955 resultados para SURFACE EMG ACTIVITY
Distinct subtypes of glutamate receptors often are colocalized at individual excitatory synapses in the mammalian brain yet appear to subserve distinct functions. To address whether neuronal activity may differentially regulate the surface expression at synapses of two specific subtypes of ionotropic glutamate receptors we epitope-tagged an AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid) receptor subunit (GluR1) and an NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) receptor subunit (NR1) on their extracellular termini and expressed these proteins in cultured hippocampal neurons using recombinant adenoviruses. Both receptor subtypes were appropriately targeted to the synaptic plasma membrane as defined by colocalization with the synaptic vesicle protein synaptophysin. Increasing activity in the network of cultured cells by prolonged blockade of inhibitory synapses with the γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor antagonist picrotoxin caused an activity-dependent and NMDA receptor-dependent decrease in surface expression of GluR1, but not NR1, at synapses. Consistent with this observation identical treatment of noninfected cultures decreased the contribution of endogenous AMPA receptors to synaptic currents relative to endogenous NMDA receptors. These results indicate that neuronal activity can differentially regulate the surface expression of AMPA and NMDA receptors at individual synapses.
Hypocotyls from etiolated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings were gently abraded at their epidermal surface and cut segments were conditioned to develop competence for H2O2 elicitation. Alkaline hydrolysates of cutin from cucumber, tomato, and apple elicited H2O2 in such conditioned segments. The most active constituent of cucumber cutin was identified as dodecan-1-ol, a novel cutin monomer capable of forming hydrophobic terminal chains. Additionally, the cutin hydrolysates enhanced the activity of a fungal H2O2 elicitor, similar to cucumber surface wax, which contained newly identified alkan-1,3-diols. The specificity of elicitor and enhancement activity was further elaborated using some pure model compounds. Certain saturated hydroxy fatty acids were potent H2O2 elicitors as well as enhancers. Some unsaturated epoxy and hydroxy fatty acids were also excellent H2O2 elicitors but inhibited the fungal elicitor activity. Short-chain alkanols exhibited good elicitor and enhancer activity, whereas longer-chain alkan-1-ols were barely active. The enhancement effect was also observed for H2O2 elicitation by ergosterol and chitosan. The physiological significance of these observations might be that once the cuticle is degraded by fungal cutinase, the cutin monomers may act as H2O2 elicitors. Corrosion of cutin may also bring surface wax constituents in contact with protoplasts and enhance elicitation.
The final step in the pathway that provides for glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring of cell-surface proteins occurs in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and consists of a transamidation reaction in which fully assembled GPI anchor donors are substituted for specific COOH-terminal signal peptide sequences contained in nascent polypeptides. In previous studies we described a human K562 cell mutant line, designated class K, which assembles all the known intermediates of the GPI pathway but fails to display GPI-anchored proteins on its surface membrane. In the present study, we used mRNA encoding miniPLAP, a truncated form of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), in in vitro assays with rough microsomal membranes (RM) of mutant K cells to further characterize the biosynthetic defect in this line. We found that RM from mutant K cells supported NH2-terminal processing of the nascent translational product, preprominiPLAP, but failed to show any detectable COOH-terminal processing of the resulting prominiPLAP to GPI-anchored miniPLAP. Proteinase K protection assays verified that NH2-terminal processed prominiPLAP was appropriately translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. The addition of hydrazine or hydroxylamine, which can substitute for GPI donors, to RM from wild-type or mutant cells defective in various intermediate biosynthetic steps in the GPI pathway produced large amounts of the hydrazide or hydroxamate of miniPLAP. In contrast, the addition of these nucleophiles to RM of class K cells yielded neither of these products. These data, taken together, lead us to conclude that mutant K cells are defective in part of the GPI transamidase machinery.
