280 resultados para SAGA
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is a brain hypothalamic hormone that regulates thyrotropin (TSH) secretion from the anterior pituitary and is ubiquitously distributed throughout the brain and other tissues including pancreas. To facilitate studies into the role of endogenous TRH, we have used homologous recombination to generate mice that lack TRH. These TRH−/− mice are viable, fertile, and exhibit normal development. However, they showed obvious hypothyroidism with characteristic elevation of serum TSH level and diminished TSH biological activity. Their anterior pituitaries exhibited an apparent decrease in TSH immunopositive cells that was not due to hypothyroidism. Furthermore, this decrease could be reversed by TRH, but not thyroid hormone replacement, suggesting a direct involvement of TRH in the regulation of thyrotrophs. The TRH−/− mice also exhibited hyperglycemia, which was accompanied by impaired insulin secretion in response to glucose. These findings indicate that TRH−/− mice provide a model of exploiting tertiary hypothyroidism, and that TRH gene abnormalities cause disturbance of insulin secretion resulting in marked hyperglycemia.
Protein acetylation has been implicated in the regulation of HIV-1 gene transcription. Here, we have exploited the activities of four native histone acetyltransferase (HAT) complexes from yeast to directly test whether acetylation regulates HIV-1 transcription in vitro. HAT activities acetylating either histone H3 (SAGA, Ada, and NuA3) or H4 (NuA4) stimulate HIV-1 transcription from preassembled nucleosomal templates in an acetyl CoA-dependent manner. HIV-1 transcription from histone-free DNA is not affected by the HATs, indicating that these activities function in a chromatin-specific fashion. For Ada and NuA4, we demonstrate that acetylation of only histone proteins mediates enhanced transcription, suggesting that these complexes facilitate transcription at least in part by modifying histones. To address a potential mechanism by which HAT complexes stimulate transcription, we performed a restriction enzyme accessibility analysis. Each of the HATs increases the cutting efficiencies of restriction endonucleases targeting the HIV-1 chromatin templates in a manner not requiring transcription, suggesting that histone acetylation leads to nucleosome remodeling.
The Arabidopsis CBF transcriptional activators bind to the CRT/DRE regulatory element present in the promoters of many cold-regulated genes and stimulate their transcription. Expression of the CBF1 proteins in yeast activates reporter genes carrying a minimal promoter with the CRT/DRE as an upstream regulatory element. Here we report that this ability of CBF1 is dependent upon the activities of three key components of the yeast Ada and SAGA complexes, namely the histone acetyltransferase (HAT) Gcn5 and the transcriptional adaptor proteins Ada2 and Ada3. This result suggested that CBF1 might function through the action of similar complexes in Arabidopsis. In support of this hypothesis we found that Arabidopsis has a homolog of the GCN5 gene and two homologs of ADA2, the first report of multiple ADA2 genes in an organism. The Arabidopsis GCN5 protein has intrinsic HAT activity and can physically interact in vitro with both the Arabidopsis ADA2a and ADA2b proteins. In addition, the CBF1 transcriptional activator can interact with the Arabidopsis GCN5 and ADA2 proteins. We conclude that Arabidopsis encodes HAT-containing adaptor complexes that are related to the Ada and SAGA complexes of yeast and propose that the CBF1 transcriptional activator functions through the action of one or more of these complexes.
Monoclonal antibodies penetrate bulky tumors poorly after intravenous administration, in part because of specific binding to the target antigen. Experiments presented here demonstrate an analogous phenomenon in micrometastases; poor antibody penetration, attributable to a "binding-site barrier" phenomenon, can be seen in guinea pig micrometastases as small as 300 microns in diameter. Increasing the dose of antibody can partially overcome this limitation, but at a cost in specificity.
Sarney revela em livro de memórias que conseguiu controlar seus medos com o exercício da presidência. Destaca a saga do cruzado e se diz ressentido com acusações de que o planp foi eleitoreiro.
