270 resultados para Salaries
Report, dated 7th April 1905.--Appendices: A-B. Reports of the architect (education) on school buildings, and on the results of tests of drains. C. Return showing--1. Accommodation; 2. Roll and average attendance (September and October 1904); 3. Staff on 1st May 1904, fixed staff 1905-6, and final staff with costs; 4. Loss of accommodation; 5. Recommendations of sub-committees; 6. Small sketch plans of the schools. D. Return of staff on 1st May 1904, showing name, age, status, qualifications, salary, etc., with small sketch plans of the schools. E. Reports of the educational adviser and of the architect, on accommodation. F. Report of the comptroller.--Map and index.--Appendix to Report of Education committee. 26th July, 1905. Salaries of teachers in non-provided schools appointed prior to and since 1st May, 1904, at salaries and under conditions other than those provided for in the council's scale of salaries for teachers.
Published: -1974: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Office of Policy, Office of Research and Statistics.
Also includes: highlights of the events of the previous year; and, summaries of political platforms.
Mode of access: Internet.
A study was conducted to assess the role and effectiveness of community organisers in supporting the development of people’s organisations in achieving community-based forest management objectives in Leyte Province Philippines. Community organisers were found to be effective in forming people’s organisations (POs), motivating people to participate in voluntary activities organised by POs and encouraging cohesiveness among PO members. Community organisers manage to raise the level of environmental awareness and knowledge of members of people’s organisations, develop leadership interest and skills, create various livelihood opportunities and provide direction and facilitate the establishment of large tree plantations. However, the short duration of community organisers’ contracts (typically two years) is insufficient to establish mature and cohesive POs prepared to assume management on their own, including the management of tree plantations. Further, lack of training and funding support, low wages, delayed payment of salaries and limited time to work with people’s organisations, as well as the pressure to produce tangible outputs such the establishment of large tree plantations, prevents them from placing greater emphasis on the development and empowerment of the people.
O estudo sociopolítico aqui contido analisa a ausência da participação dos professores do ensino público da rede estadual de São Paulo nos movimentos sindicais, a partir da década de 2000. À desvalorização da carreira e os baixos salários continuam sendo queixas semelhantes ao passado; o que difere é que não há mais movimento como no passado. Para pesquisar tal inércia partimos da observação da participação dos professores nos movimentos sindicais a partir de 1980 até 2009 e dividimos em dois períodos: o primeiro período, que vai de 1980 a 1989 e 1990 a 1999, (porque neles, ocorreram as maiores movimentações da categoria), e um segundo período que vai de 2000 a 2009 (onde se observa claramente o declínio de tais movimentos). O objetivo dessa pesquisa é responder por que o professor atualmente não participa mais dos movimentos sindicais e o que provoca a ausência dos professores nos movimentos da categoria. Faremos a pesquisa com duas gerações de professores distintas: uma geração que vivenciou os movimentos da categoria nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, e que ainda está ativa na rede pública, e outra geração de jovens professores que ingressaram a partir de 2000. A hipótese aqui levantada é a de que as diferenças da origem de classe social dos professores, a formação política e a formação universitária dentro dos moldes neoliberais e a política neoliberal adotada para a educação pública do Estado de São Paulo, foram os fatores que influenciaram o nível de participação dos docentes em movimentos sindicais, gerando diferenças de comportamento reivindicatório entre as gerações. A pesquisa não tem por objetivo a análise das entidades sindicais e sim do pensamento e sentimento dos elementos que compõem esses sindicatos e formam a alma dos movimentos: os professores.
