312 resultados para SPODOPTERA-FRUGIPERDA


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The biological characteristics of Telenomus remus Nixon, 1937 (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) on eggs of Spodoptera albula (Walker, 1857); S. cosmioides Walker 1858, S. eridania (Cramer, 1782); and S. frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were evaluated under different temperatures (19, 22, 25, 28, 31, and 34 degrees C +/- 1 degrees C). The duration of the T remus egg-to-adult period on eggs of all four Spodoptera species and the longevity of adults of T. remus were both inversely proportional to the increase in temperature. Parasitoid emergence was higher than 80% at temperatures from 19 to 28 degrees C when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of S. eridania and S. frugiperda. Differently, when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of S. albula and S. cosmioides, T. remus emergence at rates of 80% or higher just occurred from 22 to 25 degrees C and at 22 degrees C, respectively. At 34 degrees C, this parameter was lower than 30% for T reams reared in all hosts. The sex ratio was 64-86% females, except for T. remus in S. cosmioides eggs at 34 C, in which temperature it was 39%. The estimated thermal requirements of T. remus, for the thermal constant (K) and the base temperature (T(base)), were: 125.39 DD and 15.139 degrees C; 125.56 DD and 14.912 degrees C; 142.98 DD and 14.197 degrees C; and 149.16 DD and 13.846 degrees C, for S. cosmioides, S. frugiperda, S. albula, and S. eridania, respectively. In general, T. remus showed good parasitism potential on all the hosts, although eggs of S. frugiperda, S. eridania, and S. albula proved to be the most suitable for mass rearing of T reams in the laboratory. Eggs of S. cosmioides are less suitable because of the lower parasitoid emergence observed at most of the temperatures with exception of 22 degrees C.


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O complexo Spodoptera é responsável por perdas significativas na produção de diversas culturas agrícolas no cerrado. Uma das estratégias de controle se baseia no monitoramento das populações migrantes (controle comportamental). Após screenings em túnel de vento, avaliou-se a mistura feromonal MIX-3 de atração sexual conjunta para S. frugiperda, S. cosmioides e S. eridania, cujos componentes são (Z)-9-(C)-14OAc e (Z)-9-(E)-12-(C)-14OAc. Foram instalados ensaios em áreas experimentais da Embrapa (Santo Antonio de Goiás e Santa Helena de Goiás), com culturas de algodão, amendoim e sorgo.


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Durante la época de postrera 2003, en la comunidad de Pacora, municipio de San Francisco Libre, departamento de Managua, se realizó una investigación con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de insecticidas biológicos y botánicos, en combinación con diferentes asocios de cultivos, para conocer su efecto sobre Spodoptera frigiperda J. L. Smith , y sus enemigos naturales y el rendimiento de grano en los tratamientos. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: 1. Dipel (Bacillus Thuringiensis Berliner) en combinación con el monocultivo de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench.) en, 2. Dipel en combinación con el asocio de maíz (Zea mays L.) y sorgo, 3. Neem (Azadirachta indica) en combinación con el monocultivo de sorgo, 4. Neem en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo, 5.Testigo (agua) en combinación con el monocultivo de sorgo, 6.Testigo (agua) en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo. Se utilizó un diseño completamente aleatorio (DCA), con cinco repeticiones por tratamiento. Se muestreo semanalmente para evaluar la incidencia de plagas e insectos benéficos., el tratamiento que obtuvo el menor porcentaje de plantas dañadas por S. frugiperda, fue el tratamiento Neem en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo, la mayor presencia de insectos benéficos se encontró en los tratamientos en cultivos asociados no siendo así en los tratamientos en monocultivos, siendo los tratamientos Neem en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo, Dipel en combinación con el asocio de maíz y sorgo y Testigo en combinación con el cultivo asociado de maíz y sorgo, los que presentaron las mayores poblaciones de insecto benéficos. Los mejores rendimientos se obtuvieron en los tratamientos en cultivos asociados en comparación con los tratamientos en monocultivos. Siendo el tratamiento Neem en combinación con el cultivo asociado de maíz y sorgo el que obtuvo el mayor rendimiento de grano con 1051 Kg. /ha.


