934 resultados para Self-Perception


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la construcción social del conocimiento en Actividad física desde dos planteamientos teóricos de la salud centrando el análisis en la relación con la imagen corporal y las condiciones de vida. Se trata de un estudio teórico desde el análisis de contenido de corte narrativo de 98 artículos desarrollado en cinco etapas a través de: rastreo de documentos en bases de datos en el periodo 2000-2014, revisión de artículos, y análisis y hallazgos de significados, sentidos o contenidos. Como hallazgo importante se puede mencionar que en la literatura científica relacionada con la triada Actividad física-imagen corporal-condiciones de vida predomina la construcción del conocimiento a partir de modelos hegemónicos y dominantes que priorizan la intensidad, la frecuencia y el tiempo dedicado a la AF, la estandarización en la comparación de la apariencia física y la medición de elementos materiales en el modo de vivir de las personas, principalmente desde el abordaje de los determinantes sociales de la salud. Se concluye que es necesario revisar las poblaciones que incluyendo en los estudios al estar concentrados el conocimiento en solo unos grupos; así como se hace explícita la necesidad de revisar cuales son los aportes de la Educación Física y otras disciplinas (ciencias sociales) para una mayor comprensión teórica y práctica de la AF.


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Introducción y objetivo: La escala de auto-reporte de la condición física (IFIS) “The International FItness Scale”, fue creada como parte del proyecto financiado por la unión europea HELENA Study “Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence”. A la fecha, no se conoce ningún estudio que haya examinado el auto-reporte de la condición física en un contexto distinto al Europeo. Este trabajo evalúa por auto-reporte la condición física relacionada con la salud (CFRS) en una muestra de niños y adolescentes del distrito de Bogotá pertenecientes al grupo FUPRECOL. Materiales y Método: Estudio transversal en 1.922 escolares (54.3% mujeres). Se aplicó de manera auto-administrada la escala “IFIS”. Se midió el peso, talla, circunferencia de cintura y se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC) en kg/m2. La capacidad aeróbica, el índice general de fuerza (z-score fuerza prensil + z-score salto de longitud), la velocidad/agilidad y la flexibilidad fueron como indicadores objetivos de la CFRS objetiva y directa. Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.922 escolares, de los cuales 1.045 fueron mujeres (54.3%) y 877 hombres (45.6%). El análisis ANOVA mostró que los varones tenían mayores valores de peso (p<0.003), estatura (p<0.001), CC (p<0.001), capacidad aeróbica (p<0.001), velocidad/agilidad (p<0.001) e índice general de fuerza (p<0.001), mientras que las mujeres presentaron exceso de peso por IMC (sobrepeso y obesidad). En el componente de condición física general, las puntuaciones más altas en la escala “IFIS” se encontraron en la categoría buena (40%), seguido de aceptable (34%), mientras que la puntuación más baja se encontró en la categoría muy mala/mala (6%). En población general, relaciones lineales fueron observadas entre el auto-reporte de la CFRS por la escala “IFIS” y la mayoría de los indicadores del fitness evaluado objetivamente. El análisis post-hoc ajustado por sexo, edad y etapa de maduración reveló que los escolares que acusaron mejores valores en la auto-percepción de los dominios del “IFIS”, presentaron mejor desempeño en los indicadores de CFRS objetivos. Conclusión: Este trabajo describe por primera vez en población Latina, que el auto-reporte con la escala “IFIS”, es un instrumento válido para evaluar la CFRS, y además posee una adecuada capacidad para clasificar la aptitud física en población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia. Esta escala se encuentra disponible para otros investigadores interesados en evaluar la condición física muscular en América Latina.


