908 resultados para Semantic Web Services


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In this paper the authors present an approach for the semantic annotation of RESTful services in the geospatial domain. Their approach automates some stages of the annotation process, by using a combination of resources and services: a cross-domain knowledge base like DBpedia, two domain ontologies like GeoNames and the WGS84 vocabulary, and suggestion and synonym services. The authors’ approach has been successfully evaluated with a set of geospatial RESTful services obtained from ProgrammableWeb.com, where geospatial services account for a third of the total amount of services available in this registry.


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Actualmente, la Web provee un inmenso conjunto de servicios (WS-*, RESTful, OGC WFS), los cuales están normalmente expuestos a través de diferentes estándares que permiten localizar e invocar a estos servicios. Estos servicios están, generalmente, descritos utilizando información textual, sin una descripción formal, es decir, la descripción de los servicios es únicamente sintáctica. Para facilitar el uso y entendimiento de estos servicios, es necesario anotarlos de manera formal a través de la descripción de los metadatos. El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer un enfoque para la anotación semántica de servicios Web en el dominio geoespacial. Este enfoque permite automatizar algunas de las etapas del proceso de anotación, mediante el uso combinado de recursos ontológicos y servicios externos. Este proceso ha sido evaluado satisfactoriamente con un conjunto de servicios en el dominio geoespacial. La contribución principal de este trabajo es la automatización parcial del proceso de anotación semántica de los servicios RESTful y WFS, lo cual mejora el estado del arte en esta área. Una lista detallada de las contribuciones son: • Un modelo para representar servicios Web desde el punto de vista sintáctico y semántico, teniendo en cuenta el esquema y las instancias. • Un método para anotar servicios Web utilizando ontologías y recursos externos. • Un sistema que implementa el proceso de anotación propuesto. • Un banco de pruebas para la anotación semántica de servicios RESTful y OGC WFS. Abstract The Web contains an immense collection of Web services (WS-*, RESTful, OGC WFS), normally exposed through standards that tell us how to locate and invocate them. These services are usually described using mostly textual information and without proper formal descriptions, that is, existing service descriptions mostly stay on a syntactic level. If we want to make such services potentially easier to understand and use, we may want to annotate them formally, by means of descriptive metadata. The objective of this thesis is to propose an approach for the semantic annotation of services in the geospatial domain. Our approach automates some stages of the annotation process, by using a combination of thirdparty resources and services. It has been successfully evaluated with a set of geospatial services. The main contribution of this work is the partial automation of the process of RESTful and WFS semantic annotation services, what improves the current state of the art in this area. The more detailed list of contributions are: • A model for representing Web services. • A method for annotating Web services using ontological and external resources. • A system that implements the proposed annotation process. • A gold standard for the semantic annotation of RESTful and OGC WFS services, and algorithms for evaluating the annotations.


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Increasingly, people's digital identities are attached to, and expressed through, their mobile devices. At the same time digital sensors pervade smart environments in which people are immersed. This paper explores different perspectives in which users' modelling features can be expressed through the information obtained by their attached personal sensors. We introduce the PreSense Ontology, which is designed to assign meaning to sensors' observations in terms of user modelling features. We believe that the Sensing Presence ( PreSense ) Ontology is a first step toward the integration of user modelling and "smart environments". In order to motivate our work we present a scenario and demonstrate how the ontology could be applied in order to enable context-sensitive services. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Increasingly, people's digital identities are attached to, and expressed through, their mobile devices. At the same time digital sensors pervade smart environments in which people are immersed. This paper explores different perspectives in which users' modelling features can be expressed through the information obtained by their attached personal sensors. We introduce the PreSense Ontology, which is designed to assign meaning to sensors' observations in terms of user modelling features. We believe that the Sensing Presence ( PreSense ) Ontology is a first step toward the integration of user modelling and "smart environments". In order to motivate our work we present a scenario and demonstrate how the ontology could be applied in order to enable context-sensitive services. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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The ability of agents and services to automatically locate and interact with unknown partners is a goal for both the semantic web and web services. This, \serendipitous interoperability", is hindered by the lack of an explicit means of describing what services (or agents) are able to do, that is, their capabilities. At present, informal descriptions of what services can do are found in \documentation" elements; or they are somehow encoded in operation names and signatures. We show, by ref- erence to existing service examples, how ambiguous and imprecise capa- bility descriptions hamper the attainment of automated interoperability goals in the open, global web environment. In this paper we propose a structured, machine readable description of capabilities, which may help to increase the recall and precision of service discovery mechanisms. Our capability description draws on previous work in capability and process modeling and allows the incorporation of external classi¯cation schemes. The capability description is presented as a conceptual meta model. The model supports conceptual queries and can be used as an extension to the DAML-S Service Pro¯le.