Sucesso profissional está relacionado à satisfação do indivíduo com a sua carreira em longo prazo. Essa satisfação deriva de aspectos intrínsecos e extrínsecos, referentes a uma dimensão objetiva - aspectos mais visíveis do sucesso na carreira - que inclui: salários, progressão profissional, status e oportunidades de desenvolvimento de carreira, como promoção; e outra subjetiva, que se refere à interpretação pessoal do que seja sucesso, em especial na carreira: satisfação com o trabalho, orgulho, sentimentos de autorrealização, dentre outros. A percepção do sucesso com a carreira pode estar associada a características individuais como, por exemplo, a resiliência, que representa o processo dinâmico de adaptação positiva frente às adversidades. Na literatura, não foram localizados estudos que relacionem ambas as variáveis, isto é, sobre o quanto a resiliência pessoal pode contribuir para a percepção de sucesso na carreira. A fim de investigar essa influência, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal identificar se resiliência pessoal de administradores prediz sua percepção de sucesso na carreira. Participaram 137 administradores, formados em diversas instituições, sendo 56,1% do sexo feminino e 43,7% do sexo masculino, com idade média de 33 anos, divididos entre casados ou solteiros (44,5% para ambos). Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico, baseado na Escala de Percepção de Sucesso na Carreira e da Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). As respostas compuseram um banco eletrônico de dados e foram analisados por meio do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Resultados de análises de regressão hierárquica revelaram que resiliência prediz 5,5% da percepção do sucesso na carreira objetiva e 9% da percepção de sucesso na carreira subjetiva. Ao acrescentar a interação entre idade e tempo de trabalho, o poder de predição de ambos os modelos, tanto para sucesso objetivo, quanto para o subjetivo, elevou-se substancialmente, chegando ao dobro. Resiliência contribui para que os participantes percebam sucesso na carreira em ambas as dimensões, objetiva e subjetiva, e a predição é potencializada pela interação entre idade e tempo de trabalho. Os achados deste estudo confirmaram a hipótese levantada. O estudo trouxe contribuições para a área, mas também foram reconhecidas limitações, em função das quais foi proposta uma agenda de pesquisa para estudos futuros.
The role of interpersonal attraction into the recruitment selection is gaining research attention. Early work in the domain of the influence of attraction in organisations suggested that men are given more resources, such as higher salaries and promotions. However, recent research has found women have an automatic in-group bias. It was suggested that female interviewers are more likely to hire another female. In contrast, male interviewers were found to be equally as likely to hire men as women. To resolve these two conflicting findings a behavioural experiment was set up looking at gender, attractiveness and recruitment selection. Forty participants, twenty male and twenty female, of varying ages (18-65) were recruited through age stratified sampling. Participants took on the role of manager of a medium sized company and were shown twenty photographs of faces previously rated for attractiveness. On initial viewing participants were asked to decide whether they would firstly hire the person and secondly give as many reasons for their decision. Findings from this research show that in all age groups male and female participants gave females (especially attractive females) more jobs, except in the case of the 18-21 year old females who gave attractive males more jobs. On examining the reasons behind the participant’s decisions, it was evident that if you appeared confident, friendly, youthful and attractive you were 46% more likely to receive the job. However, if you were perceived to be untrustworthy, lazy, arrogant and unintelligent you were 49% more likely not to receive the job. These findings shed light on the various processes that may underpin human resource decisions in an organisational setting.
Silvia Baeva - In the Ministry of Education and Science’s system it has been talked about optimization of the school network; this optimization can be carried out in different directions and be supported by laws. An important aspect in the optimization of the school network is to reduce costs and increase overall efficiency in each school. We will formulate this aspect as a problem of the multicriteria decisions making and by appropriate numbers of methods and criteria it can be transformed to the problem of unicriterion optimization. This problem is separated into two stages: 1-th stage – determining the minimum number of classes in a school under certain statutory provisions for the size of each of them; 2-th stage – the appointment of a minimum number of teachers and achievement of maximal effectiveness of teaching and acquiring of knowledge and skills by students according to certain statutory provisions for teachers’ annual norms of subjects and number of hours in a particular subject area and the salaries of teachers. The achievement of maximum overall efficiency is a priority in all schools.
A tanulmány – egy 2005 végén lefolytatott, országosan reprezentatív kérdőíves felmérés empirikus bázisán – a magyar közigazgatási dolgozók körében 2002-től bevezetett egyéni teljesítményértékelési rendszert vizsgálja. A rendszer egészét tekintve a vizsgálat végkövetkeztetései nem túl rózsásak: az eredmények arra utalnak, hogy a rendszer mint egész nem képes kitűzött fő célját, a munkateljesítmények javítását elérni. Az egyes részrendszerek, szervezettípusok szintjén differenciáltabb eredményeket kapunk, míg a minisztériumokban a rendszer egésze a szándékolttól alapvetően különböző célokat látszik szolgálni, addig a többi szervezettípusnál inkább „csak” a rendszer tökéletlen működéséről beszélhetünk. ____ On the basis of a questionnaire survey of a nationally representative sample of Hungarian civil servants, the study attempts to give a preliminary evaluation of the individual performance assessment system introduced in 2002 throughout the Hungarian civil service. The general conclusion of the analysis is that the performance assessment system is unlikely to reach its goals: its central element, the performance related pay incentives are overly dispersed and, on the average, insignificant in size, meanwhile the objectivity of performance assessments is also questionable. Moreover, comparative analysis of responses from different administrative branches reveals an interesting idiosyncrasy characteristic for central government ministries. Here, the main function of the incentive system seems to be ensuring the labor market competitiveness of the ministries as employers by enabling them to pay higher-than-usual salaries for employees having certain types of expertise.
