945 resultados para Sampling time


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L’apprentissage supervisé de réseaux hiérarchiques à grande échelle connaît présentement un succès fulgurant. Malgré cette effervescence, l’apprentissage non-supervisé représente toujours, selon plusieurs chercheurs, un élément clé de l’Intelligence Artificielle, où les agents doivent apprendre à partir d’un nombre potentiellement limité de données. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette pensée et aborde divers sujets de recherche liés au problème d’estimation de densité par l’entremise des machines de Boltzmann (BM), modèles graphiques probabilistes au coeur de l’apprentissage profond. Nos contributions touchent les domaines de l’échantillonnage, l’estimation de fonctions de partition, l’optimisation ainsi que l’apprentissage de représentations invariantes. Cette thèse débute par l’exposition d’un nouvel algorithme d'échantillonnage adaptatif, qui ajuste (de fa ̧con automatique) la température des chaînes de Markov sous simulation, afin de maintenir une vitesse de convergence élevée tout au long de l’apprentissage. Lorsqu’utilisé dans le contexte de l’apprentissage par maximum de vraisemblance stochastique (SML), notre algorithme engendre une robustesse accrue face à la sélection du taux d’apprentissage, ainsi qu’une meilleure vitesse de convergence. Nos résultats sont présent ́es dans le domaine des BMs, mais la méthode est générale et applicable à l’apprentissage de tout modèle probabiliste exploitant l’échantillonnage par chaînes de Markov. Tandis que le gradient du maximum de vraisemblance peut-être approximé par échantillonnage, l’évaluation de la log-vraisemblance nécessite un estimé de la fonction de partition. Contrairement aux approches traditionnelles qui considèrent un modèle donné comme une boîte noire, nous proposons plutôt d’exploiter la dynamique de l’apprentissage en estimant les changements successifs de log-partition encourus à chaque mise à jour des paramètres. Le problème d’estimation est reformulé comme un problème d’inférence similaire au filtre de Kalman, mais sur un graphe bi-dimensionnel, où les dimensions correspondent aux axes du temps et au paramètre de température. Sur le thème de l’optimisation, nous présentons également un algorithme permettant d’appliquer, de manière efficace, le gradient naturel à des machines de Boltzmann comportant des milliers d’unités. Jusqu’à présent, son adoption était limitée par son haut coût computationel ainsi que sa demande en mémoire. Notre algorithme, Metric-Free Natural Gradient (MFNG), permet d’éviter le calcul explicite de la matrice d’information de Fisher (et son inverse) en exploitant un solveur linéaire combiné à un produit matrice-vecteur efficace. L’algorithme est prometteur: en terme du nombre d’évaluations de fonctions, MFNG converge plus rapidement que SML. Son implémentation demeure malheureusement inefficace en temps de calcul. Ces travaux explorent également les mécanismes sous-jacents à l’apprentissage de représentations invariantes. À cette fin, nous utilisons la famille de machines de Boltzmann restreintes “spike & slab” (ssRBM), que nous modifions afin de pouvoir modéliser des distributions binaires et parcimonieuses. Les variables latentes binaires de la ssRBM peuvent être rendues invariantes à un sous-espace vectoriel, en associant à chacune d’elles, un vecteur de variables latentes continues (dénommées “slabs”). Ceci se traduit par une invariance accrue au niveau de la représentation et un meilleur taux de classification lorsque peu de données étiquetées sont disponibles. Nous terminons cette thèse sur un sujet ambitieux: l’apprentissage de représentations pouvant séparer les facteurs de variations présents dans le signal d’entrée. Nous proposons une solution à base de ssRBM bilinéaire (avec deux groupes de facteurs latents) et formulons le problème comme l’un de “pooling” dans des sous-espaces vectoriels complémentaires.


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We consider the problem of conducting inference on nonparametric high-frequency estimators without knowing their asymptotic variances. We prove that a multivariate subsampling method achieves this goal under general conditions that were not previously available in the literature. We suggest a procedure for a data-driven choice of the bandwidth parameters. Our simulation study indicates that the subsampling method is much more robust than the plug-in method based on the asymptotic expression for the variance. Importantly, the subsampling method reliably estimates the variability of the Two Scale estimator even when its parameters are chosen to minimize the finite sample Mean Squared Error; in contrast, the plugin estimator substantially underestimates the sampling uncertainty. By construction, the subsampling method delivers estimates of the variance-covariance matrices that are always positive semi-definite. We use the subsampling method to study the dynamics of financial betas of six stocks on the NYSE. We document significant variation in betas within year 2006, and find that tick data captures more variation in betas than the data sampled at moderate frequencies such as every five or twenty minutes. To capture this variation we estimate a simple dynamic model for betas. The variance estimation is also important for the correction of the errors-in-variables bias in such models. We find that the bias corrections are substantial, and that betas are more persistent than the naive estimators would lead one to believe.