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The next phase envisioned for the World Wide Web is automated ad-hoc interaction between intelligent agents, web services, databases and semantic web enabled applications. Although at present this appears to be a distant objective, there are practical steps that can be taken to advance the vision. We propose an extension to classical conceptual models to allow the definition of application components in terms of public standards and explicit semantics, thus building into web-based applications, the foundation for shared understanding and interoperability. The use of external definitions and the need to store outsourced type information internally, brings to light the issue of object identity in a global environment, where object instances may be identified by multiple externally controlled identification schemes. We illustrate how traditional conceptual models may be augmented to recognise and deal with multiple identities.


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In the filed of semantic grid, QoS-based Web service scheduling for workflow optimization is an important problem.However, in semantic and service rich environment like semantic grid, the emergence of context constraints on Web services is very common making the scheduling consider not only quality properties of Web services, but also inter service dependencies which are formed due to the context constraints imposed on Web services. In this paper, we present a repair genetic algorithm, namely minimal-conflict hill-climbing repair genetic algorithm, to address scheduling optimization problems in workflow applications in the presence of domain constraints and inter service dependencies. Experimental results demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of the genetic algorithm.


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In the field of semantic grid, QoS-based Web service composition is an important problem. In semantic and service rich environment like semantic grid, the emergence of context constraints on Web services is very common making the composition consider not only QoS properties of Web services, but also inter service dependencies and conflicts which are formed due to the context constraints imposed on Web services. In this paper, we present a repair genetic algorithm, namely minimal-conflict hill-climbing repair genetic algorithm, to address the Web service composition optimization problem in the presence of domain constraints and inter service dependencies and conflicts. Experimental results demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of the genetic algorithm.


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This paper demonstrates an experimental study that examines the accuracy of various information retrieval techniques for Web service discovery. The main goal of this research is to evaluate algorithms for semantic web service discovery. The evaluation is comprehensively benchmarked using more than 1,700 real-world WSDL documents from INEX 2010 Web Service Discovery Track dataset. For automatic search, we successfully use Latent Semantic Analysis and BM25 to perform Web service discovery. Moreover, we provide linking analysis which automatically links possible atomic Web services to meet the complex requirements of users. Our fusion engine recommends a final result to users. Our experiments show that linking analysis can improve the overall performance of Web service discovery. We also find that keyword-based search can quickly return results but it has limitation of understanding users’ goals.


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Building and maintaining software are not easy tasks. However, thanks to advances in web technologies, a new paradigm is emerging in software development. The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a relatively new approach that helps bridge the gap between business and IT and also helps systems remain exible. However, there are still several challenges with SOA. As the number of available services grows, developers are faced with the problem of discovering the services they need. Public service repositories such as Programmable Web provide only limited search capabilities. Several mechanisms have been proposed to improve web service discovery by using semantics. However, most of these require manually tagging the services with concepts in an ontology. Adding semantic annotations is a non-trivial process that requires a certain skill-set from the annotator and also the availability of domain ontologies that include the concepts related to the topics of the service. These issues have prevented these mechanisms becoming widespread. This thesis focuses on two main problems. First, to avoid the overhead of manually adding semantics to web services, several automatic methods to include semantics in the discovery process are explored. Although experimentation with some of these strategies has been conducted in the past, the results reported in the literature are mixed. Second, Wikipedia is explored as a general-purpose ontology. The benefit of using it as an ontology is assessed by comparing these semantics-based methods to classic term-based information retrieval approaches. The contribution of this research is significant because, to the best of our knowledge, a comprehensive analysis of the impact of using Wikipedia as a source of semantics in web service discovery does not exist. The main output of this research is a web service discovery engine that implements these methods and a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and trade-offs of these semantics-based discovery approaches.