Napjaink munkaerőpiaci tendenciái következtében egyre több figyelem irányul az atipikus munkavégzésre. Az atipikus munkavégzésben rejlő lehetőségeket a munkavállalók oldaláról vizsgáltuk. Ennek érdekében egy kétfázisú kutatássorozatot hajtottuk végre a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem hallgatói körében. A felmérés rámutatott arra, hogy az egyetemi hallgatók már az egyetemi tanulmányaik alatt is potenciális munkaerőt jelentenek. Foglalkoztatásuk során a legfontosabb tényező a rugalmas, tanulmányokkal összeegyeztethető munkavégzés. A második kutatás fő célja a teljes életcikluson keresztüli munkavállalói preferenciák feltárása volt. A hallgatók által a két leginkább előnybe részesített munkavállalási forma a napi nyolcórás munkaviszony rugalmas munkaidőben és a saját vállalkozás indítása. A hallgatók elsősorban magas jövedelmet, ezt követően stabil, biztos jövedelmet, fejlődési lehetőséget, és a munka és magánélet egyensúlyát várják el munkahelyüktől. A tanulmány rámutat az egyes alcsoportok különbségeire, illetve kiindulópontot jelenthet további kutatásokhoz. _____ More and more attention is paid to atypical work due to workplace trends. Increasing opportunities deriving from atypical work have been investigated from employees’ viewpoint in this paper. We conducted a two-step survey amongst graduates and undergraduates of Corvinus University of Budapest. The survey pointed out that undergraduates are potential workers as well, and the most important factor for them was the flexible form of work. The second survey aimed to explore employees’ preferences through a whole lifetime period. The two most popular forms of work were flexible full-time jobs and starting their own enterprise. Students prefer high salaries, a stable and secure income, opportunities for development and work-life balance. The surveys pointed out some differences between subgroups and their conclusions could be a starting point for future research.
This study explores the interaction of expatriates in Qatar and their perception of their subordination. The study design included participant observation in an all female University and University housing as well as interviews with Qatari government agencies and ministries, expatriate embassies and expatriates. Semi-structured interviews were conducted across seven expatriate groups: domestic workers, unskilled laborers, semiskilled, professionals, housewives, second-generation expatriates with host country other than Qatar, second-generation expatriates with host country Qatar, and Gulf Cooperation Council citizens. Forty-two subjects completed the interview schedule while 87 interviews were incomplete. ^ Physical control of expatriates occurs through the Gulf practice of sponsorship (The Kafeel System), and local cultural and Islamic related controls intertwined with the Arab Code of honor. Interviews and observations revealed rankings of Arabs and foreigners which emphasize Qatari superiority such as tribal identity, moral ranking of female groups by dress, legal protection and power, sexual consideration and desexualization and salaries and job opportunities based on nationality and ethnicity. Individuals who desire to transcend boundaries into the Qatari realm through citizenship or marriage view Qataris as possessing the “image of the unlimited good” and have acquired Qatari social and cultural capital. Members from all expatriate groups engaged in various forms of resistance to labor and gender domination which ranged from forms of “exit,” expressing a hidden transcript in the privacy of their own group, disguised resistance in public, and occasionally, direct confrontation with the Qatari. Although the legal arena created the appearance that worker's needs were being addressed, laborers engaged in forms of “exit” to escape their oppression. Omani students in the hostel disguised their resistance by spreading gossip, nick-naming homosexual Qatari students at the University, acting out a skit depicting their exclusion from Qatari privilege, spreading rumors of impending freedom, and singing songs of despair in the courtyard. Other sites of resistance were expatriate embassies, the road, the newspaper and technology. This study emphasizes that blaming oppression of the expatriate worker on globalization is a simplistic view of oppression in the Gulf, and ignores complex issues within Qatari society and other Gulf States. Sponsorship, servitude, and gender segregation intersect in Qatar to create a system of segregation and domination of expatriates. ^
Tobacco was of primary importance to Spain, and its impact on Cuba's economy and society was greater than just the numbers of farms, workers, or production, demonstrated by the Spanish crown's outlay of monies for capital assets, bureaucrats' salaries, and payments to farmers for their crop. This study is a micro- and macro-level study of rural life in colonial Cuba and the interconnected relationships among society, agricultural production, state control, and the island's economic development. ^ By placing Cuba's tobacco farmers at the forefront of this social history, this work revisits and offers alternatives to two prevailing historiographical views of rural Cuba from 1763 (the year Havana returned to Spanish control following the Seven Years' War) to 1817 (the final year of the 100-year royal monopoly on Cuban tobacco). Firstly, it argues against the primacy of sugar over other agricultural crops, a view that has shaped decades of scholarship, and challenges the thesis which maintains the Cuban tobacco farmer was almost exclusively poor, white, and employed free labor, rather than slaves, in the production of their crop. ^ This study establishes the importance of tobacco as an agricultural product, and argues that Cuban tobacco growers were a heterogeneous group, revealing the role that its cultivation may have played in helping some slaves earn their freedom. ^
