902 resultados para Sectoral Competitiveness
A vision of the role played by infrastructure, transport and related services in the development of competitiveness and productivity is fundamental for proposing public policies linked to productive development. In particular, the supply costs and the quality of public utility and transport services are extremely relevant to countries’ productivity, GDP growth and competitiveness, and also for the development and economic integration of Latin America.
1) International Trade and Transport Profiles of Latin American Countries, by Jan Hoffmann, Gabriel Pérez, and Gordon Wilmsmeier, ECLAC, Serie 19 Manuales www.eclac.cl/transporte/perfil/bti.asp;2) Globalization - the Maritime Nexus, by Jan Hoffmann and Shashi Kumar, in Handbook of Maritime Economics, London, LLP, due to be published in October 2002; and3) Port Efficiency and International Trade, by Ricardo J. Sánchez, Jan Hoffmann, Alejandro Micco, Georgina Pizzolitto, Martín Sgut, and Gordon Wilmsmeier, to be submitted at the "IAME Panama 2002" Conference, November 2002.
The economic and productive development of a region is closely tied to its transport infrastructure. Adequate transport infrastructure enables companies to increase their production levels as a result of lowered logistical costs, inventory savings and access to larger supply and labour markets. The competitiveness of a city depends on elements of its economy and other aspects such as social disciplines. Despite being a rather broadly defined concept, it is widely used to categorise and compare cities, projecting the image of a prosperous city in the public eye. The aim of this issue of the Bulletin is to identify the role played by investments in transport in the competitiveness of a specific city and to demonstrate the need for adequate transport planning to ensure that economic development does not interfere with the quality of life of city dwellers.
This issue of the FAL Bulletin analyses the implications of logistics security for the competitiveness of the member countries of the Mesoamerica Project. This study analyses a number of international indicators related to logistics security and proposes a set of actions to improve the organization of the governments and their coordination with the private sector, to enhance the efficiency of the measures implemented and thus the competitiveness of their economies.
The present and subsequent editions of the Bulletin will deal with the issue of road maintenance, its close connection with transport costs and its impact upon the international competitiveness of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. When roads are in poor condition, vehicle operating costs increase by 30 to 50% or even more. Autonomous, adequate and regular funding contributes to effective road maintenance and, consequently, to reducing vehicle operating costs.
This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines the economic, institutional, social and environmental aspects of logistics platforms, which help to support competitive economies in a sustainable and egalitarian environment.
One of the consequences of the opening of the worlds economies - an integral part of globalization - is increased focus on the efficiency and costs of transport services (on which competitiveness is largely dependent). Countries with inefficient and costly transport services lose out, in terms of economic activity and income, to those with more appropriate transport services. The issue is particularly important in Latin America, where exports mainly consist of bulk consignments of products with comparatively low value/quantity ratios and transport costs are a major determining factor of c.i.f. prices.The determination of competitiveness indices in the long term, however, also needs to include the costs of pollution, congestion and accidents, in addition to the transport costs usually considered as part of the price of freight. Competitiveness, efficiency and the global costs of transport were the main subjects of an international seminar organized in conjunction with the Chilean Institute of Engineers and held on 9 and 10 September 2004 at the Headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).