456 resultados para SPS SPV germanio nanoporoso impiantazione


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Participation appeared in development discourses for the first time in the 1970s, as a generic call for the involvement of the poor in development initiatives. Over the last three decades, the initial perspectives on participation intended as a project method for poverty reduction have evolved into a coherent and articulated theoretical elaboration, in which participation figures among the paraphernalia of good governance promotion: participation has acquired the status of “new orthodoxy”. Nevertheless, the experience of the implementation of participatory approaches in development projects seemed to be in the majority of cases rather disappointing, since the transformative potential of ‘participation in development’ depends on a series of factors in which every project can actually differ from others: the ultimate aim of the approach promoted, its forms and contents and, last but not least, the socio-political context in which the participatory initiative is embedded. In Egypt, the signature of a project agreement between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Federal Republic of Germany, in 1998, inaugurated a Participatory Urban Management Programme (PUMP) to be implemented in Greater Cairo by the German Technical Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, GTZ) and the Ministry of Planning (now Ministry of Local Development) and the Governorates of Giza and Cairo as the main counterparts. Now, ten years after the beginning of the PUMP/PDP and close to its end (December 2010), it is possible to draw some conclusions about the scope, the significance and the effects of the participatory approach adopted by GTZ and appropriated by the Egyptian counterparts in dealing with the issue of informal areas and, more generally, of urban development. Our analysis follows three sets of questions: the first set regards the way ‘participation’ has been interpreted and concretised by PUMP and PDP. The second is about the emancipating potential of the ‘participatory approach’ and its ability to ‘empower’ the ‘marginalised’. The third focuses on one hand on the efficacy of GTZ strategy to lead to an improvement of the delivery service in informal areas (especially in terms of planning and policies), and on the other hand on the potential of GTZ development intervention to trigger an incremental process of ‘democratisation’ from below.


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The thesis aims at inquiring into the issue of innovation and organizational and institutional change in the public administration with regard to the increasingly massive adoption of participatory devices and practices in various arenas of public policies. The field of reference regards transformations of the types of public actions and regulation systems, concerning governance. Together with the crisis of the public function and of the role played by the insitutions what is emerging are different levels of governement, both towards an over national and a local direction, and a plurality of social interlocutors, followed by a post-bureaucratic pattern of the public administration that is opening itself in the direction of environment and citizens. The public adminstration is no longer considered an inert object within the bureaucratic paradigm but as a series of communicative processes, choices, cultures and practices that actively builds itself and the environment it interacts with. Therefore, the output of the public administration isn’t the simple service being supplied but the relationship enacted with the citizen, relationship that becomes the constituent basis of adminstrative processes. The intention of thesis is to take into consideration the relation between innovation of the public administration and participatory experimentations and implementations regarded as exchanges in which citizens and the public administration hold talks and debates. The issue of the organizational change of the public administration as output and effect of inclusive deliberative practices has been analysed starting from an institutionalist approach, in other words examining the constituent features of institutions, “rediscovering” them with regard to their public nature, their ability to elaborate collective values and meanings, the social definition of problems and solutions. The participatory device employed by the Forlì city council that involved enterprises and cultural associations of the area in order to build a participatory Table, has been studied through a qualitative methodology (participant observation and semi-strutctured interviews). The analysis inquired into the public nature both of the participatory device and the administrative action itself as well as into elements pertaining the deliberative setting, the regulative reference framework and the actors which took part in the process.


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This research seeks to provide an explanation for variations of “politics” of preference formation in international trade negotiations. Building on the ‘policy determines politics’ argument, I hypothesize the existence of a causal relationship between issue-characteristics and their variations with politics dynamics and their variations. More specifically, this study seeks to integrate into a single analytical framework two dimensions along which variations in the “politics of preference formation” can be organized: configurations of power relationships among the relevant actors in the structures within which they interact as well as the logic and the motivations of the actors involved in the policy making process. To do so, I first construct a four-cell typology of ‘politics of preference formation’ and, then, I proceed by specifying that the type of state-society configurations as well as the type of actors’ motivations in the “politics of preference formation” depend, respectively, on the degree to which a policy issue is perceived as politically salient and on the extent to which the distributional implications of such an issue can be calculated by the relevant stakeholders in the policy making process. The empirical yardstick against which the validity of the theoretical argument proposed is tested is drawn from evidence concerning the European Union’s negotiating strategy in four negotiating areas in the context of the so-called WTO’s Doha Development Round of multilateral trade negotiations: agriculture, competition, environment and technical assistance and capacity building.