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Este estudo, de carácter exploratório, tem o objetivo de perceber como se processam as (re)aprendizagens dos vários papéis de género em transhomens, atendendo aos processos de adaptação ao nível social, comportamental e da perceção de si na (re)construção da identidade. Para a concretização deste trabalho, recorreu-se à recolha de informação, através de uma estratégia metodológica qualitativa e utilizou-se um questionário analisado através do método de análise de conteúdo, segundo Laurence Bardin (1979). Participaram neste estudo 20 transhomens (pessoas cujo sexo designado no registo de nascimento foi feminino, mas que se identificam com o género masculino). As principais conclusões sugerem que existem mudanças ao nível dos sentimentos, perceção de si, comportamentos, identidade de género e relação com o corpo que resultam do processo de redesignação sexual. Verifica-se que as aprendizagens e pressões para a conformidade aos estereótipos de género resultam por vezes em comportamentos intencionais na construção das feminilidades e masculinidades. Verifica-se também a consciencialização destas intencionalidades, bem como uma progressiva libertação desses comportamentos e dos constrangimentos a eles associados, o que resulta numa apropriação e autoidentificação de si mais liberta, consequentemente de uma vida mais feliz. Esperamos com este trabalho contribuir para o conhecimento e visibilidade das identidades trans, em específico dos transhomens, na tentativa de desconstrução de estereótipos sociais; Metamorphoses: Identity and Gender Roles. A Study with Transmen Abstract: This study of exploratory nature aims to understand the process of (re)learning the various gender roles in transmen, in relation to the social and behavioural processes of adaptation and self-perception in the (re)construction of identity.To do this work, we gathered information, outlined a qualitative methodological strategy and used a survey using the content analysis method according to Laurence Bardin (1979). 20 transmen participated in this study (people whose sex assigned at birth registration was female but identify with the masculine gender). The main findings suggest that there are changes in the level of feelings, self-perception, behaviour and relation with the body that result from sex reassignment process. It appears that the learning and pressures for conformity to gender stereotypes sometimes result in intentional conduct compliance in the construction of femininity and masculinity before and after the sex reassignment process. You can also verify the awareness of these intentions, as well as a gradual release of these behaviours and constraints associated with them, which results an appropriation and self-identification of himself more free, thus a happier life. We expect this work to contribute to the knowledge and visibility of the trans people, in particular the transmen in an attempt to deconstruct social stereotypes.


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Já na antiguidade o Homem se debruçava sobre a temática do envelhecimento, todavia os anos passaram e este fenómeno constitui-se como um dos assuntos da ordem do dia que nos abrange a todos, porque todos queremos vivenciar o prazer de envelhecer, à semelhança dos nossos antepassados. Porém estes procuravam o elixir de uma vida eterna e nós ambicionamos o elixir de uma longa vida com qualidade. Objectivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e aptidão física funcional dos idosos residentes do Concelho de Évora em instituições da rede solidária e nos seus domicílios com idade igual ou superior a 75 anos. Métodos: Após a selecção aleatória e tendo por base os critérios de exclusão (sem défice cognitivo avaliado pelo MMS e sem problemas físicos que impedissem de realizar os testes funcionais) aceitaram participar no estudo 396 idosos do Concelho de Évora dos quais 196 se encontram institucionalizados nos lares da rede solidária e 200 residem nos seus domicílios. Os instrumentos de avaliação utilizados foram o EASYcare e a bateria de testes Rikly Jones- Senior Fitness Test. Conclusões: Os idosos não institucionalizados apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e aptidão física funcional face aos idosos institucionalizados. Os níveis de incapacidade do grupo de idosos são baixos, o que revela que estamos perante um grupo maioritariamente independente. Por sua vez os homens apresentam melhor auto­ percepção da sua qualidade de vida e melhor desempenho nos testes físicos realizados. Com o processo de envelhecimento é notório uma avaliação inferior nas diferentes áreas da qualidade de vida por parte dos idosos assim como um pior desempenho nos testes físicos. Verificou-se também que existem correlações significativas entre as áreas da qualidade de vida avaliadas e os parâmetros de aptidão física funcional considerados, estando estes interrelacionados. ABSTRACT: Introduction: Already in the antiquity Man was dealing with the aging topic, however the years passed and this issue is as one of the topics on the agenda that covers everyone, because we all want to experience the pleasure of growing old, like of our ancestors. Although they sought the elixir of eternal life and we are aiming the elixir of long life with quality. Aim: To evaluate the quality of life and functional fitness of elderly aged over 75 years, residents of the Municipality of Évora in the network institutions in their households. Methods: After random selection and based on the exclusion criteria (no cognitive impairment assessed by MMS and no conditions that hamper them from performing functional tests) agreed to participate in the study 396 elderly from Évora's Municipality of which 196 are institutionalized in nursing homes network of solidarity and 200 reside in their homes. The assessment instruments used were the EASYcare and battery of tests Rikly Jones- Senior Fitness Test. Conclusions: The non-institutionalized elderly have a better quality of life and functional fitness in relation to the institutionalized elderly. The levels of disability in the elderly group are low, indicating that this is a group mostly independent. ln tum the men have better self-perception of their quality of life and better performance in physical tests performed. With the aging process is an assessment of less known in different areas of life quality for elderly people as well as a poorer performance in physical tests. There was also that there are significant correlations between the areas of quality of life and evaluated the parameters of functional fitness considered and these interrelated.


