695 resultados para Scholars.
This volume is the result of a collective desire to pay homage to Neil Forsyth, whose work has significantly contributed to scholarship on Satan. This volume is "after" Satan in more ways than one, tracing the afterlife of both the satanic figure in literature and of Neil Forsyth's contribution to the field, particularly in his major books The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth (Princeton University Press, 1987, revised 1990) and The Satanic Epic (Princeton University Press, 2003). The essays in this volume draw on Forsyth's work as a focus for their analyses of literary encounters with evil or with the Devil himself, reflecting the richness and variety of contemporary approaches to the age-old question of how to represent evil. All the contributors acknowledge Neil Forsyth's influence in the study of both the Satan-figure and Milton's Paradise Lost. But beyond simply paying homage to Neil Forsyth, the articles collected here trace the lineage of the Satan figure through literary history, showing how evil can function as a necessary other against which a community may define itself. They chart the demonised other through biblical history and medieval chronicle, Shakespeare and Milton, to nineteenth-century fiction and the contemporary novel. Many of the contributors find that literary evil is mediated through the lens of the Satan of Paradise Lost, and their articles address the notion, raised by Neil Forsyth in The Satanic Epic, that the literary Devil-figures under consideration are particularly interested in linguistic ambivalence and the twisted texture of literary works themselves. The multiple responses to evil and the continuous reinvention of the devil figure through the centuries all reaffirm the textual presence of the Devil, his changing forms necessarily inscribed in the shifting history of western literary culture. These essays are a tribute to the work of Neil Forsyth, whose scholarship has illuminated and guided the study of the Devil in English and other literatures.
Partiendo de la idea ampliamente aceptada de que las TIC (Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación) han tenido una profunda influencia en los modos en que la sociedad contemporánea experimenta y concibe las nociones de espacio y tiempo, y sustentándose en el contexto de la importancia adquirida por dichas nociones en la comprensión de los procesos sociales en general y estéticos en particular, esta investigación ha tenido por objetivo analizar la espacio-temporalidad en el contexto específico de la era digital. Poniendo en relación la fenomenología de los dispositivos tecnológicos con las nuevas estrategias de representación y puesta en imagen del espacio y el tiempo, nuestro propósito ha sido mostrar no sólo cómo a través de las prácticas artísticas digitales puede identificarse y analizarse el imaginario espacio-temporal de la era digital, sino también cómo éstas –basadas en una larga trayectoria estética de intersecciones entre arte y tecnología- han revestido al espacio y al tiempo de nuevas fenomenologías posibles, dando lugar a nuevas formas de percibirlos y cumpliendo, por tanto, un papel activo en la configuración de dicho imaginario y sus sucesivas transformaciones. La perspectiva teórica adoptada para esta investigación parte de las teorías postmodernas del espacio y el tiempo –considerando autores como Harvey o Jameson-, recurriendo a la sociología del Imaginario Social desarrollada por Castoriadis, Castro-Nogueira o J. L. Pintos para comprender cómo el espacio y el tiempo adquieren significaciones particulares. Combinando estas bases teóricas con los estudios visuales y los trabajos de teóricos de los medios como McLuhan, De Kerckhove o Lev Manovich, se establecerían las posibles relaciones entre las tecnologías, las representaciones sociales del espacio y el tiempo – analizadas a partir de metáforas como “compresión espacio-temporal”, “espacio de los flujos” o “tiempo atemporal” y sus relaciones con el Ciberespacio- y la fenomenología espacio-temporal de las prácticas artísticas y sus estrategias de representación visual –tomando como objeto de estudio tipologías artísticas que van desde el Hipercine a la Realidad Virtual y Aumentada, los Medios Locativos o la Telepresencia. La conclusión que hemos podido extraer de este estudio es que si bien distintos tipos de tecnologías afectan operacional y perceptivamente a la construcción social de la espacio-temporalidad, los modos en que estas tecnologías han estetizado la propia realidad y los modos en que condicionan la construcción estética de las nociones de espacio y tiempo, tanto a partir de la propia fenomenología del dispositivo como de la experimentación creativa con el mismo, ejercen una profunda influencia sobre el imaginario social y espacio-temporal propios de la era digital.