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Il problema della sicurezza/insicurezza delle città, dalle grandi metropoli sino ai più piccoli centri urbani, ha sollecitato negli ultimi anni un’attenzione crescente da parte degli studiosi, degli analisti, degli organi di informazione, delle singole comunità. La delinquenza metropolitana viene oggi diffusamente considerata «un aspetto usuale della società moderna»: «un fatto – o meglio un insieme di fatti – che non richiede nessuna speciale motivazione o predisposizione, nessuna patologia o anormalità, e che è iscritto nella routine della vita economica e sociale». Svincolata dagli schemi positivistici, la dottrina criminologica ha maturato una nuova «cultura del controllo sociale» che ha messo in risalto, rispetto ad ogni visione enfatizzante del reo, l’esigenza di pianificare adeguate politiche e pratiche di prevenzione della devianza urbana attraverso «tutto l’insieme di istituzioni sociali, di strategie e di sanzioni, che mirano a ottenere la conformità di comportamento nella sfera normativa penalmente tutelata». Tale obiettivo viene generalmente perseguito dagli organismi istituzionali, locali e centrali, con diverse modalità annoverabili nel quadro degli interventi di: prevenzione sociale in cui si includono iniziative volte ad arginare la valenza dei fattori criminogeni, incidendo sulle circostanze sociali ed economiche che determinano l’insorgenza e la proliferazione delle condotte delittuose negli ambienti urbani; prevenzione giovanile con cui si tende a migliorare le capacità cognitive e relazionali del minore, in maniera tale da controllare un suo eventuale comportamento aggressivo, e ad insegnare a genitori e docenti come gestire, senza traumi ed ulteriori motivi di tensione, eventuali situazioni di crisi e di conflittualità interpersonale ed interfamiliare che coinvolgano adolescenti; prevenzione situazionale con cui si mira a disincentivare la propensione al delitto, aumentando le difficoltà pratiche ed il rischio di essere scoperti e sanzionati che – ovviamente – viene ponderato dal reo. Nella loro quotidianità, le “politiche di controllo sociale” si sono tuttavia espresse in diversi contesti – ed anche nel nostro Paese - in maniera a tratti assai discutibile e, comunque, con risultati non sempre apprezzabili quando non - addirittura – controproducenti. La violenta repressione dei soggetti ritenuti “devianti” (zero tolerance policy), l’ulteriore ghettizzazione di individui di per sé già emarginati dal contesto sociale, l’edificazione di interi quartieri fortificati, chiusi anche simbolicamente dal resto della comunità urbana, si sono rivelate, più che misure efficaci nel contrasto alla criminalità, come dei «cortocircuiti semplificatori in rapporto alla complessità dell’insieme dei problemi posti dall’insicurezza». L’apologia della paura è venuta così a riflettersi, anche fisicamente, nelle forme architettoniche delle nuove città fortificate ed ipersorvegliate; in quelle gated-communities in cui l’individuo non esita a sacrificare una componente essenziale della propria libertà, della propria privacy, delle proprie possibilità di contatto diretto con l’altro da sé, sull’altare di un sistema di controllo che malcela, a sua volta, implacabili contraddizioni. Nei pressanti interrogativi circa la percezione, la diffusione e la padronanza del rischio nella società contemporanea - glocale, postmoderna, tardomoderna, surmoderna o della “seconda modernità”, a seconda del punto di vista al quale si aderisce – va colto l’eco delle diverse concezioni della sicurezza urbana, intesa sia in senso oggettivo, quale «situazione che, in modo obiettivo e verificabile, non comporta l’esposizione a fattori di rischio», che in senso soggettivo, quale «risultante psicologica di un complesso insieme di fattori, tra cui anche indicatori oggettivi di sicurezza