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Recibido 14 de junio de 2010 • Aceptado 31 de agosto de 2010 • Corregido 12 de mayo de 2011  El tema de las relaciones interpersonales que establece el estudiante con sus pares, profesores y padres de familia, durante el periodo de transición de la primaria a la secundaria, es el punto sobre el cual se discute en este artículo, ya que se presentan los resultados más sobresalientes de la investigación titulada Factores de éxito en la transición de sexto grado a sétimo de secundaria, realizada entre los años 2006-2007, en el marco del Programa de investigación: Perfiles, dinámicas y desafíos de la educación costarricense. Esta investigación plantea, como uno de sus objetivos, recabar la opinión del alumnado de 6º, 7º y 8º años, respecto a lo que consideran como los factores claves para lograr una transición exitosa entre primaria y secundaria. Es un estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, ya que sus resultados permitirán lograr un acercamiento o aproximación al tema y servirá, además, de punto de partida para otros trabajos de investigación vinculados a esta temática. Utiliza técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas, sin embargo, no es representativa de la situación a nivel nacional. Los hallazgos más importantes permiten concluir que, al ingresar a la secundaria, los estudiantes manifiestan tener buenas relaciones interpersonales con sus padres, sus profesores y sus compañeros, razón por la cual la aprobación y el apoyo que cada uno de ellos les brinde es fundamental para lograr consolidar su posición en el nuevo grupo académico y, por supuesto, para mejorar la percepción que ellos tienen de sí mismos.


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Rehabilitation is very important for in the results of treatment in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Rehabilitation processes occur through gradual changes. These changes integrate intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of the individual, promoting adaptations to the needs and activities of daily living according to individual goals. Recommendations for exercise in multiple sclerosis: these recommendations apply only to patients with EDSS less than 7; moderate intensity aerobic exercise for a total of 20 to 30 minutes, twice or three times for week; the resistance training with low or moderate intensity is well tolerated by patients with MS; associated with these exercises were recommended flexibility exercises of moderate intensity, as well as strengthening exercises. The aim of this study is to examine the implications of the program of self-regulation in the perception of illness and mental health (psychological well-being domain) in multiple sclerosis patients.


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Prevention plays a central role in early detection of cervical cancer. Common Sense Model proposes that the nature and organization of illness representations can guide actions related to health and how self-care is exercised. The aim of this study was to describe and compare illness perception, knowledge and self-care in women with and without cancer precursor lesions. Participants were 92 women (aged 18-59) from primary care unity divided into two groups: women with and without premalignant lesion. Measures for illness perception, knowledge and self-care were used. There was no statistically signifi cant difference (t test e chi-square test) between groups in the variables analyzed. Despite the risk for cervical cancer, women with precursor lesions do not adjust their illness perceptions, knowledge and self-care to the situation. These data show the need to warn women against the cervical cancer risks, because their distorted perceptions and lack of knowledge about the disease may hamper the screening and control of cervical cancer.