The restriction of phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) to the inner surface of the plasma membrane bilayer is lost early during apoptosis. Since PtdSer is a potent surface procoagulant, and since there is an increased incidence of coagulation events in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who have anti-phospholipid antibodies, we addressed whether apoptotic cells are procoagulant and whether anti-phospholipid antibodies influence this. Apoptotic HeLa cells, human endothelial cells, and a murine pre-B-cell line were markedly procoagulant in a modified Russell viper venom assay. This procoagulant effect was entirely abolished by addition of the PtdSer-binding protein, annexin V, confirming that it was PtdSer-dependent. The procoagulant effect was also abolished by addition of IgG purified from the plasma of three patients with anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome, but not IgG from normal controls. Confocal microscopy of apoptotic cells stained with fluorescein-isothiocyanate-conjugated-annexin V demonstrated (Ca2+)-dependent binding to the surface of membrane blebs o apoptotic cells, but not to intracellular membranes. Recent data indicate that the surface blebs of apoptotic cells constitute an important immunogenic particle in SLE. We propose that the PtdSer exposed on the outside of these blebs can induce the production of anti-phospholipid antibodies, which might also enhance the immunogenicity of the bleb contents. When apoptosis occurs in a microenvironment in direct contact with circulating plasma, the unique procoagulant consequences of the apoptotic surface may additionally be expressed. This might explain the increased incidence of pathological intravascular coagulation events that occur in some lupus patients who have anti-phospholipid antibodies.
The objective of this study was to compare onset of deep and superficial cervical flexor muscle activity during rapid, unilateral arm movements between ten patients with chronic neck pain and 12 control subjects. Deep cervical flexor (DCF) electromyographic activity (EMG) was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscles. While standing, subjects flexed and extended the right arm in response to a visual stimulus. For the control group, activation of DCF, SCM and AS muscles occurred less than 50 ms after the onset of deltoid activity, which is consistent with feedforward control of the neck during arm flexion and extension. When subjects with a history of neck pain flexed the arm, the onsets of DCF and contralateral SCM and AS muscles were significantly delayed (p<0.05). It is concluded that the delay in neck muscle activity associated with movement of the arm in patients with neck pain indicates a significant deficit in the automatic feedforward control of the cervical spine. As the deep cervical muscles are fundamentally important for support of the cervical lordosis and the cervical joints, change in the feedforward response may leave the cervical spine vulnerable to reactive forces from arm movement.
Control of the neck muscles is coordinated with the sensory organs of vision, hearing and balance. For instance, activity of splenius capitis (SC) is modified with gaze shift. This interaction between eye movement and neck muscle activity is likely to influence the control of neck movement. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eye position on neck muscle activity during cervical rotation. In eleven subjects we recorded electromyographic activity (EMG) of muscles that rotate the neck to the right [right obliquus capitis inferior (OI), multifides (MF), and SC, and left sternocleidomastoid (SCM)] with intramuscular or surface electrodes. In sitting, subjects rotated the neck in each direction to specific points in range that were held statically with gaze either fixed to a guide (at three different positions) that moved with the head to maintain a constant intra-orbit eye position or to a panel in front of the subject. Although right SC and left SCM EMG increased with rotation to the right, contrary to anatomical texts, OI EMG increased with both directions and MF EMG did not change from the activity recorded at rest. During neck rotation SCM and MF EMG was less when the eyes were maintained with a constant intra-orbit position that was opposite to the direction of rotation compared to trials in which the eyes were maintained in the same direction as the head movement. The inter-relationship between eye position and neck muscle activity may affect the control of neck posture and movement.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the CNS adjusts motor patterns for variants of a complex axial movement-the situp. Adjustments were induced by changing the support surface contact and mass distribution of the body. Healthy adults performed straight-legged sit-ups, 3 s in duration, with support added to or removed from the lumbar trunk, or with mass added to the head or to the legs. Each of these interventions either increased or decreased the difficulty of the task. The study addressed the extent to which changes in sit-up difficulty are compensated by scaling of muscle activity, kinematics, and dynamics versus the extent to which they are compensated by changing discretely the motor pattern. The analysis of muscle activity, kinematics, and dynamics focused on the first 30-40% of the sit-up-the trunk flexion phase-since this is the most critical part of the movement. Our results demonstrate that, in some respects, sit-up kinematics and dynamics scaled with difficulty, but in other respects, they did not. Muscle activity also scaled, in many respects, but in more difficult sit-ups, abdominal flexor activity decreased instead of increased. Non-scaling changes in these parameters suggest that complex movements, such as the sit-up, may require discrete changes in motor pattern in order to deal with large loads, which challenge the available leverage. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to determine whether postural activity of the pelvic floor (PF) and abdominal muscles differs between continent and incontinent women during rapid arm movements that present a postural challenge to the trunk. A further aim was to study the effect of bladder filling. Electromyographic activity (EMG) of the PF, abdominal, erector spinae (ES), and deltoid muscles was recorded with surface electrodes. During rapid shoulder flexion and extension, PF EMG increased before that of the deltoid in continent women, but after the deltoid in incontinent women (p= 0.002). In many incontinent women, PF EMG decreased before the postural activation. Although delayed, postural PF EMG amplitude was greater in women with incontinence ( p= 0.010). In both groups, PF EMG decreased and abdominal and ES EMG increased when the bladder was moderately full. These findings would be expected to have negative consequences for continence and lumbopelvic stability in women with incontinence.
