956 resultados para Sensorimotor filter
This paper presents the results of an experimental study of thermal effects on filter paper calibration curves used to obtain the soil suction. When the temperature is significantly different from ambient values, it is essential to consider the influence of temperature on the filter paper calibration curves to obtain a reliable soil suction measurement. The calibration curve of Whatman No. 42 filter paper was determined at 10 degrees C, 25 degrees C, and 50 degrees C using the vapor equilibrium technique with sodium chloride solutions at different concentrations and the axis translation technique. The experimental results showed a major influence of temperature on the filter paper calibration curves. Using the obtained experimental data a calibration equation was proposed, taking into account the effect of temperature. The obtained calibration curves were then used to determine the soil water retention curve of kaolin clay, which showed lower retention capacity at higher temperatures.
The filter paper method is one of the most commonly used and critiqued techniques for measuring soil suction. However, many aspects related to its use still require some clarification. The results of a comprehensive study on the effect of the contact between the soil grains and soil water and the filter paper are presented herein. We investigated the influence of the equilibration time, the texture of the porous material and the degree of contact, or lack thereof, between the soil grains and the filter paper using Miamian #42 and three different types of porous material. To enhance the difference between the total suction and the matrix suction, osmotic suction was induced by saturating the specimens with a sodium chloride solution.
A new methodology for the synthesis of tunable patch filters is presented. The methodology helps the designer to perform a theoretical analysis of the filter through a coupling matrix that includes the effect of the tuning elements used to tune the filter. This general methodology accounts for any tuning parameter desired and was applied to the design of a tunable dual-mode patch filter with independent control of center frequency and bandwidth (BW). The bandpass filter uses a single triangular resonator with two etched slots that split the fundamental degenerate modes and form the filter passband. Varactor diodes assembled across the slots are used to vary the frequency of each degenerate fundamental mode independently, which is feasible due to the nature of the coupling scheme of the filter. The varactor diode model used in simulations, their assembling, the dc bias configuration, and measured results are presented. The theory results are compared to the simulations and to measurements showing a very good agreement and validating the proposed methodology. The fabricated filter presents an elliptic response with 20% of center frequency tuning range around 3.2 GHz and a fractional BW variation from 4% to 12% with low insertion loss and high power handling with a 1-dB compression point higher than +14.5 dB.
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1 NMR) spectroscopy for detection of biochemical changes in biological samples is a successful technique. However, the achieved NMR resolution is not sufficiently high when the analysis is performed with intact cells. To improve spectral resolution, high resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) is used and the broad signals are separated by a T-2 filter based on the CPMG pulse sequence. Additionally, HR-MAS experiments with a T-2 filter are preceded by a water suppression procedure. The goal of this work is to demonstrate that the experimental procedures of water suppression and T-2 or diffusing filters are unnecessary steps when the filter diagonalization method (FDM) is used to process the time domain HR-MAS signals. Manipulation of the FDM results, represented as a tabular list of peak positions, widths, amplitudes and phases, allows the removal of water signals without the disturbing overlapping or nearby signals. Additionally, the FDM can also be used for phase correction and noise suppression, and to discriminate between sharp and broad lines. Results demonstrate the applicability of the FDM post-acquisition processing to obtain high quality HR-MAS spectra of heterogeneous biological materials.
Abstract Background Catching an object is a complex movement that involves not only programming but also effective motor coordination. Such behavior is related to the activation and recruitment of cortical regions that participates in the sensorimotor integration process. This study aimed to elucidate the cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when performing a task of catching an object in free fall. Methods Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) was recorded using a 20-channel EEG system in 20 healthy right-handed participants performed the catching ball task. We used the EEG coherence analysis to investigate subdivisions of alpha (8-12 Hz) and beta (12-30 Hz) bands, which are related to cognitive processing and sensory-motor integration. Results Notwithstanding, we found the main effects for the factor block; for alpha-1, coherence decreased from the first to sixth block, and the opposite effect occurred for alpha-2 and beta-2, with coherence increasing along the blocks. Conclusion It was concluded that to perform successfully our task, which involved anticipatory processes (i.e. feedback mechanisms), subjects exhibited a great involvement of sensory-motor and associative areas, possibly due to organization of information to process visuospatial parameters and further catch the falling object.