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Roadside surveys such as the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) are widely used to assess the relative abundance of bird populations. The accuracy of roadside surveys depends on the extent to which surveys from roads represent the entire region under study. We quantified roadside land cover sampling bias in Tennessee, USA, by comparing land cover proportions near roads to proportions of the surrounding region. Roadside surveys gave a biased estimate of patterns across the region because some land cover types were over- or underrepresented near roads. These biases changed over time, introducing varying levels of distortion into the data. We constructed simulated population trends for five bird species of management interest based on these measured roadside sampling biases and on field data on bird abundance. These simulations indicated that roadside surveys may give overly negative assessments of the population trends of early successional birds and of synanthropic birds, but not of late-successional birds. Because roadside surveys are the primary source of avian population trend information in North America, we conclude that these surveys should be corrected for roadside land cover sampling bias. In addition, current recommendations about the need to create more early successional habitat for birds may need reassessment in the light of the undersampling of this habitat by roads.


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The time-of-detection method for aural avian point counts is a new method of estimating abundance, allowing for uncertain probability of detection. The method has been specifically designed to allow for variation in singing rates of birds. It involves dividing the time interval of the point count into several subintervals and recording the detection history of the subintervals when each bird sings. The method can be viewed as generating data equivalent to closed capture–recapture information. The method is different from the distance and multiple-observer methods in that it is not required that all the birds sing during the point count. As this method is new and there is some concern as to how well individual birds can be followed, we carried out a field test of the method using simulated known populations of singing birds, using a laptop computer to send signals to audio stations distributed around a point. The system mimics actual aural avian point counts, but also allows us to know the size and spatial distribution of the populations we are sampling. Fifty 8-min point counts (broken into four 2-min intervals) using eight species of birds were simulated. Singing rate of an individual bird of a species was simulated following a Markovian process (singing bouts followed by periods of silence), which we felt was more realistic than a truly random process. The main emphasis of our paper is to compare results from species singing at (high and low) homogenous rates per interval with those singing at (high and low) heterogeneous rates. Population size was estimated accurately for the species simulated, with a high homogeneous probability of singing. Populations of simulated species with lower but homogeneous singing probabilities were somewhat underestimated. Populations of species simulated with heterogeneous singing probabilities were substantially underestimated. Underestimation was caused by both the very low detection probabilities of all distant individuals and by individuals with low singing rates also having very low detection probabilities.


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The Representative Soil Sampling Scheme (RSSS) has monitored the soil of agricultural land in England and Wales since 1969. Here we describe the first spatial analysis of the data from these surveys using geostatistics. Four years of data (1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001) were chosen to examine the nutrient (available K, Mg and P) and pH status of the soil. At each farm, four fields were sampled; however, for the earlier years, coordinates were available for the farm only and not for each field. The averaged data for each farm were used for spatial analysis and the variograms showed spatial structure even with the smaller sample size. These variograms provide a reasonable summary of the larger scale of variation identified from the data of the more intensively sampled National Soil Inventory. Maps of kriged predictions of K generally show larger values in the central and southeastern areas (above 200 mg L-1) and an increase in values in the west over time, whereas Mg is fairly stable over time. The kriged predictions of P show a decline over time, particularly in the east, and those of pH show an increase in the east over time. Disjunctive kriging was used to examine temporal changes in available P using probabilities less than given thresholds of this element. The RSSS was not designed for spatial analysis, but the results show that the data from these surveys are suitable for this purpose. The results of the spatial analysis, together with those of the statistical analyses, provide a comprehensive view of the RSSS database as a basis for monitoring the soil. These data should be taken into account when future national soil monitoring schemes are designed.