Study Design. A comparative study of trunk and hip extensor muscle recruitment patterns in 2 subject groups. Objective. To examine for changes in recruitment of the hip and back extensor muscles during low level isometric trunk rotation efforts in chronic low back pain (CLBP) subjects by comparison with matched asymptomatic control subjects. Summary of Background Data. Anatomic and biomechanical models have provided evidence that muscles attaching to the thoracolumbar fascia (TLF) are important for providing stabilization to the lumbopelvic region during trunk rotation. This has guided rehabilitation programs. The muscles that link diagonally to the posterior layer of the TLF have not previously been examined individually and compared during low-level trunk rotation efforts in CLBP patients and matched controls. Methods. Thirty CLBP patients and 30 matched controls were assessed using surface electromyography (EMG) as they performed low-level isometric rotation efforts while standing upright. Muscles studied included latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, upper and lower gluteus maximus, and biceps femoris. Subjects performed the rotation exertion with various levels of external trunk support, related to different functional tasks. Results. EMG results demonstrated that subjects with CLBP had significantly higher levels of recruitment for the lower and upper gluteus maximus (P < 0.05), hamstrings (P < 0.05), and erector spinae muscles (P < 0.05) during rotation to the left compared with the control subjects. Conclusion. This study provided evidence of increased muscle recruitment in CLBP patients when performing a standardized trunk rotation task. These results may have implications for the design of therapeutic exercise programs for CLBP patients.
Stone-fruit activated carbon (SAC) and modified versions containing acidic oxygen and basic nitrogen groups have been used to prepare palladium catalysts by wet impregnation. Carbon supports and catalysts are investigated by thermo-gravimetric analysis, TPD, oxygen chemisorption, TEM and XPS. The influence of the nature of the functional groups on the dispersion and oxidation state of palladium and its activity in hydrogen oxidation is investigated. Pd dispersion is found to increase with the basic strength of functional groups on the support. XPS reveals that introduction of amine groups in SAC results in an increased proportion of Pd0, resistant to re-oxidation. Palladium catalysts supported on activated carbon modified by diethylamine groups are found to exhibit the highest metal dispersion and greatest activity in hydrogen oxidation. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigated the occurrence and activity of anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) bacteria in sandy and muddy sand sediments of the southern North Sea. The presence of anammox bacteria was established through the detection of specific phosphocholine-monoether ladderane lipids, 16S rRNA gene, and hydrazine synthase (hzsA) genes. Anammox activity was measured in intact sediment cores (in situ rate) and in sediment slurries (potential rate) as the rate of N2 evolution from 15N-labeled substrates and compared to the transcriptional activity of genes of anammox bacteria. The contribution of anammox to N2 production ranged between 0% and 29%. The potential rate of anammox agreed well with the abundance of anammox bacteria 16S rRNA and hzsA gene copies and the transcriptional activity of the anammox bacteria 16S rRNA gene. We found a higher abundance and activity of anammox bacteria in sediments with higher organic carbon content and also higher activity in summer than in winter. The abundance of anammox bacteria and their potential anammox rates were similar to those reported for other marine coastal sediments, suggesting that potentially they are important contributors to the nitrogen cycle in sandy sediments of shallow continental shelf areas.