374 resultados para STREPTOMYCES DAUFPE 3060


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I lantibiotici sono molecole peptidiche prodotte da un gran numero di batteri Gram-positivi, posseggono attività antibatterica contro un ampio spettro di germi, e rappresentano una potenziale soluzione alla crescente problematica dei patogeni multi-resistenti. La loro attività consiste nel legame alla membrana del bersaglio, che viene quindi destabilizzata mediante l’induzione di pori che determinano la morte del patogeno. Tipicamente i lantibiotici sono formati da un “leader-peptide” e da un “core-peptide”. Il primo è necessario per il riconoscimento della molecola da parte di enzimi che effettuano modifiche post-traduzionali del secondo - che sarà la regione con attività battericida una volta scissa dal “leader-peptide”. Le modifiche post-traduzionali anticipate determinano il contenuto di amminoacidi lantionina (Lan) e metil-lantionina (MeLan), caratterizzati dalla presenza di ponti-tioetere che conferiscono maggior resistenza contro le proteasi, e permettono di aggirare la principale limitazione all’uso dei peptidi in ambito terapeutico. La nisina è il lantibiotico più studiato e caratterizzato, prodotto dal batterio L. lactis che è stato utilizzato per oltre venti anni nell’industria alimentare. La nisina è un peptide lungo 34 amminoacidi, che contiene anelli di lantionina e metil-lantionina, introdotti dall’azione degli enzimi nisB e nisC, mentre il taglio del “leader-peptide” è svolto dall’enzima nisP. Questo elaborato affronta l’ingegnerizzazione della sintesi e della modifica di lantibiotici nel batterio E.coli. In particolare si affronta l’implementazione dell’espressione eterologa in E.coli del lantibiotico cinnamicina, prodotto in natura dal batterio Streptomyces cinnamoneus. Questo particolare lantibiotico, lungo diciannove amminoacidi dopo il taglio del leader, subisce modifiche da parte dell’enzima CinM, responsabile dell’introduzione degli aminoacidi Lan e MeLan, dell’enzima CinX responsabile dell’idrossilazione dell’acido aspartico (Asp), e infine dell’enzima cinorf7 deputato all’introduzione del ponte di lisinoalanina (Lal). Una volta confermata l’attività della cinnamicina e di conseguenza quella dell’enzima CinM, si è deciso di tentare la modifica della nisina da parte di CinM. A tal proposito è stato necessario progettare un gene sintetico che codifica nisina con un leader chimerico, formato cioè dalla fusione del leader della cinnamicina e del leader della nisina. Il prodotto finale, dopo il taglio del leader da parte di nisP, è una nisina completamente modificata. Questo risultato ne permette però la modifica utilizzando un solo enzima invece di due, riducendo il carico metabolico sul batterio che la produce, e inoltre apre la strada all’utilizzo di CinM per la modifica di altri lantibiotici seguendo lo stesso approccio, nonché all’introduzione del ponte di lisinoalanina, in quanto l’enzima cinorf7 necessita della presenza di CinM per svolgere la sua funzione.


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Failing cerebral blood flow (CBF) autoregulation may contribute to cerebral damage after traumatic brain injury (TBI). The purpose of this study was to describe the time course of CO(2)-dependent vasoreactivity, measured as CBF velocity in response to hyperventilation (vasomotor reactivity [VMR] index). We included 13 patients who had had severe TBI, 8 of whom received norepinephrine (NE) based on clinical indication. In these patients, measurements were also performed after dobutamine administration, with a goal of increasing cardiac output by 30%. Blood flow velocity was measured with transcranial Doppler ultrasound in both hemispheres. All patients except one had an abnormal VMR index in at least one hemisphere within the first 24 h after TBI. In those patients who did not receive catecholamines, mean VMR index recovered within the first 48 to 72 h. In contrast, in patients who received NE within the first 48 h period, VMR index did not recover on the second day. Cardiac output and mean CBF velocity increased significantly during dobutamine administration, but VMR index did not change significantly. In conclusion, CO(2) vasomotor reactivity was abnormal in the first 24 h after TBI in most of the patients, but recovered within 48 h in those patients who did not receive NE, in contrast to those eventually receiving the drug. Addition of dobutamine to NE had variable but overall insignificant effects on CO(2) vasomotor reactivity.