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Internationally agreed standard protocols for assessing chemical toxicity of contaminants in soil to worms assume that the test soil does not need to equilibrate with the chemical to be tested prior to the addition of the test organisms and that the chemical will exert any toxic effect upon the test organism within 28 days. Three experiments were carried out to investigate these assumptions. The first experiment was a standard toxicity test where lead nitrate was added to a soil in solution to give a range of concentrations. The mortality of the worms and the concentration of lead in the survivors were determined. The LC(50)s for 14 and 28 days were 5311 and 5395 mug(Pb) g(soil)(-1) respectively. The second experiment was a timed lead accumulation study with worms cultivated in soil containing either 3000 or 5000 mug(Pb) g(soil)(-1). The concentration of lead in the worms was determined at various sampling times. Uptake at so' Sol both concentrations was linear with time. Worms in the 5000 mug g(-1) soil accumulated lead at a faster rate (3.16 mug Pb g(tissue)(-1) day(-1)) tiss than those in the 3000 mug g(-1) soil (2.21 mug Pb-tissue g(-1) day(-1)). The third experiment was a timed experiment with worms cultivated in tiss soil containing 7000 mugPb g(soil)(-1). Soil and lead nitrate solution were mixed and stored at 20 degreesC. Worms were added at various times over a 35-day period. The time to death increased from 23 h, when worms were added directly after the lead was added to the soil, to 67 It when worms were added after the soil had equilibrated with the lead for 35 days. In artificially Pb-amended soils the worms accumulate Pb over the duration of their exposure to the Pb. Thus time limited toxicity tests may be terminated before worm body load has reached a toxic level. This could result in under-estimates of the toxicity of Pb to worms. As the equilibration time of artificially amended Pb-bearing soils increases the bioavailability of Pb decreases. Thus addition of worms shortly after addition of Pb to soils may result in the over-estimate of Pb toxicity to worms. The current OECD acute worm toxicity test fails to take these two phenomena into account thereby reducing the environmental relevance of the contaminant toxicities it is used to calculate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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As part of the European Commission (EC)'s revision of the Sewage Sludge Directive and the development of a Biowaste Directive, there was recognition of the difficulty of comparing data from Member States (MSs) because of differences in sampling and analytical procedures. The 'HORIZONTAL' initiative, funded by the EC and MSs, seeks to address these differences in approach and to produce standardised procedures in the form of CEN standards. This article is a preliminary investigation into aspects of the sampling of biosolids, composts and soils to which there is a history of biosolid application. The article provides information on the measurement uncertainty associated with sampling from heaps, large bags and pipes and soils in the landscape under a limited set of conditions, using sampling approaches in space and time and sample numbers based on procedures widely used in the relevant industries and when sampling similar materials. These preliminary results suggest that considerably more information is required before the appropriate sample design, optimum number of samples, number of samples comprising a composite, and temporal and spatial frequency of sampling might be recommended to achieve consistent results of a high level of precision and confidence. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Representative Soil Sampling Scheme of England and Wales has recorded information on the soil of agricultural land in England and Wales since 1969. It is a valuable source of information about the soil in the context of monitoring for sustainable agricultural development. Changes in soil nutrient status and pH were examined over the period 1971-2001. Several methods of statistical analysis were applied to data from the surveys during this period. The main focus here is on the data for 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001. The results of examining change over time in general show that levels of potassium in the soil have increased, those of magnesium have remained fairly constant, those of phosphorus have declined and pH has changed little. Future sampling needs have been assessed in the context of monitoring, to determine the mean at a given level of confidence and tolerable error and to detect change in the mean over time at these same levels over periods of 5 and 10 years. The results of a non-hierarchical multivariate classification suggest that England and Wales could be stratified to optimize future sampling and analysis. To monitor soil quality and health more generally than for agriculture, more of the country should be sampled and a wider range of properties recorded.


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Objective To assess the impact of a closed-loop electronic prescribing and automated dispensing system on the time spent providing a ward pharmacy service and the activities carried out. Setting Surgical ward, London teaching hospital. Method All data were collected two months pre- and one year post-intervention. First, the ward pharmacist recorded the time taken each day for four weeks. Second, an observational study was conducted over 10 weekdays, using two-dimensional work sampling, to identify the ward pharmacist's activities. Finally, medication orders were examined to identify pharmacists' endorsements that should have been, and were actually, made. Key findings Mean time to provide a weekday ward pharmacy service increased from 1 h 8 min to 1 h 38 min per day (P = 0.001; unpaired t-test). There were significant increases in time spent prescription monitoring, recommending changes in therapy/monitoring, giving advice or information, and non-productive time. There were decreases for supply, looking for charts and checking patients' own drugs. There was an increase in the amount of time spent with medical and pharmacy staff, and with 'self'. Seventy-eight per cent of patients' medication records could be assessed for endorsements pre- and 100% post-intervention. Endorsements were required for 390 (50%) of 787 medication orders pre-intervention and 190 (21%) of 897 afterwards (P < 0.0001; chi-square test). Endorsements were made for 214 (55%) of endorsement opportunities pre-intervention and 57 (30%) afterwards (P < 0.0001; chi-square test). Conclusion The intervention increased the overall time required to provide a ward pharmacy service and changed the types of activity undertaken. Contact time with medical and pharmacy staff increased. There was no significant change in time spent with patients. Fewer pharmacy endorsements were required post-intervention, but a lower percentage were actually made. The findings have important implications for the design, introduction and use of similar systems.