The success story of hydroelectricity long influenced and dominated Swiss scholarly literature devoted to the history of technology. This means of conducting power, which emerged at the end of the 19th century and is still dominating today, has attracted much more attention than technologies that have been shadowed by its success. In spite of their important contribution to Swiss economic development, the distribution networks of pressurized water have been neglected by scholars. This article contributes to close this historiographic gap by analyzing the introduction of pressurized water distribution in 1876 in Lausanne, in the context of the building of the first Swiss cable funicular between Lausanne and Ouchy. This article shows how pressurized water distribution transformed socio-economic practices in the urban areas in which it was adopted. Indeed, this innovation, which allowed the use of distant hydraulic resources, enabled the rationalization of industrial and artisanal production as well as improved the density of the urban industrial base. By facilitating the introduction of electric lighting, pressurized water networks played a key role in the early development, and further successes, of the Swiss hydroelectric industry.
This paper presents the results of a survey of academics affiliated to the universities that are members of the Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC), and an analysis of the availability in the libraries of these universities, of the references cited in a sample of articles published by these academics. The results reflect the major importance that researchers assign to scholarly journals as the main source of scientific information. Most state that they use electronic journals either exclusively or in any case more than print journals, a preference that is higher among younger scholars. With regard to frequency of reading, four out of ten researchers state that they read journals virtually every day, while nine out of ten report that they do so at least once a week. Scholars claim that the obstacles they face when trying to download an article are related to the lack of subscriptions. However, the availability study showed that most of the articles cited in their publications are available at least at one of the CBUC libraries. Though most researchers keep a copy of the articles they consult, just over a third of them use some kind of reference management software.
Aquest article s'aplica un enfocament comparatiu de la gestió del sector petrolier en dos països rics en petroli a l'Orient Mitjà: Aràbia Saudita i els Emirats Àrabs Units (EAU). Més explícitament, s'examinen els factors que millor expliquen la variació en les estratègies que han vingut aplicant en el sector des de l'establiment de les seves empreses petrolieres nacionals (NOC). Recorrent a la literatura sobre expropiació / privatització en el camp d'Estudis de l'Energia, en aquest treball es proposa un marc teòric per analitzar la lògica que hi ha al darrera de les diferents formes d'exploració i les estratègies de producció en el sector petrolier. Teòricament, aquesta investigació té com a objectiu avançar en un conjunt d'eines d'anàlisi per abordar millor i entendre els determinants reals del procés de presa de decisions en el upstream. Empíricament, el model es prova en els casos divergents d'Aràbia Saudita i els Emirats Àrabs Units, i una sèrie de lliçons s'han extret. En última instància, aquest treball ha d'augmentar la conscienciació entre els erudits i els polític, tant sobre el poc coneixement que tenim sobre els mecanismes interns que impulsen les estratègies ascendents en el majors estats productor de petroli.
The important inflow of foreign population to western countries has boosted the study of acculturation processes among scholars in the last decades. By using the case of Catalonia, a receiver region of international and national migration since the fifties, this paper seeks to intersect a classic acculturation model and a newly reemerging literature in political science on contextual determinants on individual behavior. Does the context matters for understanding individual’s subjective national identity and, therefore, its voting behavior? Multilevel models show that environment matters. Percentage of Spain-born population in the town is statistically significant to account for variance in the subjective national identity and nationalist vote, even after controlling for age, sex, origin, language and left – right orientation and other contextual factors. This conclusion invites researchers not to underestimate the direct effect of the environment on individual outcomes such as feelings of belonging and vote orientation in contexts of rival identities.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the collaboration between librarians and scholars, from a virtual university, in order to facilitate collaborative learning on how to manage information resources. The personal information behaviour of e-learning students when managing information resources for academic, professional and daily life purposes was studied from 24 semi-structured face-to-face interviews. The results of the content analysis of the interview' transcriptions, highlighted that in the workplace and daily life contexts, competent information behaviour is always linked to a proactive attitude, that is to say, that participants seek for information without some extrinsic reward or avoiding punishment. In the academic context, it was observed a low level of information literacy and it seems to be related with a prevalent uninvolved attitude.