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Ce mémoire examine la question de la formation de l'identité en tant que procédure compliquée dans laquelle plusieurs éléments interviennent. L'identité d'une personne se compose à la fois d’une identité propre et d’une autre collective. Dans le cas où l’identité propre est jugée sévèrement par les autres comme étant déviante, cela poussera la personne à, ou bien maintenir une image compatible avec les prototypes sociaux ou bien résister et affirmer son identité personnelle. Mon travail montre que l'exclusion et la répression de certains aspects de l'identité peuvent causer un disfonctionnement psychique difficile à surmonter. Par contre, l'acceptation de soi et l’adoption de tous les éléments qui la constituent conduisent, certes après une longue lutte, au salut de l’âme et du corps. Le premier chapitre propose une approche psychosociale qui vise à expliquer le fonctionnement des groupes et comment l'interaction avec autrui joue un rôle décisif dans la formation de l'identité. Des éléments extérieurs comme par exemple les idéaux sociaux influencent les comportements et les choix des gens. Toutefois, cette influence peut devenir une menace aux spécificités personnelles et aux traits spécifiques. Le deuxième chapitre examine la question des problèmes qu’on risque d’avoir au cas où les traits identitaires franchiraient les normes sociales. Nous partons du problème épineux de la quête de soi dans Giovanni's Room de James Baldwin. L'homosexualité de David était tellement refusée par la société qu’elle a engendrée chez lui des sentiments de honte et de culpabilité. Il devait choisir entre le sacrifice des aspects de soi pour satisfaire les paradigmes sociaux ou bien perdre ce qu’il a de propre. David n'arrive pas à se libérer. Il reste prisonnier des perceptions rigides au sujet de la masculinité et de la sexualité. Mon analyse se focalise essentiellement sur l'examen des différents éléments théoriques qui touchent la question du sexe et de la sexualité. Le résultat est le suivant : plus les opinions dominantes sont rigides et fermes, plus elles deviennent une prison pour l’individu. Par contre, plus elles sont tolérantes et flexibles, plus elles acceptent les diversités de l'identité humaine. Dans le dernier chapitre, j'examine la question de la représentation des relations entre les caractères masculins dans Just Above My Head. L'homosexualité est présentée comme un moyen sacré pour exprimer l'amour. Les caractères révèlent leurs sentiments implicitement à travers les chants spirituel tel que le gospel ou bien explicitement à travers la connexion physique. Dans ce roman, Baldwin montre que c'est seulement grâce à la sincérité et à l'amour que l'individu peut atteindre la libération du soi.


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The goals of this study were to examine the visual information influence on body sway as a function of self- and object-motion perception and visual information quality. Participants that were aware (object-motion) and unaware (self-motion) of the movement of a moving room were asked to stand upright at five different distances from its frontal wall. The visual information effect on body sway decreased when participants were aware about the sensory manipulation. Moreover, while the visual influence on body sway decreased as the distance increased in the self-motion perception, no effects were observed in the object-motion mode. The overall results indicate that postural control system functioning can be altered by prior knowledge, and adaptation due to changes in sensory quality seem to occur in the self- but not in the object-motion perception mode. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the role of horizontal body motion on the processing of numbers. We hypothesized that leftward self-motion leads to shifts in spatial attention and therefore facilitates the processing of small numbers, and vice versa, we expected that rightward self-motion facilitates the processing of large numbers. Participants were displaced by means of a motion platform during a parity judgment task. We found a systematic influence of self-motion direction on number processing, suggesting that the processing of numbers is intertwined with the processing of self-motion perception. The results differed from known spatial numerical compatibility effects in that self-motion exerted a differential influence on inner and outer numbers of the given interval. The results highlight the involvement of sensory body motion information in higher-order spatial cognition.


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We investigated perceptual learning in self-motion perception. Blindfolded participants were displaced leftward or rightward by means of a motion platform and asked to indicate the direction of motion. A total of eleven participants underwent 3,360 practice trials, distributed over twelve (Experiment 1) or 6 days (Experiment 2). We found no improvement in motion discrimination in both experiments. These results are surprising since perceptual learning has been demonstrated for visual, auditory, and somatosensory discrimination. Improvements in the same task were found when visual input was provided (Experiment 3). The multisensory nature of vestibular information is discussed as a possible explanation of the absence of perceptual learning in darkness.


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To date, only little is known about the self-directed perception and processing of subtle gaze cues in social anxiety that might however contribute to excessive feelings of being looked at by others. Using a web-based approach, participants (n=174) were asked whether or not briefly (300 ms) presented facial expressions modulated in gaze direction (0°, 2°, 4°, 6°, 8°) and valence (angry, fearful, happy, neutral) were directed at them. The results demonstrate a positive, linear relationship between self-reported social anxiety and stronger self-directed perception of others' gaze directions, particularly for negative (angry, fearful) and neutral expressions. Furthermore, faster responding was found for gaze more clearly directed at socially anxious individuals (0°, 2°, and 4°) suggesting a tendency to avoid direct gaze. In sum, the results illustrate an altered self-directed perception of subtle gaze cues. The possibly amplifying effects of social stress on biased self-directed perception of eye gaze are discussed.