945 resultados para Ruído em máquinas
The study is intended to portray the experiment of mechanical engineering course academicians’ that work on health and labor security field, at the project “Primary Training of Operation and Operational Security of Agricultural Machines”, by practical and theoretical content for workers of a rural community, aiming operational security orientation on their work activities.
The sunflower oleaginous is the fourth of recognized importance in the oil production and few studies related to agricultural operations adopted for this crop. The objective of the present work was to study the performance of agricultural machines in the conventional tillage and reduced in the plantation of the sunflower crop. The experiment was installed at the Experimental Farm of Lageado, belonging to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of UNESP, located in Botucatu-SP. It consisted of two types of tillage (conventional tillage-CC and reduced tillage-CR), with experimental design in randomized blocks and four replications. The treatment CC promoted less coverage of the soil surface protected with waste when compared to CR treatment. The chisel plow was the tillage of equipment that required the tractor higher average traction force, average power traction and slippage, consequently, promoted lower average speed of work. The theoretical field capacity and area of land involved in the treatment CR were superior when compared to treatment CC, thereby lower consumption of fuel per hour worked was lower in CR treatment.
Forage sorghum can be grown in areas and environmental conditions dry and warm, where the productivity of other forage plants can often be uneconomical. The soil disturbance can be made only on the lines of planting (direct seeding) or entirely from the area for seeding (conventional tillage), as plowing, harrowing, subsoiling and chiseling (minimum tillage). The displacement speed ideal for planting is one in which the groove is opened and closed without removing the over-ground, allowing the distribution of seed spacing and depth constant. The experiment was conducted in a soil classified as Typic Oxisol at Lageado Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu campus. This study aimed to evaluate the response of sorghum in four forward speeds (3, 5, 6 and 9 km h-1) and four systems of soil management: SD (direct seeding), GP (harrow + sowing), LPG (disc harrow and two light disking + sowing) and CR (scarification and seeding). Data was subjected to analysis of variance in a factorial 4 x 4 and a randomized block design with split plots. The following parameters were determined: average speed, average strength of the drawbar, the average power drawbar, theoretical field capacity of the tractor-equipment, fuel consumption per hour. For the conditions under which the experiment was conducted, it was concluded that the hourly fuel consumption was not influenced by tillage systems and was inversely proportional to the increase of speed work, and that the change of speed in the sowing operation did not provide additional the values of average traction force on the bar of the tractor-planter.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In a highly competitive and globally integrated market, excellence in production processes has become a survival factor, instead of just a differential point. In this context, companies from various sectors have resorted to philosophies and techniques already established in the literature to improve the efficiency of their production processes. This paper discusses aspects and techniques used to improve the production efficiency of a multinational company that manufactures surgical devices to a global market. Through DMAIC methodology, there were found opportunities to improve machines' efficiency by OEE, an efficiency indicator, in Kaizen Events. A case study was conducted to analyze the methodology and to identify good practices and difficulties along the way
Through a description of the productivity problems experienced by some enterprises, to optimize their respective production lines, results of poor performance or low quality, the following work aims to explain and demonstrate the practical application of the theory of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) on cold lamination machines in a steel industry . The project, to ensure your goal, is based on structuring a complete planning to increase levels of performance, availability and quality relating to rolling. On completion of the work, will be presented forecasts of future goals for the OEE, to search for continuous improvement and global standards of efficiency, taking into account, the sector the company operates, the history of the laminators, and financial aspects
The pharmaceutical industry was consolidated in Brazil in the 1930s, and since then has become increasingly competitive. Therefore the implementation of the Toyota Production System, which aims to lean production, has become common among companies in the segment. The main efficiency indicator currently used is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). This paper intends to, using the fuzzy model DEA-BCC, analyze the efficiency of the production lines of a pharmaceutical company in the Paraíba Valley, compare the values obtained by the model with those calculated by the OEE, identify the most sensitive machines to variation in the data input and develop a ranking of effectiveness between the consumer machinery. After the development, it is shown that the accuracy of the relationship between the two methods is approximately 57% and the line considered the most effective by the Toyota Production System is not the same as the one found by this paper
In a highly competitive and globally integrated market, excellence in production processes has become a survival factor, instead of just a differential point. In this context, companies from various sectors have resorted to philosophies and techniques already established in the literature to improve the efficiency of their production processes. This paper discusses aspects and techniques used to improve the production efficiency of a multinational company that manufactures surgical devices to a global market. Through DMAIC methodology, there were found opportunities to improve machines' efficiency by OEE, an efficiency indicator, in Kaizen Events. A case study was conducted to analyze the methodology and to identify good practices and difficulties along the way