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Tomato plants inoculated with Meloidogyne javanica juveniles infected with Pasteuria penetrans were grown in a glasshouse (20-32degreesC) for 36, 53, 71 and 88 days and in a growth room (26-29degreesC) for 36, 53, 71 and 80 days. Over these periods the numbers of P penetrans endospores in infected M. javanica females and the weights of individual infected females increased. In the growth room, most spores (2.03 x 10(6)) were found after 71 days. However, in the glasshouse the rate of increase was slower and spore numbers were still increasing at the final sampling at 88 days (2.04 x 10(6)), as was the weight of the nematodes (72 mug). Weights of uninfected females reached a maximum of 36.2 and 43.1 mug after 71 days in the growth room and glasshouse, respectively.


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Phylogenetic methods hold great promise for the reconstruction of the transition from precursor to modern flora and the identification of underlying factors which drive the process. The phylogenetic methods presently used to address the question of the origin of the Cape flora of South Africa are considered here. The sampling requirements of each of these methods, which include dating of diversifications using calibrated molecular trees, sister pair comparisons, lineage through time plots and biogeographical optimizations are reviewed. Sampling of genes, genomes and species are considered. Although increased higher-level studies and increased sampling are required for robust interpretation, it is clear that much progress is already made. It is argued that despite the remarkable richness of the flora, the Cape flora is a valuable model system to demonstrate the utility of phylogenetic methods in determining the history of a modern flora.


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A sampling oscilloscope is one of the main units in automatic pulse measurement system (APMS). The time jitter in waveform samplers is an important error source that affect the precision of data acquisition. In this paper, this kind of error is greatly reduced by using the deconvolution method. First, the probability density function (PDF) of time jitter distribution is determined by the statistical approach, then, this PDF is used as convolution kern to deconvolve with the acquired waveform data with additional averaging, and the result is the waveform data in which the effect of time jitter has been removed, and the measurement precision of APMS is greatly improved. In addition, some computer simulations are given which prove the success of the method given in this paper.


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We reconsider the theory of the linear response of non-equilibrium steady states to perturbations. We �rst show that by using a general functional decomposition for space-time dependent forcings, we can de�ne elementary susceptibilities that allow to construct the response of the system to general perturbations. Starting from the de�nition of SRB measure, we then study the consequence of taking di�erent sampling schemes for analysing the response of the system. We show that only a speci�c choice of the time horizon for evaluating the response of the system to a general time-dependent perturbation allows to obtain the formula �rst presented by Ruelle. We also discuss the special case of periodic perturbations, showing that when they are taken into consideration the sampling can be �ne-tuned to make the de�nition of the correct time horizon immaterial. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results in terms of strategies for analyzing the outputs of numerical experiments by providing a critical review of a formula proposed by Reick.


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The task of this paper is to develop a Time-Domain Probe Method for the reconstruction of impenetrable scatterers. The basic idea of the method is to use pulses in the time domain and the time-dependent response of the scatterer to reconstruct its location and shape. The method is based on the basic causality principle of timedependent scattering. The method is independent of the boundary condition and is applicable for limited aperture scattering data. In particular, we discuss the reconstruction of the shape of a rough surface in three dimensions from time-domain measurements of the scattered field. In practise, measurement data is collected where the incident field is given by a pulse. We formulate the time-domain fieeld reconstruction problem equivalently via frequency-domain integral equations or via a retarded boundary integral equation based on results of Bamberger, Ha-Duong, Lubich. In contrast to pure frequency domain methods here we use a time-domain characterization of the unknown shape for its reconstruction. Our paper will describe the Time-Domain Probe Method and relate it to previous frequency-domain approaches on sampling and probe methods by Colton, Kirsch, Ikehata, Potthast, Luke, Sylvester et al. The approach significantly extends recent work of Chandler-Wilde and Lines (2005) and Luke and Potthast (2006) on the timedomain point source method. We provide a complete convergence analysis for the method for the rough surface scattering case and provide numerical simulations and examples.