ma soprattutto modelli culturali, stili di vita, caratteristiche di personalità, pregiudizi, e così via». Le amministrazioni locali sono direttamente chiamate a garantire questo bisogno primario di sicurezza che promana dagli individui, assumendo un ruolo di primo piano nell’adozione di innovative politiche per la sicurezza urbana che siano fra loro complementari, funzionalmente differenziate, integrali (in quanto parte della politica di protezione integrale di tutti i diritti), integrate (perché rivolte a soggetti e responsabilità diverse), sussidiarie (perché non valgono a sostituire i meccanismi spontanei di prevenzione e controllo della devianza che si sviluppano nella società), partecipative e multidimensionali (perché attuate con il concorso di organismi comunali, regionali, provinciali, nazionali e sovranazionali). Questa nuova assunzione di responsabilità da parte delle Amministrazioni di prossimità contribuisce a sancire il passaggio epocale «da una tradizionale attività di governo a una di governance» che deriva «da un’azione integrata di una molteplicità di soggetti e si esercita tanto secondo procedure precostituite, quanto per una libera scelta di dar vita a una coalizione che vada a vantaggio di ciascuno degli attori e della società urbana nel suo complesso». All’analisi dei diversi sistemi di governance della sicurezza urbana che hanno trovato applicazione e sperimentazione in Italia, negli ultimi anni, e in particolare negli ambienti territoriali e comunitari di Roma e del Lazio che appaiono, per molti versi, esemplificativi della complessa realtà metropolitana del nostro tempo, è dedicata questa ricerca. Risulterà immediatamente chiaro come il paradigma teorico entro il quale si dipana il percorso di questo studio sia riconducibile agli orientamenti della psicologia topologica di Kurt Lewin, introdotti nella letteratura sociocriminologica dall’opera di Augusto Balloni. Il provvidenziale crollo di antichi steccati di divisione, l’avvento di internet e, quindi, la deflagrante estensione delle frontiere degli «ambienti psicologici» in cui è destinata a svilupparsi, nel bene ma anche nel male, la personalità umana non hanno scalfito, a nostro sommesso avviso, l’attualità e la validità della «teoria del campo» lewiniana per cui il comportamento degli individui (C) appare anche a noi, oggi, condizionato dalla stretta interrelazione che sussiste fra le proprie connotazioni soggettive (P) e il proprio ambiente di riferimento (A), all’interno di un particolare «spazio di vita». Su queste basi, il nostro itinerario concettuale prende avvio dall’analisi dell’ambiente urbano, quale componente essenziale del più ampio «ambiente psicologico» e quale cornice straordinariamente ricca di elementi di “con-formazione” dei comportamenti sociali, per poi soffermarsi sulla disamina delle pulsioni e dei sentimenti soggettivi che agitano le persone nei controversi spazi di vita del nostro tempo. Particolare attenzione viene inoltre riservata all’approfondimento, a tratti anche critico, della normativa vigente in materia di «sicurezza urbana», nella ferma convinzione che proprio nel diritto – ed in special modo nell’ordinamento penale – vada colto il riflesso e la misura del grado di civiltà ma anche delle tensioni e delle contraddizioni sociali che tormentano la nostra epoca. Notevoli spunti ed un contributo essenziale per l’elaborazione della parte di ricerca empirica sono derivati dall’intensa attività di analisi sociale espletata (in collaborazione con l’ANCI) nell’ambito dell’Osservatorio Tecnico Scientifico per la Sicurezza e la Legalità della Regione Lazio, un organismo di supporto della Presidenza della Giunta Regionale del Lazio al quale compete, ai sensi dell’art. 8 della legge regionale n. 15 del 2001, la funzione specifica di provvedere al monitoraggio costante dei fenomeni criminali nel Lazio.


