiences, coming from values internalization, roles and related, are permeated by the manner witch the others relates themselves with the subject. However, when the relation with the other happens to be in a violent way, like in children sexual abuse, there are implications in the subjects constitution, whereas violates his physical and psychological integrities, as well as the rights of dignity, respect and even healthy physical, psychological and sexual developments. Therefore, this work aims to investigate how the identity process is constituted in children victims of sexual abuse. As specific aims the research proposes: 1) to characterize the relations between child and abuser, before and after the abuse act; 2) to identify images that the subjects, abuse victims, have about themselves and; 3) to identify the features of subject s relation with their own body. Toward this aims, procedures involving drawings, painting, collage, photography, activities with cardboard, colored pens, glue and tissue snips. The research took place at the Social Assistance Specialized Reference Center, where there is the treatment of children who suffered of rights violation, which includes sexual abuse. The research subjects were 3 girl children, between 6 and 10 years old, victims of sexual abuse. The corpus analyses was done through Thematic Content Analysis, structured in three meaning nucleus: 1) self-reference without the explicit attendance of other s discourse; 2) self-reference with the explicit attendance of other s discourse; 3) The other abuser. The analysis indicates that children, research subjects, have deteriorated images about themselves, about their bodies, which is consistent with the studies in the children and adolescents sexual violence field. In the other hand, were identified, too, self-references with positive values in the cases with mention about their way-of-being, which can be read as important to subject s development. About the other s discourse towards the subjects, were identified positive observations and found that these can contribute to subject s self-image reorganization. The contribution of negative comments, on the other hand, was showed in a more clear and incisive form in subject s constitution. There is, yet, an overvaluation of the other s discourse, so the meanings attributed toward them by the other are internalized, overshadowing the self-appreciation. To conclude, it can be highlighted that the need of psychological accompaniment of the children victims of sexual abuse, based on the possibility of this trauma experience elaboration, trying to overcome, as well as can be expected that this research s results contributes to the practices of professionals who work with subjects who have their rights violated


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The study does a analysis about the social participation of teenagers in the healthy sexual and reproductive Programs in Natal/RN city, in the perspective of Protagonism Juvenile, that presuppose the teenager condition like main actor and subject of the right and obligations. In front of this, the aim this search is to discuss and analyse the juvenile protagonism and theirpolitic , pedagogics and soscial means, to go off on to the participation of teenagers like social subject in the healthy sexual and reproductive Programs in Natal/Rn city. The way to the teoric reflexion this study privileged the approach historic-member, being assisted by quality methodology, to making useful an interview semistructured with teenagers, families and co-ordinators of the Programs. The social participation of the teenagers, in these programs, reaffirm itself like a proposal politic-pedagogical that contribute to the development of competences of the teenagers and improvement of habilities in the treatment of the questions about heathy sexual and reprodutive,valorizing the condition of the social subjects, in the perspective of the protagonism juvenile. The relevance this study to be detached by the contribution in the building and implementation of the programs politic-pedagogical, that affirm to the teenagers the condition of the right and obligations


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Genes on the X chromosome are known to be responsible for more than 200 hereditary diseases. After IVF, the simple selection of embryo sex before uterine transfer can prevent the occurrence of affected offspring among couples at risk for these genetic disorders. The aim of this investigation was to develop a rapid method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the sexing of human embryos, and to compare it to the fluorescence in-situ hybridization technique, considered to be the gold standard. After biopsies were obtained from 40 surplus non-viable embryos for transfer, a total of 98 blastomeres were analysed. It was possible to analyse 24 embryos (60%) by both techniques, generating a total of 70 blastomeres (35 per technique), white 28 blastomeres from 16 embryos (40%) were analysed only by real-time PCR. A rapid and safe method was developed in the present study for the sexual diagnosis of a single human cell (blastomere and buccal cell) using the emerging technology of real-time PCR. (C) 2009, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.