Through a description of the productivity problems experienced by some enterprises, to optimize their respective production lines, results of poor performance or low quality, the following work aims to explain and demonstrate the practical application of the theory of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) on cold lamination machines in a steel industry . The project, to ensure your goal, is based on structuring a complete planning to increase levels of performance, availability and quality relating to rolling. On completion of the work, will be presented forecasts of future goals for the OEE, to search for continuous improvement and global standards of efficiency, taking into account, the sector the company operates, the history of the laminators, and financial aspects
The pharmaceutical industry was consolidated in Brazil in the 1930s, and since then has become increasingly competitive. Therefore the implementation of the Toyota Production System, which aims to lean production, has become common among companies in the segment. The main efficiency indicator currently used is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). This paper intends to, using the fuzzy model DEA-BCC, analyze the efficiency of the production lines of a pharmaceutical company in the Paraíba Valley, compare the values obtained by the model with those calculated by the OEE, identify the most sensitive machines to variation in the data input and develop a ranking of effectiveness between the consumer machinery. After the development, it is shown that the accuracy of the relationship between the two methods is approximately 57% and the line considered the most effective by the Toyota Production System is not the same as the one found by this paper
Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar a influência das variáveis ambientais nos níveis de ruídos emitidos por suínos e quantificar as faixas em dB comparativamente às condições de conforto térmico estabelecidas pela literatura. O experimento foi conduzido em câmara climática, onde foram alojados cinco leitões em fase de creche, submetidos à variação na temperatura ambiente de 20°C a 38°C e umidade relativa de 50% a 80%. Decibelímetros foram instalados para o registro dos níveis de ruídos e sensores dataloggers para os dados de temperatura e umidade relativa. O nível de atividade foi utilizado para quantificar a movimentação dos animais por intermédio de análise de imagens. Análises de correlação e regressão foram aplicadas nos dados para análise estatística. As variáveis ambientais influenciam na emissão de ruídos pelos leitões quando expostos a diferentes condições térmicas. Os níveis de ruídos foram estabelecidos em faixas de acordo com a condição térmica a que animais foram submetidos. Para a condição de conforto (20 a 23°C), níveis de ruídos na faixa de 70 a 75dB; condição de alerta (23 a 30°C), níveis de ruídos na faixa de 60 a 70dB e para condição de estresse térmico (acima de 30°C), na faixa de 55 a 60dB.
A seleção e a otimização de sistemas mecanizados são os principais objetivos da mecanização racional. Não é suficiente uma compra adequada do maquinário agrícola se sua utilização não for controlada em aspectos operacionais e financeiros. Neste trabalho, é descrito o desenvolvimento de software para estimativa do custo operacional de máquinas agrícolas (MAQCONTROL), utilizando o ambiente de desenvolvimento Borland Delphi e o banco de dados Firebird. Os custos operacionais foram divididos em fixos e variáveis. Nos custos fixos, foram estimadas as despesas com depreciação, juros, alojamento e seguros. Nos custos variáveis, foi dada ênfase aos custos de manutenção como: óleos lubrificantes, filtros, pneus, graxa, combustível, pequenos reparos e troca de peças. Os resultados demonstraram a eficiência do software para os objetivos propostos. Assim, o MAQCONTROL pode ser uma importante ferramenta no processo de administração rural, pois reduz os custos da informação e agiliza a determinação precisa dos custos operacionais de máquinas agrícolas.
Muitas pesquisas estão sendo desenvolvidas buscando nos sistemas inteligentes soluções para diagnosticar falhas em máquinas elétricas. Estas falhas envolvem desde problemas elétricos, como curto-circuito numa das fases do estator, ate problemas mecânicos, como danos nos rolamentos. Dentre os sistemas inteligentes aplicados nesta área, destacam-se as redes neurais artificiais, os sistemas fuzzy, os algoritmos genéticos e os sistemas híbridos, como o neuro-fuzzy. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é traçar um panorama geral sobre os trabalhos mais relevantes que se beneficiaram dos sistemas inteligentes nas diferentes etapas de análise e diagnóstico de falhas em motores elétricos, cuja principal contribuição está em disponibilizar diversos aspectos técnicos a fim de direcionar futuros trabalhos nesta área de aplicação.
OBJETIVO: Descrever a percepção da equipe multiprofissional sobre ruído ambiente em uma unidade de cuidado intermediário neonatal. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo com delineamento qualitativo. Realizaram-se entrevistas abertas com 43 profissionais que atuavam na unidade de cuidado intermediário neonatal. As entrevistas gravadas foram transcritas e realizou-se a análise temática. RESULTADOS: Apreenderam-se quatro núcleos temáticos: Como a equipe percebe o ruído na unidade; O que gera ruído na unidade; Os efeitos do ruído nos bebês, trabalhadores, familiares e acompanhantes; Como reduzir o ruído na unidade. CONCLUSÃO: A equipe tem conhecimento sobre o ruído na unidade, apontando possibilidades e limitações para sua redução.
O objetivo específico deste artigo é identificar as origens dos empresários, como nacionalidade e gênese do capital para o início da atividade, na indústria de máquinas e equipamentos em São Paulo, e a evolução do setor no período de 1870 a 1900. Tentamos identificar os empreendimentos na indústria e sua relação com o comércio importador e exportador, com os fazendeiros de produtos para exportação (principalmente o café), com os imigrantes comerciantes e com os que possuíam algum conhecimento técnico.