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Distributed Collaborative Computing services have taken over centralized computing platforms allowing the development of distributed collaborative user applications. These applications enable people and computers to work together more productively. Multi-Agent System (MAS) has emerged as a distributed collaborative environment which allows a number of agents to cooperate and interact with each other in a complex environment. We want to place our agents in problems whose solutions require the collation and fusion of information, knowledge or data from distributed and autonomous information sources. In this paper we present the design and implementation of an agent based conference planner application that uses collaborative effort of agents which function continuously and autonomously in a particular environment. The application also enables the collaborative use of services deployed geographically wide in different technologies i.e. Software Agents, Grid computing and Web service. The premise of the application is that it allows autonomous agents interacting with web and grid services to plan a conference as a proxy to their owners (humans). © 2005 IEEE.


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Se analizan y describen las principales líneas de trabajo de la Web Semántica en el ámbito de los archivos de televisión. Para ello, se analiza y contextualiza la web semántica desde una perspectiva general para posteriormente analizar las principales iniciativas que trabajan con lo audiovisual: Proyecto MuNCH, Proyecto S5T, Semantic Television y VideoActive.


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Ce mémoire présente un patron d’architecture permettant, dans un contexte orientéobjet, l’exploitation d’objets appartenant simultanément à plusieurs hiérarchies fonctionnelles. Ce patron utilise un reasoner basé sur les logiques de description (web sémantique) pour procéder à la classification des objets dans les hiérarchies. La création des objets est simplifiée par l’utilisation d’un ORM (Object Relational Mapper). Ce patron permet l’utilisation effective du raisonnement automatique dans un contexte d’applications d’entreprise. Les concepts requis pour la compréhension du patron et des outils sont présentés. Les conditions d’utilisation du patron sont discutées ainsi que certaines pistes de recherche pour les élargir. Un prototype appliquant le patron dans un cas simple est présenté. Une méthodologie accompagne le patron. Finalement, d’autres utilisations potentielles des logiques de description dans le même contexte sont discutées.


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This report gives a detailed discussion on the system, algorithms, and techniques that we have applied in order to solve the Web Service Challenges (WSC) of the years 2006 and 2007. These international contests are focused on semantic web service composition. In each challenge of the contests, a repository of web services is given. The input and output parameters of the services in the repository are annotated with semantic concepts. A query to a semantic composition engine contains a set of available input concepts and a set of wanted output concepts. In order to employ an offered service for a requested role, the concepts of the input parameters of the offered operations must be more general than requested (contravariance). In contrast, the concepts of the output parameters of the offered service must be more specific than requested (covariance). The engine should respond to a query by providing a valid composition as fast as possible. We discuss three different methods for web service composition: an uninformed search in form of an IDDFS algorithm, a greedy informed search based on heuristic functions, and a multi-objective genetic algorithm.