Während der letzten Jahre wurde für Spinfilter-Detektoren ein wesentlicher Schritt in Richtung stark erhöhter Effizienz vollzogen. Das ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für spinaufgelöste Messungen mit Hilfe von modernen Elektronensp ektrometern und Impulsmikroskopen. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden bisherige Arbeiten der parallel abbildenden Technik weiterentwickelt, die darauf beruht, dass ein elektronenoptisches Bild unter Ausnutzung der k-parallel Erhaltung in der Niedrigenergie-Elektronenbeugung auch nach einer Reflektion an einer kristallinen Oberfläche erhalten bleibt. Frühere Messungen basierend auf der spekularen Reflexion an einerrnW(001) Oberfläche [Kolbe et al., 2011; Tusche et al., 2011] wurden auf einenrnviel größeren Parameterbereich erweitert und mit Ir(001) wurde ein neues System untersucht, welches eine sehr viel längere Lebensdauer der gereinigten Kristalloberfläche im UHV aufweist. Die Streuenergie- und Einfallswinkel-“Landschaft” der Spinempfindlichkeit S und der Reflektivität I/I0 von gestreuten Elektronen wurde im Bereich von 13.7 - 36.7 eV Streuenergie und 30◦ - 60◦ Streuwinkel gemessen. Die dazu neu aufgebaute Messanordnung umfasst eine spinpolarisierte GaAs Elektronenquellernund einen drehbaren Elektronendetektor (Delayline Detektor) zur ortsauflösenden Detektion der gestreuten Elektronen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen mehrere Regionen mit hoher Asymmetrie und großem Gütefaktor (figure of merit FoM), definiert als S2 · I/I0. Diese Regionen eröffnen einen Weg für eine deutliche Verbesserung der Vielkanal-Spinfiltertechnik für die Elektronenspektroskopie und Impulsmikroskopie. Im praktischen Einsatz erwies sich die Ir(001)-Einkristalloberfläche in Bezug auf längere Lebensdauer im UHV (ca. 1 Messtag), verbunden mit hoher FOM als sehr vielversprechend. Der Ir(001)-Detektor wurde in Verbindung mit einem Halbkugelanalysator bei einem zeitaufgelösten Experiment im Femtosekunden-Bereich am Freie-Elektronen-Laser FLASH bei DESY eingesetzt. Als gute Arbeitspunkte erwiesen sich 45◦ Streuwinkel und 39 eV Streuenergie, mit einer nutzbaren Energiebreite von 5 eV, sowie 10 eV Streuenergie mit einem schmaleren Profil von < 1 eV aber etwa 10× größerer Gütefunktion. Die Spinasymmetrie erreicht Werte bis 70 %, was den Einfluss von apparativen Asymmetrien deutlich reduziert. Die resultierende Messungen und Energie-Winkel-Landschaft zeigt recht gute Übereinstimmung mit der Theorie (relativistic layer-KKR SPLEED code [Braun et al., 2013; Feder et al.,rn2012])
To study the effect of a nonlinear noise filter on the detection of simulated endoleaks in a phantom with 80- and 100-kVp multidetector computed tomographic (CT) angiography.
A general approach is presented for implementing discrete transforms as a set of first-order or second-order recursive digital filters. Clenshaw's recurrence formulae are used to formulate the second-order filters. The resulting structure is suitable for efficient implementation of discrete transforms in VLSI or FPGA circuits. The general approach is applied to the discrete Legendre transform as an illustration.
Analog filters and direct digital filters are implemented using digital signal processing techniques. Specifically, Butterworth, Elliptic, and Chebyshev filters are implemented using the Motorola 56001 Digital Signal Processor by the integration of three software packages: MATLAB, C++, and Motorola's Application Development System. The integrated environment allows the novice user to design a filter automatically by specifying the filter order and critical frequencies, while permitting more experienced designers to take advantage of MATLAB's advanced design capabilities. This project bridges the gap between the theoretical results produced by MATLAB and the practicalities of implementing digital filters using the Motorola 56001 Digital Signal Processor. While these results are specific to the Motorola 56001 they may be extended to other digital signal processors. MATLAB handles the filter calculations, a C++ routine handles the conversion to assembly code, and the Motorola software compiles and transmits the code to the processor