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Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipases C (PI-PLC) are known to participate in many eukaryotic signal transduction pathways and act as virulence factors in lower organisms. Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase (GDPD) enzymes are involved in phosphate homeostasis and phospholipid catabolism for energy production. Streptomyces antibioticus phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (SaPLC1) is a 38 kDa enzyme that displays characteristics of both enzyme superfamilies, representing an evolutionary link between these divergent enzyme classes. SaPLC1 also boasts a unique catalytic mechanism that involves a trans 1,6-cyclic inositol phosphate intermediate instead of the typical cis 1,2-cyclic inositol phosphate. The mechanism by which this occurs is still unclear. To attack this problem, we established a wide mutagenesis scan of the active site and measured activities of alanine mutants. A chemical rescue assay was developed to verify that the activity loss was due to the removal of the functional role of the mutated residue. 31P-NMR was employed in characterizing and quantifying intermediates in mutants that slowed the reaction sufficiently. We found that the H37A and H76A mutations support the hypothesis that these structurally conserved residues are also conserved in terms of their catalytic roles. H37 was found to be the general base (GB), while H76 plays the role of general acid (GA). K131 was identified as a semi-conserved key positive charge donor found at the entrance of the active site. By elucidating the SaPLC1 mechanism in relation to its active site architecture, we have increased our understanding of the structure-function relations that support catalysis in the PI-PLC/GDPD superfamily. These findings provide groundwork for in vivo studies of SaPLC1 function and its possible role in novel signaling or metabolism in Streptomyces.


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This Ph.D. research is comprised of three major components; (i) Characterization study to analyze the composition of defatted corn syrup (DCS) from a dry corn mill facility (ii) Hydrolysis experiments to optimize the production of fermentable sugars and amino acid platform using DCS and (iii) Sustainability analyses. Analyses of DCS included total solids, ash content, total protein, amino acids, inorganic elements, starch, total carbohydrates, lignin, organic acids, glycerol, and presence of functional groups. Total solids content was 37.4% (± 0.4%) by weight, and the mass balance closure was 101%. Total carbohydrates [27% (± 5%) wt.] comprised of starch (5.6%), soluble monomer carbohydrates (12%) and non-starch carbohydrates (10%). Hemicellulose components (structural and non-structural) were; xylan (6%), xylose (1%), mannan (1%), mannose (0.4%), arabinan (1%), arabinose (0.4%), galatactan (3%) and galactose (0.4%). Based on the measured physical and chemical components, bio-chemical conversion route and subsequent fermentation to value added products was identified as promising. DCS has potential to serve as an important fermentation feedstock for bio-based chemicals production. In the sugar hydrolysis experiments, reaction parameters such as acid concentration and retention time were analyzed to determine the optimal conditions to maximize monomer sugar yields while keeping the inhibitors at minimum. Total fermentable sugars produced can reach approximately 86% of theoretical yield when subjected to dilute acid pretreatment (DAP). DAP followed by subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis was most effective for 0 wt% acid hydrolysate samples and least efficient towards 1 and 2 wt% acid hydrolysate samples. The best hydrolysis scheme DCS from an industry's point of view is standalone 60 minutes dilute acid hydrolysis at 2 wt% acid concentration. The combined effect of hydrolysis reaction time, temperature and ratio of enzyme to substrate ratio to develop hydrolysis process that optimizes the production of amino acids in DCS were studied. Four key hydrolysis pathways were investigated for the production of amino acids using DCS. The first hydrolysis pathway is the amino acid analysis using DAP. The second pathway is DAP of DCS followed by protein hydrolysis using proteases [Trypsin, Pronase E (Streptomyces griseus) and Protex 6L]. The third hydrolysis pathway investigated a standalone experiment using proteases (Trypsin, Pronase E, Protex 6L, and Alcalase) on the DCS without any pretreatment. The final pathway investigated the use of Accellerase 1500® and Protex 6L to simultaneously produce fermentable sugars and amino acids over a 24 hour hydrolysis reaction time. The 3 key objectives of the techno-economic analysis component of this PhD research included; (i) Development of a process design for the production of both the sugar and amino acid platforms with DAP using DCS (ii) A preliminary cost analysis to estimate the initial capital cost and operating cost of this facility (iii) A greenhouse gas analysis to understand the environmental impact of this facility. Using Aspen Plus®, a conceptual process design has been constructed. Finally, both Aspen Plus Economic Analyzer® and Simapro® sofware were employed to conduct the cost analysis as well as the carbon footprint emissions of this process facility respectively. Another section of my PhD research work focused on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of commonly used dairy feeds in the U.S. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis was conducted for cultivation, harvesting, and production of common dairy feeds used for the production of dairy milk in the U.S. The goal was to determine the carbon footprint [grams CO2 equivalents (gCO2e)/kg of dry feed] in the U.S. on a regional basis, identify key inputs, and make recommendations for emissions reduction. The final section of my Ph.D. research work was an LCA of a single dairy feed mill located in Michigan, USA. The primary goal was to conduct a preliminary assessment of dairy feed mill operations and ultimately determine the GHG emissions for 1 kilogram of milled dairy feed.