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El nucleopoliedrovirus de Spodoptera exigua (SeMNPV) es un patógeno natural de las poblaciones larvarias de S. exigua que constituye la base de un bioinsecticida comercializado en España para el control biológico de esta plaga en pimiento. Recientes estudios han demostrado que la transmisión del virus a la descendencia (transmisión vertical) se da con frecuencia y podría ser una característica deseable para su uso en aplicaciones de campo. En el presente trabajo se discute la conveniencia de utilizar una mezcla de dos genotipos SeAl1 (transmisión vertical) y SeG25 (transmisión horizontal) en determinadas proporciones para mejorar las características que cada uno de ellos presenta por separado y así explotar cada una de las vías de transmisión. La patogenicidad (CL50) del genotipo SeG25, y de cualquiera de las mezclas que contienen un 25, 50 o 75 % del mismo, fue más alta que la del aislado SeAl1. Sin embargo, en términos de virulencia (TMM) y productividad (OBs/larva) no se observaron diferencias significativas entre genotipos ni entre sus mezclas. Además se evaluó la capacidad de producir infecciones encubiertas de cada genotipo y sus mezclas sometiendo larvas de S. exigua a infecciones subletales del virus. Se encontraron transcritos del virus para el gen temprano ie0 mediante RT-PCR en los adultos supervivientes a infecciones provocadas por el genotipo SeG25 y todas las mezclas. También se testaron otros dos genes virales que se expresan de manera temprana y tardía en la infección de baculovirus (DNA-polimerasa y polihedrina) para los que en ningún caso se detectaron transcritos.


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El ciclo ecológico de los baculovirus comprende dos vías de transmisión: la horizontal que se produce entre congéneres y la vertical, que implica el paso de genomas virales de los parentales a la progenie. Recientemente se ha estudiado la efectiva transmisión vertical del Nucleopoliedrovirus de Spodoptera exigua (SeMNPV-Al1) en una población de su húesped de los invernaderos de Almería (España). La detección de progenie infectada de hembras sanas, sugiere la necesidad de determinar el papel que juegan ambos sexos en la transmisión del virus. En el presente trabajo se establecieron infecciones subletales para obtener adultos con infecciones encubiertas y utilizando un esquema de apareamientos entre adultos sanos e infectados se verificó que la transmisión del virus es posible vía paterna o materna. La vía materna parece más constante en su respuesta de acuerdo a la medición de la carga viral obtenida en la descendencia (qPCR). El tratamiento de desinfección de la puesta no afectó a la detección de ADN viral en la descendencia, lo que sugiere una transmisión transovo. La carga viral por insecto fue similar independientemente del sexo de los parentales y la descendencia masculina y femenina se vio afectada de igual manera por la infección.


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Several insect species show an increase in cuticular melanism in response to high densities. In some species, there is evidence that this melanism is correlated with an up-regulation of certain immune system components, particularly phenoloxidase (PO) activity, and with the down-regulation of lysozyme activity, suggesting a trade-off between the two traits. As melanism has a genetic component, we selected both melanic and nonmelanic lines of the phase-polyphenic lepidopteran, Spodoptera littoralis, in order to test for a causative genetic link between melanism, PO activity and lysozyme activity, and to establish if there are any life-history costs associated with the melanic response. We found that, in fact, melanic lines had lower PO activity and higher lysozyme activity than nonmelanic lines, confirming a genetic trade-off between the two immune responses, but also indicating a genetic trade-off between melanism and PO activity. In addition, we found that lines with high PO activity had slower development rates suggesting that investment in PO, rather than in melanism, is costly.