Administrative reform is a challenging endeavor for both developed and developing countries alike. For developing countries, the challenge is greater because numerous reforms are implemented concurrently sometimes under conditions of resource scarcity and political instability. So far there is no consensus as to what makes some reforms succeed and others fail. The current study seeks to fill that gap by offering an empirical comparative analysis of the administrative reforms initiated in Uganda and Tanzania since the early 1990s. The purpose of the study is to explain the similarities and differences, and give reasons for the successes and failures of the reform programs in the two countries. It focuses on four major areas; the size of the civil service, pay reform, capacity building, and ethics and accountability. Data were collected via in-depth face to face interviews with 35 key government officials and the content analysis of various documents. The results indicate that the reforms generated initial substantial reduction in the size of the public services in both countries. In Uganda, the traditional civil service was reduced from 140,500 in 1990 to 41,730 in 2004; while in Tanzania Ministries, Departments, and Agencies were reduced by 25%. Pay reform has generated substantial increases in civil servants' salaries in both countries but in Uganda, the government has not been able to abide by the pay strategy while in Tanzania the strategy guides the increments. Civil Service capacity building efforts have focused on enhancing the skills of the personnel. Training needs assessments were undertaken in all ministries in Uganda and a training policy was formulated. In Tanzania, the training needs assessments are still under way and a training policy has not yet been developed. Ethics and accountability are great challenges in both countries, but in Tanzania, there is more political will and commitment to improve the integrity of the civil service. The findings reveal that although Uganda started the reform with much more rigor and initial success, Tanzania has surpassed it and has a more stable, consistent, and promising reform record. This is because Uganda's leadership lacks political legitimacy. The country has since the late 1990s experienced a civil war in the northern and western parts of the country while Tanzania has benefitted from relative peace and high level political legitimacy.
Percentage plans such as the Talented Twenty program purport to assist and motivate high ranking students to attend college and grant access to higher education. This type of plan is particularly important to students enrolled in high priority schools who might not view themselves as potential college students. This study examined the relationship between Florida’s Talented Twenty program that begins intervention with juniors and the college aspirations for high ranking students at a high priority school. Numerous studies have established that increased levels of education lead to higher salaries, career mobility, and an increased quality of life (e.g., Bowen, 1997; Leslie & Brinkman 1988; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991, Swail, 2000). Given the importance of students’ decisions regarding whether or not they will attend college, understanding how and when they make decisions about attending college is important for them, their parents, advisors, and educational administrators. This research examined students’ perceptions and insights via interviews. The overarching research question was: How do high ranking high school students attending a high priority school in a south Florida district perceive their college opportunities? Sixteen high ranking students, grades nine – 12 from a high priority school in Miami-Dade County participated in the study. Participants were identified by a school counselor and individual semi structured interviews were conducted at the school. Utilizing a student development theoretical framework developed by Hossler and Gallagher (1987) that centered on students’ predisposition, search strategies and choices, data were organized and emergent themes analyzed. The analysis of the data revealed that in alignment with the framework (a) parents were the strongest influence in the development of these students’ college aspirations, (b) these students formalized their higher education plans between eighth and 10th grade, (c) these students actively engaged in academic searches and learning opportunities that increased their chances to be admitted into college, and (d) there was no relationship between knowledge regarding the Talented Twenty program and their educational decisions. This study’s findings suggest that interventions and programs intended to influence the educational aspirations of students are more likely to succeed if they take place by the eighth or ninth grade.