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Enterprise-Resource-Planning-Systeme (ERP-Systeme) bilden für die meisten mittleren und großen Unternehmen einen essentiellen Bestandteil ihrer IT-Landschaft zur Verwaltung von Geschäftsdaten und Geschäftsprozessen. Geschäftsdaten werden in ERP-Systemen in Form von Geschäftsobjekten abgebildet. Ein Geschäftsobjekt kann mehrere Attribute enthalten und über Assoziationen zu anderen Geschäftsobjekten einen Geschäftsobjektgraphen aufspannen. Existierende Schnittstellen ermöglichen die Abfrage von Geschäftsobjekten, insbesondere mit Hinblick auf deren Attribute. Die Abfrage mit Bezug auf ihre Position innerhalb des Geschäftsobjektgraphen ist jedoch über diese Schnittstellen häufig nur sehr schwierig zu realisieren. Zur Vereinfachung solcher Anfragen können semantische Technologien, wie RDF und die graphbasierte Abfragesprache SPARQL, verwendet werden. SPARQL ermöglicht eine wesentlich kompaktere und intuitivere Formulierung von Anfragen gegen Geschäftsobjektgraphen, als es mittels der existierenden Schnittstellen möglich ist. Die Motivation für diese Arbeit ist die Vereinfachung bestimmter Anfragen gegen das im Rahmen dieser Arbeit betrachtete SAP ERP-System unter Verwendung von SPARQL. Zur Speicherung von Geschäftsobjekten kommen in ERP-Systemen typischerweise relationale Datenbanken zum Einsatz. Die Bereitstellung von SPARQL-Endpunkten auf Basis von relationalen Datenbanken ist ein seit längerem untersuchtes Gebiet. Es existieren verschiedene Ansätze und Tools, welche die Anfrage mittels SPARQL erlauben. Aufgrund der Komplexität, der Größe und der Änderungshäufigkeit des ERP-Datenbankschemas können solche Ansätze, die direkt auf dem Datenbankschema aufsetzen, nicht verwendet werden. Ein praktikablerer Ansatz besteht darin, den SPARQL-Endpunkt auf Basis existierender Schnittstellen zu realisieren. Diese sind weniger komplex als das Datenbankschema, da sie die direkte Abfrage von Geschäftsobjekten ermöglichen. Dadurch wird die Definition des Mappings erheblich vereinfacht. Das ERP-System bietet mehrere Schnittstellen an, die sich hinsichtlich des Aufbaus, der Zielsetzung und der verwendeten Technologie unterscheiden. Unter anderem wird eine auf OData basierende Schnittstelle zur Verfügung gestellt. OData ist ein REST-basiertes Protokoll zur Abfrage und Manipulation von Daten. Von den bereitgestellten Schnittstellen weist das OData-Interface gegenüber den anderen Schnittstellen verschiedene Vorteile bei Realisierung eines SPARQL-Endpunktes auf. Es definiert eine Abfragesprache und einen Link-Adressierungsmechanismus, mit dem die zur Beantwortung einer Anfrage benötigten Service-Aufrufe und die zu übertragende Datenmenge erheblich reduziert werden können. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht in der Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Realisierung eines SPARQL-Endpunktes auf Basis von OData-Services. Dazu wird zunächst eine Architektur vorgestellt, die als Grundlage für die Implementierung eines entsprechenden Systems dienen kann. Ausgehend von dieser Architektur, werden die durch den aktuellen Forschungsstand noch nicht abgedeckten Bereiche ermittelt. Nach bestem Wissen ist diese Arbeit die erste, welche die Abfrage von OData-Schnittstellen mittels SPARQL untersucht. Dabei wird als Teil dieser Arbeit ein neuartiges Konzept zur semantischen Beschreibung von OData-Services vorgestellt. Dieses ermöglicht die Definition von Abbildungen der von den Services bereitgestellten Daten auf RDF-Graphen. Aufbauend auf den Konzepten zur semantischen Beschreibung wird eine Evaluierungssemantik erarbeitet, welche die Auflösung von Ausdrücken der SPARQL-Algebra gegen semantisch annotierte OData-Services definiert. Dabei werden die Daten aller OData-Services ermittelt, die zur vollständigen Abarbeitung einer Anfrage benötigt werden. Zur Abfrage der relevanten Daten wurden Konzepte zur Erzeugung der entsprechenden OData-URIs entwickelt. Das vorgestellte Verfahren wurde prototypisch implementiert und anhand zweier Anwendungsfälle für die im betrachteten Szenario maßgeblichen Servicemengen evaluiert. Mit den vorgestellten Konzepten besteht nicht nur die Möglichkeit, einen SPARQL-Endpunkt für ein ERP-System zu realisieren, vielmehr kann jede Datenquelle, die eine OData-Schnittstelle anbietet, mittels SPARQL angefragt werden. Dadurch werden große Datenmengen, die bisher für die Verarbeitung mittels semantischer Technologien nicht zugänglich waren, für die Integration mit dem Semantic Web verfügbar gemacht. Insbesondere können auch Datenquellen, deren Integration miteinander bisher nicht oder nur schwierig möglich war, über Systeme zur föderierten Abfrage miteinander integriert werden.