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Phenoloxidase (PO) is believed to be a key mediator of immune function in insects and has been implicated both in non-self recognition and in resistance to a variety of parasites and pathogens, including baculoviruses and parasitoids. Using larvae of the Egyptian cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis, we found that despite its apparent importance, haemolymph PO activity varied markedly between individuals, even amongst insects reared under apparently identical conditions. Sib-analysis methods were used to determine whether individuals varied genetically in their PO activity, and hence in one aspect of immune function. The heritability estimate of haemolymph PO activity was high (h 2 = 0.690 +/- 0.069), and PO activity in the haemolymph was strongly correlated with PO activity in both the cuticle and midgut; the sites of entry for most parasites and pathogens. Haemolymph PO activity was also strongly correlated with the degree to which a synthetic parasite (a small piece of nylon monofilament) was encapsulated and melanized (r = 0.622 +/- 0.142), suggesting that the encapsulation response is also heritable. The mechanism maintaining this genetic variation has yet to be elucidated.


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The antifeedant activities of Piper guineense Schum et Thonn (Piperaceae), Aframomum melegueta (Rosk) K. Schum (Zingiberaceae), Aframomum citratum (Pareira) K. Schum (Zingiberaceae) and Afrostyrax kamerunensis Perkins and Gilg (Huaceae) seed extracts were investigated in laboratory dual- and no-choice bioassays using third-instar Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) larvae. In the dual-choice test, the hexane and methanol extracts of A. melegueta showed potent dose-dependent antifeedant activity at concentrations of ≥300 ppm and the water extract at ≥500 ppm, as illustrated by significantly lower leaf consumptions. Aframomum citratum methanol and water extracts exhibited antifeedant activity at ≥300 and ≥1000 ppm, respectively, but the hexane and ethanol extracts did not affect feeding at any concentration. Piper guineense ethanol and water extracts showed dose-dependent antifeedant effects at ≥300 and ≥500 ppm, respectively, and the methanol extract was active only at 1000 ppm. None of the extracts of the highly aromatic A. kamerunensis exhibited antifeedant activity at any of the tested concentrations. In the no-choice bioassays, extracts with antifeedant activity in the dual-choice tests also showed dose-dependent feeding inhibition. The hexane and methanol extracts of A. melegueta were effective in the no-choice tests at ≥100 and ≥500 ppm, respectively, and the water extract at ≥300 ppm. Similarly, the A. citratum water and methanol extracts were active at ≥500 ppm and the P. guineense water and ethanol extracts at ≥100 ppm. GC/MS chromatography of A. melegueta hexane and methanol extracts revealed volatile constituents with known anti-insect activity. The hexane and methanol extracts of A. melegueta, the methanol extract of A. citratum and the water and ethanol extracts of P. guineense may have potential for use by subsistence farmers.


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the no-preference for feeding and biological aspects of Spodoptera eridania fed on cowpea cultivars BR17 Gurgueia, BRS Urubuquara, BRS Nova Era, Sempre Verde, BRS Milenio and BR3 Tracuateua. In free-choice test, leaf discs were placed in Petri dishes where one third instar larvae per cultivar was released, whereas in no-choice test one leaf disc was placed per Petri dish where one caterpillar per cultivar was released, evaluating their attractiveness after 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 360 and 720 minutes, as well as the leaf area consumed. Randomized blocks and complete randomized blocks design were used for free-choice and no-choice tests, respectively, with six treatments and 10 replications. The evaluation of the biological parameters of S. eridania was carried out in Petri dishes where recently hatched caterpillars were transferred in the proportion of one per dish, and the leafs of the cultivars were offered to them during the whole larval period, and we evaluated: periods and viabilities of larvae and pupae, overall viability, weight of larvae and pupae, sex ratio, longevity and overall cycle. Complete randomized design was used with six treatments and 30 replications. In no- preference for feeding free-choice test the cultivars Sempre Verde and BR17 Gurgueia were the most and the least consumed, respectively. Regarding the effects of cowpea cultivars on larval viability we can infer that BRS Urubuquara and Sempre Verde show antibiosis-type resistance to S. eridania.