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The present work tries to display a comprehensive and comparative study of the different legal and regulatory problems involved in international securitization transactions. First, an introduction to securitization is provided, with the basic elements of the transaction, followed by the different varieties of it, including dynamic securitization and synthetic securitization structures. Together with this introduction to the intricacies of the structure, a insight into the influence of securitization in the financial and economic crisis of 2007-2009 is provided too; as well as an overview of the process of regulatory competition and cooperation that constitutes the framework for the international aspects of securitization. The next Chapter focuses on the aspects that constitute the foundations of structured finance: the inception of the vehicle, and the transfer of risks associated to the securitized assets, with particular emphasis on the validity of those elements, and how a securitization transaction could be threatened at its root. In this sense, special importance is given to the validity of the trust as an instrument of finance, to the assignment of future receivables or receivables in block, and to the importance of formalities for the validity of corporations, trusts, assignments, etc., and the interaction of such formalities contained in general corporate, trust and assignment law with those contemplated under specific securitization regulations. Then, the next Chapter (III) focuses on creditor protection aspects. As such, we provide some insights on the debate on the capital structure of the firm, and its inadequacy to assess the financial soundness problems inherent to securitization. Then, we proceed to analyze the importance of rules on creditor protection in the context of securitization. The corollary is in the rules in case of insolvency. In this sense, we divide the cases where a party involved in the transaction goes bankrupt, from those where the transaction itself collapses. Finally, we focus on the scenario where a substance over form analysis may compromise some of the elements of the structure (notably the limited liability of the sponsor, and/or the transfer of assets) by means of veil piercing, substantive consolidation, or recharacterization theories. Once these elements have been covered, the next Chapters focus on the regulatory aspects involved in the transaction. Chapter IV is more referred to “market” regulations, i.e. those concerned with information disclosure and other rules (appointment of the indenture trustee, and elaboration of a rating by a rating agency) concerning the offering of asset-backed securities to the public. Chapter V, on the other hand, focuses on “prudential” regulation of the entity entrusted with securitizing assets (the so-called Special Purpose vehicle), and other entities involved in the process. Regarding the SPV, a reference is made to licensing requirements, restriction of activities and governance structures to prevent abuses. Regarding the sponsor of the transaction, a focus is made on provisions on sound originating practices, and the servicing function. Finally, we study accounting and banking regulations, including the Basel I and Basel II Frameworks, which determine the consolidation of the SPV, and the de-recognition of the securitized asset from the originating company’s balance-sheet, as well as the posterior treatment of those assets, in particular by banks. Chapters VI-IX are concerned with liability matters. Chapter VI is an introduction to the different sources of liability. Chapter VII focuses on the liability by the SPV and its management for the information supplied to investors, the management of the asset pool, and the breach of loyalty (or fiduciary) duties. Chapter VIII rather refers to the liability of the originator as a result of such information and statements, but also as a result of inadequate and reckless originating or servicing practices. Chapter IX finally focuses on third parties entrusted with the soundness of the transaction towards the market, the so-called gatekeepers. In this respect, we make special emphasis on the liability of indenture trustees, underwriters and rating agencies. Chapters X and XI focus on the international aspects of securitization. Chapter X contains a conflicts of laws analysis of the different aspects of structured finance. In this respect, a study is made of the laws applicable to the vehicle, to the transfer of risks (either by assignment or by means of derivatives contracts), to liability issues; and a study is also made of the competent jurisdiction (and applicable law) in bankruptcy cases; as well as in cases where a substance-over-form is performed. Then, special attention is also devoted to the role of financial and securities regulations; as well as to their territorial limits, and extraterritoriality problems involved. Chapter XI supplements the prior Chapter, for it analyzes the limits to the States’ exercise of regulatory power by the personal and “market” freedoms included in the US Constitution or the EU Treaties. A reference is also made to the (still insufficient) rules from the WTO Framework, and their significance to the States’ recognition and regulation of securitization transactions.


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The aim of this PhD thesis is to study accurately and in depth the figure and the literary production of the intellectual Jacopo Aconcio. This minor author of the 16th century has long been considered a sort of “enigmatic character”, a profile which results from the work of those who, for many centuries, have left his writing to its fate: a story of constant re-readings and equally incessant oversights. This is why it is necessary to re-read Aconcio’s production in its entirety and to devote to it a monographic study. Previous scholars’ interpretations will obviously be considered, but at the same time an effort will be made to go beyond them through the analysis of both published and manuscript sources, in the attempt to attain a deeper understanding of the figure of this man, who was a Christian, a military and hydraulic engineer and a political philosopher,. The title of the thesis was chosen to emphasise how, throughout the three years of the doctorate, my research concentrated in equal measure and with the same degree of importance on all the reflections and activities of Jacopo Aconcio. My object, in fact, was to establish how and to