Si bien en los últimos años África Subsahariana ha registrado un notable descenso del número de conflictos armados, un buen número de países sigue padeciendo las consecuencias de la violencia armada, especialmente algunos contextos como el de la República Democrática del Congo, la región de Darfur (oeste de Sudán) o Somalia, por citar algunos ejemplos. Tal y como desde el ámbito institucional (Naciones Unidas u ONG) o el académico llevan señalando desde hace varios años, la principal víctima de la violencia suele ser la población civil, principalmente los menores y las mujeres. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto que los conflictos armados africanos tienen en la infancia y en aspectos tan importantes como su educación. Este objeto de estudio cuenta en los últimos años con un importante referente como fue la publicación en el año 1996 del denominado «Informe Machel». Quince años después de la aparición de este documento, resulta de interés hacer un pequeño balance sobre algunos de los avances, déficits y principales retos de la protección de los menores en conflictos armados.
The purpose of the “Then and Now” program is to engage these people more actively in the annual meetings and provide a forum for them to engage with those who are following in their footsteps. This purpose allows the missions of the Community of Academy Senior Scholars (CASS) and the Management History (MH) Division to intersect. CASS has as one of its goals to keep these pioneers of management history engaged in their profession and their professional organization (AOM). MH has as one of its goals to accurately record the intellectual contributions of the pioneers of the management field.
Several scholars have argued that European countries have decided to cooperate on asylum and migration matters at the EU level in order to develop more restrictive policies. In particular, it has been argued that European states have ‘venue-shopped’ to a new policy-venue in order to escape national constraints. This paper puts this argument to the test by assessing the extent to which the development of EU cooperation on asylum matters has indeed led to the adoption of more restrictive asylum standards. The paper argues that, actually, EU asylum cooperation has led to an overall increase in protection standards for asylum-seekers and refugees. This outcome is explained by two main factors: the increasing ‘judicialisation’ of asylum in the EU and institutional changes in the EU asylum policy area that have strengthened the role of more ‘refugee-friendly’ institutions.
Many theoretical dissertations have an unclear definition of diversity and when interpreting strategies of organizational diversity policies, theories often contradict each other. It is argued that this ambiguity and controversy can be diminished by basing theory on diversity and diversity policy more on qualitative structured descriptive empirical comparisons.This argument is elaborated in two steps. First, diversity is shown to be a social construction: dynamic and plural in nature, dependent on the social-historical context. Second, the common theoretical dichotomy between diversity policy as equal opportunities or as diversity management in shown to be possibly misleading; empirical studies indicate more practical differentiation in types of diversity policy, manifested in public and private organizations. As qualitative comparisons are rare, especially in the European context and especially among public organizations, this article calls for more contributions of this kind and provides an analytical framework to assist scholars in the field of diversity studies.
This research investigates the phenomenon of translationese in two monolingual comparable corpora of original and translated Catalan texts. Translationese has been defined as the dialect, sub-language or code of translated language. This study aims at giving empirical evidence of translation universals regardless the source language.Traditionally, research conducted on translation strategies has been mainly intuition-based. Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing techniques provide reliable information of lexical frequencies, morphological and syntactical distribution in corpora. Therefore, they have been applied to observe which translation strategies occur in these corpora.Results seem to prove the simplification, interference and explicitation hypotheses, whereas no sign of normalization has been detected with the methodology used.The data collected and the resources created for identifying lexical, morphological and syntactic patterns of translations can be useful for Translation Studies teachers, scholars and students: teachers will have more tools to help students avoid the reproduction of translationese patterns. Resources developed will help in detecting non-genuine or inadequate structures in the target language. This fact may imply an improvement in stylistic quality in translations. Translation professionals can also take advantage of these resources to improve their translation quality.