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The actinomycete Corynebacterium glutamicum grows as rod-shaped cells by zonal peptidoglycan synthesis at the cell poles. In this bacterium, experimental depletion of the polar DivIVA protein (DivIVA(Cg)) resulted in the inhibition of polar growth; consequently, these cells exhibited a coccoid morphology. This result demonstrated that DivIVA is required for cell elongation and the acquisition of a rod shape. DivIVA from Streptomyces or Mycobacterium localized to the cell poles of DivIVA(Cg)-depleted C. glutamicum and restored polar peptidoglycan synthesis, in contrast to DivIVA proteins from Bacillus subtilis or Streptococcus pneumoniae, which localized at the septum of C. glutamicum. This confirmed that DivIVAs from actinomycetes are involved in polarized cell growth. DivIVA(Cg) localized at the septum after cell wall synthesis had started and the nucleoids had already segregated, suggesting that in C. glutamicum DivIVA is not involved in cell division or chromosome segregation.


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Time-based localization techniques such as multilateration are favoured for positioning to wide-band signals. Applying the same techniques with narrow-band signals such as GSM is not so trivial. The process is challenged by the needs of synchronization accuracy and timestamp resolution both in the nanoseconds range. We propose approaches to deal with both challenges. On the one hand, we introduce a method to eliminate the negative effect of synchronization offset on time measurements. On the other hand, we propose timestamps with nanoseconds accuracy by using timing information from the signal processing chain. For a set of experiments, ranging from sub-urban to indoor environments, we show that our proposed approaches are able to improve the localization accuracy of TDOA approaches by several factors. We are even able to demonstrate errors as small as 10 meters for outdoor settings with narrow-band signals.


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A new series of cationic dinuclear arene ruthenium complexes bridged by three thiophenolato ligands, [(η6-arene)2Ru2(μ2-SR)3]+ with arene = indane, R = met: 1 (met = 4-methylphenyl); R = mco: 4 (mco = 4-methylcoumarin-7-yl); arene = biphenyl, R = met: 2; R = mco: 5; arene = 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene, R = met: 3; R = mco: 6, have been prepared from the reaction of the neutral precursor [(η6-arene)Ru(μ2-Cl)Cl]2 and the corresponding thiophenol RSH. All cationic complexes have been isolated as chloride salts and fully characterized by spectroscopic and analytical methods. The molecular structure of 1, solved by X-ray structure analysis of a single crystal of the chloride salt, shows the two ruthenium atoms adopting a pseudo-octahedral geometry without metal–metal bond in accordance with the noble gas rule. All complexes are stable in H2O at 37 °C, but only 1 remains soluble in a 100 mM aqueous NaCl solution, while significant percentages (30–60 %) of 2–6 precipitate as chloride salts under these conditions. The 4-methylphenylthiolato complexes (R = met) are highly cytotoxic towards human ovarian cancer cells, the IC50 values being in the sub-micromolar range, while the 4-methylcoumarin-7-yl thiolato complexes (R = mco) are only slightly cytotoxic. Complexes 1 and 3 show the highest in vitro anticancer activity with IC50 values inferior to 0.06 μM for the A2780 cell line. The results demonstrate that the arene ligand is an important parameter that should be more systematically evaluated when designing new half-sandwich organometallic complexes.


