959 resultados para Said, Edward: Orientalism
The playwright Edward Bond has long made known his antagonism to dramatists allied to Martin Esslin’s Theatre of the Absurd. The work of Samuel Beckett has come in for particular criticism by Bond. Using published writings (and unpublished correspondence between myself and Bond), I hope to trace the development of this antagonism between ‘Bondian’ and ‘Beckettian’ views of theatre. However, this article will also set out to argue that both early work such as The Pope’s Wedding (1962), and more recent work such as Coffee (1995), make use of motifs, characters and ideas from Beckett’s theatre. The article will set out provisional reasons why Bond, despite his misgivings, is not averse to incorporating elements from Beckett’s ‘theatre of ruins’, as he terms it, into his own work.
A shibboleth has grown up around the work of Edward Bond. The tag ‘controversial dramatist’ has continued to dog both the man and his work. This article will hope to explore some of the contradictory, and sometimes frustrating manifestations that such ‘celebrity’ has produced. Since the reception of The War Plays [1985] by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the National Theatre Bond has largely withdrawn his work from mainstream British theatre. Since the late 1990s he has looked to a new home – La Colline Theatre – in France, to premiere new work and run retrospective seasons of older plays. Here, Bond's celebrity is of a different kind, and has allowed him to enhance and develop his work as a playwright, director and writer about theatre. While this article draws on secondary sources it also uses material based on personal correspondence with Edward Bond.
This article traces the paradoxical impact of Weber's oeuvre on two major scholars of nationalism, Ernest Gellner and Edward Shils. Both these scholars died in 1995, leaving behind a rich corpus of writings on the nation and nationalism, much of which was inspired by Max Weber. The paradox is that although neither scholar accepted Weber's sceptical attitude to the concept of ‘nation’, they both used his other major concepts, such as ‘rationality’, ‘disenchantment’, ‘unintended consequences’, the ‘ethic of responsibility’ and ‘charisma’, in their very analyses of the nation and nationalism. And they both saw, each in his own way, the nation and nationalism as constitutive elements of modern societies. However, the paradox ceases being a paradox if one sees the integration, by Shils and Gellner, of concepts of the nation and of nationalism in the analysis of modernity, as a development of Weber's ideas.
Canalizing genes possess such broad regulatory power, and their action sweeps across a such a wide swath of processes that the full set of affected genes are not highly correlated under normal conditions. When not active, the controlling gene will not be predictable to any significant degree by its subject genes, either alone or in groups, since their behavior will be highly varied relative to the inactive controlling gene. When the controlling gene is active, its behavior is not well predicted by any one of its targets, but can be very well predicted by groups of genes under its control. To investigate this question, we introduce in this paper the concept of intrinsically multivariate predictive (IMP) genes, and present a mathematical study of IMP in the context of binary genes with respect to the coefficient of determination (CoD), which measures the predictive power of a set of genes with respect to a target gene. A set of predictor genes is said to be IMP for a target gene if all properly contained subsets of the predictor set are bad predictors of the target but the full predictor set predicts the target with great accuracy. We show that logic of prediction, predictive power, covariance between predictors, and the entropy of the joint probability distribution of the predictors jointly affect the appearance of IMP genes. In particular, we show that high-predictive power, small covariance among predictors, a large entropy of the joint probability distribution of predictors, and certain logics, such as XOR in the 2-predictor case, are factors that favor the appearance of IMP. The IMP concept is applied to characterize the behavior of the gene DUSP1, which exhibits control over a central, process-integrating signaling pathway, thereby providing preliminary evidence that IMP can be used as a criterion for discovery of canalizing genes.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom textanalys granska ett antal läroböcker i Engelska A för gymnasiet, utgivna i Sverige under tiden 1995-2003, för att därigenom utforska i vilken mån ett interkulturellt synsätt kommer till uttryck i dessa läroböcker. Slutsatserna som dras utifrån studien visar att ett interkulturellt synsätt betonar ett dynamiskt möte, där mötet leder till en djupare förståelse av sig själv och andra. För att mötet skall vara framgångsrikt förordas en plats utanför den egna och den andres kultur, vilken möjliggör ett utvidgande av den egna horisonten. Vidare visar textanalysen av läroböckerna att en vanligt förekommande skildring av kulturer i den övriga världen, är konstruktionen av ”de andra”, som skiljer sig mot hur den engelsktalande vita kulturen skildras som ”oss”. Den dolda värdering som konstruerar västvärlden till ”oss” och den övriga världen till ”dem”, är värderingar som inte medverkar till ett interkulturellt synsätt. De texter i läroböckerna som understödjer konstruktionen av ”de andra”, motverkar ett interkulturellt synsätt. Här skall också nämnas att ett icke omnämnande av andra kulturer än den vita västerländska och därutöver ett omnämnande av dessa i relation till problem och rasism, inte heller kan ses som medverkande till ett interkulturellt synsätt. Dock finns därutöver några texter i läroböckerna som nyanserat beskriver det mänskliga ”oss” och inte betonar ”vi och de andra”, och dessa kan sägas medverka till ett interkulturellt synsätt.