La novela criminal experimenta en la actualidad un momento de esplendor en las distintas literaturas que se desarrollan en el Estado español, debido al aumento en el número de autores, lectores y obras publicadas. No ha sido un camino fácil, pues este género se ha adaptado tardíamente a la realidad española. De hecho, hasta la década de 1970, cuando la Dictadura franquista llegaba a su fin, no hubo una verdadera tradición de novela criminal urbana en España. En 1974, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán publicó la obra Tatuaje, primera en la que el personaje de Pepe Carvalho aparecía como detective e inicio de la saga más relevante en España. El desarrollo del género fue dispar en las diferentes literaturas del Estado, y mientras Cataluña ya contaba con un respetable bagaje –autores como Manuel de Pedrolo, Rafael Tasis, Jaume Fuster…–, en el País Vasco comenzaba a emplearse el género, y en Galicia y Canarias habría que esperar hasta las décadas de 1980 y de 1990, respectivamente. Esta desigual adaptación de la novela criminal propicia la aparición de diferentes modelos urbanos en las distintas obras y literaturas a las que se adscriben. La ciudad es un elemento característico del género, pues su nacimiento está directamente relacionado con la Revolución Industrial: es cuando surgen las urbes y las sociedades modernas y una burguesía con gran poder adquisitivo y aumenta la población alfabetizada. Es en las ciudades donde se desarrollan las tramas criminales y violentas, pues estas fomentan el anonimato de los asesinos, la creación de cuerpos policiales y la presencia de detectives privados...
On September 17, 2015, the Federal Circuit issued another decision in the epic Apple v. Samsung smartphone war. This was the fourth court decision in the ongoing saga to deal with injunctions. Apple IV explained the level of proof necessary to satisfy the "causal nexus" requirement. This requirement had emerged as a response to patent litigations involving products with thousands of features, the vast majority of which are unrelated to the asserted patent. To prove a causal nexus, patentees seeking an injunction have to do more than just show that the infringing product caused the patentee irreparable harm. The harm must be specifically attributable to the infringing feature. In Apple IV, the Federal Circuit noted that proving causation was "nearly impossible" in these multicomponent cases. So it decided to water down the causal nexus requirement saying that it was enough for Apple to show that the infringing features were "important"and customer sought these particular features. This lower standard is an ill-advised mistake that leaves multicomponent product manufacturers more susceptible to patent holdup. My critique takes two parts. First, I argue that a single infringing feature rarely, if ever, "causes" consumers to buy the infringer’s multicomponent products. The minor features at issue in Apple IV illustrate this point vividly. Thus, the new causal nexus standard does not accurately reflect how causation and harm operate in a multicomponent world. Second, I explain why the court was so willing to accept such little evidence of real injury. It improperly applied notions of traditional property law to patents. Specifically, the court viewed patent infringement as harmful regardless of any concrete consequences. This view may resonate for other forms of property where an owner's rights are paramount and a trespass is considered offensive in and of itself. But the same concepts do not apply to patent law where the Supreme Court has consistently said that private interests must take a back seat to the public good. Based on these principles, the courts should restore the "causal nexus" requirement and not presume causation.
Del cómic a la narración transmedia en la formación universitaria. Mapa transmedia de Los Vengadores
Dentro de las nuevas perspectivas educativas, el multimedia y la hipertextualidad son elementos imprescindibles en la formación del alumnado universitario que debe navegar en Internet de una manera efectiva. Entre los múltiples conceptos, el de la narración transmedia (Henry Jenkins 2003; Carlos Scolari 2013) ha asumido una especial relevancia, ya que supone la construcción de un objeto artístico y comercial a través de múltiples medios, digitales y tradicionales, con especial relevancia para distintas áreas de conocimiento. Con el reciente éxito de las adaptaciones cinematográficas del Universo Marvel, el cómic ha resurgido como un elemento vertebrador de muchas de estas obras transmedia. La relación entre texto e imagen, intrínseca en la concepción de la narración gráfica, hace que en los principales ejemplos transmedia se utilice el cómic como un elemento más. Esta investigación es una propuesta para explicar las características principales de la narración transmedia al alumnado universitario a través de los múltiples elementos que nos ofrece la saga de Los Vengadores. Cómic, cine, series, dibujos animados, videojuegos, fanfiction y publicidad son elementos que integran este complejo universo y aportan nuevos significados a la narración, ofreciéndonos nuevas estrategias metodológicas en la difusión del conocimiento.
The developments of recent days have been dramatic – the saga of the Greek crisis has probably opened its decisive chapter. Negotiations between Athens and its creditors failed after the Greek government decided to leave the negotiating table and hold a referendum on 5 July. The future of the country in the common currency and the potential consequences for the EU and the euro are uncertain. There are clear signs of fatigue, everywhere. But there is still time to avert the worst, if there is the political will on all sides to work on a new perspective for Greece and for the future of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
Illustrations of mss. pages of the translated Eyrbyggja saga and Bandamanna saga on p. 29-30.
Vol. I, Rev. John Stuart Hippisley Horner's copy (name in red in list of members).
"Alte erzạhlung [i.e. Guta saga]": p. [106]-115.
Contains also Joh. Buraeus' Monumenta lapidum aliquot runicorum, with woodcuts of runic stones.