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PURPOSE Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is an extraocular eye disease with symptoms ranging from minor discomfort from dry eyes to strabismus and visual loss. One of the hallmarks of active GO is visible hyperemia at the insertion of the extraocular muscles. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the use of enhanced-depth imaging spectral domain anterior segment optical coherence tomography (EDI SD AS-OCT) for detecting pathological changes in horizontal recti muscles of patients with GO. METHODS Prospective cross sectional study of 27 eyes. Only women were included. EDI AS-OCT was used to measure the thickness of the tendons of the horizontal recti muscles in a predefined area in patients with GO and healthy controls. RESULTS EDI AS-OCT was able to image the tendons of the horizontal recti muscles in both healthy controls and patients suffering from GO. The mean thickness of the medial rectus muscle (MR) tendon was 256.4 μm [±17.13 μm standard deviation (SD)] in the GO group and, therefore, significantly thicker (p = 0.046) than in the healthy group which had a mean thickness of 214.7 μm (±5.516 μm SD). There was no significant difference in the mean thickness of the tendon of the lateral recti muscles (LRs) between these groups. CONCLUSION This is the first report showing that EDI AS-OCT is suitable to detect swelling at the insertion site of the MR muscle in GO. MR tendon thickness may be a useful parameter to monitor activity in these patients.


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La Revista de Estudios Clásicos publica trabajos y colaboracionmes originales que versan sobre los ámbitos comprendidos bajo los conceptos de filología, filosofía y literatura griega y latina, y su recepción en autores posteriores.


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El enfrentamiento entre Odiseo e Iro ha sido usualmente interpretado como una secuencia más en el itinerario de violencia que debe sufrir Odiseo hasta su restauración como basiléus. El presente artículo realiza una lectura descriptiva y analítica de los deícticos utilizados en el combate Odiseo/Iro; así como de la escena consecuente que le sigue. Ambos personajes hablan desde una posición social ajena al espacio en el que se inscriben y el campo verbal que generan resulta el recipiente de una lectura de clases sociales en Odisea. Analizaremos cómo las diversas categorías de la deixis - personal, temporal, espacial y discursiva- inciden en la deixis social que el texto de Odisea 18.1-157 expone.


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El propósito de este trabajo es revisar el término Europa y su familia léxica en los historiadores y geógrafos del periodo helenístico, analizando los diferentes significados de tal palabra como realidad mítica, geográfica, política, humana y cultural.


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El presente trabajo se propone: 1. Determinar las distintas formas de testar que adoptó el derecho romano, a lo largo de su evolución histórica. 2. Caracterizar la captatio testamenti, una profesión insólita y lucrativa cuya existencia se constata ya en la Roma republicana, a través del testimonio de Plauto en el Miles gloriosus y que se difundió notablemente durante los primeros siglos del Imperio, en los que se convirtió en un medio de progreso social. 3. Analizar esta actividad desde diferentes perspectivas de acuerdo con los tipos humanos que participan en ella: los captatores testamentorum o heredipetae y los testatores. El corpus trabajado abarca a Plauto (Miles gloriosus), Horacio (Sátira 2,5), Séneca (De beneficiis y Epist. 95), Marcial (Epigramas), Petronio (Satiricón), Juvenal (Sátira 12), Plinio el Viejo (Hist. Natural), Plinio el Joven (Epist. 2, 20).


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¿De qué modos se vinculan Eros y Thánatos en la poesía latina clásica? Catulo había fijado una primera expresión de tal vínculo. Los poetas del círculo de Mecenas, cada uno a su modo, renuevan el tema. Horacio intenta moderar el miedo a la muerte y el afán amoroso. Virgilio, por su parte, en sus versos sobre Orfeo y Eurídice, nos ofrece otra cifra del enigma: ni el mayor poeta y amante pudo rescatar de la oscuridad a su amada; pero la poesía con que cante su dolor sobrevivirá a la muerte de ambos. Propercio, finalmente, expresa la constante cercanía de amor y muerte; amar es sentir el fondo de la humana fragilidad. Sin embargo, no piensa él meramente en una perduración literaria; afirma que “son algo los manes", pues su amada Cintia, ya muerta, lo ha visitado. “Aun cruza las riberas del Hado un gran amor."