what extent the methodological thinking of the intellectual found application in, and at the same time guided, his theoretical and practical production. I did not mention in the title the author’s religious thinking, which has always been considered by everyone the most original and interesting element of his production, because religion, from the Reformation onwards, was primarily a political question and thus it was treated by almost all the authors involved in the Protestant movement - Aconcio in the first place. Even the remarks concerning the private, intimate sphere of faith have therefore been analysed in this light: only by acknowledging the centrality of the “problem of politics” in Aconcio’s theories, in fact, is it possible to interpret them correctly. This approach proves the truth of the theoretical premise to my research, that is to say the unity and orderliness of the author’s thought: in every field of knowledge, Aconcio applies the rules of the methodus resolutiva, as a means to achieve knowledge and elaborate models of pacific cohabitation in society. Aconcio’s continuous references to method can make his writing pedant and rather complex, but at the same time they allow for a consistent and valid analysis of different disciplines. I have not considered the fact that most of his reflections appear to our eyes as strongly conditioned by the time in which he lived as a limit. To see in him, as some have done, the forerunner of Descartes’ methodological discourse or, conversely, to judge his religious theories as not very modern, is to force the thought of an author who was first and foremost a Christian man of his own time. Aconcio repeats this himself several times in his writings: he wants to provide individuals with the necessary tools to reach a full-fledged scientific knowledge in the various fields, and also to enable them to seek truth incessantly in the religious domain, which is the duty of every human being. The will to find rules, instruments, effective solutions characterizes the whole of the author’s corpus: Aconcio feels he must look for truth in all the arts, aware as he is that anything can become science as long as it is analysed with method. Nevertheless, he remains a man of his own time, a Christian convinced of the existence of God, creator and governor of the world, to whom people must account for their own actions. To neglect this fact in order to construct a “character”, a generic forerunner, but not participant, of whatever philosophical current, is a dangerous and sidetracking operation. In this study, I have highlighted how Aconcio’s arguments only reveal their full meaning when read in the context in which they were born, without depriving them of their originality but also without charging them with meanings they do not possess. Through a historical-doctrinal approach, I have tried to analyse the complex web of theories and events which constitute the substratum of Aconcio’s reflection, in order to trace the correct relations between texts and contexts. The thesis is therefore organised in six chapters, dedicated respectively to Aconcio’s biography, to the methodological question, to the author’s engineering activity, to his historical knowledge and to his religious thinking, followed by a last section concerning his fortune throughout the centuries. The above-mentioned complexity is determined by the special historical moment in which the author lived. On the one hand, thanks to the new union between science and technique, the 16th century produces discoveries and inventions which make available a previously unthinkable number of notions and lead to a “revolution” in the way of studying and teaching the different subjects, which, by producing a new form of intellectual, involved in politics but also aware of scientific-technological issues, will contribute to the subsequent birth of modern science. On the other, the 16th century is ravaged by religious conflicts, which shatter the unity of the Christian world and generate theological-political disputes which will inform the history of European states for many decades. My aim is to show how Aconcio’s multifarious activity is the conscious fruit of this historical and religious situation, as well as the attempt of an answer to the request of a new kind of engagement on the intellectual’s behalf. Plunged in the discussions around methodus, employed in the most important European courts, involved in the abrupt acceleration of technical-scientific activities, and especially concerned by the radical religious reformation brought on by the Protestant movement, Jacopo Aconcio reflects this complex conjunction in his writings, without lacking in order and consistency, differently from what many scholars assume. The object of this work, therefore, is to highlight the unity of the author’s thought, in which science, technique, faith and politics are woven into a combination which, although it may appear illogical and confused, is actually tidy and methodical, and therefore in agreement with Aconcio’s own intentions and with the specific characters of European culture in the Renaissance. This theory is confirmed by the reading of the Ars muniendorum oppidorum, Aconcio’s only work which had been up till now unavailable. I am persuaded that only a methodical reading of Aconcio’s works, without forgetting nor glorifying any single one, respects the author’s will. From De methodo (1558) onwards, all his writings are summae, guides for the reader who wishes to approach the study of the various disciplines. Undoubtedly, Satan’s Stratagems (1565) is something more, not only because of its length, but because it deals with the author’s main interest: the celebration of doubt and debate as bases on which to build religious tolerance, which is the best method for pacific cohabitation in society. This, however, does not justify the total centrality which the Stratagems have enjoyed for centuries, at the expense of a proper understanding of the author’s will to offer examples of methodological rigour in all sciences. Maybe it is precisely because of the reforming power of Aconcio’s thought that, albeit often forgotten throughout the centuries, he has never ceased to reappear and continues to draw attention, both as a man and as an author. His ideas never stop stimulating the reader’s curiosity and this may ultimately be the best demonstration of their worth, independently from the historical moment in which they come back to the surface.


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